Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Intuition, Predictions And Premonitions... And Other Spooky Stuff

 It is the 13th... so a Spooky Topic Post seems appropriate, Right?  *LOL*  So, their Senior AC Tech showed up Monday and spent all Day trying to fix the problem, to no avail.  He called for backup, they still couldn't fix the Unit or even know what's really going Wrong with it!!!   So, they have to come back Tomorrow Morning, with more Major Parts they HOPE MIGHT be a Solution!!!  No Guarantees, they simply don't know.   I think they agree the whole Unit should just be replaced at this point, but none of them has the authority to authorize that even if they can't fix it and it's kept breaking down for Months now.   So, another whole Day over 80+ Degrees in half our Home!  I had to Cook Hotdogs & Beans, since that could feed everyone quickly without heating up the Kitchen very much.   It was like Camping and Roughing It, except, inside our own Home!!!  *Eye Roll*

I did Price some more Inventory, just to keep myself Occupied, tho' I never left the House Monday, no Energy to and the Tech was here all day and had to be let in and out.   I felt bad for him, they'd sent Ruben out again, nice Guy, experienced, he's never seen anything like this in all the Years he's been doing it.  We're getting that same feedback from the Dozen or so Techs they've had doing all this Work actually.  I still think, in my Gut, that Lennox just Manufactured a defective Unit that should just be Recalled and Replaced.  It happens in the Auto Industry all the damned time.  If you have a New Vehicle breaking down this much, in the Shop this much, going thru expensive Parts and Labor this much, and threatening the Safety and Well Being of the Consumer, it would be Recalled.

So, that's where the ongoing tragic AC Fiasco Saga is right now... Unit still not Working!!!   I did have a Pollster show up Monday too, nice Young Man, not many Questions.  He's telling me that Kamala/Walz are really Trending Up in Arizona by what feedback he's been getting going Door to Door, especially among Independent, Female and Young Voters.  Their biggest Rally was here, not far from our Home... in Glendale, 16,000 showed up in 108 Degrees.  Of coarse Hair Furor was furious over Crowd Size and ranted incoherently that it's all AI.  *Yeah, he's gone completely over the Edge and Around The Bend now, hasn't he?*  I told the Pollster about how my Granddaughter and I didn't get full Ballots on the Mail In Primary, only my Husband Did, all Registered the same.  I told him what I had to go thru to obtain a full Ballot for myself, he was shocked and said he'd make sure that information got to his Superiors... it should, it's clearly Voter Suppression.  Anyway, I was happy to be part of a small Poll about this current Election, never been Politically Polled before.

The Man has been contrary about Temperature.  Saying it's too Cold on the Cool Side of the Home where our Old Unit is performing just fine, but clearly it's too Hot on the side that isn't Cooled at all.  So, he keeps wanting to bop back and forth, between each all day, complaining about Heat and Cool enuf Temperatures.   I'm too Hot, now I'm too Cold!   Oy Vey, Brain Damage can manifest in such peculiar Behavior that is difficult to manage.   Finally I'm like, Knock it Off.  I don't want him in 80+ Degree Rooms, that could put him back in the Hospital with Heat Exhaustion and tax his already problematic Cardiac Issues.  I told him he had to stay put in our Room and I just gave him a Down filled Blanket, should he need to or Imagine he's too Cold.  I think he's being overly dramatic for the Attention.  *LOL and Eye Roll*

He's sitting here without his Blanket on him, so, clearly, he wasn't that Cold, Right?   But, since that was my Reaction, he Settled Down, coz that's all the Attention it was receiving from Yours Truly.  Throwing a Blanky across him in his Media Chair. *Winks*   He'll be Fine.  *Smiles*  Caregiving is a New Adventure every Day.  *LOL*   I just realized a New Drop Down has just showed up here while I'm Creating a Post, it has Three Drop Downs for Reader Comments:  1: Allow   2: Do Not Allow, Show Existing  3: Do Not Allow, Hide Existing.     I clicked on Allow, we'll see what happens?  I know Dear Readers have been having trouble accessing my Blog Lately, or leaving a Comment, or, having a Comment randomly sometimes default to my Spam Folder!  I have to Review and then tell Blogger it's not Spam and to Publish it. 

  Weird coz, actual Spam Comments manage to get thru just Fine.  Then I have to Mark them as Spam for Blogger, then Delete them Manually, while Moderating my own Comment Section.  *Eye Roll*  I do know Blogger has been Weird lately and acting up, my Phone too actually, so, don't know what's going on?   I've had trouble with access to some Blogs or ability to leave a Comment on some, so, if you don't hear from me, that's likely Why.   Annoying, but, usually sorts out in a few Days by itself... or with Troubleshooting the Providers are doing to remedy their problems?    I apologize to everyone experiencing Issues trying to access my Blog or leave their Comments, I Hope it all shakes out eventually so you can?

I'm giving some sneak peeks into the Event I'll be attending on Thursday, I'm SOOOO looking forward to their 13th Birthday with the Theme of just "13" and of coarse leaning into my Fav Holiday, Halloween.  Getting a Two-Fer is Awesome this Year, since, next Month their theme is Full On Halloween with their Annual "Wicked Faire" Themed Event.   Their Birthday and mine usually coincide within Days of each other, I'll be slightly Older of coarse.  *Winks*   There is ONE thing I've seen that I'd LIKE, but we'll see how much Birthday Cash I'm bestowed with to see if I can afford the Vintage Mannequin I got my Eye on?   She's in the Lead Image and I have one just like her that I bought many, many Years ago, Circa 1960 Era she is.  I don't know what they fetch now tho'?  

I haven't Sourced a good Quality Vintage Mannequin for a few Years now, so I may be out of Touch with their current Cost or they may no longer be within my Budget, I dunno?   We'll see, I may just come away with nothing but Pixs of everything for my Birthday Month?  *Sob*   But, regardless, I'll have a Good Time even if just the Inspiration and Blog Fodder Imagery is what I come Home with.   Retail Therapy is needed right now, but I'm still a Broke Bitch on account of all the Home Maintenance Crisis and Medical Crisis we've been moving thru and had to shell out on... dammit!   Sure cramps my Style.  *Winks*   Life happens, it just should have waited until AFTER my Birthday to hit all at once and Tap me Out.  *Bwahahaha*   The Young Prince sure was Glad that I gave he and Allen their early Birthday Cash while I still had some.  *LOL*

You know, in my Spirit I just felt a sense of Urgency to send them their combined Birthday Cash in early July... I didn't know Why, but NOW I know Why that came over me!  *Bwahahaha*   Sometimes I just "Know" without really "Knowing", a vague yet intense Sense that I just have to do something and act upon it without questioning it, even if I don't yet know Why?!   I'd told The Young Prince I'd had the sense of Urgency, that sometimes I just do, so I was sending it way early.  He knows, since early Childhood, that I get Premonitions and Senses of Trouble about to happen or that is happening and even tho' nobody has told me about it.   That's when they confessed they were going thru Financial Crisis but hadn't wanted to Worry me by saying anything about it and making me feel Obligated or Concerned that they'd be Okay.  Of coarse, Dovetail that onto OUR Crisis hadn't yet hit, but, it WOULD shortly thereafter... and... THERE YA HAVE IT!

The Young Prince Laughed when my Call that Day began with, "Are you Okay?  Becoz I got a Sense you aren't, and, so... I've already Wired you all some Money as an Early Birthday Gift to Both of you... here's your Confirmation Info to go pick it up."   Allen's Birthday being late July, Young Prince being early August... this was damned near a Month early.    But, I'd had that Coppery Taste in my Mouth that signals to me that a Loved One was in Crisis.  I didn't know what, I just knew WHO... and my Spirit just told me to Act upon it immediately with some Emergency Cash and find out the particulars AFTER just fucking Wiring it to them.   They had said nothing to give any inkling, so The Daughter got Alarmed when I told her I felt something was Wrong, involving the Boys, but I couldn't say WHAT... just that it either already had happened, or soon would.   Her Son confirmed, after we Called to give Wire Transfer Info, Yep, Gramma is Spot On AGAIN... and then divulged their Crisis.

I felt relieved, somewhat, that I could do something they desperately needed, and right on Time, even tho' they hadn't wanted to involve us or be a burden.   Or even say anything at all.   Allen thinks I'm a Witch or Sorceress... he's pretty convinced by now, his Husband has confided.  *LOL*   My Intuition, Predictions and Premonitions do Scare folk and I don't understand Why, I use them for Good!   And tho' his Family liked me a lot and I sincerely like them too, I did kinda Scare them, they're Fundamentalist Christians.  So, I can see Why I'd Scare them.  *Bwahahaha*   I think they even asked him if I do Voodoo or Cast Spells, Hexes, Curses and shit?   *Winks*   The Grandson now Jokes that mebbe in part, it's why they've come around and been very Good to him, AND even their Son they've reconciled with now that he's Married into The Family?  *Smiles and Winks*

 They'd been estranged for Years from their Son. We're just not Sure of the Motivation to coming around Now... after a Gay Marriage no less?  *LMAOROTF*   I mean, the Renaissance Festival my Grandson and Allen took them to Scared these People, and that's just Fantasy Reenactments with Fairies, Medieval Costumes and shit... so, I must be fucking Terrifying???  *Winks*   And, I wasn't the only Peculiar One of the Family at the Wedding, was I?  *Bwahahahaa*  I mean the whole Motley Crew and Human Sideshow was there in attendance that Day.  Including some of The Young Princes Paternal Side, who are... Interesting.   I had to convince his Dad to wear something semi-normal to be the one Officiating, or he'd of shown up in an SNL Father Guido Sarducci Ensemble, I Kid you NOT, he had brought it, no hyperbole!   I wasn't sure his Credentials were even Real to Marry the Boys, his Sister and I questioned the authenticity Privately?!  *LOL*  Above Comparison Exhibit A Visual to rest my Case.   And that was Sans the long Priest's Robe & Collar he'd brought and I talked him out of wearing. *Bwahaha*

I'm like, "Bobby, you look Fine without it, so, please don't... I need his Family to Imagine this Wedding is Serious and legit, and that we're not Punking them, Okay?"   Besides, we were meeting Allen's Parents, Sister and her little Girl for the very first time, and that would be enuf for them to Unpack, you know?  *Bwahahaha*  It could have been very uncomfortable, but, they were great Sports and I'd bought plenty of Wine... and they don't partake, and neither do The Man or I, but we claimed it was for those who do... and they ended up drinking enuf of it to relax and have a Good Time... so... that shocked the shit out of their Son!   They showed up at his Gay Wedding, embraced our Addams Family with Sincerity, and drank Alcohol voluntarily... Allen couldn't have been more shocked.   He's asking if perhaps I'd put a Spell on his Family coz he'd never met THESE People before?!  *Bwahahaha*   I just think they were Good Sports and went out of their Comfort Zone.  We really liked them and got along great, they've even come back for visits and we have a Big Time together!!!  Their Son gets to see a side of them he never has... and they get to see a side of him too that we Cherish.

No, I swear I won't "Turn" them... you know, over to the Dark Side and all.  *Cackling and Snicker*   But, it's been really good for their Son I think and Family Reconciliations always give me the Warm Fuzzies, so, mebbe a little bit I Petitioned for a Miraculous Outcome to occur.   Sure was better than what could have been the alterative, Right?  *Winks*   Allen had Warned me way in Advance of his Parent's Religious Devotion, his estrangement for most of his Young Adult Life... and I'm like, "Sure, Invite them... what could go Wrong when they Walk into all THIS?"   *Smiles*  In actuality I really Hoped they'd see how in Love he was, how much we Love him, and what a great Young Man they should take some Credit for having Raised into a Fine Individual whose as Intellectual as our Genius Grandson is, Autism often has it's Genius on the Spectrum.   And I'm convinced The Young Prince has a Touch of Aspergers, tho' Undiagnosed, I'm fucking SURE of it.   *LOL*

 Also, how we embrace "different" and epitomize it in fact was Eye Opening to his Family... so, his Autism, Mixed Race and Sexual Orientation was a complete Non-Issue with our Side.   Could have been with other Families tho'.  And, his Mom is a Doctor who Teaches Medicine too, his Stepdad a Principal of a High School, well Educated and highly Intelligent folks to converse with.  His Stepdad Loves Hunting, so does The Man!   His Mom and I had very deep conversations too, she's Brilliant and easy to get along with IMO.  We dove Deep into several Topics.  We want to someday meet up on a Texas Tour, where they're from, and go Antiquing together, while the Guys go Hunting together,  I'm looking forward to it.   The Young Prince Naturally will accompany us Gals, since, he's Fabulously Gay and Hunting is not his Jam.  *Winks*  It'll be a Good Time had by all.   Nobody will give The Young Prince shit while we travel in a Pack there thru Texas.  It would be unwise to.  And The Grandson does Dial Back just how Gay he is for the In-Laws sakes, no Drag. *Winks*  I've been to Texas before, it is like visiting a whole other Universe, let alone another Planet!   To say we'll stand out, would be an understatement.  Traveling in a Pack and with Respected Locals... Helpful.  *Winks*

Listen, I've Braved traveling to The Man's Planet and Universe there in Utah, where my Clan stood out even MORE!   *Bwahahahaha*   Only some of his Family have shown up here, and, it was all Good when they have, even if it was out of their Element.   Well, except for his Oldest Sister and her DH, may they RIP, they are as much Black Sheep and Prodigals of his Lineage as he is, and fit in just Fine.  *LOL*   Lord I do miss them, I'm not supposed to have Favorites of In-laws, but, I can see why his Oldest Sister and her DH were so close to The Man too thruout his Life.  His Sister had Married at 15 and her DH was as Old as their Parents, but they were truly well matched and deeply in Love right thru to the End, in spite of the large Age and Generation difference.  He actually Outlived her and I think he Died of a Broken Heart, I really do.  They were a riot and I only Wish they'd been able to visit more before Crossing Over to Time and Eternity.   Both of them were stellar folk.  I can't wait for our next combined Adventure... once The Man and I eventually Cross Over... Heaven or Hell won't ever be the same... Winks.


Blessings, Love and Light from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian


  1. New A/C not working properly, and no one can reason why. Blogger also not working properly, and no one can reason why. I'd say it's time to burn some sage. In your travels, you pick up a lot of items formerly owned by others. I am of the mindset that sometimes people, when they pass, are so attached to a particular item that where that item goes, there goes their spirit. So maybe you've picked up someone who is messing with you. A sage cleaning might be worth a try. Just sayin.

    1. Got some Sage, will give it a try, tho' I've not picked up anything that should have any attachments, but, you never know. *LOL*

  2. Hair Furor!!!!! Mark is high functioning aspergers. Smart yet naive. Nervous energy and anxiety. Tremendous kindness. He has a brother who is functioning but cannot be trusted living on his own so he is in a group community. I had no idea, just knew he was different.

    1. The Young Prince has a considerable laundry list of formal diagnosis, but I am still convinced they missed he has Aspergers. With The Son being Autistic I could see some parallels to his Nephew's behaviors but Professionals said he didn't... I'm not convinced tho'. *LOL* The Son had numerous misdiagnosis as a Child before they nailed down what was wrong, once we knew a correct diagnosis it's just easier to manage becoz you know what you are dealing with.

  3. Love your conversation with the pollster. Things are looking hopeful but we can't let our guard down.

    1. I enjoyed talking to a Young Man whose so Politically involved he's willing to walk around Door to Door in 110 Degree Heat doing the Polling, whether Paid or a Volunteer, that takes commitment! They are not allowed to step Inside, I felt bad for him and he seemed to enjoy our exchange even beyond the few Questions he needed to ask me.

  4. The family is looking good!!!!! And I can't with Halloween yet. I have a friend who is all out Halloween already, but then when it arrives, he can't get into it or enjoy it. As I told Shirley, come October 1st, I'm still shaking the sand out of my crevices and unmentionables!!!!

    1. LOL, well, Holidays are received by everyone in different ways depending upon how and when we can enjoy it best. Or, avoid it for as long as possible. I think they rolled out Holiday Merch so early this Season due to the Crazy Election, nobody knows how it all will play out, Win OR Lose, so it could really cock up the Kickoff to the Holidays in a big way if things go sideways. I think Win OR Lose, it's gonna be more Drama and a Headache than it was Four Years Ago, I unfortunately fear there will be violence from the Far Right. The real staunch Lunatic Fringe are eager for a Civil War. And DonOld is a desperate Man and desperate people do desperate things.


A life touched by God always ends in touching others. - Erwin McManus

I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars. - Og Mandino (1923-1996)

For creativity to flourish one should try to look at everything as though it were being seen for the first or the last time. - Quote from "A Thousand Paths To Creativity" by David Baird

Is what I'm about to say an improvement on silence? ~ Galen Pearl