I'm a Statistics person, Stats fascinate me even if they don't always Move me one way or another in my decisions, behaviors or passions. I always do Me regardless, but what intrigues me still intrigues me as a Sidenote. So, I do look at my Blog's Stats from time to time both to amuse myself and see how my little slice of the Blogasphere is doing? Is it Trending Up, Down, Stagnant, what DO our Community here Read most or Respond to? I'm always pleasantly Surprised that in all of vast Cyberspace any of us with our small contributions to it, can even be Found at all, let alone thrive here! I mean, what are the Odds, when you think about that Statistically?! It's rather Mind Blowing. *LOL*
I remember when I first started, a long, long time ago now, and thought this would be so minuscule and irrelevant that nobody would even see it, know about it ever, take any time to Read it, let alone develop relationships with other Bloggers. I wasn't entirely sure it was an actual Community, but my Genius Grandson, The Young Prince, then 9 Years Old, introduced me to it and said it would be perfect for me. He set up my whole Blog, he was a Tech Wizard Jedi from a very early Age and I just warned him NO Hacking! That's a whole other set of Stories about Genius Children finding Hacking a 'Game' they enjoy 'Playing', and I once thought he might be one of the Youngest Hackers to catch Federal Charges, but, I digress. *Bwahahaha*
He set it up to Translate in 50 different Languages so that anyone Globally could Read it and Connect, I thought that to be highly unlikely and ambitious. *LOL* But, who knew, especially early on, I had a bigger International Following than I imagined was even possible and it was all the more intriguing which Countries Read me most?! I made lasting Friendships, some of which eventually translated into Real Life ones once we met up in Person, Yes, it actually happens, who knew?! It felt Weird at first when in Real Life someone would come up to me and 'know' me as a Blogger they Supported and Followed here in The Land Of Blog and get excited. I'm sure there are Celebrity Bloggers and Influencers, I am not one of them.
But, I was at an Event once and a real Local Celebrity came up to me and started talking like she 'knew' me and asking my Opinion about her Purchase!!! It was rather Surreal, of coarse I knew who SHE was since she was on our TV every News Cycle, a Beautiful and Charming Woman on and off Screen. Well, after the initial Shock, thinking perhaps she thought I was someone else, my Friends said they had no idea I 'knew' her... and I confessed that except for TV viewing, I don't!!! *LOL* And, that's when one casually and matter-of-factly said, "Oh, she probably Reads or Follows your Blog then?" And, they could be Right... that had never occurred to me that you never know who Visits our Spaces here Anonymously, do we?
Just Think of whose taking a peep into our World we've constructed here?! We may never know in full, only in part! I'm closing in on the Two Million View mark Statistically!!! That's a lot of Eyes, some repeat Eyes, some new Eyes, but, still, a lot of Eyes, when you think about it Statistically. I live in a Metro Area that has over Five Million People, so, that's a Stat pretty close to Half of the Population of Metro Phoenix visiting me over a span of a mere 15 Years, and I let that percolate a bit, Mind Blown! Becoz I've always been very transparent in my Blog Journey and kept it 100%, so if you come here, you do kinda 'know' me and my Family, sometimes more than Real Life Friends even would!
Let's face it, here in The Land, I know a lot of Bloggers who Share way more here than they do in Real Life. Somehow it's always been a Safer Community to belong to, which again, was quite Surprising and I often speculate as to Why that is? Sure, you get the Rando Troll or Bot, but, they're the exception, not the Rule of who shows up. I don't take myself seriously enuf to imagine anyone is tracking me becoz they think what I have to say here or share here is that important, it isn't. Average person, whose definitely a self-professed Weirdo, just Sharing Life, Opinions, the Trials of Life, Passions and Interests, Stories, Eye Candy... the Usual content of most Blogs. Some are more specific than others, mine is more eclectic. There's no Topic Off Limits here. *Winks*
I've followed Blogs of all kinds, specific and non-specific. I did have to cut back on the Food Blogs tho', they were Awesome, but, I was always trying to lose Weight and so they're not Helpful. *Bwahahaha* Plus, sometimes I'd Imagine I could actually replicate some of their Recipes and it would just remind me that I am not gifted with Culinary Jedi Skills and I should probably leave that up to those who have them. *Smiles* I'd try to whip something up that some Talented Food Blogger, or just Fav Bloggers who might Photograph some good Meal they'd made, and Think, Yeah, I could do that! *Eye Roll* The Fam would be confused, since, I rarely Cook... and then Sigh and roll their Eyes when I'd say I saw it on a Blog! Awww shit, we're gonna be Lab Rats to an Experiment now! *LMAO*
Sometimes they'd wanna see the Blog Post and I'd show them Yours, which looked nothing like mine, and probably didn't Taste the same either. *LOL* They'd tell me to Stop It... just do us a favor, and look at the Pretty Pictures and try to find a Restaurant that makes it, Okay? *Winks* I'm still trying to find a Restaurant in Metro Phoenix that makes a Southern Tomato Pie! Thanks to a certain Fav Blogger who definitely knows her way around a Kitchen and indulges her Family with the most Fabulous Meals all the time. She knows who she is, that now has me Fixated on trying one for the first time ever!!! *LOL and Winks* One Day, One Day, I shall Thank her for making it a new Food Obsession to try. I'm convinced I'll like it! I know, I know... how did I get this Old without ever having one, Right?! *Southern Gasp... LOL*
Now, isn't that a Thing of Absolute Beauty, Cooked AND Uncooked my Friends? Mary Moon's link to her Fine Blog is presented to you, as I Cribbed the Two Photos from it that now have me fucking Obsessed with a Southern Tomato Pie and Fixated on eating one someday!!! *LOL* Mary's Garden Harvests there in Florida are enviable too, you can grow things there. Here in the Desert, you better have beyond a Green Thumb to keep it Alive and from Wildlife Raiding it like a Buffet Spread from your Victory Gardens. Yes, Arizona Desert has a Year Round Growing Season, but... even on a Mini Farm, you better know your way around Farming and Growing to get desired results my Friend. I do really well with Tomatoes, Herbs and Onions, so, I always have more than we can eat from my Modest Garden of those... so, this would be a good thing to Learn to make to use it all up.
I tend to prefer Life Blogs that just invite you into the everyday Lives of the Blogger. I used to Read a lot of Industry Blogs that do what I do as my Passionate Hobby, but, most of them have gone away. The Biz Blogs just apparently weren't that Popular in The Land and dried up after a time. Once they lost the Interest as Free Advertising, and Trended Down, the Bloggers just stopped or went to Instagram or other sites where the Business Community feel it has sufficient impact and benefit to their bottom line. I get it, if you do it for a Living and not just a Hobby or your Passion, well, you just can't or won't put the Time and Energy into it without a Payoff. Not even if it's Free... and some, Monetized their Blogs successfully and that was their Juice for Blogging. I have heard of some Professional Bloggers earning impressive amounts Monthly, in fact, Mind Blowing figures.
Whether those figures were exaggerated or not, were Urban Legends or not, I couldn't say. But, if they were legit, well, I can certainly see how some folks could prosper beyond their Wildest Dreams just Blogging, who knew?! A particular Blog comes to Mind that I had been told by those in the Industry was making several Grand a Month just Sharing Graphics for Scrapbookers, Artists and Crafters!!! Graphics without Copyright infringement, so, Free to use and to Share! That blew my Mind, that someone could Crib Images from Cyberspace and turn them into a profitable income! Sharing them on a Biz Blog set up for Crafters to use for their Crafting Projects and Monetize it with Paying Sponsors who'd just then Advertise on that Blog! Brilliant, if indeed it was True... but, I had no way to verify the Rumors. So, I took them at Face Value from Sources I deem to be Reliable ones.
So, I just enjoyed that Blog for a while when I was doing Paper Arts on the Regular, and needed a Resource of Free Graphics being Shared, to Print out, when I had a Printer. The site still exists and has Tutorials now too. And many Blogs like that still exist and have thrived, some having massive Followings that are Mind Blowing too. I recall one Blog that was a Mommy Blog documenting Raising their Special Needs Daughter who had Downs Syndrome. It had over 30,000 Followers and was so Inspirational to those of us Raising Special Needs Kiddos and how it really is. Their Daughter is precious and you really got Invested in the Family and Shared in what they Rejoiced in and had Compassion for their Challenges as Parents who would be Full Time Caregivers, perhaps for a Lifetime. And of the Tears and reactions of Society, which can be just hard.
I still connect to Caregiver Blogs that involve Extreme Parenting and also of having a Union with a Spouse in need of Caregiving. I don't always put them on my Sidebar, since, a great many of them end up with Sadder Endings and thus that Chapter of Life Ceases. And, sometimes that's too much for me too, something I don't want to Think about or contemplate as our own Sadder Ending someday. Of someone losing an ailing Loved One, either by Death, or when the Illness or Disability has taken away enuf layers of them that who they were, or are, has become difficult beyond Words to Write in a mere Blog. Death doesn't really have finality to it... Extreme Illness or Disability can be prolonged or be a Lifetime Hand Dealt on this side of Time and Eternity. We don't Need Permission to Feel what we Feel, good or bad, but knowing others have the Range of them too, is Helpful.
I went to "Little Caesars" again for cheap Pizza so we didn't have to Cook and heat up the Kitchen more than the 80 Degrees it already is. Their AC is still down too, it's been over a Month. They have a portable AC like the one we were loaned, but, it's not cutting it to Cool Off an entire Pizza Parlor with Ovens. The Kids working there are sweating Bullets and miserable, but, better than the Dollar Store that had to close when their Unit went Down and isn't fixed a Month later. People need their Paychecks to Survive and not endure being off without Pay. I hope our AC at Work has been repaired, I won't know 'til Tonight tho'. We have portable Units near the Registers, which doesn't Help those of us working the Sales Floor. The Warehouse sized space has more than One Unit, so, there are some Cooler spots. But, it's been Down a long time too.
Eli's Mad that his Human has been Binge Watching "The Walking Dead" on NetFlix with a Fan on her in the Livingroom, leaving him alone in her Room to watch "Sponge Bob Square Pants" by himself. *LOL* He is not Happy and is howling at her with the Voice of his People in Protest. If you open her Door he rushes out looking for her, but isn't comfortable with the rest of the House, so retreats back... begging her to come back inside their Shared Space. He'll now 'hide' in his Cat Carrier with just his Head inside, thinking the rest of his big ole Ass and Body hanging outside of it can't be seen and he's Invisible. *LMAO* He likes playing Hide & Seek, his Favorite Game, what he tries hiding in or behind is hilarious, clearly he Imagines he's waaaaay Smaller. *LOL*
She rarely comes out of her Room, like most Teens, so it's Rare she's even in a Room with the rest of us, so we don't discourage it. *LOL* I can't follow her Show, it's morphed into some Odd stuff and hasn't been a Show I got intrigued enuf to ever watch, even tho' it developed it's Cult Following of Fans. Zombie Shows and Movies, by and large, just did not interest me. Except for Brad Pitt in "World War Z", since those fast Zombies were terrifying and a fresh unique twist on the Zombie Genre. Plus, it was Brad Pitt and his biggest Box Office Hit ever. *Winks* He's been in a few recent bombs and flops, like "Bullet Train", which was terrible. And "Ad Astra" was just not what I expected at all. He's had more Hits than Flops by far in his long Career, even early Cameos like "Thelma & Louise". Bloggers often Critique Movies, Books, Restaurants, Businesses, Politics, etcetera.
I did finally price some Tie Dye Tees and some Rubber Cling Art Stamps to take in to Work Tonight. Being that's some of our Strongest Selling items, so Demand and Profit is high on that Merch, all the time. Yes, I'd like to Sell more Antiques and Vintage Merch, but, Sales are Soft on that Genre, even in an Antique Mall or Shop that Specializes in Sale of it. I don't know if it will eventually Trend back Up, but, in the meantime I will concentrate on what our Customer is Buying consistently. Otherwise, what's the Point? I'm no Purist, I'll Sell whatever is Hot right now to Sell there and still helps me to Downsize from Home what I need or want to Sell to supplement a Fixed Retirement Pension and Feed the Family. I know some Vendors who are not doing well at all and are losing Money, nobody can afford to do that very long. Move Outs are on the rise again.
Some New Vendors, I just know aren't gonna Last, so you have the dilemma of whether or not to get to know them, if they'll be rotating in and out quickly? Most, after folding, never come in again, even to visit or shop, so, I often don't take the time to really form relationship, why bother. It would be like expecting to see someone again who you just stood in Line with somewhere random and striking up a nice conversation, but, you'll obviously never see again ever. *LOL* I don't mind those kinds of Situational brief pleasant Random interactions with Strangers, I just don't Invest myself in them or expect a Friendship to Blossom either. Sometimes it can and does, never say never.
The same here in The Land, sometimes you'll hear from other Bloggers every Day and then they go off the Grid completely, never to be seen or heard from again. Some had Blogs they abandoned, some were not Bloggers, just Dear Readers and formed temporary but relevant Connections in The Land and to you, for however long that lasted. Some of coarse Passed Away, that's hard, but if you know, at least there is that Closure and no Wondering about what happened to them. I have Cried and Grieved over the Loss of some Blog Friends as much, sometimes more, than the loss of someone in my Real Life interactions. I do Hope one of my Loved Ones would make a Post of my demise, should that happen, as a Courtesy to Dear Readers. I do not have Plans to become an Immortal, just so ya know in advance. *Winks*
I'm not Sure I'll be Missed, but pretty Sure my Food Porn will be? *Bwahahaha* I am that Weirdo that almost always Photographs my Food if it's Editorial enuf to, for Blog and Book Of Faces Fodder. People have gotten used to it, even if they think it's Bat Shit Cray-Cray and just, WHY?! *LOL* I Care not, I do a lot of shit I just enjoy doing and I could Care Less about what anyone feels or thinks about it. Mind your own Damned Business... as our likeable new Dem VP Choice, Tim Walz, is saying. Gotta Love that Guy already, he tells it like it is, with a Kind and Authentic manner about him, and has that likeable Positive Personality, like a great Next Door Neighbor you enjoy having around in your Community and around your Family as a Good Influence.
Even your own Loved Ones have their Fav Memories of You... and it can be enlightening to have them Share what those are. Not always the epic ones you'd think would be, usually in Life it's those small intimate Memories we have in our interactions that actually mean the most. Things that often Cost us nothing, but, are Priceless to other People. When I was a Ministry Volunteer, for several Decades I rang the Bell for The Salvation Army at Kettle time during the Holidays. I had Two Elderly Gentlemen that came by every Day and made large Donations to my Kettle at a SAFEWAY Location I had that Year. I just thought them to be exceedingly generous and regulars of that Establishment. Until each of them, at the end of the Holiday, told me how much they would Miss my Smile and how Happy I always was. That it was THE reason they made an excuse to come by every Day! Wow, a Smile and Pleasant Countenance had meant that much to someone I didn't even really know!
Me and Princess T during that Season, back when The Man's decline really intensified and he could no longer Work. But, I was still in my 2nd demanding Corporate Career at the DA's Office, supporting us, doing Volunteer Work, Raising Special Needs Grandkids and The Son who was a Tween at the time and who has Special Needs, PLUS Caregiving. It WAS a LOT going on. *Ha ha ha* Those Two Men said my Smile and Pleasant Attitude was a hi-lite of their whole Day and worth every Dollar they Donated to The Cause, and, it was considerable Donations they'd made!!! Each had stopped and talked to me during the Holidays, I did get to know some Personals they voluntarily needed to obviously Share with someone who would make them feel Heard.
The One was Retired Military and lost a Grown Son in Iraq who'd enlisted. The other was a Retired Pilot and a Widower for many Years, still missed his Beloved terribly. The Eldest Gentleman even said my Husband must be a very Lucky Man to be Married to someone who was so Joyful and Happy every Day and probably all the time! I was flattered and actually Choked up, Moved to Tears. Here's Why... Now, you must understand, that tho' I do indeed authentically Smile often and do Love Life, enjoyed doing worthy Ministry Work, and truly enjoy People... during that particular Season, our Family was going thru some epic tribulations and trials, serious Issues of Life that were Heavy... REAL Heavy in fact, crushingly so.
I was NOT always Joyful or Happy and was up under a lot of Stress and Pressure in my Personal Life, but anyone not close to us would probably have never known it. I just don't drag Negativity around with me in everyday Life and dump it here, there and everywhere... I CHOOSE Joy and prefer Positivity, regardless of what's going on around me externally. Smiling costs Nothing, being Joyful is like a good Medicine for you and everyone around you. A lot of that shit you can't Control, it happens, Life rolls out all kinds of ways, but how you React to it you CAN Control... and... I AM a total Control Freak. So, if I can't Control what comes against me and my Family, I sure as Hell feel more Empowered when I Control my Reaction to it in the Healthiest way for me and mine.
Those Two Dear Guys would never have known shit wasn't Swell with me, and I didn't Share, it wasn't necessary to. Life wasn't Rainbows, Glitter, Buttercups and Unicorn Farts in my World really. I just Thanked them and was Glad it HAD meant something to each of them to have a brief series of interactions One Holiday Season, even tho' I was unaware of how or Why? Who knows what THEY were going thru for my Smile and brief Interactions with them meant so much just before the Holidays?! If I can make someone Smile and be Uplifted rather than Cry and be Torn Down, it's a Good Day... Right? We all could do that, each in our own small way and the World would be a better place for us all. We need to quit projecting Bad Energy outwards and trying to Justify why we would do it.
Tho' I'm transparent here in my Blog, in Real Life I'm more Private and Stoic, I don't talk about a lot of things Troubling, Personal or Complicated that I'm just moving thru and Dealing with. Everyone is on a Need to Know Basis and they just don't Need to Know... is how I see it. But, we often make impacts in other folk's Lives that might not seem relevant, but are to them, just sayin'. We don't know what other folks might be going thru, Dealing with, Feeling, Needing, keeping to themselves and Silently enduring. Everyone has their particular struggle even if it's not evident. And No, Money doesn't Solve it. There's lots of Tortured Souls who are Monetarily Rich, and so much else is falling apart with them internally and probably externally that their Money will never Solve for them. Many of them are really fucked up folks with lots of Cash, that's all.
Anyway, I'm glad for my Blog, it helps me stay Centered and Connected to folks, even when Caregiving has generally Isolated us in Real Life. It helps me keep my Socialization Skills on Point so I'm not behaving like some Recluse who can no longer engage with people and loses touch with what's going on in Society. *LOL* I think the ability to Vent here in a Safe Space has also Dialed Back how I might otherwise react when I'm pressed above measure and beyond strength with any of the Issues of Life. I've actually stayed Calm during this AC Fiasco and not just Snapped on these People, which, is Helpful. I want Resolution, and to be able to continue having Service, not WWIII breaking out and lengthy Litigation. Everyone Wins if a Peaceful Solution is the Outcome.
Work was Mad Busy on Sunday Night, and we had Replacement People, some of my Co-Workers didn't show up. I suspect some folks are just eventually gonna give up their Shifts, they just don't wanna be there anymore and have expressed that Sentiment to me Privately. Those filling in weren't the Ideal ones necessarily, but, shit worked out and there was no Drama, no Headaches, Customer Service was acceptable to the Customers and I only got one complaint from a Young Guy who had to wait too long. He was pleasant about it, not Venting AT me, he could see how busy it was, he actually said our other location doesn't provide the same level of Service at the Locked Cases as we do. He'd be Right about that. And the other location provides no Floor Assistance beyond the Locked Cases at all.
At the Phoenix Location they'll stand around talking to each other and think the Locked Cases is their only Job to provide a modicum of Customer Service. I have Friends who Work there behind the Registers and they're on Point, but the Key Dealer Vendors on the Sales Floor, well, it's always been problematic there and very Cliquish from what I've heard thru the Grapevine. I don't doubt that, every Key Dealer there is Ancient and a part of the Old Biddie Old Bastard Brigade, some are Okay if they're having a good Day... some don't ever seem to have a good Day. *LOL* There's one Old Gal whose a rabid MAGAt, that I've had to tell more than once to keep her Politics to herself when waiting on us at a Case. When I'm a Customer anywhere, I don't want to hear that shit from The Help, Okay!!! *Eye Roll*
I not only don't Agree, I don't Care to engage with you, so, just provide Silent Customer Service if you're a Controversial Leaning sort or Toxic in your Beliefs and ways of Being. You have a Right and Freedom to have them in America, I just don't wanna Hear them or really be around you. Ask yourself if what you're about to say is an improvement over Silence? If not, just shut the fuck up and spare us. Don't go away Mad, just go away. You're not Winning Friends or Influencing Enemies, Okay? *LOL* In fact, if I see that Old Hag roll up to Open the Case, I usually change my Mind and she's Caused a Vendor to Lose a Sale. And Yes, I've made Complaints about her to Upper Management at that Location, who ARE Friends of mine and I Like a lot. Bless 'em, they gotta Deal with her Toxic Ass all the damned time. *Yeah, just Wow, I couldn't do it without it developing into a Situation! LOL*
Anyway, at our Location, my Friends Cindy and Jeff had put up their Christmas Anna Lee Displays, they were Adorable!!! I used to own a lot of them, enuf to Decorate a whole Christmas Tree and the House. I Sold about 95% of my Collection at the Antique Mall many Years ago and mostly only kept my Halloween ones and a scant few Fav Christmas ones. DILLARDS used to have a whole Tree of them and as a Young Adult in the 1970's, I wanted a whole Tree of them and spent a Lifetime accumulating enuf of them one at a time to eventually do it. Once I realized that Goal, well, I detached from the Obsession and Profited off the Resale of my extensive Anna Lee Hoard I had amassed over perhaps 30+ Years of Infatuation with them. *LOL* I still like them tho', they make me Smile.
Cindy has probably amassed as extensive a Collection of them as I used to have, whether Sourced as an Instant Collection at some Estate Sale, or over Time, it's Impressive. I particularly like her Christmas Tree Elf Collection that she had Climbing a Red Ladder as a Display. They are the larger Elves, I'd say the Mid-Sized that the Line puts out. But, if you had the Resources to Buy them all, you could Decorate a whole Tree with them Climbing it, which would look Cool. I'd like to see a Tree done like that and it would be a quick way to Decorate a Tree and have maximum impact on the Visuals of it. So, I Photographed some of their Vignettes in Two of their Booths that had their Anna Lee Merch Front and Center along the Main Aisle.
They do Two Whole Seasonal Booths all the time. They didn't have a lot of Halloween this Year, but they're Rockin' it for Christmas. I needed more Fresh Blog Fodder Imagery that would be Uplifting to the Spirit, I thought this might do the Trick, unless their lil Faces Creep you Out? *Bwahahaha* Yeah, Anna Lee Merch is like Licorice, either you really, really dig it... or you Hate it. *LMAOROTF* In hindsight I might have kept my Anna Lee Christmas Collections and Sold Off other Seasonal Stuff I Kept instead. But, it had the best margins to profit off of and that Christmas I made Bank by Selling an entire Lifetime's Collection. I probably needed the Money more at the time for The G-Kid Force. Back when Raising them for the 1st 15 {him} and 10 {her} Years respectively was on our Dime with no Services or Agencies Help, I can't recall?
And speaking of Help... and the Qualifying or Rescinding of it that The System just does, I finally got THE Letter. I knew it was coming, Princess T is 18 now and did FINALLY Graduate, so, the Adoption Subsidy and Social Security Services have now ceased and been pulled. So, she now has zero subsidy to provide for her Care, no Health Insurance, no Dental Insurance. I'm not even certain, with the levels of Social Anxiety she has, if she's all that Employable, but, we'll see. She IS a hard Worker and likes to Work. She's been working since she was little actually, helping me with either Volunteer Work or Work at the Antique Mall and at Home. She's not a Lazy Kid and she's Smart. She just struggled in School and had Special Ed Resources Classes galore. So, we don't know how that will translate to Learning Tasks for an Employer and Dealing with Coworkers and Customers yet?
Two of my Friends who are Managers at places we've gone for Years tell me they want to hire her, so, I'll take her to them first. Even if it's not something she might want to do for a Living or a Career Path, it would be a good introduction to the actual Workforce. She's already adept at what we do at the Antique Mall, and Sourcing The Good Stuff, calculating Margins and Merchandising/Showcasing Inventory well. She has great Organizational Skills and tons of Style and Swag with Fashion, Hair and Makeup. She's always been a Trend Setter and the Ultimate Fashionista, since she could Walk and Talk! *LOL* But, I am worried about her having no Health Care or Dental Insurances, I can't pay out of pocket if she needs any of that. I just don't have it.
She has had considerable Health Issues since Birth, so, I don't want her being without Healthcare. She started getting a little Sickly right after I got the fucking Letters from the Adoption Board and Social Security, where she was definitely Cut Off, and I was like, Oh No, not now!!! I was dosing her Ass up with Home Remedies and Vicks. *LOL* Yeah, my Native American Dad never took us Kids to a Doctor, he did like most of the Black and Hispanic Friends of mine's Parents did when we got Sick. *Bwahahahahaha* I didn't even realize everyone didn't grow up that way! *LMAOROTF* My Parents had Home Remedies Galore, Gypsy and Chinese Remedies Mom had learned growing up and Tribal Remedies Dad had learned growing up. They didn't really Trust Western Medicine actually.
Dad never had a lot of Trust in Military Hospitals or the VA even tho' he Served 27 Years so Qualified to use them, he never did. And I know most Indigenous People don't have Trust in the U.S. Government to 'Help' them. He'd be brewing up shit at Home to Heal everyone and it worked, so... I do remember some of the stuff he taught me works for certain ailments and I pull those Tricks out of my Bag whenever it becomes absolutely necessary to. I just tell the Kiddos, this was one of Grand-Dad's Remedies, or Nanna's, take it, or do it. *LOL* Even The Man has relied on some of it over the Years. When he came back from Desert Storm with a Serious Staff Infection he got in the Combat Zone they were in, nothing Western Medicine had or gave him would combat it. It kept getting worse to where he had an Egg sized Cyst on his Neck from it that was making him quite ill and in Pain.
Finally I says, wanna try an Old Indian remedy Dad taught me? It'll cost us around Three Bucks for what I need to make a Salt Pork and Cloth Gauze Poultice for it and it'll draw the Poison out. It's gonna hurt like Hell when it does, but, it's fast, then we just throw the Poultice away. It was, it worked in less than an Hour, and I only used half the Salt Pork for the Poultice, so I made some really good Pork N Beans with the rest... Win-Win. *Winks* So... we'll be Okay... *Smiles*
Blessings, Love and Light from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian
Darn you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Those Anne Lee creations always creepy me the hell out!!!!! But I still love and adore you Dawn!!!!
ReplyDeleteI agree about the blog too. I always enjoy yours. I too, when starting out was like you the hell is gonna read all this??? Now here I am still blogging, and I think I may have even started in August. It does blow the mind when you see the statics and where the readers come from. I have a huge European and South America readership. Could my love of South American men have something to do with that???? LMAO!!!! I was just in the stats and had no idea the things they added like counts and views even for comments. I was a bit shocked to see I'm closing in on 6 million views, and the comment count was crazy, but I like the intermingling of myself and you all, so that contributed to that. And I love the part that show what post people are still viewing, even from way back! I was astounded at the hits old post get. But I thought my blog traffic was down lately what with summer, but the views are higher than ever. Whatever, but I'm glad you are in my blog circle girl.
Mads, this had just gone to Spam for some odd reason so I Unspammed it darlin'. No idea why some comments go there and Hold for me to tell Blogger if it's actually Spam or not? Didn't mean to Creep you Out my Friend, but I know Anna Lee does that for some people and Why I kept my Halloween ones. *Winks* I think you Love of the Latin Lovers MAY have something to do with your South American Fan Base. *LOL* And Wow, Six Mil Eyes is Impressive as Hell, High Five my Friend! You Blog has Educational Benefits about LGBTQ History that has been Helpful too. Glad you're in my Blog Circle too... and tho' I now purge my Posts to save Space, I know that the Archives ones did get some Readers, I just Blog too often to keep all that Archives and keeping 12-20 Posts Up is enuf for me, I'm not attached to the previous Posts and never go back myself.
Deleteoh no...my comment disappeared!
ReplyDeleteThat's been happening a LOT Maddie, I don't know whatssup with Blogger? Some of the ways to grab and edit my Photos has been changing back and forth too... mebbe it's the Russians or the Chinese? *Bwahahahahahahaha*
DeleteI never look at stats. I started the blog in 2008. At that time this was a busy space. I spent 10-12 years away from it and started again in 2022. I am happy I did. Social media became too egocentric and toxic for me, this is a much more pleasant space. If I still lived in my St. Paul house Tim Walz would be my neighbor, I lived kitty-corner from the Governors Mansion. I had a cousin in AZ who was disabled and diabetic. Then he was diagnosed with cancer. He came back to MN because the care state insurance was so much better. I'm sorry Princess T has been left in a lurch.
ReplyDeleteAZ has dismal Care for the most vulnerable, most States are far better, except mebbe the Deep South. Yes, this isn't a Toxic or Ego Driven Space like most of Social Media, which I too avoid. I've probably edited my Book of Faces more than most, I have a very limited number of FB 'Friends' who I know well and ARE actual Friends or Family and I block any access to my Page unless you've been Friended. If someone starts acting the Fool tho' I Unfriend, even if they're 'Family' since, some of The Man's side can be Drama and a Headache, mostly amongst themselves, but, who needs to even hear people airing their dirty laundry, even if I know Friends and Family might be Dealing with shit, Deal with it less Emotionally on your Live Feed!! Why put all that out there that's personal and you should just be dealing with that person privately and directly? I like Tim Walz from what I've seen, I think the Change the Dems made was Wise... nobody really was all that enthused about Geriatric Leadership in obvious serious cognitive and Mental Health decline. 45 should be gotten rid of since he's in way worse shape than Uncle Joe ever was or probably ever will be, and he's dangerously unhinged, but, his side will never do it. Too Power Hungry and afraid of his Cult now.
DeleteThanks so much for the info, she has NO Income so, she should probably Qualify for Services and Hopefully their CS lets me be on a Call with her due to her Disabling Factors and extreme Anxiety, she won't usually even Talk to Strangers at all and Freezes Up. It is worth a Try.
ReplyDeleteThat photo of you and Princess T bell ringing is priceless, the cutest thing I've seen in a long time. Inasmuch as I'm such a quiet person, don't hang out with others and, when I do, I keep my thoughts feeling emotions to myself, the blog started off as my therapist. As you say "a safe space" to let those thoughts feelings emotions out and continues to serve that purpose, otherwise I'd internalize and go mad. On another note, avid scrapbooker that I am, I'm interested in that site you spoke of. If you don't feel comfortable naming on your blog, email me with the info. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteIt's THE GRAPHICS FAIRY and her Blog is still active and what she provides in the way of Graphics has always been exemplary, getting Sponsors to Monetize the Blog to make it a Pro Endeavor that has impressive income generated, was Brilliant IMO. I do not know the Blogger, but several Women I knew who owned Brick & Mortar Paper Arts and Craft Indie Shops told me about the Blog and that's how I found it. She was allegedly earning more than Shops Selling Products that Specialize... I can't verify that claim, but if you have big enuf Corporate Sponsors of a Blog, I could see where that could be possible and plausible. The Man used to bring the Kids to see me when I rang the Bells, at the time he was unable to Work and was already Medically Retired and a 100% Disabled Veteran, but could still drive since it was before his Catastrophic Accident and Brain Injury. Which, changed our Lives Forever and wasn't long after that Photo was taken actually... so things went from bad to worse, yet, we're up by Faith and know it will Hold. Life will always give us things to Deal with... i agree with you, Blogs and this Community are better than Therapy, Cheaper too. *winks*
DeleteThanks! I'll give graphics fairy a looksee.
DeleteI always enjoy your posts, but a couple of months ago Firefox (my main internet browser) won't let me get to your blog. Instead, I have to access it on my laptop using Chrome. Some days I run out of time to come and comment.
ReplyDeleteBlogger has been acting up a lot, so has my Phone actually, so I don't know what's going on? Technology is vulnerable to so much 'interference', both domestically and abroad, so... I hope it gets sorted out and protection measures installed since modern society relies on it all so much now! You're not the only one whose mentioned it and I know I've had my own problems with disappearing Comments, inability to visit some Blogs easily, glitches and just weird stuff changing back and forth from how it usually is, to something completely different, then back again.
DeleteYep! I too sometimes can't get through to read your posts. It's hit and miss.
DeleteIn Ohio we have a great Medicaid program called Care Source and our county even offers dental and vision in a clinic with payments based on income. Is it a possibility that the Princess could qualify for SSD or SSI? I know it would be hard with her anxiety, but maybe a great intermediary could help with the application and steps necessary. I wish our country could take care of healthcare needs of their citizens.
ReplyDeleteWe don't have dental or vision either. Can't afford it on our pensions I was playing the odds until the hubby's tooth broke. Now we are headed to a $1200 root canal and then scheduling over $1000 for a cap. So the handicap accessible bathroom remodel is on hold again.
Doubtful she'd qualify for SSI since her Brother, whose in WAYYYYY worse Mental Health, which is very well documented since the Age of 7 and has only worsened over time, and not able to function more than half the time, was Denied. She's much more high functional. I'm not even sure I can get The Daughter's SSI re-established? She Qualified over 20 Years ago, but Services have diminished for all vulnerable populations and every State seems different in how they mete out and parse out benefits or qualifying and disqualifying factors. Even our Disabled Veterans are now being Sponsored like 3rd World Children becoz our Govt. isn't covering their needs even with EARNED Benefits they should be entitled to receiving. I could go on and on, but, I'd be preaching to the Choir here. *Le Sigh* I feel sometimes like we're so far down the Rabbit Hole now it is surreal and as Mad and Trippy as Alice's Wonderland Experience. I'm going to see about the ACA Coverage, since, she has no Income whatsoever or ability to support herself, it took an extension of Special Ed Resources to even get her thru High School and obtain a Diploma. That was an impossibility for The Daughter and The Young Prince, the Educational System is ill equipped to Educate Schizophrenic Children, period, so eventually they just deny them an Education to rid themselves of these Kids with serious enough SMI Diagnosis. I'm so sorry to hear of you and your DH's Medical and Dental challenges. I was without either Insurance after early Retirement and when TriCare was not paying out, so most Docs wouldn't accept that and it's all I had until I was Old enuf to Qualify for Medicare and picked up the Advantage Plan that now covers me when our TriCare For Life won't, which was The Man's Military Service Insurance Provider. I've literally had to pay about Fifty Grand out of Pocket for just some of his Medical over the Years that the VA and TriCare would not provide or cover and he had to go straight Civilian and his coverage was inadequate to pay for his Medical Expenses. In fact, after his Catastrophic Accident, about $900,000+ of Medical Bills were written off by who it was owed to becoz his Insurances covered only $57,000 worth of all the bills that were just shy of a Million Dollars. Which is why I was stuck with him being sent Home in abysmal shape and had to rely on rehabilitating him myself and winging it. I have no Faith in our Healthcare providing for average Citizens, it's all a Money Grab IMO and inflated prices that are much lower in every other 1st World Country and even in most 3rd World Countries for the same Medical Care.