Today we're waiting on Ethan the Tech to show up, he's been here before, it was beyond the scope of Ruben's expertise, we'll see what happens? I know damn near every Employee they have by now. I'm still convinced they will eventually realize swapping out the defective AC Unit will be cheaper and easier in the long run, just a hunch. *Eye Roll* We once had a Vehicle that was a Lemon, Brand New, always in the Shop, replacing it proved to be the only Solution if it isn't just Recalled by the Manufacturer. Otherwise, for this Company, the 7.5 Years I've got left on this Warranty is gonna be a bitch for them and for us. I'd cut to the chase right now if I were them.
Brad, the Hot Pool Guy Owner of our Pool Service, is still having to do my Pool himself. Youngblood, who accidentally rolled up on me Skinny Dipping on his first day on the Job, first Pool of his Day, never came back. I figured as much and apologized to Brad, whose Young, but a bit Older and has probably seen more in his Career. *LMAO* Harder to Shock a Man in his 30's than one in his 20's, but I promised Brad I'd try to remember now when it's a Monday. He Laughed. Youngblood may be working out what he can't Unsee with his Therapist, I dunno? *Winks* I have zero inhibitions but wouldn't traumatize on Purpose being Au Natural. *LOL*
Okay, so... my Birthday is Three Days away, the Event now Two Days away... Countdown to both. I've got the Battery to my Camera charging up to get ready to capture Blog Fodder and Coverage of the Event. At the end of the Month another Monthly Event in the Far East Valley Opens with a Harvest Theme and some Halloween. I'm contemplating what to wear and how early to get there so I can beat Feet to the Vintage Mannequin and get to her first, just in case someone else were to make a Beeline for her? What are the Odds? I dunno, but, other Weirdos are out there, and perhaps they'll be at a Spooky 13 Theme Event pre-empting my Favorite Season, you never know. Of coarse, she's probably not within Budget and I'll be disappointed if I can't Score her. I don't know which Designer has her, if it's one of my Friends, we might work something out? *Winks*
I had given myself a twisted Mohawk of Dreadlocks the other day and liked how it turned out, so tried to Photograph it so I could replicate it again. But I suck at Selfies, so this is what you're looking at, in case you're like WTF am I looking at?! It was like doing Tantric Yoga to even get this shot. *LOL* I was thinking, clearly my Micro-Dread Days are LONG over, these suckas are getting really Fat! I was trying out some pileup Hairstyles to cover up that tho' my Hair is thicker with Dreadlocks, I still have some "Old Lady on Meds Hair Thinning" going on at the top and at the front Hairline, so, I'm trying to avoid Scalp Sunburn. No Sun can get thru a big ole pile of thick Dreadlocks, so, it's akin to the protection of wearing a good Hat. *LOL* This Hairstyle was a nice thick Mohawk of Dreadlocks across the whole Top and then another big ole Dreadlock Ponytail Twist down my Back to my Hips, so, it looked pretty decent. No way all the Hair could go in the Mohawk, only half of it. A Sideview Pix didn't turn out at all and forget about a Pix of the Ponytail Twist in the Back, I can't contort enuf! *LOL*
I haven't done a Dreadlock Update in a long while, they're doing Fine and I'm still taking Collagen for my Skin, Hair and Nails. You get Older and you need something to help with your Body's renewal process, it begins faltering well into your 6th Decade and as you close in on your 7th. I had heard that for Women Aging, Hair Loss can sometimes be attributed more to Scalp Circulation and I got me one of those Scalp Massager things with a UV Light in it to stimulate my Scalp. Problem is, with Dreadlocks, that contraption doesn't work like on regular Hair and my Dreads Loc Up real near my Scalp, not further down like some Dreadheads Locs do. So, had to abort using the Scalp Massager when it got caught in my Hair and tangled up. *Ha ha ha* Plus, it made my small amount of unlocked Hair very fuzzy, which just looked Crazy, my Family said. And looking Crazier than Usual, I don't Need. It was not The Look I was going for. *Smiles*
It began Raining like Hell once Ethan got here to work on the AC Unit, so, he'll be quite Wet up there on the Roof. I JUST got my Dividend Check from my Quarterly Bank Stock payment, so, that's a nice Birthday Pressy, Stock is UP... whoo-hoo! I used to opt for Stock rather than Bonuses when I was a Bank Executive, so, it's been a nice Passive Income flow Quarterly for well over Forty Years Now. Every time they had a Merger or Corporate Buyout, the New Incantation of the Original Bank I worked for in the 1970's, would offer me more Free Stock to keep me as an Investor... so... Win-Win. They're now known as Chase... but have been thru many incantations over the Years. Back when I headed up Three of their Departments, they were known as Valley National Bank. That whole Industry really tanked by the late 80's and I took early Retirement and went to work for the DA's Office in Maricopa County.
So, yeah, I've been thru many incantations myself and now I'm allegedly Retired, which sometimes is a Joke, since, well, you know. *Bwahaha* I remember when my Old Bosses at the DA's Office spent a few Years trying to woo my Friend Bess and I back to Work, so we'd come out of Retirement. She and I would accept their Luncheon Invites and then Politely decline, no real interest for either of us. I just couldn't, even IF I HAD wanted to, Full Time Unpaid Caregiving is too demanding and I had no real Adult Care for The Man or Child Care for The G-Kid Force Coverage here at Home and with everyone's Special Needs, finding any was either futile or Mad Expensive for this many Loved Ones with considerable Issues. For a Brief Period before I'd Retired, I had gotten some In-Home Care for just The Man, when he was really bad off, and in a Day, the Caregivers would just quit and never come back.
Just like the School Systems, both Public and Charter, quitting with The Daughter and The Young Prince, and finally telling me they could not come back to School and denying them an Education. I'm still chapped about that, Years later. They deserved and are entitled to an Education and were Denied one due to their form of Mental Illness, which is discrimination based on a Disability... supposed to be Illegal to do that... but, it's done. Both are highly Intelligent and have very high IQ's, The Grandsons being 148. He absorbs Knowledge like a Sponge. The Daughter always got good Grades, but, Behaviorally was Schizophrenic and Paranoid a lot, not her Fault, it's what she just has as a Hand Dealt.
So, I found it hard to Believe they couldn't 'Teach' him but could 'Teach' some severely developmentally Disabled Students that don't even know they were there. He wasn't even Behaviorally Challenged like his Mom, he's not a Violent Schizophrenic and would hurt himself before he'd take to hurting others. To me, you have to be Flavor of the Month or an 'Easy' Disability that took less actual Work. The Man and them were too High Maintenance. If you could just be easily Warehoused, the Schools and the VA were Down with those Students and Disabled Veterans. But the ones they don't wanna Deal with, they just dump them on their Families and say pretty much, "Good Luck with this and we Hope it all Works Out?" The Cavalry ain't coming. And don't wait for your Ship to come in either, they never sent one out to Rescue you!
Rant Over. Ethan left, he's tried something with Sensors in parts of the Home that mebbe weren't connecting to the Brain of the New Unit's Thermostat in the Hallway? He established this Theory since every Room on the Side not functional was reading a different Temp than the actual Thermostat to the Unit. He thinks perhaps it was Reading the Hallway, which is half Serviced by the other Older Unit, which is keeping the Temp steady at what I have that other Thermostat set at that it belongs to? We'll see, if it doesn't Solve the Problem, he'll be back Tomorrow. {FOOTNOTE: He WILL have to be back Tomorrow... Le Sigh}
He couldn't find anything else Wrong and if this fixes the Issue, it was an easy Fix. I didn't even know we had Three Sensors that had come with the new Thermostats, they were still in the Boxes and nobody told me about them! They're now up on interior Walls near the Kitchen and Den... and a Roving one I can put anywhere. Everything now is "Smart" Technology and hooked up to some "Brain" in the advanced Systems they now install. More to go Wrong IMO, but... it's the Future. I'm Hopeful this is now an easy Fix? That would be Swell. I SOOO wanna be Over this, you know? *LOL*
LATER: Nope, couldn't just be that easy... still a problem once it got Hot enuf, the New Unit side couldn't regulate the temperature still and it would heat up to too Hot... dammit. The Man and I had gone out for my Birthday Luncheon early. We went to "Lone Star Steakhouse" and I had a 6 oz. Steak, Salad and the Charred/Grilled Brussel Sprouts, which are Ahhhmazing. I used to Hate Brussel Sprouts 'til I tried them Charred/Grilled... and there they make a Glaze that is Sweet & Hot to coat them in, which is Sublime! They gave me a complimentary Caramel Ice-Cream for Dessert and I shared that with The Man. He'd had the Lobster and Crab Bisque Soup and a loaded Baked Potato. A very nice Meal and it was ridiculously inexpensive for what we had.
I'm getting upset tho', becoz I'm starting to get a Sore Throat and don't wanna feel crappy for my Birthday in a couple Days or for the Event. The Man and Princess T have bad allergies and had been congested and complaining of similar symptoms, but, usually my allergies are not so troublesome. The Air quality has been crap with Air quality Warnings tho', so I expected him and her to feel crappy, I thought I'd be okay... well, clearly I'm not, I'm congested now too and my Throat feels raw from it. Luckily I'd stocked up on an array of helpful Allergy Meds from the Dollar Store before the better ones Closed Down. So I have a virtual Pharmacy of Meds for those symptom, pills & sprays, lozenges & liquids. Hopefully by Thursday I'll be Fine? *All Body Parts Crossed LOL*
I've been Binge Watching NetFlix Comedy Specials, have discovered some Comedians I didn't previously know about who are really good. I watched a Guy from Australia, Jim Jeffries, who was hilarious. And a Gal from Australia, Hannah Gadsby, also hilarious. Never seen either of them before, would watch other Specials of them now. Gadsby has Autism and a very unique routine that showcases how the Autistic Mind works. It made me realize, yep, I'm probably on the Spectrum. *LOL* She sees things in Famous Artist Renditions from the Renaissance that is absolutely HILARIOUS. You just never Think about what they Painted 'til she draws your Attention to the really peculiar shit they Intentionally Painted and put in Scenes of now Famous Paintings! I mean, they were some Twisted Fucks!!! *LOL*
And it got me to Thinking, with my own tendencies to Think like those with Autism do, about Old Songs and how I find some of the Old Classics Lyrics so WRONG. But, in their Era, they were perfectly acceptable Lyrics, in a Time that was pretty prudish and censored otherwise. And so you're Thinking, Fuck, they were some Twisted Artists who Wrote and then Sang that shit!!! And, was Society more Twisted back then than I realized, becoz they accepted and popularized those Songs? Of Grown Ass Older Famous Men singing about their Hot Love Interests and Infatuations, who were Underaged Girls, aged 13-16!!!!!!!! Ewww! If some Grown Ass Man was Hot for my 13-16 Year Old Granddaughters and pursuing them, I'd be having him Arrested as a Pedo!!!!!!! And so, those popular Old Songs Creep me out when I hear them.
The Chazzas lately have been playing that Genre of Music on their Muzak and those Songs come on. And I didn't realize just how many of them from the 1950's-1970's were being sung about Underaged Girls that these Famous Men are singing about being in Lust with!!! Christ on a Bike, it was a bunch of Famous Music Industry Pervs wanting to have a Girlfriend whose still a Child!!! I mean, Yeah, we all know about Jerry Lee Lewis, Elvis Presley, Michael Jackson and Steven Tyler being Pedo Creepy about their preference for Jailbait... but, there were apparently so many more!!! And the Families of any Underage Girl or Boy who would Pimp them to a Celebrity should catch Charges too! When you think about Priscilla Presley being only 13 when her Family thought it Okay for Elvis to be Hot for her. And Jerry Lee Lewis and his 13 Year Old Cousin... that should have come with Prison Time for all.
Are we having Fun yet as a Societal Collective I Wonder?
Dawn... The Bohemian
How many children has that musk guy fathered? And now I read that he is violating court visitation orders and withholding children from their mothers? He is the worst. And I personally think his financial situation is made of cards that will fall. Of course he would host the orange idiot.
ReplyDeleteYes, he's all around a POS Guy. I don't know how many Baby Mamas he has or how many Offspring he's spawned, he's as degenerate as DonOld is, that's for certain, so, of coarse their Bromance isn't surprising at all... cut from the same cloth they are.
DeleteGoogle says Musk has "at least 12 children." I didn't listen to their X podcast but I just looked at what they said about unions. They could give lessons on how to turn off an entire block of votes. Thankfully, he's not growing his base but his base is hanging in there more firmly and more vocal as Harris gains traction. I saw an interview yesterday of a guy going into a Trump rally and the interviewer asked him about January 6th and he said it was organized by Nancy Pelosi. The follow up question asked why she would do that when she wanted the certification to take place to put her party in the White House and you could see he saw the flaw in his thinking but he didn't want to admit it and just walked away. They are all idiots!
ReplyDeleteCults and their Followers are like that, deprogramming someone whose bought into Cult Worship can take Years and they become damaged sometimes beyond redemption. Musk having a Dozen or more Offspring and Baby Mamas doesn't surprise me in the least. I find it interesting that many of the Men of the Far Right that want to control Women's Reproductive Rights have usually been the most irresponsible at Fathering Offspring. I'd venture to guess many have paid for more Abortions or failed to financially or emotionally support and properly raise whatever Children that were Fathered by them than they'd admit to. I've said it before, it's not about The Children in any of their extremist views, it's about Control and Manipulation of a System they want to Dominate and Force upon others against our Wills.
DeleteI feel bad for Elon's kids. He's so weird.
ReplyDeleteI take Collagen gummies. The Hair, Skin and Nail gummies. They are good tasting too so that's a plus. lol
Yes, all the Money in the World can't compensate for someone being a Bad Parent and usually ends up producing damaged Offspring that will have a Lifetime of Issues they must work out. I have the Powder and Gummi Collagen, the Powder is tasteless and just added to liquids you'd drink and the Gummies are indeed tasty.
DeleteI have been watching the unraveling of DumOld with, I don't know. It's not joy. He's been a turd hanging off the butthairs of the republican party for 9 damn years. My mother in law (not actually related to hubby, just so you know) CRIED when Biden was elected, and was lighting candles at church praying that Dumold could 'somehow pull it out' and 'take his rightful place'. She has not changed. She still believes he won, that he was a good president, and that anyone who would vote against him is 'not an American'. How the fuck do people get that stupid?
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry about your AC woes. I thought it was weird that the DUCTS were the problem... doesn't make sense. You ought to tell them they're going to have to pay for that, too. Assholes.
And I'm laughing at the pool guy finding you swimming in bare skin. LOL... there are worse things, I think.
As far as Elon Musk... I noticed the other day when he was blithering on some show or another that his mouth is on upside down. No shit. Watch him talk and then tell me you can unsee that.
A Turd hanging off the Butthairs of the Party is a hilariously accurate visual and description. *LOL* And sadly, those who have Cult Devotion would take Years to Deprogram, just like all Cult Worship, it really negatively impacts the psyche and ability to reason and discern for themselves. The Playbook for Manipulation by Cult Leadership is pretty standard becoz it still works to their advantage to obtain Followers willing to become radicalized and extreme in their thinking and actions, since, fears, vulnerability, anger, biases and personal hatred is often exploited, that so many of the Base has. Yes, poor Pool Boy, he can't unsee what he saw, LOL, and tho' it was no Big Deal for me, it was embarrassing and awkward for him and I can understand why. Elon's Mouth, yes, he has a very Odd countenance, I believe he is on the Spectrum of Autism, perhaps Aspergers? It would explain a lot about how he is and why he has very little Social Filter or ability to connect to other People.