Friday, August 16, 2024

My Birthday And Some Good News For A Change

 We have Ethan the AC Tech back, he's thinking the new Compressor failed and will have to be replaced again, along with a Valve that regulates Coolant!?   The Manufacturer structures their Warranty in such a way that actually having to replace Major Parts more than a few times, might mean we'd be closer to them having to just replace the whole defective Unit they Sold us.  I don't know if they've ever had a Recall in the AC Industry?   But, it happens all the time in the Auto and other Industries that have Production Issues with some Models failing or becoming just dangerous and a liability to them.   So, my Hope is, within the 7.5 Years I have left on the 10 Year Warranty of this POS Unit, I'll just end up at some point with a brand new replacement Unit?   When Lennox gives in and just swaps it out and authorizes the AC Repair Company to take that action FINALLY?

Lennox is paying for all these Repairs, not me, but I've shelled out a lot on Loans for what didn't Work to Solve the Problem and astronomical Utility increases due to the Problem.   Anyway, we got a Tech up on the Roof again this Morning and if he can get it to Work, it will hopefully ride us out this Season, Fall is coming, so by September temps might go down enuf to not need AC as much?   But, with Climate Change, the Weather is Weird so you never know either.  Plus, if it won't Cool properly, will it Heat properly when we have to switch the Unit to that function, since, it does both?   We don't know that either.  I don't wanna be freezing all Fall or Winter anymore than I want to be risking Heat Exhaustion all Spring and Summer.  The Family is getting Sick with all this inappropriate ability to regulate Temperature for prolonged periods of time.

Moving On... I used my Medicare Advantage U-Card to buy some more Med Supplies that are Non-Prescription.   CVS has a large location near us and I was surprised how depleted Stock was on the shelves.   I got the last of some of what I needed that they even had in Stock.  I don't know if demand is just that high for the Products due to the Season or they're having Supply Chain Issues?  Anyway, I'm glad I got mine while they still had some left and that my U-Card covered all of the cost.  I'm very pleased with our Medicare Advantage Plan thru United Healthcare.  With the Grandchild now not having any Healthcare or Dental Insurances, I get worried if she should get sickly, she has no Income and still totally relies on us.  Even a lot of Young Working Adults have no Benefits or Insurances these days thru their Employers.  She's not been feeling good lately and her Skin irritations have flared up again, so she's been melting down knowing she has no Coverage now.

I called United Healthcare thru AHCCCS, which is what she had Coverage thru to find out what I needed to do now that the Adoption Board and Social Security no longer Qualified her.   Well, I got GREAT News, the Plan didn't Cancel, it may have just switched to a different UH Coverage and they said she's still Active and Covered and THEY will notify me directly if and when that ever changes for her.   *Whew*  You have no idea how relieved I was to hear that Positive News.   She has Special Needs and can't live Independently, she has no Income and is totally reliant upon us for everything still.  We Hope that may change eventually, but, until then, she can only get from us what we can get for her.  We can't cover her under our Healthcare, which is provided by The Man's Insurances and Medicare, and he wasn't allowed to Adopt her becoz he's too Disabled to be considered a Responsible Adult, he requires full time Caregiving himself.

So, anyway, Relief that her Coverage is still valid and in effect, a lot of Stress relieved off of her and off of us.  Becoz of her Fragile Health she's had since Birth, I know she has pre-existing conditions that flare up whenever they just do.  It's good to get some Good News for a change... whoo hoo!!!   I've been under more Stress than usual, which is probably contributing to not feeling 100% myself, it does take a toll over Time.  I do all my relaxation methods daily that help me come back to Center and decompress.  I got a "Church's Chicken" Dinner so we wouldn't be heating up our Kitchen.  Ethan had to backorder the parts needed so they'll be back on Thursday to do repairs/replacement.   I will be at my Event early on Thursday, so I'll have to not be here.  I didn't expect it to drag on thruout this whole Week like it has.  I can't stay Home every day all day, day after day.  I just can't, I got things to do.

Did you just hear JD Vance put his Offensive Misogynistic Foot in his Mouth again during a Podcast where he said Post-Menopausal Women's 'Purpose' is to be built-in Babysitters for Grandchildren!?!  I don't know which Voters he Imagines that will attract, it sure won't be Older Women... or Women in general, since, he's already Insulted Single Women, Childless Women, Working Women, Women who aren't subservient and oppressed by the Patriarchy or Religions that keep them in their 'place' to be like Chattel.  Yeah, he's a real Prince, that one, isn't he?  *Eye Roll*  Well, all I can say is he is mos def a Mini Me for 45, so, a perfect wishy-washy Minion to Kiss the Ring and waffle about what his stand is on anything or what he actually stands for at all?   Going from saying DonOld is an American Hitler, to now being a Devoted Bromance between them... go figure.

It's actually, in Real Time now, the Day of the Event, so I got up early for it.   Too early, but, that's becoz my Sleep lately has been restless and I'm not Sleeping well.  Also having Weird Dreams that I remember and of coarse, I don't know about you, but I always try to interpret my Dreams.  *LOL*  And when the Dreams are this Odd, well, being subject to interpretation is all over the place and with really broad speculation.  *LMAO*   I actually had Dreamed I was already at the Event and it was just all so Strange how the Dream played out, somewhere between Dreamy and Nightmare Scenario... like an old Twilight Zone Episode.  Any of you old enuf to remember those will understand how unsettling that can be.  Tho' I do Dream in Color, not Black & White, so, a more Modern Updated Episode of The Twilight Zone.  *LOL*   I'm in it, just a few of my Designer Friends are in it, and I'm wondering, where is everybody?! 

Everything looked Normal about the surroundings, it just seemed rather Post-Apocalyptic with the absence of People, which was stark and unsettling, and NOT Normal.   I don't know if you remember the Twilight Zone Episode of a Young Couple that wakes up one Morning, goes Outside, and their City suddenly looks Abandoned, like it turned into a Ghost Town Overnight?   Well, it felt and looked like THAT in my Dream, kind of like the early Days of COVID did, which, you might recall, felt and looked really Weird and Unnerving.   I remember we sometimes drove around and it was like the World had Ended as we knew it, and hardly anyone was visible, so, you wondered how many of them were even still Alive or Well?   Or... the worst part... Contagious!   Very little was Open and what was, wasn't the same anymore... a lot of it was Closed for good... Shelves absolutely bare in even the biggest Grocery Stores, that part of the Pandemic was terrifying.

Remember when for Months Toilet Paper was unavailable or on Ration when they did get sparse shipments in?   I recall Princess T and I making a Grocery Run, which always felt like a "Walking Dead" Episode where the Infected might 'get' you too, and in one very large Grocery Store Chain, ALL that was left on ALL the Shelves was a Jar of Pickled Pigs Feet!   I kid you not... and she deadpans, "Well, now at least we know what Fear Factor Food nobody will eat even when there's no Food left..."   I burst into raucous Laughter, becoz she was so Gallow's Humor Serious when she said it... we came back Home with absolutely no Food or other Supplies, there just were none to be had.   In a way it also was like an Episode of "Survivor" and I was taking Inventory of how long we could last on what I already had Stored Up?  I don't forget those Days, I'm Inspired that we all made it thru it... but, Millions didn't.  

LATER:  The Event was really good and not just a Nod to Halloween, which was a nice Surprise.   The Vintage Mannequin Gal was NFS and just a Display... bummer... but, I understand.  I talked to Stephanie about her and she said if she changes her Mind about Selling it, she'll contact me tho'.  It's difficult to find good Quality Vintage Displays, so, a lot of Vendors don't turn loose of them.  They Display your other Merch so well that if you do Sell any, you cannot be sure you can replace them.  So, it is a difficult decision to have a good Display and not have it For Sale.  Other Vendors as well as Customers do dog you to Sell them.  I decided some time ago to have my Displays in our Showroom For Sale, except for Commercial and Industrial Clothing Racks.   But, I will often put my "I Don't Wanna Sell It" Price on them and so if someone will stand that tall, well, SOLD!  *LOL*

I did Buy this Creepy little Altered Antique Photo of a Child, perfect 8X10 Display piece for Halloween, for Five Bucks, a OOAK Bargain.  *Smiles*  Either you Love stuff like this or abhor it... I think it has such Whimsey and becomes an "Adopted Relative" of sorts.  *Smiles*   My Friends Roman and Gisele are back at The Sweet,  which was a nice Surprise. They had previously been there for Eleven Years, but had to leave when they were busy opening up their own Brick & Mortar Shop, which, they are still keeping.   I bought a couple of Antique Rosaries from Roman, one is Italian Sterling & Crystal and the other is Sterling and Mother of Pearl that also looks European, probably French, but isn't marked with the Country of Origin.   Rosaries are my Oldest Collection and when I can find Unique ones at a good Price, I still add to that Collection.

I bought this OOAK Necklace from my Friend Michelle that has a tiny Vintage Pocket Knife engraved with DAD, a Cattle Tag and a Skeleton Key... too Cute.  I also bought Two tiny Velvet Pumpkins with real Pumpkin Stems from Michelle.   One is Brown Velvet and the other is a Burnt Orange Velvet.   I have an Obsession with Velvet Pumpkins that has been ongoing for Years.  *Smiles*   I keep them on Display Year Round and Display my Antique and Vintage Jewelry on them, like Brooches, Pins, Earrings and Bracelets.   Michelle had all sizes of Velvet Pumpkins, from the Mini ones I bought up to Jumbo sized ones the size of real Pumpkins.

My Friend Big Kenny had these cool Mannequin Body Parts Arted Up with Wounds, it was quite tempting, but I stayed on Budget and just admired them, photographing them for Inspiration and Blog Fodder.   Long time Readers might recall that during Pandemic my Friend Big Kenny bought some Halloween Haunted Attraction Props from Horror and Music Icon Rob Zombie.   I don't know who or where he Sourced these Props from, but I really like them.   I know that The Young Prince would be Inspired by these.   I have some Blank Canvas Mannequin Body Parts I had given The Grandson to Paint his Art with and they all turned out so good and increased the Value of the Mannequins.   I gave The Grandsons some of them to Keep or to Sell, The Young Prince Painted some and gave them back to me.



I Loved this Victorian Stylized Wrought Iron Bench, Surprised it didn't already get SOLD right away, so Unique and Ornately Beautiful.   I was glad to see a lot of Antique, Salvage and Vintage items in the Displays, at most Events these Days it's sadly lacking.   And I want to see what isn't available at Big Box Stores, I can get mass produced products anywhere and everywhere else.   And, personally, I don't buy mass produced Merch very often, it's usually poorly made and of coarse not at all unique, usually it's intentionally manufactured to be disposable.   And, I have to admit, that for many people, it's what they prefer, since they probably buy into being a disposable Consumer on purpose.  They don't expect or want things to last becoz they intend to replace it often anyway.  Some just desire the Cheapest and so Quality doesn't matter to them.  

But, most are eager for the next New Thing and will perpetually discard what they had for what's being promoted as the Latest and Greatest, no matter what it costs them.   And often it's REALLY gonna Cost them, just look at Tech Gadgets, especially Phones.   I see the Red Velvet Roped sections in the Malls in front of the Apple Stores whenever the Newest Phone comes out, they have to hire Security Guards managing the Crowds, becoz the hoards of folks would otherwise lose their Minds and all Civility to get their Newest Phone.   The amount some have paid for a Phone staggers me, especially knowing most will upgrade it again the next time a New Model comes out to make the previous Model seem obsolete to those obsessed with having the most recent one to show off, as a Status Symbol.   People can get Bougee as fuck about what Phone  you have if yours is not the Next Best Model, it's hilarious to me, since, I could give a fuck about what Model you own, Zero Impressed. *LOL*

Anyway, I was 4th in Line and I hadn't gotten there all that early, so, attendance is way lower than usual.  A shame since the Event was really good and I know how much Work goes into Hosting it every Month.  But, it also makes me realize that in Retail right now, everything is Soft, so, I'm doing better than I realize in our Space at the Antique Mall, all things considered.   The Daughter is working really hard on Organizing and sorting things in the RV Garage Mahal, she's made impressive progress.   She said she enjoys working on it since it makes me so Happy and I'm doing so much for her and for her Kids.   I'm glad she's enthusiastic, since, nobody else is really involving themselves, so, right now she's the only one volunteering.  The Young Prince helped a lot before moving to New Mexico.  I appreciate the Help of he and his Mom.


To be sure it's my excess we're dealing with, so, I take responsibility for disposing of it and making the decisions.   Sales of it have helped supplement our Fixed Income and get The G-Kid Force Raised.  Now it helps pay down and off anything that we need to Finance in the way of Home Maintenance, Medical Bills, Vehicle Repairs, just the stuff that you need to have Money to get done.   When you are Retired and now on a Fixed Income, coming up with extra isn't easy, so, it's been Helpful to have stuff to Sell Off and pay for what's needed now.   And, to be sure, it's been enjoyable to have it around, I like nice things and have worked hard to have nice things.   I'm also enjoying time spent at our Antique Mall and cultivating relationships with that Community of Kindred Spirits.

Even those who do these Events, Shows and Own or Rent Brick and Mortar Shops are usually Kindred Spirits, so we have all of that in common.   I've really enjoyed that Community as much as I've enjoyed the Blog Community and made Friendships here.  Anyway, attending the Events, Shows or Visiting the Shops is something I try to do with regularity, even if I don't Buy anything.   I like to support local Small Businesses as much as I can in whatever ways that I can.  Yes, I do sometimes Shop at Big Box Stores, but, I prefer the Indie Shops best and it's where I purchase things more often.   I might buy essentials at places like Wal-Mart or Target, but, I don't buy Clothing or Decor there.  I have bought some Lines of Seasonal Decorations at Target, but prefer to try to Source Vintage or Unusual Seasonal Decor when I can find it.

This Vintage Doll Vignette my Friend Nancy made of them using a Spirit Board was creative.   In the Panoramic shot, do you see something Odd?   I didn't when taking the Pix... but upon downloading it, thought, that's Interesting.   Looks rather like a Mist to me... Creepy.   I personally never keep a Planchette and a Spirit Board together.   I don't own an actual Planchette, just some Old Spirit Boards.   Putting them together I just personally don't think is a good idea, so I don't.   Some folks would be superstitious about even having a Board without the Portal Piece of the Planchette.   It's still a popular Selling 'game', but, I don't consider it a 'game' at all, I take it seriously and don't mess with conjuring shit like that, unwise.   Everyone has their opinions about it.

LATER:  In Real Time now it's Friday and my Birthday, I'll be spending it waiting for the AC Guys to show up again and replace another couple Major Parts they'd ordered that finally came in.  Holla!!!  *Eye Roll*  Listen, if this finally fixes the problem it will be Pressy enuf and worth interrupting my Birthday Plans.   Well, if I were to be Honest, I hadn't made any Birthday Plans.  *LOL*   The Adult Kids are both Working Today and I never bothered to make Plans for the day for The Man, Princess T or I to do anything.   Yesterday's Event was all I'd really had Calendared.  I have a back Seat filled with Inventory that I should have taken in to our Showroom Days ago and it's still sitting back there... I haven't been in since I worked last Sunday Night!

I just haven't felt that great for a few Days, most likely just Allergies, but, when you're not feeling 100% with anything you just don't feel like doing a lot.   Allergies can look and feel like a lot of other stuff, runny Nose, Congestion, Cough, Headache, Sore Throat, Sneezing, Watery Eyes.  To complicate things, where I have a Bridge I have a small Ulcer or Canker Sore on my Gum that's sore.  Ugh.  Other than that I feel Swell.  *bwahahaha*  We're out of a few things we need but I haven't even wanted to make another Supply run, tho', I must at some point Today, probably after the AC Techs are done.  I'm hopeful it isn't an all Day Job to keep us anchored here?   It's another Condenser or Compressor... something with a C that's already been replaced before *LOL*... and a Valve that regulates dispersing Coolant properly from it.  So many Part Names and replacements I can't keep it straight anymore... whatever... just make sure it Works this time, Okay?!

I must say Ethan had appeared Elated, so, mebbe this time they really did think this will Solve it once and for all???!!!!!!   I sure Hope so, I'm beyond fed up, half of my Home has been Too Hot for too long now and we're still breaking Heat Records Daily, it was 111 Yesterday!   My Home heated up to around 85 in the parts that POS Unit is supposed to Cool... I got Thirty Five Grand Worth of Insulation and Ductwork now that doesn't seem to be making an iota of difference, tho' the Twenty Five Hundred UV Light has solved the Mold Problem.   The POS Unit itself was originally Eight Grand, so I'm in Deep with this Motherfucker.  I am cringing for when the August Utility Bill rolls in, just in case it's as astronomical as the July one was?!   To say this all fucked up my Finances, Birthday and Vacay Plans for this Summer would be a gross understatement!


I have not released Funds on the Major Loan yet and won't until every bit of the Work and Problem is Satisfactory.   So, if they wanna get Paid I strongly suggest this gets Resolved by EOM or the Lender will be sitting on that Approved Funding waiting for me to Release it.   I just despise any Work that takes too long and interrupts your normal Routines.  This is precisely Why I'd bought a Home that already had all the Remodeling Completed... allegedly... when we bought this one.  I didn't want to endure any Construction/Remodel/Restoration Projects with the disruption and expense it always is to your Home Life.   Alas, it's been one thing after another for the past Five Years.   All being Major Appliance Issues, since they don't build them to last anymore, so you're replacing these expensive disposably built items constantly it seems!  I don't think it would have mattered which Home we bought actually.


But, I digress... back to the Event's Joyful Experience... I LOVED this Black Widow Antique Porcelain Pendant Necklace my Friend Cyndie Created out of a Hand Painted Mini Pendant.  I didn't even Price it, knowing it probably would not be inexpensive, which was my Budget for this show.  She Sources the most Unusual things, can't say I have ever seen one like this and it was perfect for a Halloween "13th" Birthday Show.   My Cute Young Friend Aliyah was putting faux "13" Tattoos on everyone, which is why you see me Sporting one in my Pix, on my Chest, the one I chose, it matched my Outfit perfectly in Color and Design.  *LOL*   Oddly, my Family didn't even notice it or say anything when I came Home with it... so I'm thinking to myself... what if it had been some wacko Birthday Whim of mine to go out and get a REAL Tattoo of that and they just absolutely didn't say a thing?!  *LMAOROTF*   

By the time I'd gotten Home I'd completely forgotten I even had it... and let's face it, would have been a really Odd Tattoo to get... wouldn't YOU have Questioned me?  Like, WTF Dawn?!  *LOL*  But, not a peep out of those here at The Asylum, I'm still wearing it Today and still, Crickets about, Mom/Gramma/Honey, WHAT'S THAT and WHY!?!  They didn't know the Name of the Event was "13", I'd just mentioned it would have an early Halloween Theme which I was excited about to have Two Months in a row that it would.   Hard to take a Selfie of One's own Chest, but, I wanted you to be able to see a closeup of said Faux Tattoo, but, it looks Real enuf to Question IMO, No?!    Sometimes I Wonder if my Family is completely oblivious of their surroundings and those in it?!   They're like each in their own World and residing on their own Planets it seems.   *LMAOROTF*

I had Cyndie Palming some of her favorite Jewelry Creations.  Some of the other Vendors have started carrying a Line of these Silver Carved Bone and Rock Pendants now too, but she was the first to Source them and make Jewelry out of them.   Now even some of our Vendors at the Antique Mall have been Selling/Carrying them, mostly just the Pendant tho' and you'd have to make it into your own Necklaces or Bracelets.  I don't want or need another Project, so, I'd prefer to Buy from Cyndie and get something completed and immediately wearable.  She often makes me some that can switch out the Pendant tho', so I can utilize any I have that were just a Pendant or had shitty Chains or just flimsy Fabric Chord to wear around your Neck.   I appreciated that option built in to some Necklaces I'd bought from her. 

There's a Vendor there that Sells Baked Goods and she'd just about Sold Out of her Halloween Inspired Confections already.   Her Cookies are so well done and almost too Cute to eat.   A lot of Bakers now make the most Sublime Cookies and Cakes, it's really become an Elevated Art Form these days and isn't Basic anymore.   Below is a Four Tier 13th Birthday Creepy Designed Cake that one of the Designers put in her Vignette.   In case you didn't catch on, the Event is Celebrating it's 13th Year, I've been coming since the very first one.   In fact, they began their Occasional Market Theme first in the Valley.  Now several others do one and it's well received by Shoppers who enjoy the Four Day Themed Event Genre of Retail, it makes it a Destination each Month to look forward to.  It's been quite successful too.

That doesn't mean that those who Host them only Work for Four mere Days, it takes a whole Month to Source for and Stage these Events and is a lot of Work.   I'd been asked to participate at the very beginning but had no delusions it would be too much for me to pull off with my other commitments and situation, so, I declined.   You can make good Money, but, you really have to Invest your Time and Money to do it properly and I just couldn't, I had no delusions about what it would require and take.  But, I have Mad Respect for those who've done it Month after Month and Year after Year, making their Magic with each Theme and Event.  It really is Special and so I've enjoyed Covering them and Supporting them in any ways that I could.   Bloggers have enjoyed coming along Virtually...or knowing when they can catch one when visiting the Valley of the Sun.



Slightly Older than 13 Myself... Dawn... The Bohemian


  1. Happy Birthday, my friend. The baby dolls with the Ouija board is my favorite from the event. Very clever that display, made me smile.

    1. I thought Nancy was quite clever to make that little whimsical Vignette too with the Dolls and the Spirit Board. I'm spending the Birthday waiting on the latest AC repairs to be completed... so Over all of this, I just want it to work this time, such a waste of everyone's money and time this has been. I'm sure the AC Company is as weary as we are, the Manufacturer Lennox, I have a very Negative opinion of the quality of their product now.

  2. Happy Birthday! Let us be hopeful this repair will do the trick and this AC nightmare will be over.

    1. Lord I Hope so Sandra, it's dragged on too long and too expensively already. I didn't anticipate spending my whole Birthday still dealing with this.

  3. Happy birthday, Dawn! May the day bring coolness and sweets!

    1. I don't know about Coolness yet, they're still up there on my Roof Hours later and it looks like they'll be here all day again, we have to be Home for that. So, anchored here on my Birthday sucks... and perhaps I'll have to celebrate Tomorrow instead?

  4. So sorry that this stupid AC has still not been resolved by your birthday. You are right that modern day appliances are way less reliable and long-lasting as new ones. That photo is really kinda freaky! I definitely see the mist and cannot see any legitimate reason that it would be there.

    1. I know, the Misty Photo was very Freaky, considering what else was in the Photo. Like I said, I wouldn't have a Planchette and Spirit Board together to make a connection to whatever it is they do. I'm fairly Superstitious and tho' Spirit doesn't necessarily mean anything malevolent, it can... depending upon what is manifested. It ruined my Birthday since they had to literally be here all day but they got it working and said another part is still on backorder to finish the repairs the way they want it done, right now they have a temporary part until the permanent one comes in. I think they intentionally manufacture parts to have a shorter life to make more money in the long term.

  5. Happy Birthday! Such good news that Princess T is still insured.

    1. Indeed, a great worry lifted when they assured me she hadn't been dropped. Whew! Even a lot of entry level Jobs, should she get one, don't have Insurance for the workers... or are too expensive. When I left the DA's Office the good Insurance I had there would have cost $1,200 a Month to retain!

  6. Happy Birthday!!! Please let a working AC be the best present for Dawn Ever!!!!

    1. Why am I anonymous? It's me Miss Merry!

    2. It seems as tho' it's finally working so keeping all body parts crossed it holds up!? They still have to come back for some other stuff but at least the Home is all Cooled to the Thermostat Setting now. Whew!!! As for Anonymous entries, whenever I Comment on my Phone rather than here at my PC, I am Anonymous and have to include my Name.


A life touched by God always ends in touching others. - Erwin McManus

I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars. - Og Mandino (1923-1996)

For creativity to flourish one should try to look at everything as though it were being seen for the first or the last time. - Quote from "A Thousand Paths To Creativity" by David Baird

Is what I'm about to say an improvement on silence? ~ Galen Pearl