Wednesday, June 5, 2024

He's Baaaack...

 So, it will be a late Two-Fer Post kinda Day and no Post Tomorrow then. The Man is back Home, the Cardiologist decided against any invasive Surgical Procedures this time, so apparently the calcification wasn't severe enuf to warrant the high risks.  He's Medically Fragile, so even most Outpatient Procedures like Colonoscopy no Doc wants to risk with him, no sense Dying during a Routine Procedure, let alone a Major Surgical one.  So, leaving him alone seems to be what they feel is best and they've put him on Five more Medications, mostly for his Blood Pressure and Heart Health.  I think this scared him enuf he won't resist taking them with consistency?  Time will tell... if he remembers he had a close call he does better for a while at behaving and doing what he should.

They even let him walk out of the Hospital rather than rolling him out in a Wheelchair, so, that was Promising.   And we had a lovely Lunch at the Hospital Cafeteria, which is Cheap and has great Soups, some of the best I've had of their Garden Vegetable with a Clear Broth.  The Man had the Sausage & Chicken Gumbo, which he said was good too, only $2.99 for a hearty portion is such a Deal.  We should eat there more often since we live just down the Street and can see the Hospital from our House.  The Garden Vegetable Soup is so fragrant that just the aroma of it is Blissful, as well as the Taste.  I'd Love to get my Hands on their Recipe.  But some Online versions look similar and I'm gonna try my Hand at it.

Anyway, The Man's Family have Hereditary High Cholesterol and so there's not much you can do about that, it sucks to have unfortunate Genetics.  The calcification of his Arteries is very likely from that factor even tho' he's on Meds to combat it, so they've added others to try to stave off the inevitable and it worsening.   Nobody felt that the Hydrotherapy was the culprit, so that was a relief that I didn't cause the incident.  *Whew and LOL*  He's in good Spirits now he's Home and back to his regular Routine.  The Daughter's Boss had given her the Day Off after all.  Since when he came to pick her up early this Morning, she had her Toothpaste and Toothbrush still in Hand crying her Eyeballs out about her Dad possibly needing Heart Surgery.

There was no way she'd of been functional and he could clearly see that, I explained to him what was going on and why she was an Emotional Mess right now.   Princess T was as well but Soldiered On and went to her Summer School Classes.  She confided she can't miss any Days and will certainly not wrap up Credit Retrieval by the end of Summer School, she's too far behind.  So, will have to do a whole other Senior Year, which absolutely Sucks, but, she seems to have more of a Peace about it now.  Her Social Security entitlement ended this Month tho' and probably her Adoption Subsidy might also.  I expected it since she's 18 now and would have to requalify as a Disabled Adult on her own to receive either.   The Systems criteria is quite limited for any Services and Benefits.

I only Hope her Affordable Care Act qualifying factors are going to remain in effect for her Medical, Dental and Prescription Meds?  She can't go on The Man's Insurance and his won't even be covered at most Civilian Facilities for any Meds.  I had to pay out of Pocket for his Five New Meds at the Hospital Pharmacy since they don't accept Military TriCare Coverage or VA Coverage at all.  But, Thankfully they give a good Discount and after we do follow-up with his VA Doc the VA should then begin covering those Meds for him.  Medicare will not cover Retired Military people for their Prescription Drugs either.   Anyway, que sera sera and all that.  When you're fucked you are just fucked.

She has no Income and is still in School full time for at least another Year or more, so, it's gonna be on our Dime again.  It was for the first 10 Years of her Life and for the first 15 and then the last 2.5 of The Young Prince's Life too anyway, so, whatever.  She wants to be able to go out and get a Job so she can support herself one day.  Which is the only reason she's working so hard to Earn that elusive High School Diploma and overcome her Academic Challenges.   The Young Prince has Allen or would be destitute and reliant on us providing everything or Appealing the SSI Qualification Decision over and over again.

So, along with Princess T's Letter from Social Security informing us she was now cut off, I also got one for The Man saying they were reducing his Social Security Benefits again on account of his Federal Benefits.  *Le Sigh*  The Federal Government giveth and the Federal Government taketh away, regardless of what EARNED Benefits you are supposed to receive... keeps getting eroded or cancelled altogether constantly.  The Contractual Benefits he Honored have NOT been Honored by his Government and it chaps his Hide that they can renege just like that any time they want to.  His 39 Years of Military and Federal Service had Earned Benefits he was Promised, so, he feels cheated they now won't Honor most of it anymore for our Veterans after they Retire.

Anyway... sucks... but... it is what it just is.   I got The Man Home and got Princess T Home and will take The Daughter for her Procedure in about an Hour now.  She's getting squirrelly about it, as I knew she would begin having Paranoia about it, but it's important.  She's had Health Issues that need addressing and some further Medical procedures to identify and treat.  She's even more leery of Western Medicine than I am.  *LOL*  She's always afraid they'll want to give her addictive Meds that will push her off the Drug Sobriety Wagon and become a Using Addict all over again.   She's been Clean now going on 2+ Years, a major feat and longest she's been Clean in her Adult Life.

I had to put the 1930's Talking Howdy Doody type Male Puppet Doll up on the Farmhouse Basket Chandie in our Showroom, since people kept letting their Feral Children play with it.  He's $129, and an Antique, what ARE they fucking Thinking?!  This Day someone had let the Kids Manhandle him again and tore off a Button and ripped a Strap of his Overalls, which you can see on his Right Side!!!  Luckily we found the Button and will have to repair the Damage now... dammit!   I get so angry at Customers who Vandalize, Disrespect, Manhandle or otherwise Abuse and Misuse Merchandise they have no intention of Buying or paying for the damages of.  Or let their unruly, often unattended and undisciplined Kids run Wild in any Store, let alone an Antique Store with Old and Fragile Merchandise!  The Shoplifters are bad, but so are this kind of Shopper.

He looks Creepily Cute up there tho' and is a Whimsical 'Draw' to come into the Room.   You can't even find one For Sale Online and so I don't want him getting jacked up by inconsiderate Shoppers fucking around with him to a point they reduce his Value considerably or make him unsellable.   He's really too large for the Locked Case or I'd just put him in there.  I had to finally do that with the Mrs. Beasley Doll until she Sold, since, people kept messing with her or trying to Steal her too by trying to pull off the Security Devices.  I think perhaps his Overalls got damaged by someone trying to remove them to take off his Security Device as well, or letting a Child try to undress him, who knows?  Luckily, despite his advanced Age, he's sturdily built. 

The Daughter also had to rehang the Ms. Pac Man Plush back up on the Ceiling Rod to keep her out of Reach of being Manhandled.  Someone had taken her down and then not Bought her and just left her on the Floor.   I've got most desirable Toys up High out of Reach on Purpose, to attempt to discourage and evade Manhandling Customers or thinking the place is like a fucking McDonald's Playland for their bored and poorly Raised Feral Kids.   I don't blame the Child, Kids Learn what they Live, and if their Parents aren't up to the Job, the Kids don't do better if they don't even know better.  And, frankly, if their Parents support them acting the Fool in Public, that's how they're going to behave even once they know it's Socially inappropriate and unacceptable behavior.

I'm having total Pantry Envy of this Black and Naturalist Inspired Pantry that came on my Book Of Faces Feed, just OMG!!!  *Lustfest*  I think every Home should have a Walk-In Pantry like this as a Required Room when they build them.   I'd have mine set up just like this if I was having one Custom Made.  Loving just EVERYTHING about it, wouldn't change a thing.   The Villa McManse had a Walk-In Pantry, not this Nice, but Useful and the Historic Home of coarse had one, altho' also not this Nice, since, Old Homes used to.   If I were to build a Room Addition, I'd add a Pantry like this and feel it was worth every Penny to add Value to my Real Estate.   Anyway, a Positive Visual was in order after my Bohemian Rant/Vent above.  You're Welcome.  *Bwahahaha*

LATER:  The Daughter's procedure went well, I think she's more anxious about what the results might reveal that might be negative.  It was a good thing she didn't have to go to Work since they released The Man from Hospital just before her Appointment, so, logistically I couldn't have managed all that otherwise.   She had a pre-procedural prep that was uncomfortable, so, timing was everything.   So, it all worked out ideally as it turned out, whew.  We've had Company all Evening, but, The Man was still recuperating so went to Bed early and was getting a little cranky.  I don't know he got a lot of Sleep in the Hospital and he did spend a very long time waylaid in the ER while waiting for a Room to become available.  They did house him on the Surgical Floor, so must have been seriously considering the Surgery.

I'm glad he didn't have to endure any more Heart Surgery tho', I think this was the best outcome for him to get back to normal.   Sometimes leaving things alone is best when you get to be a certain advanced Age and have a Medically Complex Situation going on.   His risk factors are so high that it has to be immediate Life or Death before they'd risk Major Surgeries now.  We watched "American Pickers" most of the Night, they had new Episodes and some Classic Old ones with Frank still in them.  Danielle also left the show in 2022 after a Hysterectomy and some Health Issues too.   Her Aesthetic and Style is so Cool, I just Loved the various Kimonos she sported on the Show, my Mom and I always have worn them as Daywear.   The New Episodes the Wolfe Brothers are Buying much higher end stuff, big league stuff compared to the early days of the Show. 

I still really like the Show a lot becoz what they do and the people they Buy from are Kindred Spirits and my kind of People.  *Smiles*  I'm more like the Sellers on the Show than the Buyers tho'.   Mostly becoz 90% or more of what I have, has been accumulated over a Lifetime and Sourced Decades ago.  Back when few folks were Salvaging, Preserving and Rescuing any of it and saw little to no Value in it.   Now of coarse many do and want the Primo stuff and will eagerly wanna Buy it off you if you're willing to Let Go of it now.  I never stopped doing it, and don't regret having done it almost all my Life.   I'm like a Pack Rat of the really Cool Stuff I've Found and Hoarded Up.   And I still enjoy doing it and enjoy what I have Kept, until such time as I'm ready to turn it into ready Cash as I want or need to now... passing it along.  Pickers Live for a Pick from folks like us who are Incurable Collectors of The Good Stuff.  *LOL*

The Daughter has been having a blast Organizing and digging thru the Hoard and Gauntlet that is The RV Garage Mahal Contents.  She said it's like a Treasure Hunt and she's been Decorating the 5th Wheel with some of what she wants to Keep and Styling it.  She's gonna Reveal it to me soon to Surprise me and I'm Glad she's picking out now the Objects she Cherishes most and wants or has some Sentiments about.  She said in many ways it's like uncovering a Time Capsule of our whole Life and that of her Nanna and Grand-Dad's too {my Parents}.   I even have some Objects that belonged to both sides of the Family of my Grandparent's Eras.   And of coarse the stuff I've Sourced over the past numerous Decades I've been on the Planet.  *Smiles*  I am detaching from a LOT tho' and Donating or Selling it now... or giving it to the Heirs early.

Oddly, in spite of Short Term Memory not Serving me very well of late, I can recall so much about every Object and how/when/where it was Sourced etcetera, and Memories surrounding it, it's like it's Catalogued in my Brain!!!  *LOL*   Perhaps that's how I Remember Best, I dunno, tying Things to People, Places, Memories, History, Nostalgic Moments and the Stories that go with all of it?   Mebbe that's Why I've also Kept so much of it?   Since, once it's gone, even tho' nobody is Buying my Memories, and I'm Free to Keep my Memories, I don't think about those Memories much, if at all, once the Object is out of my Orbit now.   There can be Objects I haven't seen in Ages, but once I behold them again, I can tell you a slew of information long Forgotten and now prompted and resurrected in great Detail... even Where and When I got it and/or from Whom... quite often what I Paid or if I got it Free... it's kinda Weird and uncanny actually.  *Smiles*


Well, Tonight is a Wrap so I'll End here now... Dawn... The Bohemian


  1. My bike shop was a little boy magnet; especially after school. I would be overrun by groups of boys and some girls who entered my store with different goals in mind. Most just wanted to look and fondle product. It was interesting to see the kids who had been taught the niceties of civil behavior and the little assholes who had had no such education. Just like you, when the fondling got out of hand and product was damaged, it pissed me off almost as much as thievery.

    As to your unapologetic hoarding tendency, I can certainly relate. I have been a hoarder just as you have my whole life, only I never reached the heights you have unless you count bicycles. Drives my wife crazy, but every time one of my little treasures saves a day, I become the smug asshole I was born to become. And that drives her even crazier.

    1. Ah, yes, our Smug Moments when our little Hoarding Habit saves the day can be most annoying, can't it. *Bwahahahaha* Yes, you can tell whose been raised right and whose been dragged up, as my Mom used to call the Feral Children/Adults with no civility, manners, respect or conscience about unacceptable behavior or social etiquette.

  2. Glad to hear that your hubby is back home. Look after yourself, too! Hugs, Valerie

    1. I'm being very good to me right now. *winks* And we're all glad to have him back Home and doing better, he's settled back into his routines now and is doing better about what he should, at least for now while the close call is still fresh in his Mind.


A life touched by God always ends in touching others. - Erwin McManus

I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars. - Og Mandino (1923-1996)

For creativity to flourish one should try to look at everything as though it were being seen for the first or the last time. - Quote from "A Thousand Paths To Creativity" by David Baird

Is what I'm about to say an improvement on silence? ~ Galen Pearl