Thursday, May 23, 2024

Incurable Collecting And Other Adventures

 So, first thing this Morning I get a call from the High School, since, I'd been getting Calls all Week that she was absent and Seniors have not had to go to School since last Week.  I'd Called in advance, before Graduation of the Seniors, to find out what Date School ended for Seniors not Graduating and what Date Summer School begins for them.  So, we abided by what I'd been told.  Well, the Woman in Admin who called me this Morning explains that there was an Option that we had never been told about... swell.

The Option being, since this Year's Summer School would be at the Student's own Pace, they should have told all the "Super Senior" Families that their Student could keep attending and begin their Summer School early to get done quicker and Graduate by Summer!  Swell!  We were never told that and neither were most of the Families, so, only a few Families were even made aware of that option and kept sending their Kids to take advantage of that opportunity!!!   That makes me angry that most of us were never given that Option or told it existed!

The Woman who called me didn't even know until she began getting all kinds of calls from Families asking why their Student was being marked absent all Week when School for Seniors was over/ended?   She had to then inquire and get back to us with this News, which I'm sure went over like a Lead Balloon with all of the Families with Non-Graduating Seniors.  Princess T told me she'd even accelerated some of her requirements on her own but they wouldn't let her take the Tests and unlock them for her to finish up before Summer School!  Apparently they should have.

So, other than that everything is Swell!  *Eye Roll*   Now my Student is mad becoz had she known about that, perhaps she could have been done with this whole Ordeal just that much sooner and not have it dragged out?   But, with Special Needs Students the lack of adequate communication has been a constant, so, can't say I'm surprised at this newest revelation to where they neglected her Needs and failed to inform us of Positive Options that could have benefit her... and thus us.

And, speaking of benefitting People, my Co-Workers last Night ended up being my Friends Crazy Ed and Dan The Man, who are Guys I love working with.  Usually Wednesdays are slow, but this Wednesday was so busy everything was going to Last Call on the Locked Cases and the Guys said they were so Thankful I was filling in for Jackson or they'd never have gotten caught up!  *LOL*   I work fast, Jackson is a notorious Slacker, even tho' he's a nice Guy, his Work Ethic leads a lot to be desired.  So, it was fortuitous I filled in due to it being so uncharacteristically busy.  It made the Night go by fast.

But, the last 30 Minutes we had about 25 People come thru the Door.  *Le Sigh*   Late Shoppers are notoriously hard to get rid of after Closing, so, that delayed us going Home at 9:00 p.m. tho'.  We had some of them wanting Cases unlocked even AFTER Closing to look at Merch, some Shoppers are just that inconsiderate and self-absorbed.  Our Mall is Open 9:00-9:00 Seven Days a Week, so there's no excuse to roll in late, only a Wal-Mart has more extended and Shopper convenient Hours than we do to Shop!  *Eye Roll*  The only Day we Close Earlier than that is Christmas Eve, at 5:00 p.m., and the only Day we're Closed is Christmas.

Anyway, they were grateful I filled in and it helped my Knee to be Walking a lot, which was Weird, but seemed to make it hurt less.  The Pain I've had on the inside portion of my Right Knee is a sharp piercing burning one and some numbness.   I guess it could be neuropathy from Diabetes and not an Injury, but, just don't know for sure.   The type of Pain and Symptoms are similar for Diabetic Knee Neuropathy that I'm having and so it wouldn't have been anything I did to the Knee if it's that and no way to actually reverse it... dammit.   Walking is however a great way to increase circulation of Blood flow.

Well, Aging does have it's particular challenges, so, I don't fixate on that and won't bore you with my specific challenges of late.  *LOL*   God I HATE it when Seniors go on and on about nothing but Health Issues incessantly.   So, I shall Spare you, and myself, by NOT being one of them.  *Winks*  Nick, the Shed Dude from Lowe's, did call to apologize for not setting up everything on Wednesday to Sign the Contract, but, since I had to Work unexpectedly, it was just as well.   I guess with the upcoming Holiday the folks who draft the Paperwork at the Store were too busy to fit it in.  Funny how a Memorial Day Weekend will increase Business at a Home Improvement Store so much.   Above are some hilarious Pope Socks I bought for The Daughter as a Gag Gift.  *LOL*

I guess all the Menfolk feel like they'll spend a long Holiday Weekend building or improving shit?  *Bwahahaha*   I didn't even think about the Weekend being a Holiday and I was disappointed our Mall is only doing a Sale on Monday for it.  Most places are running their Memorial Day Sales for Four Days to stimulate Trade, Fri-Mon.  Another missed opportunity that Management has orchestrated poorly.  Sometimes I think THEY just want to Work less, since they get Paid regardless of Business/Sales being Strong or Weak?   If it's slow there's a lot less Work for Paid Staff who aren't Vendors Renting Space there to make our Money.

Perhaps it would incentivize them to only get Paid based on the Take?  *LOL*  I must say, Paid Staff there can be some of the Laziest and complain incessantly whenever it is busy.  Becoz then they actually hafta put forth effort, work, and not Socialize or be on their Phones.   They don't seem to equate a Business being about Making Money and so therefore NOT being busy means NOT Making Money.   I get the sense that a lot of Employees these Days want a Check, but they don't really wanna have to WORK for it and EARN their Pay or add Value to their Employers?   Sad commentary on the Times we're in IMO.  But, to be Fair, most aren't Earning a Livable Wage either, so, many Employers also share in the Blame.

I took The Man and Princess T to our other Antique Mall location in Downtown Phoenix this Afternoon.  We hadn't been there in a while and we mostly found some Collectibles for her of Pokemon and Hello Kitty Plush Animals.   I found an enormous Vintage Troll {Two Images Below}, the largest one I've ever seen... about 18 Inches Tall and dressed like a Caveman with Doll type Hair.  Online there were few and those cost about 75% more than what I Paid, it was priced way lower plus I got my Vendor Discount for another 10% off.  I also got a very unusual small Troll, probably a knockoff Brand, but some of those weren't as mass produced and can still be worth more.   The Off Brands and Unbranded can look interestingly different too, so I do have some in my Troll Collection.

The Man got a Knife, a Fly Tying Fishing Book and a Compass.  The Granddaughter made out like a Bandit, she had a slew of her Plush Animals she Collects, but they had such good prices on it all that I just let her get them rather than agonizing over which to choose.  If she tires of any of them we can make Money on Resale.   I'd found a Vintage Bronze Three Bears 1930's Premium Bank for a good price, but decided not to Buy it.   The price was low enuf I could have resold it and made Money, but, anytime I waffle on a Purchase I just decide not to get it.  I kept waffling about it, so, I put it back even tho' it was cheap and a bargain.   I was spending a lot on Princess T, so I didn't mind getting just the Two Trolls for myself {Below} and the few things The Man wanted.

I Loved the new Michael Miller Mid-Century Mod Upholstery on this Vintage Atomic Chair.  {Below}  But that's a lot for a single Chair... you can get a whole Vintage Mid-Century Mod Dining Set with Original Upholstery for that much.   I don't even know what you'd do with a single Dining Chair except mebbe put it at a Desk or Counter where you might have a Computer area in your Kitchen?   Anyway, that Vendor had some really Primo Merch, but very End Of The Rainbow Price Points on it all, I wouldn't be a Player for any of it... too Rich for my Blood.   We had an enjoyable time Window Shopping as much as we do Buying tho', so, it's all Good.

Nick got back to me Today and we go in Tomorrow and sign Docs for the Shed.   The Salesgirl was there Today, but we had already made Plans for the Day before he called, so we set it up for the next Day instead.  I don't know how long it takes for the Construction, but I do know after we Sign for the Financing Contract and Lowe's pays the Subcontractor, they come out to do measurements etcetera at your Property first and tell you more about the Building of it.   As far as I can tell there shouldn't be any hitches if their Financing is similar to what we've always done with Lowe's for large Appliances.   The last large Appliance we financed thru them was our Water Heater here and that's been Paid Off a while now.  I always pay everything off early and generally they set up the Contract as a Same As Cash Option if it's Paid Off early with no Interest incurred.



Happy Spring my Friends... Dawn... The Bohemian


  1. My blood boils at how poorly the super seniors are being treated. I really have to hand it to those kids for persevering through this.

    1. I agree, those Kiddos are already at an Academic disadvantage and yet it seems to me that most Staff would rather not bother with having to Educate them becoz it take a little more effort to Teach a less exceptional Student who struggles academically. One would think that if your Passion is being a Teacher, you'd realize those are the Children your expertise would serve best. The exceptional Student usually coasts thru Academia whether the Teacher is any good or not. Princess T has told me that some Teachers make no pretense that they resent the Special Needs Students being Mainstreamed into their Classrooms or even make fun of them. So yeah, blood often boiling over here too.


A life touched by God always ends in touching others. - Erwin McManus

I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars. - Og Mandino (1923-1996)

For creativity to flourish one should try to look at everything as though it were being seen for the first or the last time. - Quote from "A Thousand Paths To Creativity" by David Baird

Is what I'm about to say an improvement on silence? ~ Galen Pearl