We finally had Rob cough up an Invoice on where he took the John Deere way back in late January. It doesn't appear it was anything but a Diagnostic and Estimate for ridiculously expensive Repairs totalling over $2,100!!! Plus Cost of Diagnostics $190 and any fucking Storage for him being evasive this long and them holding onto it. I didn't even know where it had been taken or how to contact the place 'til Today! So, I'm working with the Company now that he took it to. They thought it was his, I explained it's a definite Situation, since, it's ours and there was no permission to remove it from our Property or have it authorized for any Repairs or Diagnostics!!! So, tho' they couldn't know that and I don't wanna hafta have anyone Arrested, they actually have Stolen Merchandise in their Possession Legally speaking, brought in by someone not authorized to even have taken it off our Property in the first place.
They told me the Manager is now aware of the Situation and will work with me about what they can do. They said Rob is responsible for any Charges incurred, which, Legally he is, and the fact he took it without consent or any authorization to have Work done on equipment he doesn't own. But, if he doesn't have the Money or won't pay, then I told them if it's made reasonable and affordable, I just want our Tractor back, becoz I really don't want to have to press Charges against our Neighbor, which, I don't. Their Family has been very good to us and he made a stupid bad decision. With me having the Stroke and Hospitalization and then The Man's Medical Emergency with Congestive Heart Failure, I hadn't even realized the damned thing was missing from our back Acreage for the longest time. It wasn't operational so had just been sitting back there. Mando had been taking over the Yardwork and Irrigation, with the Daughter, and bringing his own Equipment to do it.
So, Rob hasn't done any Work for us since the first of the Year anyway and the distractions of Family Medical Crisis had consumed us to where the Tractor hadn't even crossed anyone's Mind really. Once we realize he'd taken it, we told him to bring it back and he'd hemmed and hawed saying it was Okay, he was paying to get it repaired. I told him I didn't expect or want anyone paying for it to be repaired! But, that I didn't have the Money to do it and that's why it hadn't been done and I hadn't even thought about getting Estimates, no Point. I don't have anything approved to do until I actually have the Funds available to Pay for it!!! I wouldn't have expensive Diagnostics done when I know I can't fucking pay for Repairs when the Estimate comes in, what would be the Point?!
So, I do Hope I can work something out with the Manager of this place, which I've never heard of or been to but it's not far from here, so perhaps I can even have them deliver it back to us if I can Square Up with what's owed them for Diagnostics and Storage? I don't really even have that Saved Up, I'd have to take it out of Money Saved to pay our Taxes... so I'm really fucking fuming right now. The Daughter went over and had the Come To Jesus with Rob, I didn't Trust myself coz I was far too Angry after seeing the Sticker Shock of that Invoice Estimate!!! He'd been bullshitting The Daughter before producing evidence saying it was under $400 for Repairs... well, No, it's over Two Grand and a much bigger Situation now, isn't it? He should have resolved this shit immediately if he didn't want Trouble. Only for the fact his Brother has Stage 4 Cancer and his Elderly 80+ Year Old Parents are Dear Friends, I'd Press Charges, but they don't Need that Drama and Rob is an Ex-Felon and does a lot for the Parents.
The Daughter is too and I know if she did something Stupid, even with the Best of Intentions, I would Hope a Neighbor wouldn't press Charges. I think Rob is a Special Needs Adult, he's a Sweet Man but he clearly has some Mental Issues, so does his Brother, I think tho' they're both in their 60's, they live at Home with their Elderly Parents and are Emotionally Disabled. They both act as tho' they're very Young Adults and not Seniors... so I suspect their Emotional Development was stalled in their late Teens to early 20's and they never progressed beyond that? I have Disabled Children so I do understand the impaired Judgment and the lack of ability to make good decisions on a consistent basis. Both Brothers are very hard working and would do anything for you, so if they have a form of Developmental Disability, I don't want to be Cruel. But, I didn't like being put in this Situation right now either. Oh what a Tangled Web Life can Weave! Other than that, everything is Swell. *Eye Roll*
It's been one Cheery Post after another, hasn't it? *LOL and Le Sigh* Anyway, other than the Drama and Headaches, not much else has been happening of late. The Daughter and Mando came back from the Antique Mall and said no Camera, so, pretty sure it was taken from there, it's nowhere to be Found here. Princess T recalls seeing it here on the Computer Desk before I went to Work, that's the last time anyone saw it here and that sounds about right. I did think I'd put it back in my Purse before going to Work since I did intend to Photograph new Merch being brought in that was high risk for Theft but had to go into the Showroom, large items, no room in the Locked Case to put them. So, I just attached Security Features to them and Hoped that would be enuf of a deterrent, we shall see.
I think these Creepy Dolls are hideous, but, apparently quite Collectible. They claim to be Wooden Online and by their Original Tags, still attached, but the Bodies just seem like some other substance that resembles and somewhat sounds like Wood. But, the Certificates of Authenticity of Naber Dolls does claim and Certify all of them are Hand Made of Natural Wood and Cast Form Wood limited to no more than 1001 Numbered Pieces each of each Doll made. But Naber, now 65, did recently change his Assembly Process from a Urethane Mold Process, which produced identical Dolls, to hand carved Wood Dolls. To me these look like his Older Urethane Mold Process, which to me, is more a Resin Liquid and not actually Wood. So, I'm confused by why they say these are Wooden Dolls Hand Carved? Anyway, I'm not the Manufacturer and can only go by what those that Create them have Claimed them as being. I mean Particle Board is passed off as Wood too, so is Laminate.
I'd rather be Selling what I Collect and have a Passion for, yet, the Nights I have Worked we've been Lucky if we had a Single Customer actually Buy an Antique! I had one WWI Photo in a Trench Art Frame Sell on Wednesday Night from a Locked Case and to another Vendor, everything else was Pokemon, Hello Kitty and Anime Modern Trendy Collectibles. And the Demographic now coming into Antique Malls isn't interested in Scoring anything Antique or even Vintage anymore really, it's a Hard Sell to move that Product that SHOULD be in an Antique Mall. That's discouraging to those of us who have a Love of Old and a Passion for Collecting and Preserving the Past. We'd like to think we're not the last line of defense in Preservation and that someone will be there to pass the Baton to of Future Generations? But, it's looking grim that Antiques and Historic Architecture, or even Nature and the Environment, will have adequate Preservation.
And part of why I've Kept what I have Preserved, is that if the Market for it is Soft right now, or I'd just have it Stolen by probably other Vendors, there doesn't seem to be much Point, for now, to try to Move it. I know what I can get a Quick Turn on to supplement a Fixed Income some and Downsize, and that's what I'm concentrating on hawking. Both to get to a Culling of Possessions, and to make the Ends Meet financially. It's not like Living is getting any Cheaper and on a Fixed Income that puts the Squeeze on most of us Retirees. Even when they aren't fucking with our Earned Benefits and making us have less Security for our Futures! Since ALL of our Earned Income and Entitlements are either Federal or County for both The Man and I, we are very alarmed at what this Regime is trying to do to Steal our Pensions and Social Security Income! When the Billionaire this Regime put in Charge of Social Security is bragging that his 95 Year Old Mother-In-Law wouldn't miss her Social Security Income, I don't doubt it, her Kids are fucking Billionaires!!!
If our Kids were Billionaires, or Married to Billionaires, I wouldn't fucking miss our Social Security Income either, coz pretty sure they'd have us covered financially from being destitute Seniors! That's just how out of Touch with the financial plight of the American Seniors this Guy is, he's absolutely Clueless how many American Retirees rely on their Social Security Checks to Exist and Survive!!! And it's not as if Social Security Income or even Federal, State or County Retirement Pensions are fucking Charity, it's EARNED Income and OUR fucking Money Dude that we Paid into the System!!! It's not up for Grabs any more than any of his Earned Income is to anyone who just wants to Steal it and Rob whoever Earned it and has a Right to it. I just don't know how much they'll get away with Stealing? And once it's gone, it's gone, you ain't getting it back or receiving any Restitution from the Criminal Activity they committed illegally. And the illegalities they've already gotten away with are compounding Daily with zero consequences, which is deeply disturbing.
The DOJ, the Superior Court and the FBI have all bee infiltrated and seriously compromised, that's clear and evident. Leadership at all levels is the most corrupt it's ever been in my Lifetime. The most interesting thing is that some Americans seem to be perfectly Okay with that and even Support the Corruption. The Moral Compass and Character of such Supporters is highly Suspect and in Question. Yet, they Live among us and aren't interested in being part of the Solution and seem to want to stay on the Titanic as it heads for it's Iceberg. They'll all go down with their Ship I guess, but the collateral damage in their wake will be considerable too and that's the most unfortunate fact. They will get what they thought they wanted and deserve, nobody else should suffer the same Fate.
Anyway, on the Caregiving Front, The Man has been rather contrary Today, which hasn't been Helpful, I'm dealing with too much to put up with nonsense right now. We also got a curious Letter for him in the Mail from Medicare about his Hospital Release. It's confusing enuf I will have to call the Number they listed, I don't know why we'd be wanting to Appeal the decision of his Release, there clearly wasn't anything more they were going to do for him there and we never saw his Doctor or got a Consult anyway. Perhaps that's what and why Medicare is Questioning Why he got released? We didn't request he be released and I was Surprised they did it on a Sunday and when the Doctor wasn't even there and we hadn't yet even seen whoever it was? My best Guess is they desperately Needed the Beds and anyone finally stabilized was being Released? He's doing okay at Home and I doubt there's anything more they can do for him, even with a Specialist.
And frankly, if nothing can be done to improve what's Wrong with him, Why spend a lot of Money just going thru the Motions and racking up Medical Expenses? So, it will be interesting when I call Tomorrow to see Why they really sent us this Letter asking if we want to Appeal his Release? Who made the decision to send the Letter to us, was it Medicare, someone at the Hospital who is an Advocate of some kind, I don't know coz I never saw anyone but One Nurse taking Vitals during his whole Hospital Stay. The Daughter and her Friend, and our Son, never saw anyone either other than Nurses and people bringing him his Meals, during his ER Stay or the Hospital Stay. So I don't even know which Doctor was Assigned to him? And, he doesn't want to do any Follow-Up and becomes agitated whenever contact is made, like this Letter. Which may be part of what put him in a Contrary Funk?
Princess T might have found the Car she wants to buy and can afford, Rusty is doing the Negotiations for her and will be checking it out. He does Mechanic Work and Construction Work. It's an older Car but a Classic she wants, a Toyota Celica with low mileage for it's Age. Her Uncle has a Celica that's non-operational and if he had the Title, he'd of just given it to her and had Rusty get it running. It's been sitting on our Acreage and he's now just gonna Sell it for Parts, but, she wanted something like it, the Kiddos of her Generation dig those Celica, they are a Sporty looking Car and Toyota are reliable and have good dependability ratings, even when Older, this is a 2001. She's been vigilantly Saving her Money to pay Cash for a Car and I'm not running interference since I know nothing about Vehicles really. She wants something her Boyfriend can work on for her too. *Smiles*
I'm hoping the Manager of that place the John Deere is being retained at gets back to me Today to sort this mess of ours out. I really Hated being put in such an awkward position, regardless of the Neighbors intent, he's refusing to 'Own' how inappropriate and wrong it all was. He got very defensive about it and I don't like it when someone fucks up and then doesn't have the Maturity to stand by their Mistakes and Man Up. He tried to deflect his blame by saying that they need to be Maintained {duh} and so we should have been grateful he was trying to get it properly Maintained for us! Well, had he gotten fucking PERMISSION, yeah, we would have been grateful he'd taken it down to have Diagnostics run and Repaired for us... but, we didn't authorize it coz we knew it wasn't in our fucking Budget! And clearly we didn't expect him to pay for it, so what WAS he Thinking!?
We'd spent Hundreds limping it along and replacing part after part he and his Brother had repaired and said it's ALL it needed! So, it's not as if we hadn't been doing Maintenance, we just had never taken it in to a Dealership for complete overhaul coz I knew that would be crazy expensive. And if I don't have Hundreds or Thousands to put into any Vehicle, I'd rather Save Up and replace it. But, right now I don't have the Budget for Payments on a New Tractor until some other Debts are Paid Off for various Home Maintenance that took priority... and... Medical Bills we've also incurred. So, Rob knew all that and should have Honored that repairing the Tractor right now just wasn't an Option for us, so, don't take it upon yourself to do something foolishly, even if you thought you were doing something good for someone else. I think he imagined it was a minor Repair he just couldn't do and he'd get it running again for us and all would be Well and we'd be delighted.
But, Listen, I'm not gonna take Financial Advice from a Guy in his Sixties whose still been living at Home with his Elderly Parents, he has no idea how to Maintain a Budget or a Home. I think the Parents have Bankrolled most things so that he hasn't had to and in return he's done whatever he could for his Parents. It looks like their Family are tight knit and do for one another and for their Neighbors, they're good people, they really are. Most likely his Parents have had their Home Paid for since the Nineties or before and as far as we know their Son has lived with them for Free his whole Life and needed them to Support him?!
I understand, he and his Brother seem like Kids in Adult Bodies really, which has had to be hard for their folks. Plus he's an Alcoholic and makes poor decisions for himself and probably always has, he has a Felony DUI, so the Drinking has been problematic. He and his Dad go Rounds about it, coz the Parents are devout Mormons, I hear their Arguments, it's Sad, and I CAN relate with that Point of Reference of The Prodigal Child(ren). It's a tough Row for any Parent to Hoe.
Now, that's their Business to sort out as a Family and we too have a Multi-Generational Household as well, for our own reasons, so no Judgment coming from here. He does a lot for his Aging Parents and I'm sure they really need the Help at their advanced Age, so it's beneficial for them all and Works for them. But, when someone has led a privileged Life, their Dad owned his own very successful Business and hired all Three Sons to work for it, the point of reference for them is different than it is for those who've made their own way and not had similar opportunities by Birth Right.
The only Son whose struck out on his own is their Youngest, Beau, who I've never even met and doesn't rely on the Parents for everything apparently. The Two Sons who live with the Parents buy Fancy Vehicles and Man Toys galore becoz they've never had the expense of Maintaining a Household and can self-indulge like they do, not having a Mortgage. So, both TJ and Rob seem more than a bit Clueless about what it takes to Support yourself, when Mom and Dad have always done it FOR them, it further impairs their ability to do for themselves and Grow Up.
And, if their Parents have always had Money and it's been no object, coz they've done very well for themselves, they can't relate when someone else has a Budget or Financial strains, especially in Retirement Years. When I had Paid Off Homes and Paid Off Vehicles, I never had to Budget this closely, so I know how beneficial it is when you're in that position. Had we been able to remain in our Historic Home, I'd have Money to do damned near anything I ever Dreamed of doing. My Budget then was extremely generous and tho' we were frugal folks by Nature, we never couldn't afford something when we didn't have a Mortgage Payment and other Debts where you needed to have Loans for stuff.
Back then I could even pay Cash for my Vehicles, and when we both had our Careers, we had Options we don't have now. That's just how Life works... or doesn't... and so I needed Rob to at least TRY to understand that. Don't presume to make decisions FOR us, we're quite capable of making our own decisions, especially Financial ones. You don't have that Authority either. The Business had told us that since Rob is the one who authorized the Diagnostics and left it sitting there so long, they realize he's Financially Responsible and they expected HIM to pay for what he'd told them to do. Which, Legally, is correct, and I think he just realized he's on the hook for what he did and doesn't have the Money, so had been tap dancing around the whole Situation he'd put himself, and us, in.
Now of coarse it's a bigger Situation coz we want our Property back, made it clear to him, and he can't do it. We could press charges if we wanted to be Assholes about it, but it's never been my intent to make trouble or have a Neighbor's Son Arrested. He's done a lot of Work for us over the Years and been a Blessing, I genuinely LIKE both the Sons and realize they have some kind of Developmental Disabilities that have challenged their Parents. The Parents are the most Wonderful People and now rely on Rob a lot, it would be hurtful to them if he got in Trouble with the Law again. Hey, I've had an Adult Child get locked up for being Crazy and doing Crazy shit, she's been Institutionalized in Two Countries off and on... it isn't Helpful to them to just be locked up for the Manifestations their Disabilities Create.
Rob has a good Heart and so does The Daughter, they'd do anything for anyone. But, they also don't always make Good Decisions on a consistent basis if left to their own devices. So, I told the Business, Listen, I don't think he can Pay you, which is why he hasn't yet. And I just now saw the Invoice you gave him for an Estimate I can't afford to Authorize. So I just want to let you know what has happened, that it isn't his Tractor, he had no Authority to take it, and now I just want to work something out with you to get it back unrepaired and delivered back to my Property so this doesn't have to escalate. They of coarse realize now that they have a Situation in this too, in that they have Stolen Property {Legally Speaking} in their Possession that the Person who brought it in, just took from someone else's Property and had no Authorization to do so coz it wasn't even theirs!
They may have Records showing he'd done that in the past for the Previous Owners of the Tractor, but, we're NOT them. The Tractor conveyed with the Property we Bought, so, now it's our Property. Big Situation to sort out. I'm not trying to Stiff the Business for Diagnostics and Storage, but, Legally, I'm not on the Hook for the expenses I never Authorized being done. I am willing to work something out with them tho' that is affordable and puts this Mess to Rest and would be mutually agreeable. Just so that nobody has to go to Jail or have a Civil Court Case about it. And, to maintain good relations with our Neighbors too, since, I do not think any ill intent was ever meant, I really don't. But, the Road to Hell is literally Paved with Good Intentions too, you know?
It happens, that even with the Best of Intentions, shit can go sideways and then you have a Situation to Deal with in the Wake of someone's Good Intentions that went Bad. I'm a reasonable person and I know the Law inside out and backwards, but, I'm not litigious, I think far too many people are and clog the Courts with frivolous Claims and petty Arguments that could have been resolved outside of Court if folks are reasonable and try to work things out with one another Peacefully and amicably instead. This is a great Neighborhood with Good Neighbors, that's why I bought here and I'd like it to stay Drama and Headache Free. I'm a Drama Free Mama, if someone even Smells like Drama and a Headache I'd rather not have to engage with them. *Smiles*
As it is The Daughter told me that her Friend Amber recently told her that the Older Daughter that TJ got Pregnant, Miscarried the Baby. Her Daughter is very Young, just a little Older than Princess T, and is a Special Needs Adult who can't even take Care of herself without Help. So, getting Pregnant by another Special Needs Guy whose freakin' Old enuf to be her Grandfather and is living with his Parents AND has Stage 4 Cancer ta boot, had been a REAL Situation. I know that our Elderly Neighbors had been very distraught about what their Son had gotten himself tangled up in with such a Young Woman, who also wasn't able to live Independently!
But, it happened, they are both Grown, so... both Families were distraught about it. Julissa is living with her Grandparents and her own Grandpa is very Old School Hispanic and would have kicked her out had he known she was Pregnant and Unmarried... or how Old the Dude was that got her Pregnant! So, a Bullet was dodged there. Given the circumstances the Risks of the Child being Born Healthy weren't good. Amber is Single, her Mom has Stage 4 Cancer too and her Dad is Elderly, the Daughter wouldn't be able to Raise a Child without a lot of Help even if the Child was Healthy. TJ had been telling her he wanted it to be put up for Adoption anyway, so he had no intention of assisting her to Raise it and had shown his Hand at being Deadbeat. He has Grown Kids and Grandkids, I don't know he's real close to any of them. Anna left him and is doing better without him, she was only in her 40's, so he's not been with Women his own Age. Women his Age would notice his Developmental Immaturity and it's a lot to unpack!
Plus, TJ is taking Radiation and Chemo, plus he's Old, and clearly both sides have some kind of Genetic Disability being passed along, it wouldn't have likely been an uneventful Pregnancy. The Child had high Risk of being Born with Issues, perhaps deformities, there was a lot going on as factors. So, the Miscarriage was hard, but, not as hard as if that Child had been Born and had Problems to Deal with for a Lifetime, making Issues for the Maternal Side of the Family for a Lifetime too. Amber was beside herself about it all, which was understandable. Her Ex Raised their Children with his New Wife, so she never had as much input into Parenting until they were already Grown. She herself is a Special Needs Adult. So Courts ruled in Favor of her Ex when the Kids were little, their Father had never Married Amber, but they had 3 Kids together.
And I really do Hope both Families consider what do do as precautions that this doesn't happen again if those Two are determined to still be in a Relationship? The problem is, if you have a High Functional Adult Child with Disabilities, you can't prevent them from Living Life and having all the Natural Urges any Adult will just have. Even folks with Disabilities have Needs and want Love, will engage in Sexual Activities, and Legally can even Drink if they're over 21, even if they have significant Developmental Disabilities. I know Adults with Down's Syndrome or Serious Mental Illness, who've Legally drank Alcohol, done Drugs, had Relationships, even Married another Disabled Adult. But, just coz they can have Kids doesn't mean they should. But, many do all the same. Children conceived by Parents with such Issues become Hard To Place in The System if Family doesn't or can't Keep them.
The G-Kid Force were considered Hard To Place and basically Unadoptable for a multitude of reasons. My Daughter is Schizophrenic and we couldn't even request her to be Sterilized and she requested it and was Denied, thus, she ended up Unmarried with Five Kids she couldn't Raise, Fathered by Two different Partners she had over the Years and had long term Relationships with, but, never got Married. We Raised Two, the Grandma in Mexico Raised the Younger Three... shit like that happens when you have a higher Functional Disabled Adult Child and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it. Thankfully she finally got a Doc to agree to Sterilize her in Mexico after Baby No. 5! But she didn't even know which Procedure she agreed to!!! *Still... Whew* Granted, The Son and The Young Prince, voluntarily decided never to have Children coz they are self Aware their Disabilities would not make them be able to have the capacity to be a good or even Fit Parent. The Son is Bipolar, has ADHD and Autism. The Young Prince is Schizophrenic and Gay, so, he doesn't even wanna be a 'Breeder'. *LOL*
Plus, both worried about passing along any Genetics for the forms of Disabilities they have. Why Risk it and put a Child into those Risk categories of Inheriting something there is no Cure for? I had no Idea that some forms of Disabilities could be Hereditary and even now, it's not known exactly IF they are, especially Mental Health forms, but, it looks likely some could be. They didn't even call what I have ADHD or Bipolar I when I was Growing Up, they couldn't tell your Parents exactly what was Wrong with their Child. And in my Parents Generation they just Put Away any Kid with a Condition and never talked about them. Most were Institutionalized for Life for Disabilities that shouldn't have had them Involuntarily denied their Life and Humanity. So, things have improved, but can still be very complex for many Disabled folks. I'm not without a lot of Compassion for the plight of the Families Dealing with it all, we know how it is.
LATER in the Morning: I went down in Person to talk to the Manager at Stoltz, which is affiliated with John Deere, very nice Guy and accommodating. We worked out a good Deal on just replacing the Tractor with a new one with excellent terms that were quite favorable and made me an offer I couldn't refuse. John Deere will underwrite me at 0% and the replacement Mower was at a Price Point that was only slightly higher than the cost to repair the Old one. He said that Old Model is worn out completely, not worth repairing and no longer even has any Trade-In Value. So, he was surprised the Neighbor even brought it in for an estimate actually. Apparently it had been Serviced over the Years there by the previous Owner, but they didn't keep up on Maintenance and too many amateur repairs had been done. I figured as much and why I prefer having something New I know the Maintenance Record of and properly Maintained myself.
They will deliver it and even tho' normally they don't do it, agreed that when it does need Servicing for preventive Maintenance, even beyond the 3 Year Warranty Period, they'd come pick it up for us and drop it back off for us, which is Nice of them to do that as a Favor. I must say they were excellent to work something out with and sympathetic to the predicament this had caused me, as well as them. They said Letters sent to Rob he hadn't been responding to so they really didn't know how to proceed with the Old Tractor stuck on their Lot and just accumulating Storage Costs... of coarse they waived the Diagnostics done and any Fees from me having to pay them, Legally I wasn't obligated to, Rob is, whether they Waive it for him isn't my concern, I've Squared with the Company in our Favor and that's all I Cared about.
I know how to Negotiate favorably for myself, anyone else gotta Finesse whatever Situation they put themselves in Legally with a Company they owe. I'm just glad to have a Resolution to a Problem Situation for ourselves. *Winks* He might have caused a Situation for his own Family now being Trusted by the Company that has Serviced their Tractor Mower, I dunno? That would be a shame for the Parents, but I know with all they got going on, they didn't need Drama and a Headache any more than we did. I'm having a lot of Shoulder Pain on my Right Shoulder, I think it could be Bicep Tendonitis judging by the location of the Pain? But, I have had problems ever since that Senior Fall during the first Year of Pandemic Lockdown and when ER's weren't taking those kinds of Cases at all due to Crisis Standard of Care overwhelming the System at the time. So, it had to Heal on it's own without any diagnosis of what I'd injured in the Fall?
The Bursa is what's painful and limiting my range of motion at times. Rest and Ice seem to be Treatments suggested that you can do at Home. I also could continue doing the trips to the Gym to used the Cryotherapy Machine they have, which does Help with Pain Management and gives some Relief for a few Hours after a Session. I used it last Visit and was Pain Free for a few Hours, so with consistency it should be Helpful to alleviate the level of Pain and loss of Motion. I'm Thankful for Dr. Google since some things don't require a Trip to the Doc every time you got something going on. Getting in for Appointments can be challenging so I'd rather do what I can for myself if it's feasible to.
Blessings, Love and Light from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian
I'm so glad things worked out with the tractor so you're getting a new one! That was a crazy mess. The people running our country are totally out of touch with reality and they have no empathy for us. They absolutely do not care what happens to anyone except their fellow billionaires.
Indeed the 1% have such insatiable Greed that they want to rob the 99% of everything we have, no matter how little it is. The fact they're taking from the Children, the Elderly and the Disabled Veterans first speaks volumes. So any American who thinks they won't take from them too is a Fool. Anyone who Trusts any Conman with their Money is a Fool too and that's what DonOld has always been, a Consummate Conman and a Fraud. Those who've latched onto him want part of the Spoils and would Sell their Souls to any Devil to enrich themselves too. Yes, I'm so glad things worked out with the Tractor, a new one was necessary, I didn't want another payment or Debt, but, sometimes you just gotta do what's necessary and if the Terms are right, it's the time to make those decisions based on need. We didn't know anything about how the other Tractor had been maintained, and it appeared most repairs to it had been Amateurly done, plus, it was clearly an Old one and was just worn out. At some point everything used a lot does, and often repairing them is more costly than just replacing them, which was the case with it.
DeleteI couldn't figure out why your neighbor would just take the tractor, but from what your wrote, it makes sense. I'm glad things got sorted and that you'll have a new tractor. It never ends, does it?
ReplyDeleteYes, from what the Company told me, Rob had always brought the Tractor in for the previous Owners of it and had been Hired to do their Irrigation and Yardwork too. So, it was his assumption he had the same authority and nobody there would question it. They still had it under the previous Owner's Name with their Authorization that Rob could make decisions about it. It was presumptuous of Rob to do it on our behalf since we'd never given him permission. But with me having the Stroke and The Man having Dementia he probably thought he was doing a good thing and that he could cover the cost of Repairs? He'd said that was his intent, to pay for the Repairs, but I think what he didn't expect is for the Estimate to come in so high he couldn't afford to and even the Diagnostics were gonna be Costly and it would still be unrepaired if he brought it back without having been repaired at all. Anyway, it worked out in the end, which is all I care about, we needed a new Tractor, and Yes, it never ends when it comes to Maintaining a Property, does it, and having things wear out or break down and not last? *Le Sigh* Of coarse we knew nothing about the History of that Tractor and it conveyed with this Property, so they probably knew it was on it's last legs and had put a lot of Money into it to keep it limping along. The Dealership said it was completely worn out and Old, had many Amateur repairs that weren't done correctly, so, it was Time to retire it. Sometimes it's more costly to fix than to just replace something.
DeleteSWEET MARY SUNSHINE, sweetpea! What a week (or more) for all y'all! glad it's sorted, as Pixie said! xoxo
ReplyDeleteLord have Mercy, yeah, it was more Drama and a Headache than Yours Truly could stand, but, Mercifully it worked out in the end, which is all I care about. I didn't want another Payment or Debt, but, logically it made sense that the worn out Tractor would be a Money Pit and having a new one that we would Maintain properly and from the jump would be better than retaining an inherited one whose repair History we knew nothing about and was pretty much worn out and Old, so it was time to just retire the poor thing. Nothing lasts forever.
DeleteThanks for wrapping up the whole tractor story in one post :-)
ReplyDeleteLMAOROTF, Yeah, I could have gone Longer, as you know *Winks* and dragged it out for a few, couldn't I?
DeleteWhew -good to hear the tractor situation is resolved. What a freaking mess. I am glad the manager was a stand up guy!
ReplyDeleteThe Manager of Stoltz really was a stand up Guy and didn't even dispute the Situation, which, he had to take my Word for... but I'm sure Rob then verified so that he'd be off the Hook for what he'd Authorized and had no authority to do or to pay for either. He had ignored their Letters to Collect the amount owed and pick the Old Tractor up and I'm sure they were so relieved to finally have it resolved too?! They had been kind enuf to hold it in their back lot since Late January. Legally they could have pressed for reimbursement for Diagnostics and Storage. Their explanation of why the Repairs were so high made sense, it was Old and completely Worn Out now, so they really felt he should have realized that and not bothered to take it in and assume they could do miracles with an inexpensive fix. Since they have to stand behind their Work and aren't Amateurs they were square with me and said it wasn't worth repairing in their Professional Opinion. I explained we had it conveyed to us with the Property and had no idea of it's Repair History or if most had been done by Amateurs, which is what we suspected. Often the Farming Community tries to fix their own Equipment, I see it all the time on our Mini Farms and even on the Big Farms. And if they can get it running again, who knows how they did the repairs? Baling Wire and Duct Tape? *LOL* It was time to retire that Old Tractor, I just didn't want to make yet another big financial decisions right now, but the Terms they gave me when I inquired about what they might be able to do for me if I just replaced it, were so good I would have been foolish not to take advantage of the offer and have something new and with a good Warranty to Maintain properly from here on out.
DeleteI'm glad to read that the whole tractor thing is being resolved.
ReplyDeleteIt was a relief to get it resolved Mary, it had put us in a bad situation without our consent and I didn't know how difficult it would be to work it out with the place holding our property since we were not the ones who brought it there and they had no idea who we were. It all couldn't have worked out better and I'm so Thankful for that.
DeleteSadly those with emotional issues and such. It hidden and people are more likely to act in a harsh manner.
ReplyDeleteYes, with the Brothers next door I really don't know what form of Disability they have or if they ever got any help for it? They seem developmentally delayed but look normal and healthy, they're very high functional and held down Careers in their Dad's Business. They just seem like Old Men who still act like Teenage Boys and make rash decisions like Teens do, which, by the time you're 60+ and still relying so heavily upon your Parents, means something has to be wrong. Rob did come over and interact with the Adult Kids yesterday and brought over some Antiques for me, probably his way of a Peace Offering? *LOL* I can't stay Mad at him, but I want to make it abundantly clear he's not allowed to just do things on our Property without permission, even if he has the best of intentions.