Monday, March 24, 2025

Fuckery And The Fluff ~ You Know... For Balance!!!

 Our Outing to the East Valley Spring Event went very well and The Man did really good this time and thoroughly enjoyed himself without any incidents making it hard to be out and about again.  *Whew*  I am still concerned about his Heart, so we take it very easy, as for me, no more ill effects are lingering from the stupid Stroke so I'm back to Normal, well, Normal being a subjective Word, Right?  *Bwahahahaha*  We did do some Retail Therapy.   Mebbe a tad more than we should have, but we Scored such Deals.

He got a Vintage Boy Scouts Mess Kit in an Army Colored Canvas Bag with Boy Scouts Logo on it for only Ten Bucks, plus a 10% Military Discount the Mall gives us.  He was an Eagle Scout and one of the Youngest, at the time, to earn it, so Boy Scouts was a Big Deal in his Family.  His Parents earned a Silver Beaver Award each. I know nothing about such Awards, but, apparently it's all a Big Deal in Scouting and over 1,000 past Scouts attending his Dad's Funeral.  So my FIL apparently impacted a lot of Young Lives in Positive ways being a Scout Leader.  Anyway, as you can see by The Man's Countenance and Vacant Unfocused Stare, he's feeling very Lost lately as the Dementia progresses.  But, he had a Happy Day this day.

I got another Metal Vintage Milk Crate that will be added to a Vintage Metal Milk Crate Bookshelf I'm building in The RV Garage Mahal to house more of my enormous Book Collections.  We later went to "Bookman's" Used Bookstore and I picked up Three Books I wanted at a great Price for 50%-75% Off Retail Price, including another Danny Trejo Cookbook.   Back at the Event I got a Cast Iron Antique Eagle Claw Tub Foot.  I use these as Bookends and Doorstops and pick up any Antique Clawfoot Tub Feet whenever they're Scored on The Cheap.  I got a huge 1917 Bank Ledger in the coolest Corduroy and Metal Ledger I've ever seen and the Script Writing in it is gorgeous, nobody does Calligraphy Style Handwriting like they did in those days anymore.

I got Two Vintage Canning Jars with Zinc and Milk Glass Lids filled with Vintage Smalls of Game Pieces and Miscellany at a ridiculously low price.   And Three small Lucite Bug Entomology Displays, Two with tiny Spiders and one with a Colorful iridescent Beetle, cheaper than I've seen them anywhere.  The price points were so low at this Event that it was pretty exciting to Score items at such a Bargain and many Vendors were also giving additional Discounts as well, making it even lower!  It was a Spring Fling Sale and Eye Candy galore, I came away with lotsa Blog Fodder Imagery as well.

The Man and I had gone to "The Tipsy Egg" beforehand for Breakfast and I tried something new, their Uptown Burrito, which has Filet Mignon, Egg, Caramelized Onions, Gouda, Roasted Garlic, Sauteed Mushrooms and Spinach.  Last time we'd been there I'd had the Downtown Burrito for the first time which had Ham, Chorizo, Bacon, Cheddar, Tomatoes, Jalapenos, Chipotle Sauce, Egg and Potatoes.  Both are hearty and excellent, I can only eat half at a time so it makes for Two Breakfasts for me.  The Staff know us now and how to make my Lavender Iced Coffee at the Bar for me.  *Winks*

Even tho' it was the last day of the Event I felt like they still had a good selection of Merch left and still kept it all Visually stunning.  It was busy, but not so slammed that it made it uncomfortably so.  The Man didn't get Sensory Overload at all so he never got Anxious or Confused while there and seemed to enjoy himself the whole time.   By Sundown at Home he was deteriorating, but, I got him Home before that happened.  It's sometimes like a Cinderella Moment, where the Coach will turn back into a Pumpkin at the stroke of a certain Hour when the Magic wears off.  *Le Sigh and LOL*

So, he was cranky just before bedtime and everyone seemed to annoy him without provocation then.  It's best when he's like that for him to be Alone in our Room and settled in with his Program Reruns to Calm him and Soothe his agitation.   I got very invested in a Free Amazon Streaming Trial Period we're getting on our TV.  Billy Bob Thornton is in a new Mini Series called "Goliath", The Son said he knew I'd appreciate it and now I'm done with "LOST", I delved into this one.  He said if I can't binge watch it before the Free Trial Period ends he'll pay for the Amazon Prime Streaming too.  *LOL*  It's a Legal Drama and I Love Billy Bob's Acting.  Above are some Cute Cottage Art Mushrooms made of Painted Press Glass Bowls and Wooden Candleholders.

The Daughter is still slogging away in the RV Garage Mahal Project and Post Stroke I easily get overwhelmed in there now so have to limit my exposure.  She just asks me to critique the progress she's making and make some decisions about what to rid ourselves of along the way.  I wish I could say I'm Physically and Emotionally ready to get in there too, but, obviously, I'm not yet so don't want to push myself prematurely.  Yes, it's my Mess, but... she's willing to do the Heavy Lifting of it for me and it's best she does for now without my hinderance.  She knows basically what my Vision is for it all.  I think I might have reach Burnout on the Downsizing coz I am at a Caring Less juncture in it.

What she's mostly helping me to do is make those important Downsizing Decisions that I must, slowly and methodically, but without overwhelming myself.   She's organizing like Objects together so I can see what I have an excess of and then I can Edit and Curate whatever it is.  The impact of having everything together is Helpful to me to Let Go of what clearly is Too Much of any particular thing.  And, it's great for replenishing Inventory at the Antique Mall coz I can glean from what we have and Seasonally as well.   Easter is coming up and now most of my Easter Collectibles are all in one spot to make decisions about.

Brad, the Hot Pool Guy Owner of the Business we Hire has had to be cleaning the Pool ever since my Skinny Dip Incident with the Younger Hired Help rolling up on me unexpectedly.  *LMAO*  Anyway, our Pool Vacuum needs about $200 worth of Repairs and the damned thing is only about a fucking Year Old and had cost $500 to replace!  I asked him if they often break down that soon when they're brand new?  Of coarse, nothing is built to last, most aren't even built to be repaired honestly, so I'm not exactly Surprised.  Just didn't need another major expense right now... dammit!  He's looking into if the Manufacturer's Warranty is still valid?

Anyway, it still limps along but probably has gears that need replacing to be doing it's job properly.  Swimming Season starts by next Month so I want the Pool to be clean and optimally functional when in use.  Had it broke down over the Winter it's not as big a deal coz nobody is using the Pool.  I like having a Pool but it is a Monthly expense to own one.  I don't regret buying a Property with one tho', we'd always wanted one and this is our first Home we've Owned that had a Pool.  It was high on our Want List when looking for a Forever Home.

I told him to wait a couple Weeks until I have my Taxes done and know what I'll owe Uncle Sugar, then we can talk about getting it fixed.  Other than that, everything is Swell.  *Bwahahaha*   It's always Something, huh?  *Eye Roll*   At least since the Kiddos and their Friends are Volunteering at doing all the Yardwork and Irrigation now I don't have an outlay for that Monthly, which is Helpful.  I just need Rob to get that damned John Deere back for us that he took in for Repairs without our consent to have it done.  That's still in limbo and I don't have a good feeling about the prospect of it not being seized for Non-Payment of what's owed the John Deere Dealership plus Storage Costs?

We realized also that tho' it was Gifted to us by the previous Owner who Sold us the Property, they never transferred Title of it.  So it's still in their Name and I doubt we could go to John Deere and prove Ownership anyway and be able to bail it out!   We didn't take it in, didn't authorize the repairs, and if we don't have Paperwork/Receipts, I'm sure they would be reluctant to just let us take it.   So, Rob is gonna hafta sort that shit out, he used to take it in for Repairs when the previous Owners lived here so John Deere was used to him doing things on behalf of that Family and so never questioned his Authorization, he'd done it before and had something on file there that he could make the decisions on their behalf.

Anyway, it's complicated and I do Hope we can get it back coz we need it and I can't afford to Buy another Tractor Mower to replace it, I couldn't even afford to Repair it yet.   Labor is what kills ya with Vehicular Repairs, not really the Parts.   I've already put Money into the Tractor Mower to have the Neighbors repair it on site, but what was wrong with it this time was beyond what they could do, so it had to go back to the Dealership.  I'd of had them do that when I had the Money to do it, I don't do things I cannot afford to pay for immediately tho' or get a loan to have done if it's critical to have it done.

The Daughter just cleaned and organized the Fridge Contents this Morning for me, it looks nice now.  Something had been smelling and it turns out some Leftovers had gotten stuck way back and forgotten, yuck!  I just had her toss out everything questionable and start from scratch with what I knew to be new and fresh in there.  I need to make a Grocery Run tho', we're out of some things that are Essentials.  So far most prices at the Grocer, with the exception of Eggs and Bananas, seem to not be rising real fast yet, but, I'm sure that will change.  We do Import a lot of Produce and not grow most of it here in America.

The Deportation of Migrant Work Force means anything grown here will cost more if they have to hire Americans to do the Work, if they'll even GET Americans to do the Work?  Besides, I haven't seen a White or a Black Person working the Fields of Arizona EVER since I've lived here, and that goes way back to 1974!   Google said that tho' it's difficult to pinpoint a specific Year or Period when most Migrant Farm Work was done by Americans rather than Foreign Born Workers, it largely ended in the early 1960's.  Particularly with the end of the Bracero Program in 1964.   From the 1940's the Seasonal Work has mostly been done by Mexican Workers in the U.S..  That's a LONG time my Friends.

Contemplate that for just a Moment if you will... about how long it's been since Americans have even HAD to fill those kinds of Positions and our Country has heavily relied on the Cheap and Exploited Labor of Immigrants as the Major Work Force.  And then to have the gall to say Immigrants haven't made major contributions to your Daily Life and Quality of Life, how much you Pay for what you Need and use, is just ignorant as fuck.   America will be getting a Wakeup Call and they won't like it one bit, when they realize how very reliant we've been on the Work done by Non-Americans here and abroad. 

  And I for one will be glad it will cause major American Introspection and a fucking Reality Check that hits hard.  I'm fed up with the constant vilifying of Immigrants, People of Color, and all people of other Countries.  It's Arrogant, Racist and Xenophobic, and those who perpetuate those Old Tropes are the proverbial Ugly Americans that nobody can stand.  I'm Ashamed to be lumped with such Ignorant Fucks as the Ugly Americans among us who Project and Present such a Bad Image of Americans to the rest of the World.

And don't even get me started about the Gestapo like Tactics of rounding people up and shipping them off to Overseas Death Camps without Due Process or any evidence and proof being presented that they did anything Wrong or are hardened Criminals!   We just don't know and we'll never know becoz they'll never be seen again and we don't know who most of them even are or where exactly they've been sent.  Chances are they will be Killed and not Survive what's happening to them and if that doesn't disturb you just becoz it's them and not YOU yet, we really don't know who next will be Targeted, so you ought to be disturbed by these Human Round Ups and current illegal Atrocities.

I'm Retired from the Criminal Justice System and in America everyone is Entitled to Due Process.  But becoz this Regime ignores and doesn't respect The Rule Of Law, and ignoring Rulings by the Courts, they are rampantly breaking the Law with impunity so far.   They are acting as if they are Above the Law and that ought to disturb every single American, becoz Lawlessness is a slippery slope that leads to Atrocities against Humanity, at the whims of the Violently Criminally and Evil inclined, Trust and Believe.  If we're gonna end up a Nation of Death Squads rounding up whoever they want, you could be next.  And if it doesn't bother you when it's just NOT YOU, you're a Twisted Fuck too.  And I would say that loudly and to your Face, you should be Ashamed at your Inhumanity!

Anyway, I haven't watched The News for a few days for my own Sanity mostly.   So what I'm finding out has happened during my hiatus from it is what other fellow Bloggers and Dear Readers are Sharing and Outraged about too.  And there's plenty of the Fuckery happening Daily, you almost cannot keep Pace actually no matter how vigilantly you want to remain Informed Enough.    Yes, the Topic of this Post is gonna be Fuckery and The Fluff, you know... for Balance!  *Eye Roll and Winks*  You just have to Balance it all out as best you can manage my Friends, or you'd go utterly Mad.  The difference with your Garden Variety Citizen and us Crazy Ones, is that Crazy never Gives Up.  Whether for Good or for Bad, they keep on Going Doggedly and they don't know Why?!  *LOL*  I consider myself one of the Good Crazies, but I recognize the Bad Crazies when I see one.  

And when you got this much Bad Crazy running the whole Show, your Country is in deep Trouble my Friends.   And the fact they've developed a Radicalized Cult Following, that doesn't consider any of it Crazy, is even more deeply disturbing and untethered to Reality in a big way.  Their Minds have been altered and it would take serious deprogramming to get any of the Far Gone back.   Loss of Effective Thinking can run so Deep once someone has been Indoctrinated and Radicalized.   Even after Exiting, they can still have a lot of damage they constantly have to work on to be okay again.  I see a lot of parallels and similarities between Politically Extremist Indoctrinations and Religiously Extremist ones.


Stay Safe my Friends... Dawn... The Bohemian



  1. Boy those breakfast sandwiches are the bomb!!!! And what a great event. I'm glad both you and the old man could both enjoy it.

    1. It was so nice to get out and just enjoy ourselves for a whole day without thinking upon anything serious.

  2. The one bright spot I've read about today are the numbers of Democrats holding Town Halls in GOP districts, since the Republicans won't show up, and the huge crowds turning out for Blue. I hope the message gets across that we can change this if we all stand up for ourselves and for one another.

    1. I agree, nothing changes people's Minds quite like realizing whose really got their
      Backs when who they thought would, is conspicuous by their very absence. The MAGA Elected aren't interesting in hearing from their upset constituents, they only want the adoration and devotion from them, to weaponize them and exploit their misguided loyalty to a party that really no longer exists and was hijacked in 2016. It's an aberration of what it once was and they don't Care about their Voters one iota. I do think that an organized resistance could turn things around, 99% is way more powerful than even the richest 1%, just by sheer numbers.

  3. Hmmmm? I wonder if Brad has to clean the pool himself or is it he wants to ... thinking he too might catch a glimpse of you skinny dipping.

    1. LMAO Shirley, I don't think he's freaky like that, wanting to see THIS Old Body anyway, but, you never know, Right? *Bwahahahaha* You did give me a good Laugh tho', after all, they can't Unsee what they See! *Winks*

  4. I'm glad to hear that you're back to normal after the stroke. That's so scary so I hope nothing like that happens again. I signed DNR last year. I might be only 55 now but if something stops my heart of my breathing, I'm ready to go. Don't try to bring me back.

    The Uptown Burrito sounds good. We have a pool at my apartment complex but it's hardly ever open. I've seen a new apartment manager around here recently so I wonder if they will open the pool this Summer. The pool is right in front of the office and people are loud out in it so most times when a manager is in the office they don't want to deal with the noise and keep the gate locked.

    1. It's a shame tho' that Management is selfishly not allowing Residents access to the Recreational Facilities the Complex has, like the Pool. I'm sure when they're showing Apartments the new prospects assume there will be a Pool to use and I just wonder why they don't drain it, if they don't intend to let anyone use it, coz they'd be obligated to keep it maintained or risk liability/lawsuits. So it's a smoke and mirrors draw to Rent and yet they're probably not being forthright about not allowing use of it to prospective Tenants. Yes, the Stroke was Scary since I had no early Warnings that I'd have one at all, it just happened, while making Chili, so... blindsided me even tho' I realize, as an Insulin Diabetic, the risk factors are there for Stroke and Heart Issues just coz Diabetes does mess with your whole System. My Brother not only has a DNR Signed and on File, but he also had a Grim Reaper DNR huge Tattoo on his Chest. *LOL* He's been on Life Support 11 times and really feels that if he's unconscious, or Dies, he does not want to be brought back.

    2. I've always wanted to get a grim reaper tattoo. That's funny. My daughter has a couple of tattoo's now and told me she would pay for one if I got it. I keep thinking about it. lol

    3. Go for it Mary 😜!!!

    4. Ooop it's me Dawn saying go for it... forgot my Phone comments anonymous... Dawn the Bohemian

  5. I've noticed that some of my Facebook friends who are Trump supporters have been awfully silent about their views lately :-)

    1. Hopefully many will have a Revelation that they'll be on the Wrong Side of History if they continue to Support this dangerous Regime and that they too will eventually be in the Crosshairs. I've lost Respect for anyone still a Supporter, their moral compass seems absent and they can't claim they don't know now what he is and what his intentions are, he's made it perfectly clear himself. When people tell you who they are like that then they shouldn't have any doubts about it. I've included a Laundry List on Tonight's Post about just some of what he is and what he's done that is verified... so, any MAGA have access to this same information and if they can be Okay with any or all of it, then they are no better than he is and I wouldn't Trust them or want to associate with them, period.

  6. Your side-eye papoose doll cracked me up...yep...that's our life right now...totally side-eye and a side of groan! Grins, Sandi

    1. Yep, the Side-Eye is almost a permanent look now, isn't it? *Bwahahahahaha*


A life touched by God always ends in touching others. - Erwin McManus

I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars. - Og Mandino (1923-1996)

For creativity to flourish one should try to look at everything as though it were being seen for the first or the last time. - Quote from "A Thousand Paths To Creativity" by David Baird

Is what I'm about to say an improvement on silence? ~ Galen Pearl