Friday, March 21, 2025

More Of Being MAGA Appalling, Racist & Petty

 Today on our Local News they said the Phoenix VA was ordered by this Regime to take down the 22 Tribal Nations Flags of all the First Nations People of Arizona!  The Pima Tribe will Preserve the Flags, but were shocked, appalled, surprised and offended when they were dumped off to them from the Phoenix VA!!!  It's Offensive to all Native American Veterans and their Families.  As the Daughter of a Native American Dad who Honorably Served 27 Years in the Military, with many Paternal Family who Honorably Served for Generations, it worries me what else they plan to do against the Indigenous People of America now?!  To imply my Dad and Paternal Relatives Service to Country and contributions isn't worthy of Honoring becoz they weren't White Men, is Offensive.  Especially Ordered by an Old White Racist Coward who wouldn't Serve and has no Honor or Moral Compass and is so petty. 

 It makes me concerned that after all the symbolic eradication of People Of Color, Women, LGBTQ, and the Disabled, what heinous atrocities are they planning and conspiring to do to us next?  I don't trust them and they are being allowed to get away with all this, so what next will Americans be willing to tolerate, support or just be silent about too?  It's all very Hitleresque, are we becoming a Nation of Nazi Lovers and Tactics?!  The French gifted us with the Statue of Liberty in the Past, mebbe it's time they gifted us with a Guillotine for the Present!!!  A Marie Antoinette Moment is upon us and overdue, before it's too late.

The Department of Education and the Department of Veteran's Affairs is all being gutted, they came for the Children and our True American Patriots first, isn't that interesting?   Not that it is so surprising that a Draft Dodging Coward who faked Bad Feet would understand Patriotism and I doubt he's ever been a decent Parent either.  He and the Ketamine King aren't exactly Poster Boys for Family Values with all the Baby Mamas and Spawn by various Women they've produced between them.  If they'd throw their own Kids under the Bus they'd have no qualms about tossing yours and ours under too.  The Ketamine King is dragging one or more of his Toddlers around as Human Meat Shields and the Orange Pervert has openly voiced inappropriate Sexual innuendo about his own Daughters!  Revolting twisted men, both of them.

But enuf of the Political turmoil roiling in our Nation for this Post Today... moving on... for Sanity's Sake!!!  There's been Frost in the Mornings again and the little plastic cup Hats I put on my Cactus Heads to protect them from Frost damage keep blowing off in the Night.  By about Noon it heats up considerably, so the Weather is still quite Schizo, I'm layering Clothing and then peeling layers off as the day wears on.  *Smiles*  But, it has been pretty nice out there in The Wild to be out and about doing things, so we probably will.  I will insist that The Man wear what he needs to wear or he's not getting to come along.  *Winks*  Yes, I have to resort to the Tactics I used on our Children when they were Young and resisted their appropriate Clothing and behaving.  I almost have like an Adult Diaper Bag for The Man, filled with changes and layers of Clothing, Toiletry Products, Snacks, Beverages, etcetera!!!   *LOL and Eye Roll*

After Two Generations of Raising Kiddos, now it's like The Man has entered his 2nd Childhood, so, I'll be forever in that Role I guess?  *Le Sigh*  He wants to go do something Today really badly, and I reminded him of the recent incident and that I didn't wanna risk another one where we had to rush Home and change him.  Mostly becoz he didn't abide with what I told him to wear before we even left and he didn't.  I almost missed picking Princess T up from Work, due to having to be rushing back Home at the 11th Hour, unceremoniously dumping him off and asking The Son to help clean his Dad up, so I could go back to get his Niece from Work in time!   So this time I'll have to watch that he's got everything on that is appropriate for a Day Out?  Or, we're just not going.  And that is that.  *Winks*

I must say the Adult Kids have been great Backup for me and I've got Three of them living here with us now, soon to be Four of them when the Adult Grandson returns in early April.   For Caregiving, to have that much Backup is truly Priceless.  Since we can't afford to Hire Help or to pay for Long Term Care should that become absolutely the Situation required, as extreme Caregiving escalates to meet him at his Point of Need and allow him to remain in the Home.   He does pretty good most days and especially if we go nowhere, here at Home he has his beloved Routines and familiarity, out in The Wild it can be a total crap shoot as to how he does.  And, I've learned to try to get back Home before Sundown and when the Sundowners Behaviors will hit him.  He's unaware of the switch in his Behavior and Countenance by Sundown.

I usually get him settled in with his Favorite Shows and light conversation about what I know will be enough distraction to keep his Moods Centered and Positive.   The Daughter is so good with him, I swear that dealing with difficult Old Men is her Super Power.  It's why she was so often Hired by them in Mexico.  To Deal with powerful and often scary difficult Old Men that nobody else would or could!  *LOL*  She actually said she enjoyed taking Care of them and got very fond of the Old Guys, no matter how scary and difficult they were.  They also knew how Bat Shit Crazy she was, and looked out for her as if she was their own seriously disabled Child. *Winks*  They became like Family to her and still most of them Face Time her via the Phone, and everyone lets her know when one of them has Crossed Over now and gone from Time into Eternity.  She grieves each one's Death, even tho' she knew, for them, it meant no more suffering and complete dependency.

She told me so many of these Old Guys, like her Dad, were Proud, very Powerful, Accomplished, and often Intimidating legit Bad Ass Men, high ranking Shot Callers, until their Health failed them.  So it's very humbling to go from that, to going to being completely dependent upon the Mercies of a Caregiver.  And it's not like their innate Personalities Change or diminish, just becoz their Bodies and/or Mind begins failing them.  So, they still command the Respect they've always had given to them and demanded.  Which, she didn't mind at all, feeling they certainly earned it one way or another, regardless of what they did to earn it.  It wasn't for her to Judge or pass any condemnation either.   She takes everyone at Face Value and if they've been Good to her, she's Down for them and Ride or Die, she's got their Backs.  Everyone that knows her, knows this Fact.  I'm the same as her, I make a staunch Ally and a formidable Adversary.  Always your Choice which we shall be to you?

Anyway, I'm truly Grateful for my Kiddos, all of them, they said we took Care of them and make incredible Sacrifices on their behalf, still meeting them at their Point of Need, so they've got our Backs too at our Points of Need.   Unconditional Sacrificial Love has reciprocity to it and is always worth whatever Sacrifices you had to make for your Loved Ones.  Family is Everything to us.   I really do feel sorry for those who don't have that in their Lives.  Whether they have Family or not, for many, Family isn't Everything and won't be their Priority by Choice, it always becomes consequential over Time.   Of coarse you can't choose your Family so I completely understand that some unfortunate folks are just Born into horrible Families and it's healthiest for them not to be close or Trust them. 

 The one I refer to as The Niece, who lives in Oklahoma like many of my Blood Kin Paternal Relatives, isn't actually Blood Kin.  She's more like Adopted Family, her Mom and I were Besties and her Mom Died much too soon... I've known my Friend's Kids all their Lives, their Blood Kin are rarely there for her, it's unfortunate, so, she's closer to us.  She says we're the Family she wished she'd had been Born into, it's Touching, we Love her as our own.  She would do anything for me that any Niece by Blood would do for us.  She's the one willing to go retrieve The Young Prince, take a Bus to New Mexico to get him, drive the U-Haul with him and all his possessions back to Arizona safely, stay for a visit, then take a Bus back to Oklahoma.

Anyway, Today I'm scoping out the itinerary, we're going to the Recycle Center first to Trade In our Aluminum Cans for Cash that we did Environmental Cleanup of.  I have the entire Bed of my Truck filled to the brim with Bags of them and that's just not quite a Week's worth of Collecting them!  That's how much we often haul out of the Environment when we do our Environmental Cleanups, so I feel we're making a small contribution to the Community we're Serving, and to Mother Earth.  LATER this same Morning:  Well, we had to abort the Environmental Cleanup coz tho' The Man was cooperative in wearing everything he should, and really, really wanted to do it, he began not feeling well enuf to so it was Wise to call it off for Today.

We did pick up my Check from the Antique Mall and Lo and Behold, guess what suspiciously showed up on my SOLD items for the last Pay Period?   The NAVY Jersey and another expensive MIA item that definitely wasn't on that final Pay Period Ledger the last Printout I'd had of it nor was there any Record of either having been Sold in early March... Curious indeed!   But, I'd made a huge stink about it and it might have rattled some Cages, so, I ended up having the Mall at least pretend they Sold and pay me for them, Yay!   So, I don't Care, I got Paid, whew... a relief coz it was about $100 extra of Sales of what had previously been thought to be Stolen Merch and a total Loss.  Dodged that Bullet, color me Happy and pleasantly Surprised.  *Whew*  Who doesn't Love a Happy Ending?

We went out for Breakfast too, since we couldn't do much of anything else and he'd gotten himself all ready, Bless his Heart.  They had some new items on the Menu, a lovely Pistachio Muffin Shaped Croissant {above} and some Smashed Potato Jalapeno Hashbrowns {below}.  And while we were there having Breakfast the Antique Mall called to ask if I'd Work Tonight, apparently more new folks aren't showing up for their Shifts on Fridays too!  I agreed, they had more Shifts available for other times due to No-Shows, but I only accept Night Shifts.  I only have coverage for The Man adequately in the Evenings when all the Kiddos are Home and don't want my days screwed up anyway by working a 1-4 pm Shift or a 9-1 Morning/Afternoon either.   So only the 5-9 pm works for me.  

I think they may have to consider bumping up the Comped Space Rent to at least a Minimum Wage equivalent coz the Ten Bucks an Hour Comped just isn't enticing any Vendors to be serious about it or worth their while.  We're at least doing as valuable a Service as Minimum Wage Paid Staff are.  We did trade in our Aluminum, it was 25 Lbs. worth this time, gathered in just a few Days.  We had to buy some more Commercial Garbage Bags since we were out, they're Thirty Bucks for 50, but you really need them for Environmental Cleanup.  So, it does also cost you out of pocket to be a Volunteer doing any Community Service and good deeds.  A lot of the Public doesn't realize that about the Volunteers Caring enough to actually shell out of their own pockets to do these Community Services without Pay and on their own Time as well.  We enjoy doing it and have always done Community Service Volunteer Work, even while holding down demanding Careers and raising our Family.

I typically Volunteered 20 Hours Weekly even while in my Corporate Lives working 60+ Hours and Raising Two Generations of Kiddos, even as a Single Parent of Special Needs Kids.  So, I never buy the excuses people give for not being active in their Communities doing what will Serve their Communities in Positive and enriching unselfish ways.  You make the Time if something or someone is important enough to you, anything else is just lame excuses IMO.   When I used to Debt Counsel folks in my first Corporate Life, you'd be surprised at how what they said and what their Checkbooks said, didn't Line Up and Square at all.  Don't tell me something or someone is a Priority and important to you and your Checkbook says otherwise.  Where ever you spend your Time, your Talents and your Treasures is where you Heart REALLY is, the rest falling out of your Mouth is a delusion or a Lie.


Stay Strong and on the Right Side of History my Friends... Dawn... The Bohemian


  1. It makes no sense to take down the tribal nations flags. Just one more bad act from this administration.

    I'm glad the kids have been helpful for you being around.

    I was gone all this week from the internet because my brother was in town. I'm back now and trying to catch up.

    1. I do hope you had some memorable good times with your Brother while he was visiting? I get behind in Blog Reading even tho' I try to Post often to my Blog. I'm not a very good Reader, the Adult ADHD interferes a lot so focus is scattered when I'm trying to Read. I do well with Visuals and so a lot of Blog Reading is really looking at everyone's delightful Images. Yes, it is one bad act after another from this Regime and most of it is so petty and adds no value to our Nation. In fact it diminishes America in the Eyes of the entire World as they watch each Spectacle rolling out in Real Time. We've become a Worldwide Embarrassment and few Nations will ever Trust us if they feel Americans support any of this. I offer my Apologies to all our International Friends and Family constantly now, I used to be a Proud American and now I'm Ashamed at what we've chosen for Leadership and fast becoming under this perverse Leadership, which is Evil, Greedy and Corrupt to it's Core.

  2. If Cheeto Mussolini thought he could get away it with he'd chisel IRA Hayes out of the Iwo Jima memorial.

  3. I am torn between keeping track of current events so I can be well informed and staying away from it so I can keep my sanity.

    1. Me too Kathy, it's a delicate balance, isn't it?

  4. They won't be happy until all that's left are right white cisgender faux christian men.

    1. Exactly, we all need to revolt quicky and forcefully or the right White cisgender faux Christian Men will own it all.

  5. It's just one freaking thing after another.

    1. Hard to keep pace with how quickly they're destroying America and stealing all that is ours.

  6. Taking down those tribal flag is wrong on so many levels, especially in a state like AZ! I hope there's a group fighting to restore them. I hate that DOGE thinks they can change the past by wiping out the photos, records and relics from the past.

    1. It's not as if Whitewashing the Past hasn't been done before, it has, but this is Whitewashing on an epic non-apologetic and unsettling scale. It seems to precede what could be Atrocities then committed. Arizona has over 300,000 Registered Tribal Members, not withstanding those of us who aren't Registered with any Federally Recognized Tribe {almost all East Coast Indian Nations} and those of us with mixed Ancestry, but who are Proud of our Indigenous Heritage nonetheless. They are systematically erasing the contributions of all Peoples of Color, all Women, all LGBTQ, and saying only White Men are worthy of being Honored and running everything while oppressing everyone else. All the Quiet Parts now said out loud, nobody should have any delusions about any of it and what the Agenda is. And the destruction will be complete, even the 1% don't realize how much they rely upon the 99% for everything and how they actually made their fortunes. It will be interesting how it all shakes out... and not in any good way.


A life touched by God always ends in touching others. - Erwin McManus

I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars. - Og Mandino (1923-1996)

For creativity to flourish one should try to look at everything as though it were being seen for the first or the last time. - Quote from "A Thousand Paths To Creativity" by David Baird

Is what I'm about to say an improvement on silence? ~ Galen Pearl