Thursday, October 10, 2024

Storm Lurkers

 I Purged some Blog Posts that were Archived and no longer being Read on the Regular.  That's my criteria, to just dump any that probably everyone has already Read, to keep a limited amount in the Queue since I Blog often and want to free up Space here for present and future Posts.  There's a lot I used to do in the early days of Blogging that I don't do anymore.  I used to experiment more with it all, now, I do what I'm most used to doing and works best for me.  I have to Hope that it works well for Dear Readers too?   *LOL*   Blogging has changed a lot and I have not, what can I say?  *Winks*

Every time my Computer or my Cellphone has enhancements I go into a Tailspin and throw a Tantrum.  I don't want to have to navigate new things here or there, I just got a handle on the old things, dammit!!!  *Le Sigh*   My Cellphone is much worse than the PC, they keep changing things all the time and Logging me Out so that I have to try to then remember Passwords to Log back in!   And of coarse the Passwords I'm pretty sure were right, they tell me are incorrect, so, then the Kiddos have to help me set up new ones that won't expire or whatever it is they do that are being deemed incorrect?!  I have no idea?

Remember those Secret Words some places used to ask you to verify your authenticity?   Things like the Name of your First Pet or Firstborn Spawn... then they'd tell you your Answer was Wrong!!!!!!!!!   Aye!  I Hate Passwords and Secret Codes, half the time I don't remember if I took my Daily Meds or not, or ate a Meal, Okay?  *LOL*   Yes, I Wrote down all my Passwords to cross check and then the Phone... or the PC... tell me THAT is Wrong too, so, whaddya gonna do?   I personally think they're fucking with me, I really do.  If that's early onset age related paranoia, I couldn't tell you.  *Bwahahaha*

I liked at the DA's Office where they Verified me with a Thumbprint coz I always had a Thumb handily with me.  *Winks*   I want one of those for my PC like we had there at Work... mebbe an attachable one for my Phone too and just ditch the whole Passwords Game I suck at.  The Son got into an Argument with me on Purpose about Politics.  He isn't gonna Vote, doesn't Care, and talks shit just to wind me up and I know this, which all of that is irritant enuf for me... yet, he successfully baited me while I was watching News on TV involving the Election.  *Le Sigh*  I Hate when I walk right in to someone just fucking with me to amuse themselves like that and I foolishly engage.  But, sometimes I'm just not gonna be Silent and listen to BS either. *Resting Bitch Face* 

Then he acted all Victimized when I finally lost my shit and made him feel like a POS, but, what DID he expect?   His Autism sometimes gets in the way of realizing when he's gone too far and something just wasn't a good Idea to begin with or taken as a Joke.  *Eye Roll*   Tormenting me for Fun when I'm being Serious about something I'm Passionate about is just foolishness for those who have no fucks to give about any of it.   I get angry when people aren't taking this particular Election Seriously.  Becoz to get it Wrong is gonna have dire consequences for every swinging Dick in America, Trust and Believe.  It won't then just be Women losing Rights and Children not having any to begin with.  Our very Democracy and way of Life is seriously at stake this time, so it's not even about Partisan leanings.  Do you Support Democracy or Autocracy?

He mumbled a bunch of things under his Breath as he left the Room, after I had come unglued on his foolish Ass and it all backfired on him.   He does think 45 is a total Lunatic Headcase, so, he's not MAGA, thank God and all the Saints.   He once went to a MAGA Rally for Fun, back when he was still getting High, and said it was frightening, even High as fuck and impaired, he realized how fucked up it all was and the scary demographic it attracts.  But, what irked me is he just says stupid shit about my Kamala... and when it gets Misogynistic he knows full well it's a Trigger for me, but he goes there anyway to see how far he can goad me?   Yeah, Death Wish Time I guess... I turn to him with my Crazy Eyes and ask him, "Don't you have anything left to Live for Son?"  *Winks*

So, Yeah I took the obvious Bait, but then he Wished he hadn't gotten that Fish on the Line and gone there!  Princess T was Amused, he acted like she was gonna back HIM up!   *Bwahahahaha*   Really, his only Unqualifying Factor for our Kamala was... she's a Woman!  *Gasp*  Them's Fighting Words, he knows how much Misogyny and Gender Discrimination in my Careers I had to Deal with in the Corporate World, which is Income I Raised him on!   So, it wasn't like Two Strong Women were gonna back that Bullshit Statement up, Right?  *Winks*  I don't think he actually Believes it... at least I Hope not... but, he knows it will Trigger me... and so, there ya go... let's Wind Mom Up and Set her Off!  *LOL*  Even The Man knows NOT to do that and he's got Brain Damage and Dementia.  *Winks*

The Argument abruptly ended when I asked him how much he'd had to Drink?  Becoz only having too many would make you talk that much Stupid Shit to me Son!!!   He skulked away down the Hall, which was Answer enuf to that loaded Question.   I get a Mean Sober when anyone around me has had too much to Drink and becomes a Stupid Drunk.  *Winks*  He didn't wanna then do the Dance with Dark Dawn Mom, Wisely.  He had to be up by 2:00 A.M. anyway since he's pulling some early Overtime at Work, so... Night-Night.   I hadn't realized that along with Princess T being right there hearing the exchange, The Man had been a Spectator too, and said he was just waiting for me to light The Son on Fire!  *Bwahahaha*

Our Theory is that now he doesn't have his Sister to Wind Up and Set Off, I'm the next Target for him to Trigger when he's feeling utterly foolish?   *Eye Roll*  He really is Mental to Go There with either of us, but, for some Odd reason, he can't Help himself sometimes.   I am harder to Engage and Wind Up, even if you're trying very hard to be confrontational with me, for your own Amusement or to prove some Point you think you have.  I won't Snap nearly as easily as The Daughter will.  I usually don't even Care what Point of View someone has, I can easily just say "You could be right..." and end any potential Argumentative Streak or Crazy Tangent you're on.   

I can Agree to Disagree with Civility and Calm, or even forfeit the need to be Right if clearly you can't or won't.   But, I was watching my TV all by myself in Peace... and he disrupted my Calm just to Mess with me for a Lark... so... he had it coming.  *Winks*  Princess T had heard things escalate and decided, "Ohhhh, Dinner and a Show!", so she got Front Row Seats immediately and could see that her Uncle was Going Down!  *Bwahahaha*   I didn't even need to leave my Media Chair, so, he was in no Real Danger, I hadn't Stood Up yet... *Winks*, but, by the time he did realize it was time to shut up and just go away and leave me alone, he'd said too much about my Kamala's competency to be President. *LOL*  

He knows how important it would be to me to see a Woman President in my Lifetime, it's way past time to kick that Glass Ceiling in.  We've had enuf Old Rich White Men fucking things up for too long already.  And Yes, I'm fully Aware that the primary reasons a lot of Men won't Vote for her is merely becoz she's a Woman... and a Black Woman at that!  So, it's their Biases that dictate why they'd Vote for a complete nearly 80 Year Old Nazi leaning Madman whose cognitive decline has gone over a fucking Cliff, instead!!!   You've gotta be pretty damned Prejudiced, or, just like that Lunatic, to think THAT is a better option!!!  And, those who are so ambivalent or stubborn that they won't Vote at all during a critical Election like this one, or pretend to still be Undecided, Annoy me even more.  

You have that Right, but, just shut the fuck up around me is all I ask, Okay?  If what you're about to say isn't an improvement over Silence, I'd rather not endure Hearing it, I have THAT Right.  *Ha ha ha*  I'll be so glad when the Election is just Over, it's been exhaustive and I'd really like nothing more than 45 to just FOAD and his Cult to disband.   Like so many do after their Cult Leaders go too far, usually taking far too many of their Followers with them.  Since he has so much to Lose when he doesn't Win the Election, given his Legal, Financial and Criminal Trial woes and consequences, I wouldn't be Surprised if he doesn't have some Suicidal Ideology going on and wouldn't Care how many he takes with him.  He's gone very Dark and very, very Unraveled and further Unhinged as it draws closer. 

We're tracking the Hurricane Milton trajectory on TV right now, we have Friends in Florida, so, I'm very concerned for all of them, especially those that wouldn't evacuate this time.   I ended up watching 'til just past Midnight.  Yes, I'm a Storm Lurker like that... wouldn't choose to Live anywhere that has those kinds of regular Natural Disasters tho', No Thank You, it would break me down after just going thru ONE.  I'll tell you what I do resent tho', the Insurance Companies, due to the catastrophic hits they're always taking in those States, have increased Costs for all of us living in Safer States.   I expect increases if I take Risks and file Claims, not becoz you do tho'.  I have no Control over what Risks you take, just the ones I take.  If I'm Safer and lower Risk, it should always reflect in my coverage Premiums... but, now it doesn't.

 Listen, you can choose to Live where ever you like or act however you act, regardless of Risk, but, don't expect the rest of us to spread out your catastrophic Costs of doing so, that's all I'm saying.  I resent paying for what other Insured folks are willing to take high Risks for.   I'm not assuming those Risk factors, so it's not right that I should have increased Costs due to your risky Choices and not mine.   My Car Insurance for example already increased $100 Monthly and our Company said it was nothing we'd done, it's due to Claims they have in States like Florida, Cali and the Midwest, or, they couldn't stay Solvent.  Now I hear they are beginning to not offer Insurance Coverage in such high Risk places for those choosing to assume those Risks again and again. 

 If you've had to rebuild your Home numerous times becoz you stay in an area hit constantly, and replace all your possessions, I don't wanna be the one paying for it too.  But, now we are.  And, it's not as if we can't and won't Insure our Properties and Possessions due to you.  So, I don't even blame the Insurance Carriers to now quit Insuring where it's just not Wise to do Business.  If they all go under then nobody will be able to get Insurance, regardless if we take less Risk and never are put in a position to have to file Claims.  Random tragedies can happen to anyone, but, regular tragedies are a Clue that maybe you should move to somewhere with less Risk and Safer.  Especially now that Climate Change is showing us where it's no longer tenable to remain.

 The Dental Appointment went well, it was just her Fluoride Treatment so we were in and out in no time.  If she maintains her Dental Insurance Coverage she'll be due for a Cleaning in January.  We stopped by the Antique Mall on our way Home after her Appointment and Crazy Ed is back, his Arm in a Sling.  He'd had Shoulder Surgery again, the other Shoulder from last time.  His Surgeon informed him that his Furniture moving days are now over.  That's huge for Ed, he Specializes in Antique Furniture, most of it large.   And he has lots in Storage, so I told him to call our mutual Friends in the Industry who would Buy it all off him and Move it themselves coz they're in the Business and need the Inventory.  Yes, his Margins would be tighter, but, he'd Cash Out quickly and be done with what he shouldn't be messing with now.

So, now he said he'll have to liquidate all that he has there in his Showrooms and in Storage, since it will cost too much to hire someone to move it back and forth or deliver it to customers.   He has a Moving Truck so used to do it all himself, including Deliveries.  In a way it's a Blessing tho', he's nearing 80 and shouldn't be doing what he has been doing and he has been getting more frail in recent Years too, it's noticeable how much Weight and Muscle he's lost.  He never looked to be Old and in his 70's, he was so robust, but, the past few Months have had me worried about him Healthwise.  At some point there is this tipping point of Aging to where it catches up to everyone.  He was back on his Shifts tho', so wants to remain active.  But I think he will behave this time, he has to.  And as a Single Man he has no backup at Home.

Our Showroom was pretty tore up, some Feral Children had obviously been left to run Wild and they always hit the Spaces with any items that Kids like.  It bothers me that even in an Antique Mall the Parents of unruly Kids don't Supervise them or NOT let them play with Merchandise as if it's a Playground and not a Retail Establishment.  If you're not Buying said items, they aren't to be indiscriminately used and mauled!  The fact you have to remind some folks of that Fact is Mind boggling to me.   I am pretty blunt about telling Parents who aren't up to the Job, that the items are For Sale, not to Play with in the Store.  I have made Signs that even ask for them NOT to allow their Children to Play with the Toys until after they are PURCHASED.  Some pretend like the Adults can't even Read... or, lay the Signs upside down as if that will be an excuse!

Princess T tidied up whilst I put in the fresh Merch and we also marked down some Smalls of Collectible Toys to just liquidate them and boost Sales.  Sales are still pretty Soft considering the Holidays are upon us and for a Wednesday Night it was really slow there.  When it's slow, hardly any Sales and your Spaces are still getting tore up it's even more frustrating.  I expect them to get disheveled some during a Sale or when it's super busy and Sales are Strong.  When a Slow Day the Mall gets messy, it's just the bored people coming in and requiring damage control in their wake, they're not Buying and probably aren't ever Buyers, just tearing things up like Vandals.  I personally feel Management should monitor Customers like that or those who don't Supervise their Children and keep them with them, and ask them to leave.  But, I know Management avoids confrontations, even with Shoplifters.

I've had an upset Stomach all day, Yesterday it had been the Headaches, Today it was Sulfur Stomach and loss of Appetite.  So, might have been some effects from the Vaxes, or just general malaise due to all the Negative stuff going on Globally that really does impact us even if and when we're not dealing with it directly.  It does disturb my Calm even when I'm not the one in the thick of it.  I don't like to know anyone is going thru the worst Issues of Life, especially things way out of the spectrum of our control, like the Weather and Wars... or now, even Political strife and upheavals of Sane Leadership having to stave off Insane Leadership. 

  I personally think any and all Politicians who are spreading Lies and Misinformation that are costing Lives, should be Legally held Liable for it, they know what they're doing and are therefore complicit in the carnage.  If People Die or get seriously Harmed becoz of your irresponsibility or recklessness then Legally you do have Liability.  If not Criminally Liable, they should be held Financially Liable IMO, either Prosecute them or Sue the living shit out of them that are spreading these Lies and intentionally misleading people already in Crisis and vulnerable.  It's gotten to the point that even the Volunteers and First Responders are enduring Threats, on top of the Risks they're willingly taking to Serve and Protect everyone, due to the Bad Information being spread intentionally for Political Gains and/or to cause Mayhem and Distrust on Purpose.  It's disgraceful how low some are now going.


Stay Safe my Friends and Be Well... Dawn... The Bohemian

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A life touched by God always ends in touching others. - Erwin McManus

I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars. - Og Mandino (1923-1996)

For creativity to flourish one should try to look at everything as though it were being seen for the first or the last time. - Quote from "A Thousand Paths To Creativity" by David Baird

Is what I'm about to say an improvement on silence? ~ Galen Pearl