Saturday, September 7, 2024

Happy Autumn... Even With Heat Warnings Still In Effect


A Heat Warning is still in effect, we're having them every single day, so now it's just expected as the New Norm well into a Season that shouldn't still be high triple digit temps with consecutive crazy high 110+ Heat clear into Autumn.  *Le Sigh*  Well, it's been a tough Friday, I have felt dreadful and stuff runs right thru me, no idea why, it came on so suddenly at around 6:00 a.m. and I couldn't shake it all day.   I'm hopeful it's just a 24 Hour Stomach Bug, nobody else seems sick or has any symptoms and we all ate the same thing on Thursday, so I ruled out it being likely food related.  I'm the one with a Stomach like a Goat, everyone else has sensitive Stomachs, so, this is unlike me or my constitution to have Stomach issues and digestive sickness related stuff.   It sucks.

I like food, feel hungry, but have had to eat bland filling bits like flavored Oatmeal and some Mashed Potatoes that might stick with me, and can't even eat very much of any of that.   I'm an Insulin dependent Diabetic so you can't risk too much Fasting even if nothing you eat doesn't rush you straight to the Bathroom.   I did manage to rush The Daughter to a Wal-Mart to send the Money to the Grandkids there in Mexico to sustain them after their other Grandma's Death.   I wore an Adult Diaper just in case, The Man had some from his Hospital stay and they're actually very comfortable and make me feel more confident while I have the Trots.

Hope that wasn't TMI, but Stomach Bugs are brutal to get thru.  Even Burps right now are sulfuric and smell like a Fart.  *LOL*   Okay, so that's Funny becoz I've Burped a LOT and each time the Family looks concerned and asks if I shat my Pants?   Yeah, the Burps smell that bad too!  *LMAOROTF it's gross!!!*    So, pretty much everyone doesn't want to be in a Room with me coz I can clear a Room right now.   Even the Cat was looking at me funny and squinting his Eyes, then walking away with disgust and disdain!  *LOL*  Yep, Second Childhood kicks in and you start making Juvenile Jokes about Farting and Belching!  *Smiles*

The Daughter made a lot of progress in The RV Garage Mahal, we have yet another cleared area ready to be Staged and Decorated the way I want it.  She also deep cleaned the Bathrooms, in between me completely monopolizing one.  *LOL*  She is a Clean Freak and why she got Hired to Clean by so many folks she knows both sides of the Border.  She knew that would make me Happy and be a Welcome distraction for her not thinking about the current trials and tribulations we don't have any control over.  There's been a lot out of our control, as a Control Freak, that is HARD.  I'd like to think I have some measure of controlling outcomes, even if I know I don't.

 She gets worried when I'm not feeling Well coz I'm rarely ever Sickly, I have a good constitution usually.  When I consulted Dr. Google, it was said Stress can cause these Symptoms too.  And we sure have had a lot of that, so, I wouldn't be surprised if it's internalized and manifested into physical symptoms.  The Man will pretend he has the same Symptoms anyone else has, he gets Symptoms by Proxy, I swear.  *LMAO*   So, now he thinks he's had the Trots too, he hasn't, and Nausea, he hasn't, so he's insisting on taking any Medicine Cabinet Meds I've taken.  *Eye Roll... whatever*  So, he's been telling me he has whatever I have.  *LOL*

The Daughter and I have been binge watching a NetFlix Series called "Wentworth" about an Australian Women's Prison, very good, addictively so.  We're in Season 2 already.  I didn't know any of the Cast before, but they have some amazing Actresses and Actors in it.   A handsome Samoan, Robbie Magasiva, who plays Will Jackson, a Prison Guard, is very easy on the Eyes.  *Smiles*  Okay, so I have a bit of a Crush on that Character and we're glad he's not a villainous one on the Series, he's one of the Good Guys.  *Whew*  The Daughter and I joke that if we were locked up, we'd be flirting with Mr. Jackson.  *Ha ha ha*

Princess T went to First Fridays with Timmy and his new Boyfriend Jaden, my first time being introduced to Jaden.  *Smiles*  A very handsome young Man and I know Princess T approves of this one, she didn't like the previous Boyfriend I called Cali Boy.  *LOL*   She and Jaden get along really well and she was all dolled up as if she was going on a Date, which always Amuses The Man, that she goes out of her way to look Sexy when with her Gay Boy Posse, but Dresses way Down for her actual Straight Boyfriend.   Nope, Rusty does not get the Sexy Version of Princess T, he gets the unadorned Ultra Wholesome version.  *LMAO*

She had her Birthday Money for this outing, since her Mom had just given it to her, so the Guys shouldn't have to cover her expenses.  She usually does bring Money, but they usually insist on paying her way, very chivalrous like that even tho' they're batting for the other Team.  *Smiles*  I know they always have a big time at First Fridays and I was Surprised that this Month that Matthew didn't go with them.   He's going to College and Working, so perhaps he can't fit it in anymore, I dunno?  She really doesn't hang out anymore with Crazy Pamela, tho' they do keep in touch, she was a Friend from when we lived at the McManse.

Pamela drives and her Parents bought her a brand new VW Bug, but, she's only come over once.   I'd have to take Princess T out there to visit Pamela in Rural affluent Subdivision Hell, which we usually made the effort before Pamela Graduated and got a Vehicle.   So, now Princess T feels that Pamela could make more of an effort if they wanted to get together, since she has a Job and transportation.  Princess T Graduated much later and has neither a Car or Job yet, and doesn't Drive, so, I tend to agree.  Pamela knows she's always Welcome here and she has more opportunity to make the trek to visit our Granddaughter if she wanted to.

  They are still Friends, no falling out between them, but, not a lot of contact now.   Princess T prefers Male Friends really, less Drama and Headaches.  *Smiles*  Plus, she does not like any of Pamela's Bougee Pretentious Asshole Friends from the Old Neighborhood and Pamela needed to fit in there and find acceptance, so, there's that.  They are a bitchy bunch, even if Pamela never has been, and feels peer pressure to fit in.   She had a lot of insecurities and that's not something Princess T ever had, so our Kiddos never cowtowed to the people out there who were pretentious Assholes and not nice people.   The Young Prince had Friends out there, but they were a nice group of Kids who just had Asshole Parents, but didn't act like their intolerable Parents.  

The only Adults I liked and miss in that Community were a Lovely Young Childless Sri Lankan Immigrant Couple who'd moved there from Cali, John & Sophie.  I successfully helped them fight the HOA about having their Ganesh Home Altar in their Inner Courtyard.  John then Gifted me with an identical fabulous Wooden Ganesh from their Country, I cherish it.  It was a rather clean break for us moving from there, not much missed about it, so, no real need to return.  Out of Curiosity we sometimes trawl that area to see what else is being built... well, OVER Built I should say, they're still cramming in far too much dense Residential with very little infrastructure or amenities needed.  It's tragic to see what's been done to the Villa McManse by the Air B&B Party House Buyers of it, it's been molested.  They got the Solar Repossessed already too!

  I feel bad only for the House, not the Community... the HOA and Neighbors deserved all the good folks bailing out of there and be replaced by greedy Investor types from out of State or out of the Country... Bad Karma is indeed an ultimate Bitch.  *LOL*  Life and the Community is so much better and more enriching here.   We still have many Friends from the Historic Home's Community in Da Hood tho'.   They visit us often at this new Home, which is just Northeast in the same City as the Historic Home's Barrio was, but, a better area of the City.   I still miss our Historic Home and the Old Community, but know this is a better area to Raise a Family and grow Old in, yet still close to everyone we've always known and been familiar and Friends with for well over Three Decades.

I'm waiting on an Air Condition Company Rep to show up so I can Sign Off on the Loan Release.  They come to the house for me to Sign since I can never get an Acrobat Reader to work via my Computer and really have a strong distaste for how Loan Documents are done these days.  It's a Criminal's Wet Dream IMO and why Tech Crimes are continuously escalating.   Before I Retired at the DA's Office they had to open a Tech Crimes Bureau, that's how much Tech related Crime had escalated and I'm sure it's much worse now, since, that was Years ago.  Even the Bureau Chief of the new Tech Crimes Bureau got his Identity stolen!

So, I had to get up early on a Saturday since their Rep called by 7:45 to say they were already on their way.  I'm glad really they're showing up early so we're not ruining a Weekend Day waiting on them to show up, I got things we want to do now that I think I'm feeling better.   It seems whatever I had on Friday is settling down enuf I can risk leaving the House.  *LOL*   I'll see how my Stomach reacts to eating Breakfast and go from there.   Oddly the one thing I could keep in me Yesterday, the Adult Kids went to the Golden Arches and picked up a very late Meal of French Fries and a Caramel Iced Macchiato and Surprised me with it.  No problems... go figure!!!   Well, to be Fair McDonalds isn't REAL Food so it tricked my ailing Stomach perhaps? *LOL*

The Man has been itching to get out of the House so perhaps Today we can if my Stomach holds up?   I'll bring some Pullups with us just in case, since, not every Shop or Restaurant allows you to use their Restrooms if you're not a paying Customer these days and keeps them locked so that an Employee decides if they'll let you use it.   I know it's due to the Homeless, the Addicts and the Shoplifters, they've ruined it for everyone else being able to use Public Restrooms now.   Some Shops and Restaurants even put Signs up that they have NO Public Restrooms!  I know some of the horrific shit folks have done in our Antique Mall's Public Restrooms and we've had to clean up, so, I can't say I blame the Businesses.  At some point they have to send a Message that this is not Okay.

I'm looking forward to the Halloween and Autumn Themed Events that will begin this coming Week and run thru the end of the Month at various locations.  I've got to also renew my Desert Botanical Gardens Membership now.   I'd let it lapse thru Spring and Summer, too hot to go anyway, but, by Fall it's glorious there and they have Dia de los Muertos Events next Month thru the first Week in November.   The Daughter got all my faux Pumpkins out for a Harvest Theme on the Front Porch.  We'd emptied out some of the Steamer Trunks that Allen had put on my Back Porch from the Art Studio.  They held all my Fall Decorations.  They were too heavy to move packed, so we unpacked them and The Daughter and I moved them into The RV Garage Mahal now.

I'm going to Sell Off some of the Decor too, so it was handy to get it all out now and wade thru it early, at the start of Autumn.    For now I've just got the plain Faux Pumpkins out to Decorate with, closer to Halloween we'll put out the Jack O'Lanterns and Skeleton CarnEvil Theme we plan on doing.   She and I are working on segments of The Art Studio Space and RV Garage Mahal Space simultaneously now.  It's not been Cooling Off much, but, we pace ourselves and the Art Studio is Climate Controlled so we can get more done in there.  She's got good ideas we've implemented, she's got a more analytical approach to placement of larger furnishings to maximize Space it's in.  So, I like what she's changed and let her have free reign to make the decisions.

Nothing has to remain exactly as it now is, when we're done with everything, we can foof the Spaces and make it all more Editorial and maximize Function and Display impact.   Not everything will be Kept, but for now, we're mostly concentrating on just unpacking it all, sorting it all out, finding Placement for the largest items being Kept, and do a Secondary Sweep after it's completed.   I can detach from Stuff as we go and also later after it's Organized, looks good, and then I can Curate more ruthlessly.   My detachment from a lot of it has been easier once I can Eyeball what I still have and make more informed decisions about it, how much of it I own, how much of it can stay or go.   When I need discretionary Income, I can Sell Off what will Fund what we want or need.

The Kiddos of both Generations are having Fun deciding what they want to ask me for too.  I wouldn't otherwise know what they want to Keep for themselves and not have me Sell Off.  It's like a Treasure Hunt for them, or a Discovery of things I've Kept that they didn't know I still had and they have fond Memories of.   I am a Keeper Of The Past and I've Rescued many things never intended to be Kept forever by me.   But just Preserved so that they still Exist becoz of my efforts to Save them and recognize their Value and significance, otherwise they would have been Forever Lost or discarded.   I feel good about the amount of Historic items I've Salvaged over my Lifetime that might have been just Landfill bound or ruined by the Elements/Weather/Destroyed.  Now a lot of it has Trended and is in higher demand and harder to Source, becoz, a lot of it no longer Exists as prevalently as it once did.

The Daughter and I have a Project now of attaching fancy Wrought Iron Shelf Bracket 'Feet' onto Old Architectural Salvaged Doors and using them as Room Dividers in The RV Garage Mahal.   We're also installing the Antique Hardware from my enormous cache' of those, onto any Doors that were missing their Original Hardware.   I have loads of Period Accessories I've Salvaged over the Years too, I've gotten Hoards of certain items like Antique Doorknobs, Door Plates, Escutcheon, Skeleton Keys, Stained Glass Windows, Victorian Corbels and Wooden Gingerbread from razed Victorian Homes.  Yes, I Wish the Homes still Existed, but, most don't, but at least the items I Salvaged back when nobody seemed to be doing it here, still Exist.


Blessings, Love and Light from the Arizona Desert... Happy Autumn... Dawn... The Bohemian


  1. its A Gadda Da Vida..... i use to have that album, i bet its till up in one of the closets at Mommas.

    1. I loved that Song by Iron Butterfly, very psychedelic. *LOL* I got rid of most of my Vinyl except for those with the Awesome Cover Graphics. Now Vinyl is making a big comeback with the Young People, who knew?

  2. O and those suitcases remind me of the Eckhart Collection made in the 20s and 30s

    1. Well, that is the Era they're from so they very well could be from that Line? I Love the Old Suitcases and use them in towers like that for Storage.

  3. Best thing I have found for an upset stomach is charcoal tablets. Last time I was in Thailand the locals suggested them rather than taking Immodium and I have found they do the trick in a kinder manner to your bbody.

    1. I'll have to remember that and look for some. I did discover what was Wrong with me tho', I had gone on a fresh Rhubarb binge and that is a natural laxative!!! I shall never do that again. *smiles*

  4. Hoping those tummy troubles have ended!

    1. They have and I discovered I'd done it to myself, I'd gone on a fresh Rhubarb binge and eaten far too much of it, that's a natural laxative and boy does it work and clean you out in a most unpleasant way! *LOL* But, if I'm ever suffering from constipation, now I know a sure fire remedy that is natural. *Bwahahaha*


A life touched by God always ends in touching others. - Erwin McManus

I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars. - Og Mandino (1923-1996)

For creativity to flourish one should try to look at everything as though it were being seen for the first or the last time. - Quote from "A Thousand Paths To Creativity" by David Baird

Is what I'm about to say an improvement on silence? ~ Galen Pearl