Saturday, August 10, 2024

Trials Mixed With Joys


The Daughter figured out the Thermostat Setting Issue, damned thing adjusted temps after Dark and kept re-setting to a higher Temperature of 80 after Sundown!   She put both Thermostats to a "Permanent" setting I want all the time of 75, I don't change it Daytime or Nighttime, nor do I want it doing that for itself.   If the Temp drops below 75 it just turns off the Units now, which is Fine too.   At least it was User Friendly enuf for us to figure it out for ourselves, The Daughter is Tech Challenged and she was able to do it easily without instruction. *Whew*  Yet, we're having Issues still... Thermostat of the Newer Unit is still NOT matching nor regulating the Temperature!   After spending that much on what they claimed would remedy it... the Temp on that side of the House is still ending up around 80 Degrees!!!  More on that within this Post...

I do Hope you're enjoying the Eye Candy of where we went on our Outing Thursday?   Everyone had worked hard at the Event to change everything up during their July Closure and had traveled extensively Picking, so they had Sourced some really good Merch Nationwide.  Granted, nobody is going to Europe, South of the Border or Asia Sourcing fabulous Inventory anymore like they used to.  Some of my Friends in the Industry used to travel to about Eleven different Countries in Europe, South of the Border or Asia to Source Product.  But, issues began arising with Imports, American enforced Tariffs, Extortion, Thefts, and just personal dangers in some Nations where safety couldn't be ensured for Americans.  So, nobody is Sourcing Abroad that I know now.


I miss the European Imports particularly, so many things you just can't Source here that you could there.   I have a lot from my own Travels Abroad, since, we were Global Nomads until Retirement.  I've lived in several Countries and Traveled to others.  The Man was in even more Countries than me when he had Overseas Deployments during his 39 Year Military Career of Service.  He brought me Home a lot of Imports even during his unaccompanied Tours of Duty, so did my Dad during his 27 Year Military Career of Service.   And of coarse my Mom was a European and still we have Family living in Europe and in Mexico.  My European Cousins Travel the World on Vacations still too, they've been to more Countries and Exotic Destinations than me.  *LOL*

If The Man's Health had not declined, we'd still Travel extensively, but, it's just not Wise to with his fragility and Special Needs now.   I'm sure glad we got to tho', it was an enriching and educational experience to have Global Exposure to so many Countries, Cultures, People and Cuisine.  I like the diversity we have in a City as large as Phoenix Metro too, you get to experience and be immersed in similar Richness of Cultures, People and Cuisine without ever leaving your own City, and I just Love that.   It spoils you when you're used to that kind of diversity and then go anywhere it's missing or just absent entirely.

The Son is despondent about his lost Wallet since he thinks he left it on the Counter at a Convenience Store and the Woman behind him in line might have picked it up and kept it?   We know the East Indian Family who own that location and we're some of their regular Customers and they suspect that might have happened.   The Grandfather remembered The Son coming in and setting his Wallet on the Countertop while paying, but didn't see it after he left... and clearly it's very likely now that he left without it.  Which would make that Customer behind him the most Suspect of seeing/finding it and not doing the Right thing?   Some folks are Opportunist Criminals like that.   

We've found Wallets before and turned them in to the Police {if found Outdoors} or the Store {if found in a Store}.  They get your info and we've always have the Owner then contact us to Thank us.   Sometimes you just find ID or Debit/Credit Cards someone forgot, usually at an ATM, then you just have to take it inside the Bank and they contact the Customer.   I had my Wallet Stolen one Christmas Season at a Mall by a Pickpocket.  Some Landscape Gardener of the Mall found all my ID and Bank Cards in Bushes he was maintaining.  He turned it all in to my Bank, they contacted me and it got returned.  

All but my Military ID, which the Thief tried to use to get on Base!!!  Very Odd... and the Sky Cops apprehended that stupid Individual and notified us someone had tried to use my Base ID to Illegally try to gain access to a Military Installation... which is a serious Federal Offense.  With all the Terrorist activity, they take that kind of behavior as if that individual might be tied to one of those Organizations.   Why else would they only steal and try to use a Military ID and ditch all the Debit/Credit Cards, Driver's License and other ID that is more valuable to most Thieves on the Black Market and Identity Theft in particular.  I Hope that The Son doesn't have to Deal with Identity Theft AGAIN?  He had a huge Issue with that a few Years ago and with the IRS due to someone using his Identity to Work Illegally.


Anyway, when we went to our Recycle Center Today we found out they're no longer accepting crushed Aluminum Cans.  I Googled why that is all of a sudden, since, it is 'new' as a requirement that the Cans be intact... it's due to new Screening 'sees' the shape of objects being recycled to sort them.  So, if the Machine can't tell what it is by it's Shape and they don't look like Cans, it can go to the wrong place, fouling The System.  Another reason why replacing Employees with a Machine is having it's glitches specific to a Machine not having a stream of consciousness or the ability to reason. 

  {Footnote: NO, I didn't Buy this really expensive Brand of Yarn, just thought it was a Lovely Unique Hand Dyed Skein.  If they ever put it on Clearance tho'... LOL}  But, I digress, back to Recycling Woes.  Sucks becoz when we do Environmental Cleanup we don't have control over what the discarded Aluminum Trash looks like.  And it is still Recyclable Aluminum that now will be wasted and either remain uncollected or still end up in Landfills, even tho' it can and should be Recycled!  It's going to deter people doing the Labor if it becomes not at all worthwhile and just too complicated.   I think AI is gonna be a whole other Pandora's Box that they have opened and now can't close.   Anyway... I got The Son's Paycheck Cashed using my Account.  Both Kids and the Granddaughter's Accounts are Tied to all my Accounts there so they get my preferential perks, and it's one of the Banks I Retired from as an Executive running several of their Departments.

He was relieved, his new Cards won't be in for about a Week and until then he only had some Old expired Picture ID to prove he was himself.  Good thing I told him to keep that Old ID, sometimes Old Picture ID can come in handy to at least prove you're YOU.  *Smiles*   Anyway, that all worked out okay and he can pay his Bills on time now and have Gas Money to get to and from Work without me having to Front him all Week or have a 7-8 Day "Hold" on his Paycheck.  Which would have been hard for me on my tightest Budget Month of the whole Year, due to my own crisis I've had to take care of.  A relief our Personal Banker worked it out since he was close to panic about what to do.  I told him what to DO is to pay better attention to his stuff!!!   Don't be such an Airhead! *Winks*

You will appreciate how Ironic ME saying that is if you only knew how fucking Forgetful and Scatterbrained I'm becoming as I Age.  *LOL and Winks*   But, he's almost 29 Years Younger than me, so, he shouldn't have the same level of Memory Care Issues really, so early on... coz, it's likely to only worsen, which, is scary to contemplate.   I know he was beating himself up for losing his Wallet, so, I didn't go in too hard on him, he was being hard enuf on himself, so that I didn't even have to.  But it worries me when the Special Needs and their Disabilities are glaringly more evident, no matter how Old they get.  Since, I won't always be here for them... someday they won't have me as a Present Help or in even in a Semi-Caregiver Role.

If you are the Loved One of someone with Special Needs or significant Disability, whether Mental or Physical, you have a point of reference to the concerns you'll always have for them, whether they're a Child or an Adult.  You do wonder what would happen to them in your absence.  Anyway, I have tried to teach mine Survival Skills so they can be a Survivor of whatever Life gives them.  But, it doesn't stop you worrying about them, since, you know what could happen and how mostly indifferent, cold, biased and apathetic Society can be towards vulnerable Populations.  Especially towards anyone diagnosed with Serious Mental Illnesses, Society often dehumanizes those afflicted or vilifies them.

You aren't gonna Believe this, but, we're still having trouble with that newer AC Unit even after all this expensive upgrading has been done to the House, WTF?!   So, they're having to send someone out again... Old Unit's side is perfect... New Units side is identical problem we've had all along, no improvement!!!   It's 80 Degrees on that side even tho' it's Thermostat is set at 74 Degrees just like the Cooler side the Old Unit covers and is keeping it at 74 Degrees just fine.  BUT, the Old Unit was keeping it just fine even before New Ductwork and New Insulation... so... just sayin'.   Of coarse they know I'm really upset, I haven't released Funds yet from the Lender either and I won't until this Issue gets Satisfactorily Resolved and Solves the fucking problem!  Color me really Murder Hornet Mad now.

I don't wanna think I spent all this Money for nothing since it didn't resolve a damned thing we had with our New AC being inadequate to do what it's supposed to do for the part of the Home it Serves!!!   Old Unit had no problem when we still had Old Ductwork and Old Insulation from Circa 1980.   Granted, New Ductwork and Modern Insulation is a legitimate Home Improvement, but, if the New AC still can't Cool the Home, it means something is still wrong with IT... and perhaps all the Upgrades weren't absolutely necessary???!!!!!!   I just don't know, but, it's all been done now and that part has a Lifetime Warranty and a $35,000 Outlay.   And the New Unit still has over 7 Years of Warranty left... so, it all better get fixed or replaced and just cut the crap already.


Okay, Vent over... a Supervisor and a Senior Technician will be involved now.   I told them I want no more dicking around with this same problem over and over again... costing me more and more with no results, no resolution yet and absolutely no improvement evident.  At least all the Bedrooms and the Master Bathroom are Okay... Thank God... and we still have their Loaner AC, which I'm not giving back now until they resolve our Issues.   They should just give it to us for all the inconvenience, expense and hardship this has cost us so far, as an Apology!!!   Is it just me, or does it seem like these days nothing is being built to perform anymore worth a crap or to be able to actually be repaired???

It's been a nice distraction to get some new Pixs Shared with us of some of the Adult Grandkids and Great-Grandkids they've given us.   This Granddaughter has recovered well from having given Birth, she was an Older Mom so did have some concerns, but Mom and Baby are doing very well, a huge Relief.   The Newest One is of coarse the Center of Attention right now and in front of the Lens a lot getting her first pixs and milestones documented religiously.  *Smiles*  She's got a lot of Hair, she was Born with a lot of it.   So she's already got little rubber banded Ponytail Sprouts, Martian Antennae Alien Style... cracking me up!  *LMAO* 

And I don't know if Mama is Teaching her this already... but, she's got her Selfie Pose down Cold.  {Below}  All the Young Gals taking Selfies always seem to do the pursed Fish Lips thing... mebbe that's why my own Selfie attempts Suck, I dunno?  *Bwahahahahahha*   She does resemble her Mama a lot, when she was a Baby.   And her Older Siblings all Adore her.   The Big Brother our Granddaughter had as her First Bio Child will grow up with her.   The other Three Older Siblings I think live with their Bio Moms, since, the Hubby had a lot of Baby's Mamas... and... I've kept my trap shut about all that... not my business, but I know how I feel about it.  

I just hope he's not the type of Guy always looking for the next Ex Missus... for my Granddaughter and her Kid's sakes?    I haven't weighed in at all about him, I don't know him and will likely never meet him to formulate a stronger opinion one way or the other.   I do think there is some Family Drama going on by what I'm seeing Posted Online, openly and passive aggressively or insinuated.  I read a lot Between the Lines, it often tells more of the Story.   And you all know me... if anyone even smells like Drama and a Headache... or comes off some kind of way... don't involve me, it wouldn't be Wise to.   I'm glad my Opinion has not been Solicited, and I never give Unsolicited Advice or spare anyone from brutal Honesty and my Honest Opinion if they think they can handle the Truth?  *Winks*    

Best they live clear across the Country, since The Man and I prefer No Family Constant Drama.   And my Spidey Senses tell me, there's Family Drama on that side of the Family... perhaps even more of it than I know or suspect.  I would Hope not, but, I'm rarely Wrong with my Intuitions and noticing things, even subtle things and nuances.  What is and remains unsaid is often just as important as what is said.  All the ones here KNOW that about Dad/Grandpa and I, so they wisely Check it at the Door if they got them some Drama, or Headache People in their Orbits.  Handle it and don't drag it Home with ya.  *Winks and LOL*

I like seeing the Pixs tho', even if the Back Story might be complicated.  *LOL*   Listen, Adult Kiddos and Adult Grandkiddos make their own Paths in Life, their own Choices good and bad, and their own Destiny they are responsible for handling and living with if they don't handle it properly or appropriately.   I don't always approve of what another Adult does, but, it's their Life to Walk Out... and I do Love Unconditionally... but, I also don't put up with any shit, or anyone's shit, full stop, no exceptions.    If they want to have Relationship that is functional with me, I'm Down for that regardless of what we may disagree about or feel about stuff.    If you have fallen in Love or Lust with someone I don't Like or don't gel with or Respect... it's your prerogative... I don't have to Sleep or Live with them.  *Ha ha ha*

 But, if they don't want Relationship, even within Family, Hell, I'm Okay with that too, their Choice... it's not mandatory and I won't lose Sleep over it either.  If you're too Toxic, or with someone who is, chances are, I'll keep distance between us relationally, for my own sake... probably yours and theirs too.  *LOL*   Allen found out the hard way not to Play The Man and I Wrong or Hard.   There has been reconciliation, coz I do think he's a really Good Guy and Loves our Grandson Dearly and takes good Care of him.  He's just your typical 20-something Year Old Guy and strayed out of his own Lane into Mine.  How he was Raised to interact with his Elders is WAAAAY the fuck different to how I was... and so he got Checked real damned fast when I or The Man felt Disrespected and not Honored as his Elders.  *Winks*

It was a real bad day for him to be him, REALLY Bad... it almost got Physical between he and The Man, then with The Son, which was NOT Okay.   The Son may not always get along with his Dad either, but he will not allow anyone to disrespect his Dad or I, all my Kiddos I've Raised are Ride or Die about that.  It also involved Tears once I got involved and none of them were mine.  *Winks*  And, he got asked to leave and make his own way... coz, if you can't get along and play well with others here under our Roof, or follow OUR House Rules, well, no matter how Beloved, ya gotta go if you're Grown.  *Smiles*   So, they moved out, got their own place, which, it WAS Time... and that went sideways after a while too... now they've moved to New Mexico and we still help them out and Love them... it's just easier at a distance sometimes.  Relationships can be so complex and not Perfect even under Ideal Conditions.

 Not becoz of The Young Prince and he knows that part of it.   He and I have gotten along just fine and he Respects me as Matriarch of this here Asylum I'm running, follows the Rules, and with all it's complex Personalities combined he knows the only way to be here is to coexist as harmoniously as possible with everyone residing here.  Our Grandson said anytime something hasn't worked out with Roommates, it's typically been due to the personality of his Partners with the other Roommates.    And, like his Sister, tho' The Young Prince and Princess T aren't People Persons, folks just naturally LIKE them.  They just choose not to be Social becoz they don't particularly LIKE People all that much and prefer Solitude to Company.  *LOL*  They are part of the Anti-Social Social Club.   The Man is too... and that's Okay, some people are very Introverted and Naturally prefer being Solitary like that.

 The Young Prince isolates a lot and hardly interacts with people, so generally, he's not problematic, he's in his own World, which is Planet D_____ as we like to call it.  A Magical Space he resides in without other Humans contentedly or necessary for him.  *LOL*  Mostly, with us and their other Roommates Ian and Sadie, it was becoz of Allen.  Since I Respect he's a Grown Man, so he should live his Best Life Independent of us and probably Roommates too, since he struggles with Relationships with his own Biological Family as well.   They Love him and are great people.  I met his Parents and his Sister and Niece, we really liked them all and got along fabulously with his Family.  We feel they Raised an outstanding Young Man.  He's exceptionally Intelligent and Kind, a Hard Worker, and would do anything for anyone.

 His Autism gets in the way of his Relationships tho', I understand this.  I Raised an Autistic Son myself.  Then he can do and think whatever he desires with zero Conflict as Head of his own Household and be as Autistic-ally Odd as fuck.  The Son is Autistic too, it is hard, they can be very Odd Humans.  Relationships with them can be tricky at times, you can't Personalize their Oddest Behaviors relationally or their complete inability to properly Mood Regulate.  *Winks*  Allen and his Husband work their own shit out.  The Young Prince being docile and meek of Spirit, but never someone you want to get on the Wrong side of, Trust and Believe.  *LOL*   

I've seen my Fabulously Femme Grandson take down even the biggest toughest Guys, if they Trigger his Schizophrenic Ass or are foolish enuf to Threaten him and think he's not Man enough to hold his own.   He IS still a Man, after all.   The Son is very scrappy and an excellent Fighter, but even he won't foolishly square off with his Nephew.  He jokes, in part, Nope, he's beyond Crazy, and don't want to Sleep with One Eye Open all the time and watching my Back so a Knife won't be sticking out of it if he Imagines I'm The Devil out to get him.  *LOL*   Otherwise, you're Golden with him, he doesn't like Drama, Headaches or Trouble with folks either... so mostly he never has had, he avoids it all.  I do too... and it Simplifies Life very much.  *Smiles*

 I do Miss The Grandsons tho', they plan to make a Trip here to visit sometime during the Holidays and we're looking forward to that.  So long as they have their own place, we all get along great.  They are a Grown Married Couple and that's how it should be.   I try not to interfere in the Adult Lives of anyone and just have great Relationships between us, which can be managed and moderated as need be.   Visits with Adult Kiddos generally is enjoyable, Living Together is trickier.  *Ha ha ha*  But, isn't that always the case tho'?   I know I got along much better with my own Parents when we weren't under One Roof, they were great, but I'm not just like them.  I liked my Independence and running my own Household and Life on my own terms... I'm sure they liked us having our shit together apart from them too.  *Smiles*


Blessings, Love and Light from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian


  1. I have steam coming out of my ears with your ac still not keeping up. They better be shaking in their boots about getting it right!!!!!!
    Your great granddaughter is just precious. So expressive!! What a cutie!!

    1. I'm HOT too, literally AND figuratively! To have spent this much to resolve the problem our Trust that they really know how to remedy it is broken, but, they are the ones who have the Warranties... 10 Year on the AC Unit we bought from them, Lifetime on the new Ductwork/Insulation. Even tho' the Ductwork and Insulation were in need of being replaced, was it really necessary RIGHT NOW if it was NOT the problem to why they were being sent? Obviously not, since, same problem, not solved at all with that new faulty Unit. They will be getting it right or they'll be called every day all day until it is and it will begin costing THEM a fortune too! If I were a CEO of their Company I'd just authorize a replacement AC Unit even if the Manufacturer won't honor that resolution. I am not impressed with Lennox as a Manufacturer now either and would never buy another one.

  2. You deserve some kind of sainthood for not taking an ax to the AC. I’m a Midwesterner that was in Texas this week. We were so hot. I can’t even imagine AZ without a working air conditioner. Hang in there! S

    1. LOL, the Fantasy Visual of me with an Axe up there destroying said offending Unit is a very Joyful one, isn't it? I think it would mos def void the Warranty tho', so, alas, shall have to remain on the Canvas of our Imagination and Fantasies of dealing with an ongoing issue that I'm at saturation point with. I will accept the nomination for Saint Dawn tho', has a nice ring to it and the Statuary would be hilarious. *winks*


A life touched by God always ends in touching others. - Erwin McManus

I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars. - Og Mandino (1923-1996)

For creativity to flourish one should try to look at everything as though it were being seen for the first or the last time. - Quote from "A Thousand Paths To Creativity" by David Baird

Is what I'm about to say an improvement on silence? ~ Galen Pearl