I went to Little Caesars and bought Pizza for the 12 Guys working on our upgrades. The AC was out at Little Caesars too so those Kids working there were in Crisis and we had to sit in my Truck to stay Cool as we waited on our large Pizza order to feed 16 people. Our Crew of a Dozen Workers have been busting the timeline to get things done quicker. The Company allowed us $300 for a Motel, but the Kids and Cat are in the 5th Wheel... and one of the Workers got a portable Air Conditioner approved to put into our Bedroom/Bathroom area so The Man didn't have to be transported and could stay Home and watch his own TV. I appreciated them bending over backwards, since, it will be easier on me to have the Family not split up while this is all getting done. Taking this Whole Show On The Road is risky.
The Man is Happy now, he was getting a bit stubborn and difficult, he was overheating, reluctant to go cool off in the 5th Wheel. Didn't want to go to a Motel. Eli the Cat was already being difficult in there since he's not familiar with the 5th Wheel and it doesn't get as Cool as a Home. So, he was stressed out too, so Calming them both Down has been an all Day major Ordeal. The 5th Wheel is Cooler, but it's heading to 119 again today, so being in a Metal 5th Wheel isn't Ideal, but it will do as a viable option. The Daughter's Art Studio Room combo has a Wall Unit, but, until the Guys are done, they're accessing the Attic from there... so 'til they're done for the Day, can't use that Room or keep it Cool either.
It was generous to approve a $300 Credit for a Motel, as an Option should we need it tho', but, we'll see if we don't have to and the other Options just work out okay for us? We froze Bottled Water and kept the Guys in those, a Case worth, along with another Case for ourselves. I'd bought several Dozen Bottled Waters knowing this was what we'd be dealing with for a while. When I went for Pizza, the Location's Air Conditioner was Down too and they had a Manager promising them a portable Unit... so, AC's are dropping like Flies. The Kids working at Little Caesars were miserable but really hooked us up on our Pizzas, putting extra on them gratis since they knew we were buying for our AC Crew working on our Situation at Home.
The Man is working my last raw Caregiver nerve, in that he keeps going in and out of the One Room we're able to Cool with the loaner Portable AC and usually he'd never leave the fucking Room!!! Just WTF?! I had to tell him to sit his Ass down and stay in the Room, he can use the Bathroom, which is also Cooled with the portable unit, no reason for him to leave the Room at all. Especially since he lets Hot Air in every time he opens the Bedroom or Outside Exterior Door and he's had trouble overheating as it is. So, the foolishness had to cease STAT. *Eye Roll* It's 114 right now and I have zero patience for nonsense from him Today, he needs to Cool his Jets and behave, being difficult right now is not Wise or prudent. *Winks* It's a good thing my Fav Holiday Eye Candy has been rolled out recently to keep me Joyful and not Snap and go Full Ham on them. *Winks*
I bought 14 lbs. of Ice and put it in a Cooler for his Teas, Bottled Water, Sodas, so he doesn't have any excuse to even go to the Kitchen. He has Snacks galore and has already been fed, so, just sit like you usually do Honey and watch your endless Reruns, it's all I'm asking. Why he's so animated is just Weird and is out of Character, if he'd just do what he usually does, which is nothing, we'd be fucking Golden! *LOL* The Crew is having to leave early coz they ran out of Water and we'd already provided a Case of Bottled and Iced Water. It's the Heat of the Day and I don't wanna run out for us, so providing Four Pizzas and Bottled Case of Water on my already strained Budget was all I can do for a Dozen Workers. So, I told The Daughter, No, Dial it back on Generosity and Hospitality now. She'd be handing out Food & Drinks like it's Bead Necklaces at Mardi Gras otherwise! *LOL*
It's a lot of Mouths to Feed and Water all day. I guess most Customers don't give them anything, I couldn't do that, they've been here almost 12 Hours working so hard. It's been miserable for everyone, I have a Headache and just want my Family to settle down... it's got them all overly animated and frantic, I knew it would be a challenge for them all. If I was here alone I could Cope just fine, it wouldn't be comfortable, but, I could Nap, stay Hydrated, Thankful for a portable unit that is at least attempting to keep my Bedroom/Bathroom Cooler. It's struggling to, even tho' it's a big unit they brought... so it's showing me that these $400 portable Industrial units are Fair at what they do, but, not at all what I thought they'd be able to Cool. Now I'm hesitating in Investing in one actually, not that impressed.
At least with that portable unit in here, I can sit and Blog, plus keep an Eye on The Man and how he's faring. I put Princess T and her Cat in the 5th Wheel. The Daughter has been more animated than her Dad, so Calming her is challenging, but, she's trying to comply with my request to quit pacing and looking Wild Eyed. *LOL* The Son is doing best, since he works all day in a Non-Climate Controlled Commercial Warehouse doing high production physical Labor. So, this is how he spends all Day damned near every Day, so, no complaints or fuss from him. He just hooked up his X-Box in the 5th Wheel and his Drinks in that Fridge in there... he's Golden and all the Kids will Sleep in there Tonight. I'm so Thankful we have the 5th Wheel.
The Crew did something to turn off or Fry our Wall Unit in the Art Studio and left before we could realize we couldn't get it to turn back on! So, I don't know what they did and will now have to wait 'til Morning when they return at 7:00 a.m. to finish 8 more Hours of Work. After that the Two Units should be ready to work and other things they are scheduled to do will be more minor to ensure everything is optimally efficient, sealed, etcetera. I took a dip in the Pool to Cool off sufficiently and kept my Wet T-Shirt on, with my Dreadlocks Wet they also Cool you off more. Outside of our Room it's 90 Degrees in the rest of the Home. I brought the temperature gauge in here to get a reading too, so I can tell how the portable AC is helping... or... not that much? It feels a little Cooler, only a lot Cooler if you stand right AT the portable Unit. Otherwise, it's 88 Degrees... Two degrees less than everywhere else.
So, the Adult Kids have been Hot, Testy and fighting with each other. Sibling rivalry shit is sometimes never ending. Princess T is the only Mature acting one of the Trio of Adult Kiddos I got here and she's a Generation Younger, go figure! The Son won't stay in the same Space as his Sister so he's sleeping on the Sectional with a Fan blowing on him. I don't really blame him, she's been Schizo Ratchet and projecting it randomly. Mostly becoz she left her Phone at Work yesterday and her Boss wouldn't drop it off, so she's gone thru serious Phone withdrawal and she's overheated... not a great combo when you're already Crazy. I had an old spare Phone that you can still get Internet on, nope, wasn't enuf. So, finally I just let her use my fucking Phone to soothe the Savage Beast... I don't need it that much, I'm not taking Calls right now. *LOL*
I told her nobody was coming over either, none of her Friends and especially none of their Kids. I had enuf to be juggling without Company in a House that's 90 Degrees... and, I wasn't feeding or watering any more people either, especially nobody I invited over. She's gregarious, but overly so, sometimes you just have to tell people it's not a good time to receive them... so, don't come over. Or... sorry, we're just having a Meal... so don't show up when people are just getting ready to eat... and don't show up as a Visitor whose already Hungry! WTF?! *LOL* If I just cooked a Meal to feed Five, having Four more just walk thru the door unexpectedly and without my Invitation and expecting to be fed too, just doesn't work... do the Math. I'm not Jesus feeding the 5,000 with Two Fishes and a Loaf of Bread, Okay! Turning Water into Wine could be handy right about now tho', if I hafta perform a Miracle. *Winks*
Besides, I'm sitting here in a Wet T-Shirt and my Underwear, fanning myself with a Vintage Jesus Paper/Wood Church Fan... becoz 90 is too fucking Hot and 88 ain't much better... so, I'm not ready to have random Company just show up. *Winks* Had we not had a Cat, too many Mental Loved Ones and a Brain Damaged Stubborn one, I'd be in a Motel Room right now instead! But, with a $300 limit to outlay and then wait to be reimbursed, and that many people, for Two full Days, you couldn't stay at the Easy Eight, let alone a decent Motel these days. They start at about $125 Single Occupancy per Night in a Seedy one where all the Hookers and Tweakers hole up. NOT staying at one of those, no way. Finding one for Five Adults and a Cat... I don't even have the Money to Front it. Even if I wanted to take this Show On The Road, and be holed up in a Single Motel Room we can't afford... which... I DON'T!!!
I think about all those poor folk going thru Catastrophic Weather like Hurricanes, Tornado, Earthquakes, Fires... perhaps needing alternative Housing for a long time, and under Evacuation Orders! I couldn't even Imagine taking your Show on the Road for all that. Losing everything and dealing with your Family's reaction to such displacement and catastrophic loss and danger... for God knows how long, shit!!! After the Shock wore off I'm sure the Reality sets in... and I know how mine are behaving now just faced with Two Days of no AC when it's over 110 for most all of it... they've gone rabidly ballistic. My Two Adult Kiddos have been Homeless and on the Streets, so, you'd think they'd Cope better? It's 98 Outside at 10:00 p.m. and inside we can't get it much Cooler than 88 in the area we have the portable AC they gave us... so, it's not Fun.
I got The Man Fixated about a TV he can watch... a Daughter Fixated on a Phone she can use... a Granddaughter Fixated on her Cat's Anxiety... and a Son Fixated on his XBox being hooked up in the 5th Wheel!!! But how cranky the Girls are to be around, so he wanted not to be in a Space with either of them, especially his Crazy Sister. Who was picking Fights with him by now and using his XBox as leverage to Bully him into something she wanted and he didn't. So, Thankfully he extricated himself out of that Situation to de-escalate it before it got Physical with her... coz she's likely to take you there. All Four of them complaining to me as if I can Magically alleviate the Situation, Mediate or Moderate The Asylum and how Hot everyone is physically and figuratively, with any measure of Success!!! They were going down like a House of Cards!!!
Listen, I'm not a fucking Miracle Worker and it's not as if I was in my Best Head Space by now either!!! I Predicted things could potentially get worse, but, I was trying not to have to go down with the Ship. I didn't want to be around any of them either, Truthfully, my Thoughts about each weren't the most pleasant. *Bwahahaha* So I was sitting in the least Cooled Off area of the Home, in a Wet Tee Shirt and my Underwear. Fanning myself like I was in Old School Church... calling on The Lord to please Jeeeysus, Help me Cope with the Lunatics at The Asylum and not hurt any of them! And desperately trying to binge watch a few good NetFlix Comedy Specials, so I'd Laugh hysterically instead of wanting to Off my whole Family horribly!!! Would it be justifiable Homicide I wondered?! What would a Jury Believe?! Would I still have to pay off the Loan for all this Work if I got sent away? *LMAOROTF*
They kept coming over to me, my personal Human Sideshow... one at a time, to interrupt me and complain about the Heat or each other incessantly! Not knowing what Thoughts were looping Silently in my Head! *Winks* So, I'd have to put my Happy Levity Show of the Moment on Pause and pretend I wasn't so fucking aggravated! And have each of them whine and snarkily ask ME why I was so irritable and personalizing it!? AS IF I'm only Dealing with just One of them on Board the Crazy Train, working my last raw Goddamned Nerve!?! The Man kept leaving our Bedroom Door hanging open when he'd toddle out! Oy Vey! Then get upset when I reminded him AGAIN that he was letting the slightly Cooler Air out that the portable AC was affording him. So shut the fucking Bedroom Door and quit coming in and out, no reason to, everything he needed was in that Room/Bathroom Area already! Stay put!!!
Same O Same O with The Granddaughter, quit going in and out of the 5th Wheel!!! You're heating it up exiting and entering it so often and it's AC is struggling. Plus, it's making your Cat MORE Anxious, so, Calm Down yourself and perhaps Eli will feel less Anxious about not understanding what's going on and why he's so Hot and Displaced?! The Daughter was pissed that the AC Crew had somehow fucked up her Wall Unit in her Space, as were we all, it won't turn back on and we troubleshot everything... except replacing the Unit! I Hope to God they didn't burn it out?! I'll be so damned pissed if it took a crap coz they left it running, instead of turning it off, with the Side Door and Attic Opening both Open all day??? I wasn't in there to know for sure WHAT they did with it? They'd told us not to come in there while sucking Old Insulation and shit out of the Attic access in that Ceiling!
Tarps were covering everything in there and the Home was built in 1980, so, who knows what ancient 40+ Year Old Toxic Materials they used? Was it 1976 or 1989 when they could absolutely NOT use Asbestos anymore? I don't wanna be part of some Mesothelioma Lawsuit... so, I stayed the fuck outta that Room until they were finished with that part of the Project!!! The Son came in to the Room I'm in, to Sleep and ask if I could please turn the TV down... or off?! He said his Sister just might have ruined his XBox in a Rage, coz he wouldn't give her his Private Password to use WiFi for my spare Phone I Loaned her!!! Just Kill me now!!! He's now in a Fit that he might have to replace a $300 Gaming System coz his Psycho Sister is on a Schizo Bender and going off the Deep End. He's ranting that if God Forbid something happens to me, he's Institutionalizing her and his Dad! *LOL, Okay, I Giggled, I ain't gonna Lie!*
Princess T had walked in by then, as her Uncle is saying this, shrugged, looked at me, and said, "Well, I'm not gonna take them if they keep acting like this Gramma. Sounds like a Plan." Okay, now that Duo is funnier than Luenell, who I'm watching, Rockin it in a lovely fierce Silvery Lime Green Sparkly ensemble and talking about going Ham on prissy White Bitches on Commercial Airlines! And of being "From The Streets"... I can just about relate to Luenell right about now, since I'm going Ham and Ghetto Fabulously Street on my Family, my Sista, so I'm not Judging, I got Material for a Special right here!!! You can't make this shit up either!!! As she said, good thing we don't look like what we been thru!!! *Bwahahahahaha* In seriousness, the Love of her Life just Passed recently, yet she still makes Laughter for others, that's a Rare Gift.
By 1:00 in the Morning, finally the portable AC got it Cooled down in here to 84 Degrees, not comfortable, but after sweltering in 90, felt pretty tolerable. The Man I finally got Wound Down enuf from his overly animated behavior to go the fuck to Sleep for me so I'd get a break from him. TV is now mercifully off so I don't have Wrestling or some such shit tormenting me as background noise or a Kid up my Ass complaining either. Whew! I'd encouraged The Daughter to TRY to Sleep in the 5th Wheel with her Kid and The Cat, but, not to be Psycho with either of them Okay? And, The Son did pass out on the Sectional, he has to be up by 4:00 a.m. to go to Work all Day in a Warehouse that doesn't even have AC. So, I could understand his Ire about his Dad and The Girls being so Soft about this. My 14 lbs. of Ice melted too fast and The Man had brought in the shittier Ice Chest to put it in. *Eye Roll*
I finally let The Daughter come in our Room to Sleep, since I'm up Blogging anyway, so my side of the Bed is Free and she's got Work in Six Hours. She's Calmer and Pleasant now, Schizophrenic Episodes do pass if you don't escalate with them when they're in one and diffuse it with Calmness and Good Humor. Helps them get back to Center if you can remain Stoic and not flustered when they're unraveling. Must be scary for them when they're losing it and it's a freefall into the Insanity Abyss? Don't push me coz I'm close to The Edge, I'm tryin' not to lose my Head. {Grandmaster Flash Lyrics} *Winks* She worries about being put away and involuntarily Committed, so she tries hard to be more stable, sometimes it even works. *LOL* I know her Brother and Daughter were only Venting in Gallow's Humor about how hard it is to Cope sometimes when everyone boards The Crazy Train and it leaves the Station. All Aboard, Aye, Aye, Aye... {Insert Ozzy's Lyrics}
Live from The Asylum at 3:00 A.M... Dawn... The Bohemian
Does this mean you're ready for Halloween already???? My friend just hauled all his Halloween finery out but hasn't sold any. It being 99 degrees, people are still in the summer mood I told him and won't be ready for another two months. His customers are last minute shoppers.
ReplyDeleteYep, always ready my Friend. *Winks* SOOOO ready for Autumn, this Heat has been ridiculous again this Summer, breaking records daily, as if Phoenix wasn't already one of the hottest places on Earth. *LOL* The Stores are Selling Holiday Merch briskly already here, so, those who are last minute will get the dregs.
DeleteOh gosh, I hope they can finish this job quickly, although I am sure they are working as fast as they can in this heat! We ran to a box store today and they had portable air conditioners on sale for $283, $100 off and my question was why weren't they sold out? We are fortunate that we have a huge window unit in our living room that cools that room, the dining room and the kitchen. The bedrooms each have a small window unit and our house is comfortable. And we are fortunate we can afford the electric bill. I'm not sure how some families can stand it.
ReplyDeleteGood grief I hope this solves your cooling problem. You are a wonder keeping your circus under control.
They are working tirelessly, but, it's a big job, an expensive job that has to be done right for what I'm paying. So, I knew in advance, this is gonna be an Ordeal and a Hardship. I don't know how many families are coping and a great many are struggling daily. We feel fortunate to have earned a decent Retirement income to where we can help out Two of our Younger Generations that are struggling. Pooling our resources has been beneficial, everyone brings something positive to the whole multigenerational living arrangement. I truly think this may have to become an American Future for many Families. A lot of other Cultures have done it for a long time and perfected cohabitation of several Generations of Family.
DeleteWhat a lot of stress on everyone, especially you! I can't imagine working in your AZ heat without A/C. And I can't imagine why other customers don't give workers water, but I know you're right on that. I'm sure they appreciated it and the pizza.
ReplyDeleteP.S. I've never given workers pizza or food on the job but we always tipped each worker and told them to pick up some dinner on their way home.
DeleteCould've sworn I'd responded to both of your comments Jean, don't know where it went? Into Cyberspace Ether? *LOL* I felt badly that on Day Two and Three I did not have the Budget to extend Hospitality, but they all said it was Okay, we are rare in that we did on Day One and were so hospitable to a big Crew of a Dozen Workers. They'd brought enuf Water with them for the other Two Days, I worry they get dehydrated working so hard in the Heat, all Young, about the Ages of my Grandsons, adorable hard Working Young Men. I notice almost all the Workers of hard work these days are Minorities, we had Six different Teams, every single Guy was either Black or Hispanic. The Son said it's the same in the Warehouse he works, and of coarse The Son is Mixed Race... he said every once in a while they get an Older White Guy whose a Convicted Felon. *LOL* And Allen, the Grandson, who works in the Cattle Industry/Slaughterhouses, said 98% of the Workers in that Industry are not only Minorities, but Immigrants from Africa, Mexico or South America now... he was only one of a handful of American born Workers at the half dozen Slaughterhouses across the Country he's worked at in several different States. Allen too is Mixed Race, his Bio Dad was Hispanic. I know when we go to a Doctor, none are American Born anymore, great Doctors with thick accents and originally from other Countries. I find it ironic that ReTrumplicans imagine Americans are doing most of the Jobs in this Country now... and, it's NOT becoz Americans want those Jobs or clearly we'd be filling those Positions having to be filled by Immigrants.