Saturday, August 24, 2024

Favor Ain't Fair... But, It's Still Favor

 The new Truck's Oil & Filter Maintenance Due Light alerted me it's Time.  I have Free Oil & Filter changes that were part of the Freebies they threw in for quite an extended period of time for Buying a 2024.   So, it won't cost me anything but Time and in the Morning I'll take it in and get that taken care of, while enjoying the Free Gourmet Coffee the Dealership provides.  *Smiles*   The Dealership is close to Home and they would even take me Home, but, I'll probably just wait there.   Timmy took Princess T for her first Drive in the Subdivision being built to the East of us, it's deserted, she said she did Okay, but was Anxious and nervous.   He wants her to build up some confidence, she was Proud of herself and eager to tell me how it went.

She did say she's glad it wasn't me teaching her, me too.  *LOL*  I think Timmy is a better fit and it had taken a lot of Work for he and I to convince her I probably wouldn't be the best fit.   I know she Trusts me, but I don't have Nerves of Steel and I don't want to Panic her or Freak Out!  She's already Anxious and timid, so composure is critical and I seriously doubt I could remain stoic and not show how nervous I would be too about her behind the Wheel.  *LOL*  I know she'll be a Careful Driver, but, she is New at this and a very Anxious person overall, so I know Driving in City Traffic is going to be stressful for her.  No way around it, City Driving is rough even for Seasoned Drivers.   A lot of Bad Drivers out there on the Roads, I worry more about them than about her Driving. 

The Son's Driving still makes me nervous and he's been driving since he was a Teenager, including large Machinery and huge Commercial Work Trucks.   I don't really even like being a Passenger in other folk's Vehicles, I just don't.   I prefer to drive myself everywhere, I Trust my own instincts and judgment, plus, being a Control Freak, being a Passenger relinquishes all Control, so, I do struggle with that.  If you've got my Life in your Hands, well, that makes me nervous... if I put myself at risk, at least that would be my own fault.  *Smiles*   Everyone I personally have known that Died or was Seriously Injured in a Vehicle Accident, was not Driving, someone else was.   Plus, I worked Vehicular Bureau Files for Years at the DA's office and Vehicular Homicides are some of the most Gruesome Imagery stuck in my Head forever.

So, enuf of that, I'm glad she's going to Learn to Drive and I Trust Timmy, he's a good and careful Young Driver.   Of all the people who have Volunteered to Teach her to Drive, she and I felt best that he should be the one.   Not that we didn't appreciate the other offers, it's just she totally Trusts him as much as she totally Trusts me... and... that was really important.   Especially for her, she has far too many extreme Anxiety Issues to entrust just anybody to do anything for her and Driving was a Big Deal for her.   She really wanted to do it, but was scared to Death about it.   She feels the same about starting a Job, even tho' she's Worked alongside me since she was only a Wee One and is an excellent and skilled Worker already.  

But, her Social Anxieties are THE Issue with any Job.   The Public, Co-Workers, really make her Anxious.  Being around People is HARD for her.  She is the type of Kiddo who would gladly Opt to become a Recluse and be totally Fine with it.   Her Inner Circle is very small and tight by Choice, folks really LIKE her, but, she does not like being around more than a Person or Two at a time, she's all Friended Up.   *Smiles*  The Man is very much like that too, so, they really understand each other and how beyond introverted they prefer to just be.   She'll go anywhere or do anything with a Chosen Few, beyond that, she's a Homebody and prefers just being here and is totally Content to be in her Room with her Cat. She often Opts Out of doing things, but thinks once she can Drive and has a Vehicle and that Freedom and Independence it provides, she may do more?  We'll see.

The Daughter has picked up extra Hours at Work this Week, which is good.   I got asked to work a Day Shift but I declined, a 1-5 Shift doesn't work for me and would screw up your whole Day for very little compensation for having done so, not worth it.   I don't do the 9-1 Shift either and I had Plans anyway.  They usually call you at the last Minute, just Hours before the Shift would begin, so, for me, I couldn't provide sufficient coverage at Home for The Man's Caregiving on such short notice either.  The Kiddos have things they're doing, including Work Schedules for the Adult Kids.  And even Princess T might have something she'd have to drop or cancel in order to fill in for me during the Day.   So, Nights is the only Shift there that works for us as a Family.

I've said this for Years now and they're well aware, but I know if they call me and still ask, I must be the last resort to cover those Shifts they are quite sure I'll decline.   On a very rare instance I might do it, but only if I can provide coverage here and one of the Kids takes one for the Team so that I can.    When I went in to pick up my Check on Friday tho', the Manager told me my Friend Dan The Man will be out on Medical Leave for an undetermined time and asked if I'd fill in for him on Wednesday Nights 'til he can return after a Doctor's Release?   So, I did oblige my Friend, he and I had previously discussed it actually, he didn't wanna give up his Shift, just be out on Medical Leave, so needed a Friend to just Cover, not Replace him.  Many Vendors insist on Replacing someone and taking their Shift from them, I do not.  

So, I'll be working Wednesday Nights now 'til Dan is Well enuf to return.  He's had a tough couple Years, he's in his 80's and took a bad Senior Fall last Year, still has some Issues from that injury.   My Friend Ken also took a bad Senior Fall last Year too, he's my Age and had to give up Working and most of his Spaces there.  I actually was given his Showroom when he told me on the Down Low he'd be giving it up and I should ask Management for it before anyone else knew it would be coming available.  *Winks*   So, that's how I actually got Showroom #140 and gave up Showroom #114 way in the Back of the Mall.  I got my Friend Judith's Locked Case #83 when she gave it up at about the same time, so it all worked in my Favor.  Judith's Husband had passed away and she was downscaling what she does there at the Mall.  

LATER:   I'm back from the Oil & Filter change on my New Truck, I drank copious amounts of Gourmet Complimentary Coffee while waiting.  *LOL*   It was not busy when I arrived at 7:30 a.m. but I didn't have an Appointment, so they were fitting me in between those who had one.  The Man had to stay at Home due to the AC Quality Control Inspection being done that Morning, it all went well.   I got Home before they left so they could fill me in on their findings.   Tuesday the AC Techs will be back to replace that part that was on backorder and replace the temp part they'd put in to tide us over.  We still have their Loaner Portable AC... but, that should be the end of their Work here now.  Everything is finally working fine, it's been quite the Adventure.

We got Irrigation last Night, The Daughter helped TJ with it since he's a little weak due to starting his Chemo Therapy Treatments.   His Older Brother Rob apparently doesn't intend to continue doing the Work, so, whenever TJ can't, I'll probably have to start doing it with my Kids instead of Hiring someone.   Since they Work that can be tricky with the Irrigation, since, we can't schedule when it comes, SRP just schedules it and you get your rotations when they send the Water.   Could be a convenient time of the Day or Night... or a ridiculous time of the Day or Night, you won't know until they E-Mail you a few Days in advance of when it's just coming and you must receive it.  That is the part about Irrigation I don't like.  But, the Water is Free for Agricultural Zoned Properties, so, I can't complain.  We only pay a Modest Annual Fee for the Distribution of it.

My Pasture is Lush due to not being cut as often by who I've Hired to do it.  I don't really care, it's very Green and so if it's a bit high, it's just Grasses, not Weeds, and so it doesn't look unsightly.  If we had Livestock they'd be Loving it.  *LOL*   If I had a Neighbor I knew well that had Goats or Sheep, I'd just have them herd the Animals over to eat it down.  *Smiles*   Laura behind us has Goats, but I haven't asked to borrow them for that Purpose.  *LOL*   Her Male Goat, Albert, he sounds like a Developmentally Disabled Adult Man and I swear he calls for Help, it's hilarious if you don't already know it's just a Goat!!!  You can mess with your Friends who don't know, get alarmed hearing the cries for Help, and you're casually saying, "Oh, that's just Albert, don't worry about him... just ignore it."   *Bwahahahaha*  Okay, so finally we tell them Albert is a Goat.  *LMAOROTF*

While at Thursday's Event I was overdosing on Fabric Pumpkins, which are some of my very Favorite Fall Objects.   So, I was Pathologically Picture taking a shitload of them, since, well, why not?  *LOL*  Decisions, Decisions, Decisions when you are Spoiled for Selection tho', it was agonizing.  Choosing just One proved difficult and the Gal that makes them for the Event has the best Prices on them of anywhere and utilizes great Orphaned Vintage Bling as the Embellishments and many kinds of Organic Natural Stems for them.   I ended up choosing one of the larger Ten Dollar ones with Floral Fabric and Antique Bling Earring that was quite Old and Ornate, and a real Pumpkin Stem.   It's pictured Below:

I've made my own before, but, at the low Price this Vendor makes them for, why bother?   I usually Sell Out whenever I'm Upgrading my Fabric Pumpkin Patch and put some up For Sale from my Personal Collection, so, it's all Good.   I've had some for Years and I Display my Antique Jewelry on them Year Round for easy Access and to enjoy my Jewelry and the Pumpkins all the time.   Can you ever have too many Fabric Pumpkins or Vintage Bling, I think not!  *Winks*   Last Year I Sold Out of my Fabric Pumpkins I had up for Resale, so I'll go thru my Stash of them again this Year and decide if I want to Upgrade any more and Let some Go?   Now that the Grandkids are Grown, we don't Buy a lot of Real Pumpkins and Carve Jack O'Lanterns much anymore for Halloween.  I still like looking at the Heirloom Varieties when they come out tho'. 

I've grown my own Pumpkins and Gourds before too, the Vines are Lush and Lovely, it's Fun to see what Varieties your Harvest can produce, they grow pretty well in Arizona's climate.   This Year I didn't plant any tho' and the extreme Heat of this Summer was hard on my Victory Garden, even the hardier Plants had a bit of a struggle to produce a Crop or not just Die off.   I still have one Cherry Tomato producing for us, some Sorghum and some Feed Corn for the Wild Birds, but not much else right now.  Even my Sunflowers finally gave up the Ghost, but, I got a lot of Blooms and Sunflower Seeds out of the Crop before it withered.  They were all Freebie Plants from the Wild Bird Seed my Feathered Wild Friends had scattered into my Pots anyway that are around their Feeding Station.   So, it all was a Surprise Crop that I didn't even bother to Plant this Year.  *LOL*  Lazy me... Busy Wild Birds.

We just had our 89th Day over 100 Degrees in a row with no end yet in sight, the Old Record stood at 76 Days, just for perspective of how much Hotter it's getting!   No wonder the Utility Companies have a Moratorium in place.   If someone is low income, no way they could afford what an average Summer Utility Bill is now costing Monthly.   And in our situation where a major malfunction of a Unit almost tripled our average Bill, it is financially crippling fast.   I got mad after the QC Guys left on Friday, they had reset the Thermostats to 67 Degrees to check on things, but never set them back where I set them at 75!   So, when I came Home they were almost done but I had to go to the Grocery Store and when I got back, The Man hadn't checked the Thermostats and the House was freezing, like a Meat Locker!

Like I will need to jack up the Bill again with faux pas like that... so, I was upset with the QC Guys and with The Man not checking to get the Thermostats set back where we had them set at!   Princess T just thought the Unit was working so much better, so she'd layered Sweatshirts on and was still freezing Cold!   Oy Vey.  Well, I set it back to where it should be and asked The Man, didn't you realize how Cold it was getting?  He claims he didn't.  *Eye Roll*   Walking back in from the Store I'm like, this is like walking into a Walk-In Commercial Freezer, WTF?!   So I immediately walked over to the Thermostats, and yep, they're set at 67 Degrees!!!   It took about an Hour for the temp to regulate back up to a comfortable level.   It's around 104 Outside still, it just doesn't Cool Off towards Evening now.   It was 108 as a High and 45 held a Rally not far from here in Glendale at Desert Diamond Stadium and some of his Cult fell out with Heat Exhaustion waiting to be let inside, he doesn't give a Fuck, why did they have them waiting outside in that Heat so long??!!!   Looking at Fall Decor is the Illusion we Crave.  *LOL* 

The Son went to pick his Sister up from Work, so I guess her Boss couldn't bring her Home.   We do appreciate he's been bringing her to Work and taking her Home most days tho', it's quite a commute otherwise and she has no transportation and can never Drive.  She knows how to Drive, but DMV has permanent suspension due to the extent of her Mental Illness.   It's for the best really, she's not always stable and does still have psychotic episodes.   Her Boss is still musing about relocating his Business, but he's all over the Map about to where, so, it may or may not happen, we don't know.   He's got more Business than he can handle, so I do know expansion would make sense, to open another location and Hire more Mechanics. 

Below are some closeup Images of my Twenty Dollar new Antique Sewing Machine Cabinet Drawers, Cast Iron Trundle & Wheel, and side of the Cabinet, showing off the ornate Carvings and Hardware.  I've got it somewhere temporarily where I can't Photograph the whole thing yet, including the Sewing Machine, all of it being very ornate and in great condition for it's Age.  I'm sure it still works actually, it's still got Thread and is set up for Sewing, so I think it had been used and not just a Display piece.   It could be used as a Desk actually too with the lid shut and a nice Old Chair.  I saw the perfect Chair at an Antique Mall, a rolling Old swivel Secretary/Library Style Chair without Arms, in Oak, Arts & Craft Design, but, it was only being Sold with an Old Piano. 

I couldn't Believe my Good Fortune of Scoring this Old Sewing Machine and Cabinet.   Usually the Drawers get cannibalized and it's often even missing the Old Antique Sewing Machine, which People tend to use for Decoration as a Shelf Sitter.   I have a very Ornately Decorated one I use that way actually, it's not functional, but it's Beautiful and Interesting looking.    This Cabinet is quite ornate and Beautiful too, it's not large but it's heavy as a Boat Anchor!   Which is why it's temporarily not where it eventually will be.    We just got it Inside when we unloaded it and the closest Interior Door I could drive up to, which was the Entrance Door to the Art Studio Space.  *Smiles*   I want to clean it up and put some Wood preserver on it, though it hasn't appeared to have been neglected, someone clearly took good care of it.

I made a large Donation later in the Day, it was good to get that much volume out of the House.   The whole Family has been Purging their possessions, so, it's not just me filling up Boxes now.   I don't like to go thru what's not mine, I'd rather they do that themselves.   I've Stored what belongs to the Adult Kids and Adult Grandkids for a long time and I told them they have to make decisions about that stuff now.   I'm making constant decisions about what's mine too, it's coming along.  The She Shed has helped tremendously to Store what will be Inventory to Sell and also Keeper Items I don't yet have placement for.   Eventually, if something can't find placement it will move into the Inventory Merch to Sell.   I'm also constantly Purging Seasonal Decorations now and only keeping what is Primo or most Beloved of it.

Now that I'll be going in Twice a Week to Work, I'll be in the Mall more often to restock Merch before starting my Shifts.   By September Sales should pick way up for the Holidays and the time when Snowbirds return to Winter here from all over the U.S. and Canada.  The Canadian Visitors always have Money to spend.  I don't know if it's becoz the most affluent Canadians Winter here, or, if, the average Canadian just Saves Up for their visits to spend more here than the average American Snowbird?  The Asian Visitors from Southeast Asia spend the most tho' when they visit and price seems to be no object.  I don't know if it's becoz the same things cost that much more in their Countries?  Becoz we do get a lot of Japanese Pickers who come Quarterly to Buy for Resale in Japan.   And they're paying our Retail Prices for it and have to Ship it Internationally!  They pull up in Moving Trucks and fill them!

The "Grimoire Almadel" Japanese Pickers used to Buy from me all the time and I was Honored, since, I LOVE their Stores in Japan and have followed them for Years!   So, to get to meet them in Person, talk to them, was a Treat.  They were so Surprised I knew who they were and what Vibe they Style their Shops with.    So, I tended to have the Merch they were looking for since I have a similar Decorating Aesthetic actually and have been Inspired by their Style for some time also.    Below is a Pix of one of their Shops in Tokyo, they Specialize in Dolly Kai Style and Retro Clothing.    Yet, their Showrooms are very Cabinet Of Curiosities Stylization, Taxidermy, and also a lot of Vintage Catholic Religious Icons and Statuary.   A lot of what they've bought from me over the Years was likely for Display Purposes in their Shops.

But I digress... back to what's going on right now.   When I made my Donation, one of the Supervisors there told me to tell Princess T that they are Hiring for their Book Section right now, which would be hardly any Customer Contact.   She Trains and Supervises a lot of the Employees and she knows my Granddaughter, well, all the Employees working there know our Family by our First Names and like us, Socialize with us when we come in and call out my Name and say Hi the moment I walk in.  *LOL*   Most of them give me Hugs when I come in, they're a great bunch of Young People.   I know she'd like working there and Gabe, the Manager, told me they have excellent Benefits.   He's been with them Six Years, he's Young and in charge of a Store already, really nice Young Man. 

The Adult Kids all had Plans for a Friday Night, The Son went with his Friend Rosa to a Concert, I don't know the Band that Headlined, but, he came Home saying it was excellent.   Rosa had bought the Tickets and invited him, she and he take turns doing that with Concerts.   They have been best of Friends since High School, she joined the Military after High School but is a Civilian now.  She's a Lesbian, but not in a relationship either, so the Two of them do a lot together platonically.   I think they often have a better time together than they would with a Date actually.  *LOL*   She's a nice Young Woman, but is very much like one of The Guys, she's often mistaken as being a Guy and couldn't fly under the Gaydar whatsoever.  Much like The Young Prince, whose always often been mistaken as being a Gal even when Presenting as a Guy. 


The Daughter went with her Friend Steven and his Teenaged Nieces to see the remake of "Beetlejuice" at the Theater.   I haven't asked her yet how it was, I'm interested to know, since, the original is a Cult Classic Favorite of mine.   And the remake has some original Cast Members in their Iconic Roles... O'Hara, Keaton and Ryder.  Too bad Davis and Baldwin didn't return for the remake of the 1988 Classic.   But with Baldwin still having his legal woes, perhaps he couldn't commit, I dunno?  Ryder and Keaton, from the Trailers I've seen promoting the 2024 remake, look Ageless and a great resurrection of their Iconic Characters of Lydia Deetz and Beetlejuice.    Jeffery Jones of coarse had his own serious convictions of a Sex Offense in 2002, so likely why he didn't return with O'Hara in his previous Role as the Deetz Husband, Charles Deetz.  I'd like to see the remake at the Theater if it's worth spending the Money to? 

I have Senior Insomnia so pretty much just Napped a bit thru the Night and have been coming back to this Blog Post off and on to try to finish it up to Publish on Saturday sometime.  *LOL*    I do Wish this House had a Room just for me to set up an Office Space in, but, it doesn't, so I've carved out a tiny Niche in the Corner of our Bedroom behind the Door and beside the Closet.   Before I had it in the Guest Bedroom, when that wasn't yet Occupied with an Adult Kid or Adult Grandkids claiming that Space and Living here full time.   Now it's obvious that Room might never be reclaimed as an Office Space so I have given up relocating this Desk and Computer.  


It doesn't seem to bother The Man for it to be here, whether he's Sleeping or Watching his TV in here, we have his Media Chair set up in here too.  Sometimes he uses the Livingroom Media Chair and TV, but, mostly he prefers the Solitude of our Room.  The rest of the Common Areas of the Home can get Busy.  *LOL*   The Man, The Young Prince and Princess T are the Recluses of The Family and far less Social than The Adult Kids and I.   So, we have an even split of Extroverts and Introverts, Three of each, and the Introverts prefer their Solitude and staying in their Room... you hardly would know they're here, they make such brief Appearances during the Day.  They're like Nocturnal Animal Species that you briefly see after Sunset when they're hunting for Food to eat in the Kitchen and then drag it back to their Lairs.   *LOL*

Now, that also means you can almost never get them involved in Home Maintenance Projects and Housekeeping beyond their Lairs either.  They keep their Spaces nice, but, the rest of the House that they almost never use, they won't take responsibility for any mess they didn't make or any Maintenance Outside either, coz, they rarely go Outside.    The G-Kid Force didn't even use the Pool as much as I Imagined they would when they finally had one... or Organize Pool Parties... go figure... they're Strange Children!!!    The Adult Kids do that kind of thing a lot more, since, The Son and The Daughter have a lot of Friends in this Area, we moved back to the Community they Grew Up with and around.  So, now they Live back at Home, we've always got Company dropping by. 

 Amber brought over a Dozen Tamales Friday Night, Red Beef and some Sweet Corn.  Nom-Nom, so she's my Favorite right now.  *LOL*  The Adult Kids weren't even here, but she dropped by anyway to give us the Tamales after she got off Work, Bless her.   She's like a Niece and I swear she spends as much time at our Home as she does her own Home.  *LOL*   Which is Fine if it's just her, since I've known her all her Life, and she's good Company.  But, if she has all her Grown Kids in tow it can be awkward, I don't know them and they are very Introverted Young People.   So there's that awkward Silence and lack of any communication, so, I never know how to engage with them?   

They were Raised by their Dad, since he got Custody and got Married to their Stepmom, Amber never did Marry, she's a Special Needs Adult so never even Married their Dad.   In many ways it was never surprising the parallels she had in Life with The Daughter and why they've been Best Friends their entire Lives.   So, her Kiddos only just now are connecting with their Mom too and they don't know anyone locally, so I think they tag along out of boredom and to do something with their Mom that she likes to do?   I do see they get embarrassed about their Mom's Disability and how she is, but they also know we accept their Mom unconditionally how she is, perhaps in Public, it's more awkward for them to be with her in and around Strangers?   I Get It, the Stares or Judgment can be harsh sometimes with High Functional or Low Functional Disabled Adults in General Population.   

You might Learn to not let it bother you so much, but it often makes Loved Ones feel Protective and Defensive about how the Public responds to a Disabled Loved One... whether Physical or Mental Disabilities.   With a High Functional Loved Ones, most folks can't really tell they have a Profound Disability to consider and so their reaction has even less understanding or compassion.   Serious Mental Illness and Autism for example, or TBI and early Onset Dementia doesn't LOOK a certain kind of way that is visibly always evident to most of the Public.  That's how it is with Amber, in so many ways she's like my Adult Kids, The Man and The G-Kid Force... her Disability is somewhat 'hidden' but manifests in ways that do often limit Tolerance, Social Acceptance, Function and Quality of Life in many ways.

I remember it used to break my Heart when The Daughter and The Son used to tell me they were "Practicing Being Normal"!   They'd Observe Carefully how folks without their Disabilities would Behave, Talk, Act, and try to Mimic it to fly under the Radar and not be a Societal Misfit.   To Fit In better and not seem Abnormal and to be Inclusive with Peers and not Shunned or Tormented.   Sometimes they could pull it off, often they could not, when Younger it always equates to being Bullied.   Which is Why all my Kiddos know how to Fight real good, to defend and protect themselves.   If you can hand someone their Ass, they mostly leave you alone or even Learn to Fear you, if they fail to Respect you.  And, in lieu of Respect, Fear will do nicely, we'll take it and run with it.  It is after all, an Advantage if someone is Foolish enuf to Disrespect you.  *LOL* 

 Mostly they, and I, Grew Up in rougher Neighborhoods, but even in Affluent ones, there is the same Stigmas, Exclusions and Challenges Societally, mebbe even moreso actually.  People with Money and who are Pretentious and Entitled with an abundance of Privilege, are way worse than even Gang Bangers and Criminals in how they mistreat folks, Trust and Believe.  Plus, they tend to get away with it more, coz obscenely Rich People can Buy Favor if they have the Money to... or even Buy the Right People and "Own" them... just look at Politics and Billionaires, if you doubt me.  *Eye Roll*   I'd rather take my chances in Da Hood than in any Affluent Community, easier to manage IMO and a better type of Human overall. 

 Anyway, my Point is, that Discrimination based on Disabilities is just as profound as Racial, Sexual Orientation, Socioeconomic or Gender Discrimination in so many ways actually IMO.   We've endured it all, none of it is ever Pretty or Easy.  You Play the Hand you've been Dealt.  And if you Learn to Play it Well, you'll be Alright.   We'll always be Alright in this Life's Journey.   You will be too if you focus on your Strengths and thus compensate for your Weaknesses in ways that give you an Edge and whatever Advantages you can take advantage of and work to your Favor.   And Favor ain't Fair... but, it's still Favor.  *Winks* 


Sending you some early Autumnal Vibes, since it's still too damned Hot literally, and too many Hot Topics these days too, isn't it?  *Winks* ...  Dawn... The Bohemian 


  1. When I'm in the car with a seasoned driver who's making me nervous I try to think about how many years they've gone accident free.

    1. Good tactic, but most Drivers who make me nervous, don't always have a clean track record, so, that won't work. *LOL*


A life touched by God always ends in touching others. - Erwin McManus

I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars. - Og Mandino (1923-1996)

For creativity to flourish one should try to look at everything as though it were being seen for the first or the last time. - Quote from "A Thousand Paths To Creativity" by David Baird

Is what I'm about to say an improvement on silence? ~ Galen Pearl