Saturday, May 25, 2024

At The Click Of A Mouse

 Well, it appears we'll have to wait until Tuesday now to finalize the Shed purchase, Lowe's System couldn't interface with the Subcontractor's Genesis System and he took Vacation time off until Tuesday for the long Holiday Weekend.  The Staff at Lowe's did draft the Contract and I Signed it, got approved for the Financing, 24 Months same as Cash and they gave us $100 Credit for opening up new Financing.  Even after 24 Months their Interest Rate is competitively low, but, I will have it paid off early anyway and not incur any financing charges or accrued delayed Interest.  No hurries, no worries, what we did get accomplished was the most important stuff.  The part they couldn't push thru was Paying the Subcontractor so that the Shed is Paid For on his end,  

They were apologetic and tried hard to get the info to transfer to their System so they could Pay him, but, it just didn't work, not their fault.   At least I know it's all been Signed off on and pre-approved.   I got approved for more than twice the amount financed and their most preferential financing terms.  They are right next door to where I Work so it's no inconvenience to me to come back and finalize everything once they get hold of Nick, the Subcontractor.  I'm sure they work with his Company all the time, but the long time Employee was just leaving as we arrived, and the Young Employees helping us said she's Retiring and it was her last Day, so, she won't be back.  As the most Seasoned Employees Retire they take their knowledge and problem solving with them.

After we finished up there we went to "Highland Yard Vintage's" Monthly Event, with the Theme as "Garden Pails And Fairytales".  I didn't find anything I wanted to Buy at the Event.  But, the Antique Mall "Merchant Square" had some things we Scored at amazing prices.  I got a Large Vintage Globe of Mars on a Lucite Base for only Twenty Bucks... and Online they go for $190-$260.  I'd never before seen one, I have a Globe of the Moon, but Mars, that was one I didn't know even existed!  So, adding that to my Globe Collection and so Cheaply was a high point and an unexpected Score of the Day.  Its a nice looking Globe. {Above}

I also got Three Tribal Exotic Necklaces in Silver with Semi-Precious Stones and Beads like Amber, Red Coral, Lapis, Amethyst, and African Trading Beads... for only $12, $14 and $22.  I don't think the Vendor had any idea what they had and that it was all real.  A lot of Tribal Jewelry is very bulky and so people not familiar with it's Countries of Origin or Cultural Significance and what it is made out of mistake it as being inexpensive Costume Jewelry and faux Beads.  Even the Silver is often mistaken as being faux.  My Guess is that at least one of the Necklaces is African in Origin and the other Two look Asian and possibly from Tibet.  {One of my Necklaces pictured Above}

I also got Two inexpensive Art Tags and a Commercial Sign Holder in Chrome on a Stand.   We stopped by a "Bookmans" used Bookstore and I got Two Decor Books and Two Magazines.   Next door to the Bookstore is a Goodwill and I got another of the most enormous Himalayan Salt Lamps I've ever seen, this is the 2nd Giant one I've Sourced in a Week!  I also got an Antique Chalkware Religious Prince Of Peace Statue that is wearing His original Satin and Silk Robes, for only Two Dollars, he's probably from about the 1920-1930 Era and about 10 Inches Tall.  And I got a Vintage large Lead Crystal Salt Shaker that is shaped with a tall Crystal Pedestal Stand and has a Silver Lid.  It was an Orphan, no Mate of the matching Pepper Shaker... but it was only 75 Cents.

I got a 1980 Ozzy Osbourne Vintage Band Tour T-Shirt of Crazy Train, it's XL so I'm keeping that one for myself.  *Smiles*   I've recently ordered some Specialty Tees for myself off E-Bay.  When I see a Shirt I really dig but can't afford in the Garment Section of Merchant Square, I just look it up Online to see where it can be had affordably.  Almost always someone has one and since I always order XXL they almost always have one of those in Stock or even on Sale, since the BMW Size Shirts don't Sell Out like the Regular Sizes Young People wear, you know, when they still have a Body.  *Bwahahahaha*   So, Below are my Shirts I Scored on The Cheap that will be delivered right to my door and most Sellers ship for Free:

Grateful Dead always had some of the best Graphics and Tie Dye Tees ever IMO.

So, this is the other Deadhead Tee I got myself, both Tees are double sided with a different Graphic on each side.

I've been wanting this Liquid Blue Two Sided Sun & Moon Tee for a long time but only just found an XXL for just over Twenty Bucks.   Locally I've only seen it for $100 and Online it usually fetches close to that, so, holding out paid off... usually it does if you're patient and persistent.  Every Online Tee I've ever bought has been good quality and I use a lot of the same Sellers, who often give Discounts to repeat Customers.  I've had some even include a Free Item as a Gift with my Order to show Customer Appreciation.   We had a good time out and about, the Weather was great, it really has been Cooler the past couple days, which is unseasonal for this late in May to be under Triple digits and with a Cool Breeze. 

We had arrived kinda late at the Event on Day No. 2 of the 4 Days of it, so it wasn't crowded while we were there.   A lot of Primo large items had Sold and were waiting for pickup or delivery.   The Antique Mall was more crowded than the Event later in the Day, but not uncomfortably so.  With it being a Holiday Weekend I didn't want to go on Saturday or Sunday, since, I would suspect those to be the most crowded Days and when everyone will be off Work?   I have to Work Sunday Night, my usual Shift, but wouldn't be Surprised if Management calls and asks me to fill in for a No Show.  The Slackers are notorious for not wanting to Work on a busy Day or Holiday and just don't show up for their regular Shift if it falls on a Sale or Holiday.

The Young Prince called me to say he finished unpacking and only had one Clay Figure that was a casualty and it was repairable.  I'm glad he and I packed everything so well that it all arrived safely and intact.  I gave him just about all of my packing materials, so, they really came in handy to have hoarded them up after our Move and not get rid of them.  I'd used them for packing fragile Merch to take in for Inventory, but, had more than I would ever need.  So, now The Grandsons can dispose of it for me.  *LOL*  I also got a Vintage Industrial Tubular Clothing Rack for only $48 Online, which I'll use in The Art Studio Space to hang my Shirts.  Right now I'm using The Grandsons, but they'll be back in a couple Months to get it.

I priced a bunch of Vintage Band and Specialty Tees for the Weekend Sale, so will bring them in Tomorrow Morning.  I'm pretty well stocked up on Merch, so, until I get the Shed built and start putting Inventory in there and Organizing what there is that isn't yet Priced in it, I don't have a lot of Work to do with the Inventory yet.   Once it's all in one place I can better assess how much is left to Downsize and Sell Off too.  The Man and I won't focus on Sourcing specific Inventory until we've Sold Off our Excess from Home and figure out what is Selling well in the way of Quality Vintage Merch now?   Then look for that and be Editorial about it.  Some things I do pick up now, like Vintage Tiki Merch and authentic Mid-Century Mod Merch, which always Sells easily and with great margins.

I Loved the above Deadhead 30th Anniversary Shirt but it was out of my league of what I'd pay for a Shirt, so I scoured the Interweb looking for one.  A couple of Suppliers will notify me now when they get an XXL in Stock and way under what this one had been priced at.   So, all Body Parts Crossed one of the Two Suppliers will get some larger sizes in soon and notify me, then I'll just order it Online at a reasonable price I can easily afford and feel is decent for a T-Shirt's cost.  I wear a lot of Tees, especially when it's Hot, they're comfortable and casual, which is how most people in Arizona have to roll most of the Year due to climate.  *LOL*   Honestly, with the convenience of the Interweb, you can look any way you want to and Source Wardrobe at the click of a Mouse or App.

I find it particularly Helpful when I'm ready to Buy anything in Person, to research Price Points and Value, since, I'm sometimes unsure of what something is worth.  But Gut Instinct seems to kick in even if I've never seen one before in my Life.  *LOL*  Especially if I've never seen it before or don't Collect it, then I consult Google to see what's out there, what is available of it, what it's being Sold for, what Price Point it has successfully Sold for, how Rare it might be, etcetera.   Example was my Mars Vintage Globe, which the Vendor only wanted just over Twenty Bucks for, but I got a Military Discount of 10% at Purchase. and I was certain Twenty Bucks was a Bargain even before doing any due diligence... but, now I was Curious.

 When Online Research revealed they fetch a LOT of Money and it was an incredible Bargain there where I was standing with one in my Cart, my Heart was racing like a Hummingbirds!  *LOL*  I showed the Online Research results to The Man and he marveled at how often I spot The Good Stuff at a fraction of what it's Value is.  I am rather like a Bargain Magnet that way, I ain't gonna Lie, it's Served me Well.   My Dear Ole' Mom always told me that if you are around The Good Stuff often enuf in Life, it 'Speaks' to you whenever you're by it while out and about.  I am convinced she was Right about that, since if I spot something Valuable, it does draw me in like it's telepathically communicating it's Value to me.  It could be obscure, hidden in a pile of worthless Junk, practically unnoticed by anyone else, but I'll instantly notice it and Zoom in on it.


That Mars Globe was up on top of a very tall Cabinet way out of Eye Range, The Man could barely reach it to take it down for me to get a better look at it.   Yet, my Eyeballs had been drawn up there as I passed by said Cabinet, like a Siren's Song had suddenly rung out to me.  *LOL*  I don't look way up very often since I'm quite Short and most things up way high are also Priced way high and deliberately put way out of reach to avoid being manhandled at Antique Malls.   The Man confessed he hadn't even seen or noticed it and he's quite a bit Taller than me and is pretty good at noticing things that are unusual.  This was unusual, as I said, I didn't even know Globes of Mars existed before I saw this one!  It's large too, took up the whole Cart... and has a Cool Lucite Base it rests on but can be taken off of, since it's not attached to the Base.

The Interweb is useful if you see something you've never seen before and might never see again in this Lifetime otherwise either.   Like this Game with Leave It To Beaver on it called Ambush {1959}... never seen one before... didn't know it existed.  Of coarse, due to that, it's Price Point was steep... and upon Research, who knew Leave It To Beaver produced and spawned several other Board Games of that Era?   There was also Leave It To Beaver Money Maker Game {1959}, and Leave It To Beaver Rocket To The Moon Game {1959}!   And, it turns out, this Vendor had done their Due Diligence and had it priced in line with what their Value is.  So, not a Bargain, but, in line with what Sold items like it have fetched.   Which is more than Yours Truly would pay, but I'm not a Board Game Geek nor a Leave It To Beaver Obsessed Collector either.  *LOL*

I'll tell you what I Like about "Merchant Square Antique Mall" tho', many of their Vendors do carry Quality Antiques and Vintage Merch or Architectural Salvage at Fair Prices.   And I do Geek Out on that, since, that's my Jam and what I Seek Out when at an Antique Store.  Our Antique Mall really doesn't anymore becoz the Demographic in the Far West Valley really isn't that interested in Quality Antiques or Vintage Merch, nor Architectural Salvage or even what is Trending everywhere else.  So, to be Fair, you don't carry so much of what nobody is obviously Buying.    So, I do make Pilgrimages to where I know I can Source what I'm interested in and looking for.   And... since it isn't what anyone on my side of the Valley is necessarily coveting or valuing, I CAN find it around here for a pittance or even Free and discarded, when it is Westside.  *Winks*

These Specialty Socks 'Spoke' to me... bwahahahaha... didn't Buy 'em, but, they wouldda been Perfect, since, well, just Read 'em!  *Smiles*  Story of my Life lately... seems my Favorite and most overused Word now is LATER.  *LOL*   Especially when it comes to getting shit done.  I always have the best of intentions of getting shit done tho', so, that's half the Battle, Right?  *Winks*   Just seems to me there's always so much shit needing to get done and I sometimes don't want to be all Work and no Play in my Retirement Years.   Wasn't Retirement supposed to be all about Play, Relaxing, Enjoyment in your Activities, no Time Constraints or Deadlines, and NOT Working so Hard?  *Eye Roll*  Okay, so the Illusion of Retirement hit me kinda hard in that I seem to have more to do now than ever, but, mebbe that's just me or my perception, I dunno?  *LMAO*   Well, I'm never Bored and with Nothing to Do, I'll give you THAT!  *LOL*

I Liked these Apothecary Jars, but my Spidey Senses just alerted me that perhaps they were Repops and not Vintage/Antique ones?  The reason was the Labels were Paper... and pristine... and that almost never happens with these, I've Collected Antique ones for Decades.  For all I know you can Reproduce the Labels and the Jars... and for Fifty Bucks each, well, they would HAVE to be Authentic and the Real Deal to command that kind of Price Point IMO.  Perhaps they were New Old Stock and never used... I dunno... but, I was just Suspect and not a Player for Fifty Bucks apiece anyway.  I've Sourced mine for usually under Thirty, usually under Twenty, in any condition and definitely The Real Deal with no suspicions otherwise.   Replica Antique Pharmacy Products abound and so are the Labels, even under Glass... these Labels weren't under Glass.  There is an Online Seller who has just Antique New Old Stock Pharmacy Labels for Sale tho', they do exist.

The Daughter is in a Cleaning Frenzy and has now moved to the Back Patio to Clean and Organize it, I'm not gonna stop her.  *LOL*  She and her Brother already did quite a few Rooms of the House, which I really appreciated.  Once we get the Shed built, of coarse a lot of stuff will be move in there that is scattered Inventory, which seems to be just about everywhere and anywhere right now.   We still haven't figured out what's Wrong with the large RV Garage Door, it won't Open anymore and we've troubleshooted everything it could be, so, it remains a Mystery and a Pain in the Ass.  If I end up having to Hire a Professional and it ends up being something Simple and Stupid, I'll feel like a Fool.  *LOL*  

Since, even if it's nothing, a Service Call still won't be inexpensive.   We checked Tension Springs, the Eye of the Sensor being obstructed, the Tracks, the Electrical System, the Wall Mounted Door Control... we don't use a Remote for that one so that couldn't be the Issue.  So, we're at a loss as to what is Wrong?   It's frustrating and better that it quit working in Closed Position and not Open, which would have required immediate action and resolution to protect contents.  We'll get it figured out eventually, right now it's not the highest priority so I'm just ignoring it as a nuisance and inconvenience.   It has a Side Door I use to get in and out and can move things in and out thru that for now.   

We did Price the moving Air Conditioners on Wheels when we were at Lowe's and they're not all that expensive, $280-$800 depending on size and what Space you want to Cool.  I will Buy one of the small ones for the Shed.  Eventually may Buy the biggest one for the RV Garage Mahal.  Oddly, tho' Home Improvement Stores like Lowe's offer a Military Discount, do you know there are a List of things they're not allowed to give a Military Discount on?  Who knew?  They would get in trouble for Discounting those items to include them in their Military Discount.  We found that out since we couldn't get a Military Discount on the Shed, so they offered us Discounts they are allowed to give on a Product like that.  

There's just some Materials in the Construction of the Shed that they cannot Discount with a Military Discount... I found that a Weird Requirement, or Law, or whatever it is that excludes Discounting it to Military by Home Improvement Stores???  As of March 2022 the exclusions now include Major Appliances, Lumber and Electrical/Cable Wire.   I know we Purchased Major Appliances in the past and got a Military Discount, so its not as if they never used to, but, somehow that all changed on a lot of major Purchases now.   Ah well, it is what it just is.   We did receive some other valuable perks to make up for it and so I was fine not getting the 10% Off the Shed.  They also gave The Man a couple of Hats their Employees wear and he Collects Hats, so he was Jazzed.   He's like a Kid getting a Sticker at the Doctor's Office if a Business gives him one of their Hats.  *LOL*

I'm going in to fill my Showroom with some Fresh Merch this day, but I'm going in with a low profile so they don't spot me and ask me to Work.  *LOL*   Pretty sure some of the Slackers either called in or just won't show up for their usual Shift on a Holiday Weekend and Sale, the Lazy tend to do that chronically in fact.   God Forbid they would have to get off their Lazy Asses and actually perform some Work they're getting compensated for.  *Eye Roll*   I have seen some New Faces, so, with any Luck they'll be better Workers with a decent Work Ethic and slowly replace all the Slackers?   New Vendors are usually hungry for comped Space Rent and will do a good job.  Until and unless they get complacent or work alongside Slackers and see what they can get away with without consequences and develop the same bad habits.

I don't mind covering for a legitimate absence of a Co-Worker, but to me, covering for a Slacker or an inconsiderate person just encourages their behavior and enables it.   I personally think chronic bad behavior should just cause the loss of their Shift and a permanent replacement that is Reliable and has a Work Ethic, moral conscience and Maturity.   Rewarding bad behavior never has a good outcome.  If you don't wanna do the Work, then you don't belong in whatever the position is, period.  Even if it's Volunteer Work I feel that way about it, don't accept a Position you know you won't Honor.    If it turns out to be unsuitable to you, for whatever reasons, bow out and quit, no shame in that and I can Respect that decision.  I can't Respect Laziness and Inconsiderate Behavior.

This is Why Management usually Respects and Honors my request not to be Paired with a Slacker on any Shift or we'll definitely have a "Situation".  *Winks*  I will confront someone whose expecting everyone else to pick up their Slack and do the Work they're avoiding and intentionally trying not to do while they're receiving compensation or actual Pay for a Job they aren't doing.   I'm not working twice as hard to cover for a Lazy Asshole, period, full stop, and if that Slacker doesn't want a confrontation, best they not even have to work with me, that's all.  I'm not one to suffer in silence nor just talk behind their Back, I'll do a Come To Jesus with no hesitation with them straight up.  *Ha ha ha*  You'd be Surprised how some will clutch their Pearls when confronted about the obvious... AS IF they don't know they're guilty of what they're accused of and are a Victim.  Bullshit, they know... everybody knows... just nobody says it to their Face is all. 


Blessings, Love and Light from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian


  1. Since the pandemic I do most of my shopping online, including groceries. I just got used to it. It sounds like you had some really good luck in your shopping, both in person and online.

    1. Indeed I did have some good Luck both online and in person. I don't do a lot of Online Shopping, but it is a good resource and I remember once my Mom was housebound, it gave her more Independence to be able to do her own Shopping again rather than relying on anyone to take her or do it for her. For those who dislike Shopping it's a good option too and a Time Saver for sure. I do Hope it doesn't end up sinking all the Brick and Mortar Stores tho'.

  2. I have some gorgeous pieces that the MITM picked up for me when he was working in a few different African countries. I've given some to my DILs, but kept most for myself. You're right about folks not knowing the value of the pieces. I'm truly envious of that globe! xoxo

    1. I like Exotic Jewelry from various Countries and prefer it. Most Exotic Locales do not waste their Art Forms of Adornments using synthetic materials or mass produced ones, so, Yes, it's usually Real and not faux materials used and more valuable than a lot of people realize.


A life touched by God always ends in touching others. - Erwin McManus

I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars. - Og Mandino (1923-1996)

For creativity to flourish one should try to look at everything as though it were being seen for the first or the last time. - Quote from "A Thousand Paths To Creativity" by David Baird

Is what I'm about to say an improvement on silence? ~ Galen Pearl