Friday, April 19, 2024

Summer Lovin' Event ~ Highland Yard Vintage


While we were at the Event a Vendor who crafts Homemade Soaps had some of the Prettiest Soaps I've ever seen.  I've had some allergies so I couldn't say how fragrant they probably were.  My Sniffer was impaired this day, due to it being a high pollution advisory kinda day, which aggravates allergens you might suffer from.   I probably should have bought at least one, perhaps the next Event when I can smell the Aromas of each.   I Photographed some of them anyway becoz they were so Editorial and Attractive for a Photo Op as Eye Candy Blog Fodder.

This was my Altered Yard Art Angel, wearing a Dragonfly Crown and an attractive Necklace.   The Vendor had a 25% Off Sale and she happens to be one of my favorite Artisans/Vendors, she's so Creative and has Unique Merch.   He's heavy as a Boat Anchor and I think it is Terra Cotta with a Metallic Paint, and is quite large... Loved his Crown and Necklace.  I have a similar one around the Pool that I might Pimp Out to match this one, spray it with Metallic Spray Paint and put some Vintage Jewelry on it too.   I've had my other one for Decades, my Dad bought it for me, so, it's got Sentimental Value.

This is the Vintage Suitcase I bought, it's a small size one, smaller than most I have in my Collection that are similar.   So, it intrigued me since I didn't know they made them this Small.   The Vendor had a good price on it too.   The Fabric Vintage Butterscotch Striped Suitcases from the 1920-1930 Eras are my all time Favorites to Collect.  The price of them has gone way up in recent Years so it's getting harder to Source them at a decent price now.   I'm glad I got most of mine before people began Collecting Vintage Suitcases and they weren't Trending in those days, so, you could get them on the Cheap back then.

I got this Altered Art Luggage Tag too from a Paper Arts Vendor.  They were Selling a lot of Crafting Supplies, but had made up some Tags and had them priced inexpensively.   I use Tags like these on my Storage and put what the Contents are on the backside on a Post-It Note that can be changed without damaging the Tags.   It's a Pretty way to Organize and Label your Storage items in Vintage Suitcases and Industrial Style Baskets or Lockers.   I enjoy making my own Altered Art Tags as enjoyable Craft Projects, but haven't had a lot of time to do it lately.  So when I see some I like pre-made and inexpensive, in a Style I'd do my own in, I always Buy them to use too.


More of those Pretty Homemade Soaps.   I've been fascinated by Soap Making and at one time thought I might like to learn how to do it as a Hobby.   I've bought Handmade Soaps at Specialty Shops before and have some Brands and Fragrances we use.   One time I got Princess T a Bath Bomb Making Kit and it was just so messy we wouldn't do it again tho'.  I'm thinking Soap Making might be similar?  The Idea of doing it being more Romanticized than the actual production mess Reality?  *LOL*  So, we've never pursued it and prefer to just Buy both now.  We have quite a Cache of Bath Bombs in various fragrances, Soaps, Incense and Candles.  We use all of them frequently enuf to need a Stash of each.

Here's something I'd never seen before, a Captain Kangaroo Game, it was expensive tho'... but, when I looked them up Online this Vendor had it for half the Cost of it Online.   It was produced in 1956... I remember the Show, which aired from 1955-1984, and I remember Mister Green Jeans being a Character on the Show.   When we lived in Great Britain I remember Miss Rosalyn of a Show called Romper Room.  I remember she used to have a Mirror without a Glass that she'd look thru and pretend to see all the Kids in the TV Audience thru and say, "I see _____", and call out Kid Names.  I'd always wait for her to call out my Name and she never did becoz my Mom gave me a Name that was very Bohemian for my Era.   The Boys Name of Don was common, but not the Girls Name of Dawn back then.

Mom being very Bohemian and my Dad being Native American, they Named me becoz I was Born at the break of Dawn and it seemed therefore fitting.   By the Hippie Era, of coarse unusual Names became more commonplace and I'd finally meet other Gals with my Name who were Born of that Era.  And nowadays it seems people are more creative in Naming their Children too.   When I was growing up it seemed the Girls Names I recall being commonplace were Mary, Deborah, Susan, Linda, Karen, Patricia, Barbara, Donna, Cynthia, Nancy and such.  For a long time you'd have several Girls with the same Name in every Class at School.  *LOL*

I gave my Kids Unusual Names and they were the only ones with their Name at School.  Where, Popular Names still dominated their Classmates, tho' Popularity of certain Names for various Eras always changes.   I remember The Daughter had so many Friends Named Nicole, Brandy, Jennifer, Christina, Crystal, Amber, Ashley, Lindsay and Courtney, that we started giving some of them Nicknames to differentiate them!!!!!  *LOL*   I've never used The Family's Real Names on my Blog, but, The Daughter said she wouldn't mind if I did for her. So, I can throw it out there that I Named her Talana, which means Wild Flower... and, she has lived up to that definition and Name.  *LOL*  

The Son could give a shit about his Name being on my Blog either, his Name has now gained Popularity these days.   But, when he was Born, here in America, there were few Boys Named Liam, which is the Gaelic version of William, the meaning being Warrior.   Of coarse in Wales and Ireland you have more Males Named Liam.   I gave my Daughter a Native American Name and my Son a Gaelic Name to Honor the Cultures and Ethnicity of my Parents.   The Oldest Daughter's Name was chosen by The Man and I couldn't Believe it when he told me he Named her after an Old Girlfriend... since, I don't even know if his Ex knows that Fact?!   How could he?!!!!!!!!   Holy Crap Honey, what WERE you thinking?  Who does that???!!!   Men!!!!!!!   *Bwahahahaha*   I don't think his Ex or the Grandkids back East read the Blog to know that... whew.   *LOL* 

I know when one of the Granddaughters back East Named one of her Daughters I thought it an Odd choice for a Modern Child and mentioned it to The Man.   I wondered why she gave the Great-Grand-Kid what I consider an Old Lady's Name of a bygone Era long past?   I'm glad I didn't say anything to the Granddaughter about it tho' and risk offending her, since, apparently her Beloved Maternal Grandma had just Passed before the Baby was Born and so it was a Namesake!   The Man is like, "Oh, that was my Ex-MIL's Name Honey..."  Jeeeeesus, well, yikes, dodged a bullet there by not mentioning the Name being Archaic then... Whew!!!!!   Pretty damned sure she'll be the only one with that Name of her entire Generation tho'.  Since it hasn't been used in like Four Generations now and probably fell out of Popularity Circa 1930 or so!  *LMAO*


I remember my Younger Brother Dating a lot of Hippie Era Gals with names like Rainbow, Sky, Autumn, Willow, India, Indigo, Saffron, Karma and such.   He has an Ex whose name was actually Misty Delight, I Kid you not!!!!!   Her Parents were highly Educated Hippies, her Dad became an Admiral in the Navy and her Mom became a University Professor, but, when they were Young Adults in College, they were Hippies to their Cores and Named their Kids accordingly... and, probably when High I suspect?  *LOL*    And The Young Prince's Dad also Named the Younger Brother and Sister some definite Modern Hippie Names.  I remember asking my Grandson, was your Dad and his Girlfriend High when they Named your Siblings?   

Okay, I'm throwing it out there, when he told me his Little Sister's Name after she was Born, I'm like, "Isn't that a Strain of Weed?"   And, yep, it is... pretty sounding, but, just sayin'... most people would know even if they don't partake, that Indica is...  *LOL*   And The Daughter laughed her Ass off when I told her about what her Ex had Named his Daughter and said, "Shit, that's as messed up as if I'd Named one of my Daughters Crystal..."   {ie: she used to be a Meth using Tweaker before she got Clean...}   Okay, so that's funny in a Dark Gallow's Humor way and I Laughed my Ass off too.  But, I countered with at least now your Ex only partakes of Weed... he used to be a Hard Drug user before he got Clean too.  So... to his Credit he's making some Positive Progress and being a better Parent now than he was when you had your Son together and nobody could Parent him. 

And now we've discussed Names... on to Food Porn of the day.  *Winks*  And No, I did not partake, becoz Thankfully, before we got to the Event, The Man and I had stopped at "The Tipsy Egg" for Brunch and had a lovely Breakfast of Healthier Fare, pictured Below.   I tried something different, often hard for a Creature of Habit like myself when it comes to Meals.   At certain Restaurants I tend to get stuck on my Favorite Dishes they make and don't branch out as often as I should to try other things on their Menu.   But, I'm glad that I did since their Southwestern Style Omelet was Divine... and called The Whole Enchilada, or something like that.  *LOL*

It came with a Side of Cheesy Potatoes, also Divine, and some Homemade Rye Bread with Homemade Berry Jam, also Divine.  There was so much Food it will Serve me for Two Breakfast Meals and I'll eat the other half of it this Morning actually.  I think I may make a Breakfast Burrito out the Leftovers in fact.   The Omelet had some fabulous Chorizo in it, along with other yummy ingredients, and looked as good as it tasted.  Their Presentation at "The Tipsy Egg" is very Bougee and Upscale, but I really like that when I eat out.  If they have unusual flavor profiles in their Menu, that's a Bonus with me... I HATE Boring Food... Yawn.  

 I don't like predictable Food I could easily make at Home myself.  I want something that Tastes like a Master Chef Created it.  Since my Dad was a Master Chef, I grew up Spoiled like that and am a Food Snob to my Core.  *LOL*   And, I think Food, if Presented well, is Beautiful and Photogenic.  Which is Why everyone on Social Media always Loves my Food Porn.   It's funny coz now most of my Friends and Family have begun Photographing their Food becoz of me.  *Bwahahahahha*  I've formed rather a Cult of doing it now and we compete for whose Photographing the BEST Food Porn?   My Niece asks me how mine always looks better than hers?   I joke now that it's coz I'm in the Food Mecca of Urban Metro Phoenix and she's in some Bumfuck Town in Rural Oklahoma.  She said I could be Right... *LMAOROTF*

So, I was Photographing this for The Book of Faces Wall and she was Photographing the Meal she was eating Below.   She said I Won the Battle of the Foods, but, I thought hers looked pretty Tasty actually and she did a good Job of Pathological Picture Taking of her own Food Porn.   I'm Surprised, given her Options there, that her Meal actually looked that good... and Ethnic.   Since, I've been to Oklahoma... and well... never had any reason to wanna ever go back!   Even tho' all my Dad's People still live there... but on the Rez... which is a whole other Culture Shock if you're a City Lovin' Gal and Lifelong Global Nomad like me.  *Bwahahahaha*  I remember when I was 16 and first Visited my Paternal Native American Relatives and saw how my Dad likely grew up.  It was like something I'd seen on National Geographic Documentaries!

Okay, so, this was the Niece's Dueling Food Porn... pretty Good I thought.   Looks like they might have a Greek or Two in Rural Oklahoma giving it some Flavor?  *LMAO*   But, she Confesses that they don't have near the selection she was used to in Phoenix... and... that does not Surprise me in the least.  In many States we've been to there has been some Cultural Deprivation evident.   Yet, in others, there is Rich diversity or distinctions, so, you often just have to look for it and what an area is Known for.   I'm one of those Foodies that will seek out whatever an area is Known for and try it at least once, twice or more if I like it.  *winks*   I will try almost anything at least once, even some Fear Factor shit... since, you just never know.  I saw a Show the other day where they were in the Jungles of Southeast Asia and a Local talked them into Tasting some live Jungle Ants.  Turns out the Film Crew Loved them and said they tasted like Lime Doritos.  Who knew? *LOL*

Anyway, suffice to say I was all the more Grateful for how our Parents gave us the Opportunities they did and Traveled the World, so we had exposure to ever so much more in Life than either of them ever had.  Variety is indeed the Spice of Life.  I didn't mind my Mom's Country and where she grew up, it was very different and a Culture Shock too, of a different kind.  But Quaint and not impoverished like the Reservations of America.  The Hills of North Wales was a switch from what I was used to, I was about 13 the first time I visited my Mom's Country again, even tho' I was actually Born there.   She always went Home to give Birth to her Children, mostly due to how Intercultural/Interracial Unions were treated in America in those days.   But, in her Country we were always treated very well, people Loved my Dad and of coarse he was quite an Attraction, being a "Red Indian" as the Welsh called him.  *LOL*


Dad also Loved Wales and almost every International Assignment he ever had.   He always said if it hadn't been for it being a War in Vietnam, the Country itself and it's People, were a Rich and Beautiful Culture he easily Bonded and fell in Love with.   He, unlike a lot of American GI's of the Vietnam Era, came Home and Befriended many Vietnamese who now live here.   In fact, I've told the Story before, but most Asians just assumed that my Dad was Asian too.   Becoz a great many of them had never met a Tribal Native American and assumed he was an Indigenous Person of Southeast Asia's Tribal Ancestry, which, they do have there too.   He always Laughed and said he never corrected them when clearly they thought he was a "Jungle Native" and not a "Reservation Indian of America".  *Bwahahaha*

I'm pretty damned sure I get my Twisted Sic Dark Sense of Humor from my Dad in fact.  *LOL*   My Dear Mom always Joked that we had a Heathen's Sense of Humor, since, Mom could be Funny as Hell, and Naughty, but in a more Proper and Refined way.  *Bwahahahahahaha*  Okay, so I don't think anyone has EVER described me as either Proper or Refined... so, clearly I don't get any of that from her.  *LMAO*   Mom was a Lady thru and thru, even tho' she was very Bohemian in Spirit and Aesthetic, so not your Garden Variety Woman of her Era at all.   When everyone else's Mom looked like Leave it to Beaver's June Cleaver, my Mom looked like Carmen Miranda on Steroids.   Yes, the Brazilian Bombshell reminded me of my Mom so much when I was a Kid. *Smiles*  And in her Youth, my Mom was a Dancer and could have gone Professional, doing everything from Ballet to Ballroom Dance, she was that good.

In fact, on my Maternal Nanna's side of the Family they came from a very long line of Entertainers who were Musically and Artistically inclined.  Just about all of Nanna's Family had fabulous Singing Voices, could play any Instrument, Dance and did Theater.   In fact, her Dad, my Great-Grandfather, was a Professional Musician and Singer all his Life.  My Mom's Older Brother could sing Opera and her Younger Sister had a Voice like Judy Garland.  Alas, my Mom was the only one in her entire Family who didn't get Blessed with a Singing Voice, but she could Dance up a Storm.  And, the Young Prince can play any Instrument, and is madly Artistic and Theatrical, so, he Inherited some of the Talent from that side of the Family, clearly, since, he didn't have to be Taught any of it, it came Naturally.


But, I digress, back to the Event.  *Smiles*   Forgive me, I got a Sick Kid Home from School Today, Princess T feels really ill.  Her Mom does too but doesn't want to miss any more Work.   Her Boss really needs her right now, she's organizing some of the Office for him in preparation of them soon getting a larger Location.    Anyway, back at the Event, they were giving Customers Free Refreshments and the Strawberry Lemonade on the Right was some of the best I've ever had!!!   In fact, I had Wished they'd been Selling whatever they made it with, I would have bought some to make it at Home.   I do like Cucumber Water too, it's very refreshing on a Hot Day and it's getting Hot now.  I think Spring was brief and we warped right into Summer now... it's in the 90's already and getting toastier.  That's not unusual for the Desert, but, we haven't had Usual Weather, so, you never know for sure anymore.

For Sure I'll be Working from Home Today tho' with having a Sick Kiddo.  So, I'm Glad that The Man and I had our Day Out the other day, since, we'll be Anchored here Today and I'll devote that time to pricing and sorting more Inventory to bring in when I have to stock up with Fresh Merch in the New Showroom.   I'm trying to empty out the Old Showroom now and wrap that up by next Week.   I did get to see Ken, who Vacated my New Showroom.  He's looking more like himself and said he feels good now, has recovered from his Catastrophic Injuries, and only has one more Surgery to endure now.  I'm so glad, he LOOKS good now, I'd been very concerned for him last time I'd seen him and when I saw the Pixs he showed me of him in ICU after his Injuries, it was horrific!!!   It's a Wonder he Survived and his Injuries were indeed catastrophic and Life Threatening and potentially Life Altering too.  His Recovery is Miraculous and I'm so Glad.


We joked like we always have and it's evident to me he suffered no long term Brain Injury from his Catastrophic Head Trauma from the Fall, whew.   He said he is Grateful he didn't end up like The Man, since, Ken knew The Man before the Catastrophic Head Injuries my Husband sustained in his Accident.  So, Ken knows all too well how Life Altering that was for us all.  He said he's Grateful his Wife only had to endure his Recovery Period, which was Months long, but Brief by comparison to what our Family went thru and still goes thru.   I'm so Glad, his Wife is a Dear Woman and he's a Vibrant Senior, so it would surely have altered their Life so much had he not made such a remarkable Recovery and fully gotten back to himself within a matter of Months.  Not that it was probably easy and without some risks and challenges.


Ken did give up most of his Spaces there and all of his Shifts.  But he told me the Accident was just a handy excuse to, it was Time, and he's enjoying now having just some Locked Cases and Wall Space there to hawk his Mantiques.   He's concentrating now on just the Smalls, which is the Bread and Butter there anyway and a lot less riskier on some many levels.   I'd been warning him even before his Accident that just becoz he COULD still do some things, doesn't mean he SHOULD at our Season of Life.  He's my Age, and I'd forewarned him and he didn't heed it.  He did joke that he should have heeded his Old Gypsy Friend's Forewarnings, as they were eerily accurate, even tho' he didn't used to Believe in such things until he met me and has Witnessed Predictions come to Pass over the Years of knowing me.   Had our Friend Tom heeded my Warning NOT to have his Surgery, which was supposed to be low risk, he wouldn't have Died directly after it from unexpected complications.

Ken and I had actually Worked with Tom the Night before that Surgery.   Tom had been talking to me about it and I'd told him since it was an Elective Surgery, and neither of us had a Peace about it, perhaps he should Cancel.   But, his Wife wanted him to go thru with it and I didn't wanna get in the middle of such a personal Family decision.  But, after Tom left to go Home I told Ken, he's not gonna make it if he has that Surgery, and it's troubling me that he's going to do it anyway.  Sure, enuf, in the Morning we got Word that he'd Died shortly after coming out of Surgery, of unexpected complications.  I wasn't Surprised and it really Creeped Ken Out that I'd Known, but couldn't exactly explain to him how I Know sometimes, just that I do.  

But, that some Predictions, if Forewarnings, can be Avoided if you heed them.  You can have a different Outcome if a Premonition is merely a Warning to Avoid something.  That was one of them.  If I Feel a Premonition can't be Avoided, I won't even tell it, you're not supposed to... and my Mom always told me to keep those ones to yourself.  Or don't tell it to the Person involved anyway.  Like when someone's Time is Close, don't fucking say it even if you 'See' it... and sometimes I do, and I Hate it actually.  Especially if I know the Person and Care about them.   When I was a Kid I didn't know everyone couldn't Know some things like that and I'd blurt out to my Mom that someone was near their Time.  Since she had that uncanny ability to, she'd shush me and tell me never to Voice it even if I Knew it and Saw it.  

{SIDENOTE: I want The Young Prince to Paint a Cactus Mannequin like this one.}  But I digress... back on Topic:  Becoz it's not something you can Avoid, it will just happen, so there's no Benefit or Kindness to the inevitable on those Predictions and it would just be upsetting to everyone.   But, if a Person might Die due to a Plane Crash, they could Avoid getting on THAT Flight... things like that, Okay to Tell and Warn.   I knew my Dad's Time was Close when it was, even tho' his Docs had given different Western Medical Timelines.   Which can be accurate or woefully inadequate and erroneous in fact.   So, I don't Receive them as Gospel for your Expiration Date... just sayin'.   You're really not Dead 'til God says so in actuality.

 I told my Mom, but didn't have to tell Dad since he Knew too and told me it was Okay, he knew when it would be a Good Time to Die... and, he Called it spot on actually.   He Voiced it to me that Day at his Bedside, that the Day was the Good Time to Die, looked out his Window, and passed soon afterwards, giving up The Ghost as they say, on his own Terms really.  I don't know I'd have the wherewithal to do that when it's my Time, but I Hope so, it was Peaceful.   Opposed to Mom's, who fought it tooth and nail and stubbornly held on past Time.  Not Peaceful at all. 


Even if our Past hasn't been necessarily Peaceful, may our Present be Peaceful... and our End... Dawn... The Bohemian


  1. Wow, that soap porn is just as great as the food porn!
    I can tell my age with the popular names in my class. I had to have graduated with at least 8 Janets. And the most popular name was "Pam". Our class had so many we called them either one name "Pamsmith" or just by their last names. I really don't' think there were any Pam's in the class ahead of me or behind me.
    On the other hand, I was named with two names made into one, names not usually put together in one word. So (a) most people mispronounce it even though it is two simple names and (b) Miss Barbara, the lady who did Romper Room in my neck of the woods, never saw me either.

    1. Awww, Miss Barbara never saw you either... I can commiserate. *LOL* I didn't appreciate having a Unique Name until I was Older, then I was glad that we never were your Garden Variety Family and appreciated our differences. I think when you're really little, you want to fit in, then you realize how unimportant that really is, or at least I did. My Mom always told me "Better to be Looked Over than Overlooked". *Winks* It took me a little while before I got the Wisdom of that Statement. *Smiles* I think there were a lot of Pamelas too in my Generation and Joannes, tho' it's probably not among the top 10 Popular Names everywhere for that Era, it is right up there as I recall. We lived in many places, both in the U.S. and abroad, Name Popularity is common everywhere, just different Names for different Geography. Here in Arizona in the large Hispanic Community there are so many Marias that we often called them one Name mashed together too. And I do recall in one predominantly Italian Community we lived in, it seemed all the Boys were named Tony. *LOL*


A life touched by God always ends in touching others. - Erwin McManus

I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars. - Og Mandino (1923-1996)

For creativity to flourish one should try to look at everything as though it were being seen for the first or the last time. - Quote from "A Thousand Paths To Creativity" by David Baird

Is what I'm about to say an improvement on silence? ~ Galen Pearl