Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Just Another Manic Monday

 No, the Title isn't just a Hook this day, it IS just another Manic Monday. Everyone has been Emotionally exhausted over the Weekend, too much Drama, Headaches and Sensory Overload for us all I suppose.  It caused some Triggers and too much of even a Good Thing is just Too Much. Things spiraling out of Control at the BBQ, too many Guests, some outstayed their Welcome.   Some weren't actually Invited by any of us, other Guests brought them along and they brought Children. 

 So, Princess T felt too unwell to go to School, I had to call in to Work Sunday Night and miss my Shift at the 11th Hour, due to a Family Emergency transpiring, causing me to get a Phone Call from Home asking me to return immediately.  It's resolved, but, The Son has had to be asked to leave for the same reasons Allen was asked to leave.   Bipolar Autistic Episodes can be Too Much and you can't Reason with someone in one, it is too disruptive to the household to allow.

  Always a difficult decision to make when an SMI Loved One is struggling to coexist with Family, to the point they have to be removed from the Home and are too unstable to remain.  It's something that is difficult, necessary, and never gets easier.   He's safe and staying with a Lifelong Friend for now, temporarily, since, the Friend can't have someone else on the Lease.  It just isn't working out for him here anymore, he easily has Sensory Overload and hasn't been doing well lately.  If possible it will be best for him to get his own place.

Now things are back in Harmony again and there's no Trouble in Paradise.   I do try to provide a Harmonious Home that is Peaceful and Restful for all who occupy it, getting along and playing well with others is required.   Any time someone can't be in compliance and obedient to that Rule, well, they have to make other arrangements.  We've helped Adult Children and Adult Grandchildren out, but, they know we're not obligated to nor required to.  Our Home is our Sanctuary, it has to run smoothly like one... no exceptions, it's not negotiable.

Anyway, so, other than that everything is Swell.  *Eye Roll*  The Man and I had a lot to do on Monday.  Princess T was Home Sick from School but spend the Day Sleeping it off.  We had more Fresh Inventory to bring in, about 8-10 Shirts a Day are being Sold from our Garment Section.  Even tho' I'd Vacated my Old Showroom early the new Vendor had not tried to move in until Today.  They painted all the Walls White and installed a lot of Tract Lighting, so it's lit up like a Concert Stage, LOL, it looks good, no idea what type of Inventory they plan to have? 

They did a lot in a Day tho' and the Room looks good so far.   I'm always pleased when we get Quality Vendors in the Mall, it will draw the right Customers for an Antique Mall that will appreciate Vintage and Antique Merch or true Collectibles.  Otherwise, it becomes too eclectic and random, to where you only attract Impulse Shoppers and those just looking for Cheap Product.   Not the best Demographic to be able to figure out or Buy what most of us would rather be Selling.   I would just do Yard Sales from Home if I wanted to appeal to that Shopper.   I just Donate Product like that to Charity Shops/Thrift Stores, I don't Sell it, nor do I want to.

I'd thought I'd knock this Post out in a single day, but, I took a late Nap and when I woke up... it was a brand new day.  *LOL*   So, now it's Tuesday and I never did get my Monday Post finished.   I'd actually fallen Asleep watching one of the more ludicrous Bigfoot Shows that have some real Characters doing the hunting for one.  One Guy's name is Bobo and it's comical to watch this Guy and listen to him.   Mostly becoz damned near everything he hears is a 'Squatch' or 'Squatchy' to him.  *LMAOROTF*  Now, personally I do think the possibility exists of these Creatures, since every Indigenous Culture has records of them in all parts of the Globe that they are alleged to still be.  No Indigenous People Disbelieve of their existence, which, is noteable.

I would find it difficult to Believe that so many Ancient Cultures could be Wrong about the Wildlife that lived alongside them for Centuries.  I'm of the opinion they could be an Ancient form of Humanoid and not of an Animal Species tho', perhaps a remnant of one that never thrived or evolved quite like we have.   But, whether they or Extraterrestrial Beings exist is something perhaps won't be entirely revealed in my Lifetime.  We're discovering new things all the time about our Planet and the realms beyond it, so, some day more will be revealed that hasn't been verified yet, I'm sure of it. 

People Believe or Disbelieve things all the time tho', so, I am content to agree to disagree amicably with anyone who feels differently.  It was one of those Evenings where some unexpected problems arose, so Andrase and our Neighbor Rob had to Troubleshoot it for us.   We may have to rewire the 5th Wheel to be plugged into the Main House rather than the RV Garage Mahals Outlets.   The hotter it's getting the more it put a strain on plugging it in to the RV Garage and tripped the Breakers there.  It has a Solar System on it that will charge up the Lights, Fridge and such, as a backup form of Power, luckily.   Andrase's Career is Electrical and Solar Installation.  Rob was a Lineman, so, we had the right Guys available to Troubleshoot it for us.

It's always something, huh?  *Le Sigh*  Rob had been over here anyway coz somehow one of the Guests using the Pool this Weekend had messed with the overflow.   He got it put right before the Pool flooded, luckily The Man had noticed the Pool was overfilling and saw that someone had been in the Pool Shed, probably trying to turn something else on like the Pool's Fountain and didn't know what they were doing?   We let our Pool Guy do things for us when he comes on Monday, but couldn't wait for Brad to show up, so Rob fixed it for us while he was over here doing some of the Yardwork we hire him to do.

Since I doubled the amount I give the Neighbors to do the Irrigation and Yardwork, Rob has been going gangbusters on working on it.  I told him he didn't have to ramp up the amount of Work, but he insists, which is Sweet of him.  He said now he can becoz he's Retiring, he just turned 62 and is applying for his Social Security Benefits.  I guess now they require more than they did back when I applied and got mine, so it's more of a rigamarole.  

 He's got to provide proof of Divorces from any Exes, I don't recall having to do that, nor did The Man, but, we Qualified for our Benefits many Years ago and were Married to each other when each of us reached Qualifying Ages.   Rob is now Single and has been for a long time.  He was joking that he doesn't even remember what Year he got Divorced anymore, let alone have the Paperwork handy to prove it.  *LOL*   I know what he means, some things you'd rather Forget and not have to dredge back up to Memory.   Exes being one of them.  *Smiles*

I guess he had Two Exes, but it was long ago and he's never mentioned having a Family of his own.  My understanding was he's been Caregiving for his Elderly Parents for a long, long time, living there with them.  So I thought perhaps he was always a Bachelor and never asked.   Our Friend Damien never Married, so of all his Siblings, he was the one who moved in and took care of their Elderly Parents when the time came that they needed looking after, his Siblings all had Spouses and Children.  Anyway, Rob said that tho' he's Retiring formally, he's the type of Guy who wants to stay busy and doing things constantly.  He's always over there doing something for his Parents next door.   Their Property is immaculate on account of Rob.

When it had Cooled off a lot, I thought I might get busy with the Purge in The RV Garage Mahal, so, wouldn't ya know, it heated back up again... dammit!   So, don't know how much, if anything, I'll actually get done in there now until Fall?  *Le Sigh*   I had thought about getting one of those portable Air Conditioning Units on Rollers, but they're more expensive than I realized so it wasn't within Budget right now.  I've had too many other priorities to fund at the moment.   As all of you well know, the cost of just about everything has escalated, so, Budgets have been strained for just necessities more than usual.

Granted, Purging possessions has afforded me the discretionary income by Selling Off a lot of it, to fund other things.   Downsizing has it's Rewards.   I don't know what Retirees do who have nothing to Liquidate to supplement their Retirements or didn't Invest for Passive Income Flows to supplement fixed income Pensions?   Anyway, I guess they just keep Working 'til they drop Dead?   If they can even still Work or anyone will still hire them that is.   If someone is Working becoz they still want to, it is far different than Working becoz they absolutely still have to in their Old Age.   When I see decrepit Seniors still trying to Work at menial Jobs they need to Survive or barely Exist, or to be able to just pay for their necessary Medications, it's just Sad. 


Well... we moved past the Manic Monday... Dawn... The Bohemian


  1. I was sorry to hear about your son. It's just hard. My son is not welcome here. I'm done with his lies, his manipulations, his drama, his bullshit. It's just too hard for me to deal with and I don't have to. He's a grown ass man and this is his problem. Thanks for stopping by and giving me a boost. It means a lot.

    1. Indeed, once Grown, they have to learn that choices and how they treat other people matter. We need to encourage one another when going thru the Trials of Life, even when your Loved Ones are not able to sustain healthy relationship, our hurt is only as deep as our Love for them. When there are Disabled Adult Children, you also never know what the Future holds for them if you are no longer around and so you try your best to prepare them for Life, such that it just is and will be. I think you exercise Tough Love and the Right thing to do is never the Easy thing to do, it never gets easier unfortunately.

  2. When I read posts like this I can tone down my jealously of my neighbors who all seem to have "delightful kids" who bring them joy and happiness. LoL

    1. Jean you made me Laugh out loud with this response my Friend. Ain't it the Truth that so many people portray Parenting in a Fantasy of only Joy and Delight and neglect to be authentic about any Trials it has and does hold. *LMAOROTF* Ah, I've met so many of them that pretend it's all Rainbows, Buttercups and Unicorn Farts with every Child... and tho' there is certainly Joy and Happiness within Families, and Pride in one's Offspring, which is Natural as a Parent or Grandparent... I keep it 100% always. It's similar to being Jealous about Social Media Sharing, most folks are Sharing the Best parts of their lives, the Vacations and upside, the Edited parts, the Editorial Photographs of their Homes. That's all Fine, but it's not the WHOLE Reality and we mustn't lose sight of that fact. I sometimes envied those Blogs that had the Perfect Home in Pictures... and had to tone down my jealousy when I realized the dirty Laundry was probably just out of Frame and the screaming Baby or Teen with Angst wasn't being Photographed as often as the Smiling ones melting Hearts. *Winks*

  3. That’s kinda nervy for invited guests to bring others ..... that is unless they were told they could, but doesn't seem a good idea or safe to have people one does not know in one's home. And to drag children along is a definite no no. Not everyone wants your kid around. All in all, I too would have had sensory overload and lost my shiz.

    1. We knew the Uninvited Guests all their Lives, but it was an Invited Long Time known person who Invited them, which, wasn't appropriate unless the Host tells you that you can bring someone with you. The one Young Man has never been Married and has no Kids, but ended up with his Two Young Nieces and he has no idea how to appropriately parent and babysit Kids that Young, so The Daughter felt the need to ensure the Children were supervised appropriately. She's too Old now to do that and so am I... the Kids were just being typical Kids, but, I don't want the liability of small Children potentially getting hurt on my property... nor do I think any Adult Party should have Minors present, especially if drinking is involved, and it was with those who do partake.

  4. I'm sorry your son has to move out but get it. As you said, he may benefit from being on his own.

    1. Well, we may have to aide him some to get his own place in this very odd time of Rentals being hard to procure at affordable rates. All his Friends are Married with Families so they no longer need a Single Roommate. I'm attempting to work something out and put conditions on it so that he can move forward and make other arrangements. He's got things to sort out in his life and I don't expect that to happen overnight, but, he's Grown and has to manage his Journey.

  5. You are so right to guard and protect the harmony of your home. May everything flow smoothly and peacefully for you. Our homes are our sanctuaries!

    1. Yes, setting conditions, limitation, etcetera to preserve and protect the Harmony of our Homes is paramount. We don't mind helping our Adult Kiddos, but, if they live life on terms we're not in agreement with, then they must take that Journey in their own Home. We will likely have to help him some, all his Friends are now Married with Families, so there's nobody needing a Single Roommate like when they were all Younger and could split costs. Rents have increased exponentially, which is why The Grandsons had to move out of State when it wasn't working out for them to live with us anymore. It's a tough row to hoe for Young Adults these days, and those with significant Disabilities have a tougher row to hoe.

  6. If I'm a guess I try to leave in three days.

    1. Yes, any Guest after Three Days has probably outstayed their Welcome, I agree.

  7. I love my extended family but I can't live with them. I had to move in with my dad after a severe stroke. It was for maybe six weeks but in my mind it was months and months. You are the greatest mama bear and you are doing the best for everyone in your family. I don't know how you balance it all.

    1. I agree with you about Loving people you can't necessarily live with in Adulthood. My Mom moved in with me after she and my Dad Divorced, to get her on her Feet after they Sold the Home they'd bought together. It was hard on both of us. I've had Dear Friends and Beloved other Family members move in with us when they needed a place and some temporary Help, it's always an adjustment for everyone. I know he'll be happier if and when he can get his own Home, Rents are high now and all his Friends are now Married with Families so nobody is looking for Single Roommates and that makes splitting costs harder than when most were Younger and Single. Even a good Roommate situation can be challenging. Multigenerational Living has it's Pros and Cons. We'll probably have to help him some and make some conditions on assisting him to make other arrangement, I'm not trying to throw him under the Bus... I want his transition to be a Safe and Positive one. He's been Homeless before and it's hard to maintain employment or sobriety in that kind of dire circumstance, so we don't want to revisit that either.


A life touched by God always ends in touching others. - Erwin McManus

I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars. - Og Mandino (1923-1996)

For creativity to flourish one should try to look at everything as though it were being seen for the first or the last time. - Quote from "A Thousand Paths To Creativity" by David Baird

Is what I'm about to say an improvement on silence? ~ Galen Pearl