Tuesday, April 23, 2024

A Good News Post... A Pleasant Change

 We had our first triple digit temperature Day Monday, only Three Degrees below the Record and Ten Degrees above Normal for this time of Year.  Climate Change is Real.  It had felt really Hot, so I wasn't surprised to learn we'd broken into triple digits.   The Man and I had Sourced some Specialty Tees on 50% Off Day and then we'd gone to the Antique Mall to clear out more of the Old Showroom.   I Donated Two Boxes of the Merch and took a single Box of it back Home.   I'll do this each day now this Week, so that by the Vacate Date of the 27th, I should have most of it done.   We went out for Brunch afterwards and had some new items on the Menu at DENNY'S Diner.  So, we'll start the Post out with Food Porn of my Brunch.  *Smiles* 

It was a lot of Food so I gave about half of it to The Man.  Not that his Order was Small, but, he had given me the English Muffin to eat my Eggs with... so, I gave him my Sausages and half of the Waffles.  It all was very good, we hadn't been to a DENNY'S in a long time even tho' a couple locations are quite close.   I also had their new Sweet Creme Iced Cappuccino, it looked nothing like the Photos of it on the Menu, but, was very good regardless of not being as attractive as their Menu Images.   I'd started a different Post and got it almost finished and then decided to just delete it.  It wasn't a very Uplifting Post, not that anything is Wrong on a Personal level.  It's just a lot is going on in the World that is troubling and sometimes I Wrestle with whether or not to Write about what I Think about it all.  

Regardless of what I Think about it all, won't change any of it tho'.  So, I Vented about it by banging out my Thoughts via the Keyboard, then just Deleted the whole thing afterwards.   Works for me.  *LOL*  Besides, it was 102 Degrees Outside and I had a shitload of Tees to get Priced, so, fixating on everything going to Hell in the World was a waste of precious Time and Energy.  I have a finite amount of both, so, decided it would better serve me, and you too, to just Move On and come up with a more Uplifting Post.   So, here we are.   I Photographed a few of the Tees to use as Blog Fodder, as is my new Custom.  *LOL*   The Iconic Arizona Tees {above and below}, were particularly appropriate given our Temperatures of the Day.  *Bwahahahaha*

I think I'll put at least One of them on a Mannequin Display when I bring this load of fresh Merch in.   The Daughter came Home from Work and needs to go to the Store, so, I'll probably swing by The Antique Mall again and just put everything in Tonight, then I won't have to Tomorrow.  When I was Working the Showrooms earlier, an Older Couple were being a Pain in the Ass.   Often you get a sense that certain Customers are intentionally trying to get in the way and just be an unnecessary nuisance becoz they see you trying to Work your Space.  Usually it's not so Obvious as it was with this Couple.  They looked like the Stereotypical Privileged Pretentious Sixty-Somethings who have this Air of Entitlement and are just inconsiderately Rude.

Well, I was at the entrance of the New Showroom and they made a big Production of hanging around my Showroom at first.  Getting in the way and pretending to look at Merch I knew damned well they had zero Interest in, too obvious.   My Cart full of Merch was in the Aisle in front of the Showroom, and that means it's a tight squeeze for them and their Cart to also be in the Aisle.  I try not to obstruct Customers and give them the Right of Way.   Normal People might squeeze by once on their way down any Aisle at the same spot at the same time.  This Couple, individually mind you, squeezed past me SIX times EACH... back and forth, back and forth incessantly and individually, even tho' they were together!   It was very Weird.

 Meaning TWELVE fucking obnoxious squeeze-bys within a very brief period of time while I'm trying to Work, yet also make an effort not to obstruct anyone actually Shopping.   They were NOT actually Shopping tho', just kept walking back and forth down that very short piece of Aisle so as to excessively squeeze by me and make me stop and accommodate them each time.  *Eye Roll*  It was all I could do not to finally ask, after the Twelfth Pass By, "Can I Help you with something, you look as if you expect to find it right here somewhere, but can't?"  But, Honestly, I didn't want to engage nor did I want to offer Help to these Assholes, it was doubtful they had any real reason to go back and forth so many times.    Since, who the fuck Walks up and down a 15 Foot crowded section of a single Aisle a Dozen Times within less than 10 Minutes anywhere, with absolutely no reason to?!   

Squeezing past the same person over and over and over again is just being obnoxious.  Not once did they say Excuse Me or apologize for coming back thru over and over and over again, bumping into me or the Cart each time they crashed thru the narrow Space carelessly, to pass Politely you would take Care and Finesse to do it without crashing into things.  They didn't look like they were searching for anything at all, just making a Production out of wanting to be in the way intentionally and Sigh heavily and audibly every time they squeezed past the same goddamned spot unnecessarily.  Like WTF, who does that?!   I just Smiled each time as if it wasn't bothering or inconveniencing me and that seemed to irk the shit out of them actually.  Probably Why they just kept doing it... but, I gave them Zero Satisfaction with any Reaction or Response they clearly were attempting to provoke and elicit.  *LOL*

It was Slow in the Mall and so not a lot of People to have to Work around or who would be in the way, or I'd be in the way of, which is why they were so damned obvious.  Anyway, finally The Man came up and I quietly let him know what they were doing incessantly and how many passes they'd already made in a brief period of time.  They didn't know he was with me, so, he pretended to be a Customer and deliberately blocked them coming back for another pass by... and acted oblivious that he was now in THEIR way.   And... it worked... they just gave up waiting for him to now move out of the way and had to bugger off to another Aisle.  *LMAOROTF*   It was Brilliant and I gave him a High Five after they were out of sight.   Other than that annoying Asshat Couple, everything was Swell tho'.  *LOL*

Since they'd been in the way tho', I didn't get everything done before we had to leave to go get Princess T after School.   So, later The Daughter went with me to finish up what I needed to get done.   With nobody now in the way, we got it done quickly and without incident.   I'd Sold the last piece of Display Furniture out of the Old Showroom by then, yay, now I don't have to transport it.  *Whew*   I had Customers still in the New Showroom up to the Mall getting ready to Close and Sales had been really Strong in both Showrooms.   Below is a Tour Tee that the Swifties should like from her Reputation Stadium Tour.  I've got it priced far below what they're asking Online for this one, so, it should be a Quick Turn. 


I ordered Princess T's Yearbook this Morning, it's the first Year she's actually wanted one, even tho' in the past I still ordered her one.  I thought perhaps she'd regret not having them if I didn't?   But, The Young Prince never did and never wanted anything to remember High School from, he insisted I NOT waste my Money on them.  Of coarse for The Grandson his High School Experience was a horror and quite complicated, so I can understand why.   Half the time he wouldn't even show up for Picture Day and he never did get to Graduate, since, Schools began refusing to Educated someone with his condition.  I always felt that violated his Rights by Law to receive an Education, but, they skirted around all that in a way they find that they can.  Alternate Schools weren't any better.

And, I refused to send him to the Reform School they tried to have us enroll him in as a last ditch effort to be in compliance with the Law.  He wasn't a delinquent and didn't have Behavioral Challenges, so even the Principal of that School said it would be inappropriate placement.  When a School calls it Intake rather than Enrollment, has Razor Wire around the entire Campus and every Door has Lockdown Security Devices, we weren't stupid about where they had sent us.  They made a referral after they wouldn't accept him back at their regular Schools anymore.  Discrimination against the Seriously Mentally Ill is at archaic levels in all of Society still and is mostly still Fear based with total lack of Humanity extended towards that Community.

The Young Prince once quipped that it was easier being Gay in Society than being SMI, which spoke volumes.   I once heard Comedian Wanda Sykes quip that it was easier being Black than being Gay, which also spoke volumes.   So, if it's easier being a persecuted Ethnic Minority than being Gay... and easier being Gay than being Seriously Mentally Ill, well, think about that for a moment wouldya.   On the scale of difficulty, especially if you would be all Three, which, The Young Prince is... being a Gay Transgender Hispanic Schizophrenic.   The Young Prince would deadpan, "Strike Three, you're Out, as far as Society is concerned."   And they wouldn't be Wrong about that.  Which is just Heart rendering, there is nothing I can do about that for my Grandchild's treacherous Journey thru this Life.

Right now The Young Prince is not doing well and finally was Open about being Honest about it.   Usually they won't be, since, worrying me is the last thing they want to do. {Proud of myself for mostly using the right Pronoun they have asked me to... but, I truly have to consciously alter my speech pattern about not saying he/him and it's difficult to.}   But anyway, they felt badly for masking it every time we talked or wrote to each other, so, finally coming Clean was better for both of us, no Secrets.  Since, I kinda 'knew' anyway and The Young Prince told me they knew they weren't fooling me.   You sense when there is a disturbance in The Force, so to speak, about any of your Kiddos, at least I always do, regardless of what they might try to hide.  Sometimes I won't press it, letting them tell me when they're ready to be transparent and Honest about whatever it is.

Nothing worse than 'knowing' someone isn't Fine and they're telling you they're Fine, and they are NOT.   I do have a lot of concerns when that Grandchild is NOT Fine, since Suicidal Ideology has been a pattern since they were only Seven Years Old.   Self Harm is a very real possibility with The Young Prince, more likely to do that than to hurt/harm others.  Often they tell me they don't Like Living, and with the Life Hand Dealt, well, it's a very tough row to hoe to BE Them.   The Beautiful Genius Mind that this Guy has tho' is exceptional and so Unique.  I am trying to convince them to delve deeper into their Art and begin Creating the Magic that it is.   Their Art would Sell easily becoz there is nothing like it that I've ever seen and it's so Unique, Edgy and Cool.   All the Art I have that they Created, everyone asks me about where I got it.

 The Young Prince has always lived and breathed Art of all kinds.  Can play any Musical Instrument, do Cosmetology, Paint, Draw, Sculpt, Invent, Perform Theatrically, Write, Create Fashion, Dance, Create Special Effects, all with no Formal Training.  There is very little they can't do and IQ is 148, so, legitimate Genius.   I Miss this Kiddo, so much Fun to hang out with, always such stimulating deep conversations.   There is literally no Topic that they don't seem to know literally everything about!  I kid you not.  Mind like a Steel Trap and a Sponge, from a very Young Age, would research everything and memorize it all.  Categorizing and Storing it all in that complex Brain they have, then trot it out if you needed to know something, no matter how random or deep it was! 

  When we had the Killer Bee attack for example, I'm telling The Young Prince for the first time and they started telling me EVERYTHING about Killer Bees!  Like a Killer Bee Expert!  If any of us wants to be completely Informed about anything at all without doing the actual Research ourselves, all we need to is ask The Young Prince and the Data will be instantly rolled out without hesitation... quicker than if you Googled it!  *LOL*   And, for shits and grins, if ya wanna Fact Check the Information given, you'll realize it was 100% Accurate.   And you're like, HOW in the World???!!!!   Can you only Imagine the Hours poured over Data being voraciously consumed and then Stored away in that Brain?!   It doesn't seem possible and now I know why I've always been told about the Fine Line between Genius and Insanity... and... it makes perfect Sense.  

 And so when Educators told me my Grandson couldn't be Taught, I Called Out Bullshit when I heard it.   The Young Prince would merely tell me they couldn't Teach what was already Known, that's Why.  *LOL*  And, if their information was faulty, well, The Young Prince would challenge it and debate it.   Which, didn't make a Child very Popular with anyone arrogant enuf to assume a Kid couldn't be that damned Intelligent or Knowledgeable, perhaps making the Adult look bad.   I once had a pompous Teacher tell us in an IEP that my Grandchild asked too many Questions in Class.  I countered with, "Does that only bother you becoz you don't have the Answers?"   Yeah, you could hear a fucking Pin drop when I dropped that one in a room filled with his Teachers and Administrators picking my Kiddo apart as if the Child was the Problem!

 A Child can NEVER ask too many Questions, that's how one gains Knowledge and becomes better Informed and challenges Information that may be inaccurate!  If the Kid asks you something you don't know, just say you don't know, no shame in that, then research it and get back to them... Simple... you're the Teacher!  You'll gain their Trust and Respect, and perhaps even Teach both of you something New.  *Winks*  Hey we all know what we know and don't know what we just don't know, but, far too many people Think they Know what they don't Know and that's usually the bigger Problem.  *Smiles*

I got some Good News from the Young Prince that should change the whole trajectory of how they have been feeling.  They FINALLY got a House to Rent and move in on Wednesday Morning!  *Whew*  They've been living in a Motel all this time and had a major break-in and Theft where ALL their Tech items got Stolen there, so, they've been desperate to find a Rental come up.   There in Clovis it's small and inexpensive, but has a lot for a small Town and so there's plenty of Shopping, but, not plenty of Housing.  Rents are affordable, just not plentiful.  The exact opposite of Phoenix.  Anyway, he said it's a small One Bedroom House and they get it April 24th but the Landlord will not charge them any Rent until May.  They'll be here in about 2-3 Weeks to get their possessions and completely move in.  I'm so Happy for them.

Now, more Good News, The Granddaughter whose expecting a Baby Girl in 8 Weeks had a Photo Session done by her Younger Sister, whose madly Creative in all the Arts.  They turned out so Beautiful I'm Sharing them in this Post, she looks absolutely Radiant and the Baby is doing Fine.   She got really big on this Baby so I think the Birth Weight of her Little Girl is going to be bigger than her Son was.   I remember being big like this with The Son and he Weighed in at Birth at almost 11 Lbs., yes, that's not a Typo, Eleven Pounds!!!   The Granddaughter hasn't told me what the expected Birth Weight of their Baby Girl is expected to be, their Son was just over 7 lbs..   He's just over 2 now so a nice Age spread, the Siblings should be close, I'm 2.5 Years Older than my Brother and we were extremely close as Kids and still are now.

She Married a Man who already had Three Older Children, so, both Kiddos will have Big Brothers and Sisters.   Since the Granddaughter Married Late and had her Kids later in Middle Age, after she established her Career as a Nurse, she's glad to have a Big Instant Family.  As she's getting Older she's looking more and more like her Mama, our Oldest Daughter.   Initially only the Youngest of our Oldest Daughter's Trio of Girls looked like her and had her Darker Coloring, the Two Oldest being Blonde and quite Fair.   Now that this Grandchild is experimenting with dying her Naturally Blonde Hair Dark, she looks a lot like her Mom now!  Our SIL is German descent, so he's very Blonde and Fair.   The Great Grandson of this Granddaughter is very Blonde and Fair like his Mama was as a Kiddo.  Her Older Sister, the Oldest Grandchild of the Trio, is Fair but has one Dark Child and one Fair Child, and her new Baby, a Boy, looks like he'll be Fair too.  Genetics can be a Mixed Bag...



Blessings, Love and Light from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian

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A life touched by God always ends in touching others. - Erwin McManus

I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars. - Og Mandino (1923-1996)

For creativity to flourish one should try to look at everything as though it were being seen for the first or the last time. - Quote from "A Thousand Paths To Creativity" by David Baird

Is what I'm about to say an improvement on silence? ~ Galen Pearl