Wednesday, October 23, 2024

A Bipolar Funk Low

 I started this Post over Twice, been in a Malaise lately, tired and having trouble getting up or staying up in the Mornings.  There's a lot I could and should be doing, but I haven't had sufficient self motivation to tackle a lot of it.  Not gonna force it, when you're in the wrong Head Space it's not productive to push what isn't freely moving.  I'll regulate eventually and then gain momentum again once I'm back to Center and Balanced.  It's a Bipolar Funk Low, they pass if you don't get too inside your own Head.  And, tho' it's nearing Halloween I didn't want/need this to be a Dark Post.

I did make a good Taco Tuesday with the Al Pastor Meat, it was so tender it fell apart when cutting it up, melted in your Mouth, and everyone Loved it.  I'll remember that "Sprouts" does a fine Al Pastor.  We never found any Cojita, so used some other Mexican Cheeses instead.  I noticed that the cost of Fresh Produce is way up, no idea why?   So, I didn't get any Green Onion either, usually they cost 29 Cents to 33 Cents a bunch, they were $1.29, a significant increase!  What I Buy regularly, I know what it should cost.

They were out of my favorite Milk Brand and have been for over a Week, so, I bought an alternate Brand, since, they didn't know when they'd get more of Zeal Creamery Milk in.  They keep building these enormous Apartment Complexes around us and new Residential Subdivisions, but, aren't building sufficient infrastructure for the massive population increase in the area.  That means the existing Stores are often running out of everything and traffic is ridiculous, so commutes take enormous amounts longer for even short distances.  It's a problem already and likely to only get worse when all those new builds are completed and fully occupied.

  Just a couple of Weeks before the Election is a Wrap, and I'm still dumbfounded it's still a close Race, I mean, REALLY?!   Arizona is a battleground State and went Purple last Election, this time I do Hope for a Blue Wave, but... who knows?   If Kamala Wins the Popular Vote and doesn't Win the Electoral College, like what happened to Hillary by Millions of Votes she actually Won by, I'll be pissed.  We shouldn't have ever had to endure even one Term of the Orange Menace, let alone Two, if the Popular Vote chooses the opposing Candidate.  They need to do away with that Archaic rigged Electoral College... and Gerrymandering.

I'm so weary of our current Politics that I find it Emotionally Exhausting.  And the Supreme Court, well, they need to address that whole corrupted Bench immediately.  I'm not even feeling Guardedly Optimistic about the deep divisions our Country now has and how Radicalized and Cultish so many Citizens have clearly become.  Other than all that, everything is Swell.  *Bwahahahaha*  Really, not sure what the Future holds at all, so much instability and extremism exists to second guess any of it.  The only Given is that one side is more unhinged, detached from Reality and completely unraveled than it was before.  I'm glad Giuliani is getting Major Assets seized for his Crimes to pay Restitution, 45 should suffer the same fate for his Crimes too, that hits them where it hurts, in their Wallets and compensates whose been Victimized.

I did go out and Buy a couple of Heirloom Pumpkins from TARGET.  So many had great Stems this Year, so, it was difficult to choose only Two Favorites from the selection available.  I got this Orange and Green One with the great Stem that has curly Vine still on it.  The 2nd Choice was harder between the Two Green and White Below, I chose the bottom One in the Pix, it was slightly Smaller, but better symmetry and no Yellowing, both had great thick Stems.  People were there Buying a lot of Pumpkins, Carts full actually, so, I'm glad I didn't tarry before the best ones were gone.  TARGET was Selling the Heirloom Pumpkins at a flat rate apiece regardless of Size or Weight.  The price was reasonable and less expensive than previous Years... so the Harvest must have been a good one this Year?

The Halloween Aisles were packed with Shoppers, so I Hope that the remnant I had left of Halloween Merch Sells Out completely in the next couple of Weeks.   I had some really good Halloween Specialty Tees and Hoodies and some Halloween Collectibles and Decor left.  I'd raided The She Shed to find every bit of Seasonal Merch I had Crated up and even released some items that I'd previously waffled on Selling.  Those items, if they don't Sell, I won't mind.  *Winks*  I usually keep my Halloween Merch up 'til Thanksgiving in the Showroom since, people Buy it up to and until December begins.  Mostly becoz the Big Box Stores do not, so, it's scarcer everywhere else and that makes it more coveted when they do locate some.  And even TARGET was getting bare Shelves now in their Halloween Aisles or down to just One of everything. 

I was surprised that even the biggest Retailers like Wal-Mart were kinda lean on the Aisles of Halloween Merch they had this Season.   Some Grocery Stores had as much of a Halloween selection as our Wal-Marts did.   In fact, Grocery Stores like FRY'S MARKETPLACE Mega Grocers actually have a great selection of Merch for every Holiday now.   I was disappointed to learn that The Desert Botanical Gardens are only going to do their Dia de los Muertos Altar Display for Three Days this Year, usually they keep them up longer beforehand to even out Crowd size that might come to view Seasonal Displays or Art Exhibits.   I haven't renewed my Membership yet, but did find a whole bunch of my Guest Passes that had gotten misplaced during our Move and have thus now Expired... dammit!  I don't think they should have Expiration Dates, since you pay for them with your Membership as part of the upgraded Package I Buy. 

So, I have about Eight now worthless Guest Passes that I could have used to get in.  *Le Sigh*  Luckily the Wildlife World Zoo Pass that I found did gain me access and apparently didn't have an Expiration Date, from back when I used to have a Membership there.   I let Memberships lapse when Budget got tight, also when we had Pandemic, since, most Venues were Closed and tho' some extended Membership to make up for that, some didn't.  I'll probably renew my Garden Membership since I do go there enuf to make it worthwhile to have one.   But, I won't Upgrade this time to bring a Guest or get extra Passes that Expire, I'll get the Basic Membership for just me.  Nobody attends with me now anyway, The G-Kid Force used to and sometimes a Friend would want to go with me.  Now just about everyone has either Moved Away or Passed Away.  Making the Inner Circle get tighter.

I know if I joined some things I'd meet new People with similar Interests.   But, with Caregiving, it's next to impossible for me to have that much unlimited Freedom for joining things that meet regularly.  Even at the Gym they have Classes that some Seniors there have encouraged me to attend, but, even just getting to the Gym spontaneously is proving difficult enough.  The more deterioration The Man has, the more he seems to have Separation Anxiety when I don't take him along everywhere with me.  And I don't want to add to his Emotional Distress or exacerbate his Behavioral Issues that are manifesting with the decline.   

He has his good days and his more challenging ones, and at Sundown, now he really exhibits Sundowners Symptoms... especially the ignoring directions, so I don't take him out much after Late Afternoon now.  The Mornings are pretty good, early Afternoon also, but by late Afternoon, he's getting easily agitated, confused, aggressive, ignoring directions, anxious and projecting his frustrations at everyone.  Out and about is not the place to have someone in a deteriorated condition, it's hard on them, on the Caregiver managing them, and on anyone else around that has no understanding about what's Wrong or going on.   I've even had some people ask me if I'm alright, assuming that perhaps I'm dealing with an abusive situation, which, I'm not.  But I can see their Concern that I might be hesitant to say I am, and call it in to Authorities. 

Most of our Friends know what's Wrong with him, but it's not like I'm gonna explain to complete Strangers.   Even if they're Concerned ones just trying to do the Right Thing when they see an Adult having trouble dealing with another Adult whose not Mood Regulating appropriately and seems to be Losing It.   If an Abusive or Dangerous Situation were happening, it would be good for even a Stranger to get involved enuf to ensure someone's safety.  I have in the past... and once Saved an Young Teen Girl's Life who was being forcibly abducted by an abusive Stalker Ex-Boyfriend!!!   Her Mom came to pick her up from our Home, where I'd brought her in to Safety, since, the Abduction was occurring in front of our Historic Home.  She'd jumped out of the Vehicle and he'd tried to drag her back inside it!!!  He had her by the Hair dragging her by force and she clearly couldn't get away by herself!

 I heard her Screams for Help and ran up, aggressively yanked her from his Grasp and had a Golf Club ready to whack him with it.  I angrily threatened that I'd beat him to Death with it to protect myself and her, so he backed off and sped off.  Plus I yelled loudly for the Grandkids to hurry and run to tell Grandpa to get his Gun.  I guess I seemed Serious enuf to him and I was now a Witness to his Crime and could Identify him as her Abductor.  But, I got his License Plate info and called it in as a Kidnapping attempt and violent Assault.  He'd already violently Assaulted her and I think she was in imminent Danger of possibly being Killed.  She was only 15 and terrified, he looked to be Adult Age and she couldn't have overpowered him or gotten away otherwise, I was sure of it.  The Mom got there right away and said he'd threatened the whole Family becoz they wouldn't allow her to be with him, since she was underage, and he seemed to be a Sexual Pedophile Predator seducing Underaged Girls.  

Don't know if the Police caught him or not, I gave them all the info they'd need from me.  The Family would be the ones to Press Charges... but, I don't think they'd need to, it would be a mandatory Charge he'd catch for Agg Assault and Kidnapping, perhaps even Sexual Assault.  I just know how Grateful that Child and her Mother were for me getting Involved, but, I couldn't watch a Child being Abducted and Harmed and do nothing, even with the Risk that clearly poses to yourself to do so.  I felt like if that were my Child or Grandchild in Danger like that, I'd want anyone to intercede on their behalf.  It was a very scary Situation tho' and I do understand how some people would not risk getting involved if they were paralyzed by Fear and the obvious Risks.  It's even Risky for Police to get Involved with DV Cases.  You never know if a Victim might Turn on you instead of allowing you to offer Help.   Anyway, that Day everything worked out and the Young Girl would Physically recover, even tho' Emotionally/Mentally, perhaps not? 

Anyway, so, we just do things like Environmental Cleanup and trawling Antique Malls and Events Together, he can usually handle those kinds of Outings if we do them early enuf.   We LOVED this European Car Front turned into a Fish... very Creative and I'm assuming the Headlight Eyes still light up.  What a conversation starter as a Unique Art Installation Showcase Piece.   I didn't bother to look at the Price, since, I knew I wouldn't be a Player.   But, I was thinking this would be an Awesome OOAK piece to have Poolside in a Tiki Hut Area to light up the Space, No?   And we thought the Taxidermy Fish above it was part of it, since, they seemed to be attached and not separate items???   Anyway, Too Cool!!!  In fact, this Vendor's Booth had loads of Cool OOAK Unusual Far Out Freaky Imaginative Artsy pieces that perhaps they Fabricate and Dream Up themselves? 

This was also in their Booth... and I was thinking, this is someone I'd like to have a Conversation with, pretty sure they'd not be Boring and be quite a Character????!!!  I Like how their Mind Works and they'd be my kind of People.  The Man had seen all the Inventory in that Booth and said he thought this Vendor was definitely "Of my Tribe"...  *LOL*  Pretty sure he could be Right...  *Winks*   Yes, those that Create or Display what is Weird and Wonderful 'mos def are My People.  *Smiles*
I got about 30 more Blog Fodder Images out of the trawl of that Antique Mall.  There weren't any Booths of Seasonal Displays per se, but, some Interesting enuf Inventory to Photograph nonetheless. 

 Most of the Vendors there have the Good Stuff, but it's a very cluttered Merchandising of it that most of them do, since the Rental Spaces are quite Small and packed with too much.  If you're the Demographic that likes to dig tho'... and aren't prone to Sensory Overload.  *LOL*  Listen, we did some Digging ourselves in the Rock and Crystals Vendor's Booth, he had a lot of Costume Jewelry too jumbled in large plastic Bins.  Everything was jumbled in large plastic Rubbermaid Bins, so you really did have to dig, but, his Prices are Insanely low, so, it's worth it.  And, I must say while Sourcing my Dozen Crystals Pendants at only a Buck apiece, and digging thru the Bin they were in, The Man and I were like on a Pirate's Treasure Hunt and it was rather Fun and a Rush, I ain't gonna Lie.  *LOL*  In the Bin for a Buck were also tumbled Polished Rocks, Fancy Beads, Turquoise Crosses, tiny Rock Skulls, Arrowheads, mini Crystal Towers, and Stress Stones.  Every time we go there we dig thru his Rock/Crystals/Beads Bins.

This great Creepy Rocker Halloween Prop was in the Booth that Sold Vinyl Records and Posters.  And Below is a Rare Vintage 1970 Poster that Princess T had which Eli the Cat mauled, and we wanted it protected.  So, I found a Black Wood Poster Frame with Plexiglass Front that had a U.S. Laminated Map in it, took the Map out, which I can Sell for more than I Paid for the whole thing at the Chazza I got it at... and put the Poster in it. {Below}  It should now preserve the Poster better and keep ole' Eli from attacking it.  I don't know Why he disliked this Poster, but, he does, so, she's given it to me, since he doesn't like it in 'their' Shared Room.  *Bwahahahaha*  It had been a New Old Stock pristine Poster for it's Age that she bought from an Elderly Vendor at our Antique Mall who used to own a Poster Shop in Central Phoenix in the late Sixties and early Seventies.  He and his Daughter Passed Away during COVID before the Vaccines were available.

  He was a really nice Old Guy, with great Stories about Phoenix during the heyday of the Hippie Era.   His Daughter wasn't very Pleasant tho', she seemed like she'd become an embittered Caregiver taking care of her Elderly Father, and she wasn't very nice to him in Public or Patient with him IMO, I felt Sorry for him.  Their Relationship didn't seem to be a close one and perhaps she resented having to Care for him?   They had a Booth full of New Old Stock Posters from the 60's thru about the 90's Era that he hadn't Sold before he Closed his Poster Shop Downtown.  And a Locked Case that had New Old Stock Collectible Button Pins of Popular Celebs and Rock Stars, Bumper Stickers, Memorabilia from Phoenix's Music Scene in those Decades, and Souvenirs from Iconic Local places in Phoenix or Local TV Shows that no longer exist like Legend City, a Theme Park, and The Wallace & Ladmo Kid's Show.

Princess T's Work has been asking Employees to come in Costume and she didn't wanna impede by wearing something that would be difficult for her to do the Work in, so, she came as a Simple Cat with Braided Hair Ears, which was Clever.  I knew I had a THEN and NOW Pix of her as a Cat... so... Above is her at Age about 5 and now at Age 19 Below... as a Cat.  She's still a Cute Cat.  *Smiles*   She really didn't want to participate and was resistant to, but I convinced her she should and was glad that she did.  A lot of the Employees were coming in Costumes every day and being really good Sports about it.  I enjoyed coming in and seeing what Costumes they'd all be wearing.  Some were Fearless about coming in full Costumes.  One Young Man she went to School with, whose very Goth in how he looks all the time, and looks rather like a Young Slash from Guns N Roses... came as a Hotdog!  Only his Face was poking out, it was a full on Hotdog Suit!  *LOL*

So, hers was Tame by comparison and even how she dresses most of the time when she's going somewhere Special on an ordinary day!  It's so funny to me how Fearless she is about Fashion and wearing Edgy Styles all the time, then for Halloween, gets nervous about wearing a much Tamer Costume!  *Smiles*   Anyway, she got compliments so perhaps she'll be bolder about Costumes she might wear up to Halloween, who knows?   I didn't even realize the Braid Ears were her own Hair, I thought they were an Ear Headband!   She had to Work late and didn't get off until almost 4:00 P.M., so I had to hang around her Store, but I didn't mind, I like Shopping there anyway.   

And lately their Jewelry Case has had some really Awesome Sterling and Semi-Precious Stone, Fresh Water Pearl and Natural Crystals Pendants.   I did Buy some and got my Senior Discount {Tuesdays} or my Military Discount {Wednesdays} on top of the already low prices.  So, this was my Trio of Sterling Pendants with Semi Precious Stones and Pearl that I got for less than Nine Bucks each, one was only Five!   I also got a Sterling Necklace with a large Lavender Moon Stone Quartz carved in the Shape of a Tooth, for only Five Bucks!  {Below}

They get a lot of good Jewelry Donations.   And every Monday is 50% Off everything, which, The Goodwills don't do anymore.   SAVERS also has a Military Discount Day, a Senior Discount Day and a Customer Appreciation Day.  You earn Discount Rewards for Donations and for what you spend in their Store.  So, you almost always will receive at least 20%-30% Off.  Now, since The Granddaughter works there, if something has been in Inventory 3 Days, she can Buy it at an Employee Discount on the 4th Day too.   She's bought most of her Wardrobe from there anyway, so, now she knows what's coming in and I pick her up from Work every Day.   I got a Small Hobby Lobby Whitewashed Wooden Cabinet that is 4-Drawers high and has Two Wooden Drawers and Two Fabric Lined Wicker Baskets in between each Drawer.   The Knobs on the Wooden Drawers are White Wooden Roses.  I got it for Twelve Bucks... at Hobby Lobby they're $119!

And this Turquoise inlaid and Silver Pendant was only Three Dollars!

I've had such Fun Sourcing some inexpensive Jewelry.  What I won't Keep I can Sell in my Locked Case at the Antique Mall.   Jewelry Sells really well there, especially with the Impulse Shoppers, which, are the Demographic mostly coming in these days.  

And if you're Feeling Sexy All The Time, how about this for a Halloween Costume?  *Winks and LOL*  Quite Risque', but with some Pasties I think you might be able to have a ton of Fun without getting Arrested... and probably get lots of Candy?  *Smiles*   I Love Old Halloween Photos, but, they are difficult to Source.  It's Interesting to see the progression of Costumes used in different Eras.  And, a few of the Pixs below are mine.  The one with the Gypsy Children is probably not a Halloween Photo at all and is probably actual Gypsy Children abroad in Traditional Dress.   But, it's Old and goes nicely in my Halloween Cabinet of Curiosities Display.  I always trawl Online Auctions for Cool Old Photos and look for good Deals on them.   Some Sellers charge a lot tho', but, still Interesting to see the Old Photos even if you don't Buy them.

Below is one of my Granddaughters in Mexico, the Youngest of the Trio there {On the Right with Red Bow Headband}, with one of her Paternal Cousins.  They don't do Halloween in Mexico, but did some Costume Dress Ups for me, they know about Halloween, they've just never actually experienced it.

Below is The Daughter with the Middle Daughter of the Trio there.  This is the Grandchild who has my Grey Eyes, none of the others do... and she looks exactly like I did at her Age... so she looks more like me than any of my Kids did.   And she is the Wilder one too, go figure.   *LOL*


Autumnal Vibe from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian

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A life touched by God always ends in touching others. - Erwin McManus

I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars. - Og Mandino (1923-1996)

For creativity to flourish one should try to look at everything as though it were being seen for the first or the last time. - Quote from "A Thousand Paths To Creativity" by David Baird

Is what I'm about to say an improvement on silence? ~ Galen Pearl