Monday, September 16, 2024

Infamous... And My Strong Opinions About Stuff

Disclaimer, and Fair Warning, this might be a tough Read for you who are exceedingly sensitive, delicate Sensibilities folk, or most Wholesome Spirits, and that's Okay, you're a Better Person than I then.  Dawn of the Light is my Better Self, but there is Dark Dawn as well.   *Winks and True That, I have Duality*  I am Manic Today and know it.  When I went in to Work to stock Inventory, and again Sunday Night for my Shift, someone had really trashed the Showroom both times.  It's in a high traffic area and less problems than the Back Showroom we had moved from, but I suspect groups of Teens did it, since we had numerous larger groups of them acting the Fool in the Mall all day and being highly problematic.  Even if they buy something, they usually act disrespectful of it being a Business when they're in larger groups and show off for one another by acting too rowdy, immature, and by messing with everything and creating a Hot Mess.   Even the Feral Younger Children not adequately Supervised or disciplined by their Parents don't act as much like Vandals and Hooligans as the Teens who should know better and do better, but don't, and they Live among us.  *Le Sigh and Eye Roll*

Stuff I'd put up very high had been accessed and just thrown to the Floor, so I had to get Ladders to put it back.  I intentionally put the more expensive and more tempting to "play with" Merch higher than even most Adults could reach.   I do have Signs asking actual Customers to ask for Assistance if they want something out of Reach to examine or Buy, an Associate will get it FOR them.  These clearly weren't Shoppers who are actual Customers that make such carnage of our Spaces.   Just unruly Visitors to the Mall that I do wish Management would ask to leave when they spiral out of Control behaviorally like they do.  Or are showing definite Tells of being Criminally inclined and Shoplifting or Vandalizing Merch and Manhandling things that create Losses.  Larger groups of Young folk and Addicts are a big problem for all Businesses having Loss Prevention and Vandalism Issues.  And, it's a Trigger for Yours Truly, I despise those kinds of People we must live among and endure.  *LOL*

My Friend Long Tall Cristy and I {her above} confront unruly Patrons, but, few do.  She's over Six Foot Tall and I have Crazy Eyes, so we are quite effective at Intimidation of the Undesirables that show up.  *Smiles*  Since moving to a Front Showroom our problem with Theft and Vandalism has gone way down, but, isn't non-existent.   So, sometimes you're still targeted even in high visible Rental Space.   And also having someone trash our Space has gone way down, so, Sunday was just one of those days that still happens, but, Thankfully less often now.   Which is a Relief, nobody doing this can afford Big Losses, we barely eek out Profits as it is.   Small Businesses suffer most when Society is out of Control and runs rampant with Crime with little to no consequences.   And, Police are taking a Kid Glove stance on Theft these days and no longer take it Seriously... and, it's a Serious Problem... and Society as a Collective "Pays" for it in more ways than one, Trust and Believe.

 Some Customers are just messy as well or are nasty Humans in their habits and ways.  And, I hate to have to say it, but certain Vendors are as much a problem as certain parts of the Public.  We all know some Vendors are Thieves and sabotage other Vendors Spaces out of jealousy, dislike, or if you're too much competition.  You just have to catch them doing it too in order to demand to have Management DO something about them.  Or confront them, which I boldly do, since Management often won't and I don't put up with anyone's disrespect to me or what I own and make Money doing.   I don't like confrontation, but, I will confront certain things without hesitation and ripping me off or sabotaging my Showroom is definitely one of those things.   If you really wanna Meet Dark Dawn, try to see me as your next Victim and see what happens to get you Woke real fucking fast that I'm NOT The One to trifle with.  Whatever your intent was, better be damned worth it, that's all I've got to say, becoz we will have us a Situation.  *Winks and Smiles*

The worst Vendor Thief, the one I caught Red Handed Stealing my Mannequin some time back and she was forced to return it, and had Stolen from me before that, but I couldn't prove it, is still a Vendor there.  She rents an enormous amount of Space there, so they won't get rid of her.  And right now she's clearly having financial issues coz she is "Downsizing" big time, or trying to and has Signs in all her Spaces saying she's offering "Huge Discounts".  That's usually a sure sign of a Vendor in Crisis or in over their Heads.  She's not being very successful moving her Merch enuf to move out of enough Spaces and I think she's desperately struggling to meet her Rental Outlay obligations.   She Rents so much Space that crunching the Numbers, I don't even know how she has ever covered even Rent, let alone made a Profit, she's like a Rental Addict overextending herself badly.   And desperate people do desperate things, she never had a moral compass to begin with.  And I dislike that Bitch immensely after she made the big Mistake of Targeting me, so now she's in MY Crosshairs and she knows it.

  She has good Quality Merch and as much as she does the Five Finger Discount, she's probably a Kleptomaniac as well and Stolen a fair share of it.  She's also the one with all the MAGA Merch... not Surprisingly.   Criminals tend to support and associate with other Criminals, that's why it's always a Condition of their Probation and Parole NOT to associate with other Felons.   I've rarely met a very Shady Person who doesn't have a sordid Past and Shady Associates.  Hers would be Interesting, if one were to delve deeply into it, I could lay Money on that if I were a betting person.   She's an Older Woman, and I used to call her the Mousy Librarian {Looks the stereotypical part and I heard she was in fact a School Librarian, hilarious!}... until I just began calling her The Thief to other Vendors and Management.  Yes, that's my not at all Secret Nickname for her and she definitely knows it.   She avoids me and won't even look me in the face and scurries off now like the Vermin Rat she is.  *LOL*

When she got caught with the Theft of my Mannequin there was a very Public and threatening Confrontation I had with her right up Front and in front of God and everyone.  Our Management was there with us in fact, I don't Play if you Trigger or Victimize me. So she knows we are not "Friends" and I've got my Eye on her and tell everyone she's a fucking Thief, shits where she eats, and is not to be Trusted.   I told her to her Face and at that confrontation gave her 20 Minutes to Return what she confessed to Stealing from me.  Or, she had a Choice of me Calling the Police and Pressing Charges or me fucking her up in the Parking Lot.   The Manager had begged me to show her Mercy, he didn't want a Situation.  Oh, and it WAS a Situation.  He really was certain he didn't want either other Choice I gave her since I do follow thru with what I say.  Except strongly urging her to be Wise about returning what she'd deliberately taken out of the Mall that she knew wasn't hers, was expensive and mine, got Caught Red Handed.  But, he didn't Ban her either for Stealing from other Vendors and he should have, even tho' she Rents tons of Space.

She had the Mannequin back in less than 20, which spared her catching Charges or getting her Ass handed to her.  Which was good coz I didn't wanna catch Charges for fucking her up either, but I would have if the Police failed to Deal with her.   And I've made it Crystal Clear that if I ever see her hanging around or IN our Showroom, she'll have another Situation, count on it.   I've pointed her out to The Daughter as well, and Yes, we've intimidated that Bitch and I make no apology for it.   She's probably Stolen Thousands of Dollars worth of Merch from other Vendors over the Years and her Bad Karma will eventually catch up to her when she takes it a Bridge too far.  And we're not the ones to Rip Off and get away with it, we'll get our Pound of Flesh.  When you mess with other People's Money, or way they Feed their Families, that's some risky shit you're pulling, especially if they know who you are and where you Live.  Criminals who shit where they eat are a Special kind of Stupid.

  And, frankly, she's just one of some who I know for a fact are dishonest Vendors and the Mall should get rid of for the sake of all the other Tenants they're ripping off constantly.  You can't Trust a Thief or a Liar.  That's a big very deep Rabbit Hole to fall down once you cross that Line and become that kind of Human nobody can Trust and shouldn't, EVER.  And those who Victimize decent and hard working people, whatever happens to them, IMO they had it coming and I have zero Pity, and even less Mercy.   I take a very hard Zero Tolerance stance becoz the more you allow Scum to get away with, the more they would Target you as an Easy Mark.  I might be a lot of things, but an Easy Mark ain't one of them, rest assured.   If you step into my Waters you best be a damned strong Swimmer or stay in your own Lane if you don't want trouble with me.  *Winks*  With lots of Eyes now on the ones we know for Sure are Thieves, and putting the Word out on at least those Vendors, a lot of the Theft has been reduced already.  Harder for them to operate with impunity.

We also have some very Elderly Vendors who I think are Off their Heads now with Dementia and other Age Related Behavioral Issues, so they tend to take things not theirs without real Malice or perhaps even proper cognitive function or mental acuity to know what they're doing is Wrong now.   There's one Old Man that we all Joke goes to Lost and Found all the time and "Shops" there.   His Dear Wife is his Caregiver and a Friend of mine, he's a handful, yet, still, a Sweet Old Timer of advanced Age and diminished capacity.   I know I have to watch The Man like a Hawk now becoz he'll do things he never had as Character flaws before the TBI and onset of Dementia.  He tells Stories and thinks they're True Events, mostly he saw whatever it was on a Rerun Episode of a Favorite Show and thinks he was a part of.  *LOL*   And, if he likes something he wants to take it Home and possess it.

We were at a Steakhouse once and he really, really liked the Steak Knives they had and I had to remind him that taking one Home would be Stealing and so NO, he couldn't have it and it wasn't For Sale either!  *LMAO*   But, I watched him like a Hawk lest he try to sneak one out of there!   Yes, funny and yet NOT a Joke, and I've been told in Retirement Communities it's a problem for Businesses, where the Old Folk Steal a lot... especially Grocery Stores and even in Affluent Retirement Communities where they're not Needy or can't afford whatever it is and could easily Buy it instead of Shoplift it!!!   That was a startling Revelation to me, but, I suppose is not so uncommon and often the Businesses are reluctant to Press Charges against a Vulnerable Adult.  They would not fare well in Jail and probably Charges would be dropped anyway.

Okay, so Funny, NOT so Funny DA's Office Days True Story.  We once had an Aggravated Assault Case where Two very Elderly Men got into a really bad Fist Fight in a Parking Lot over a Parking Space.  They really went to the Dirt over it and both got arrested and harmed one another.  Both had diminished capacity and cognitive decline, they probably shouldn't have even still been Driving.  It was in Sun City, a 55+ Community, and Yes, the DA's Office dropped Charges on both Men and remanded them to a Facility for Psychiatric Evaluation and more appropriate Placement than Jail if they were going to be a Danger to Self and/or Others.   Chances are, either or both may have ended up in Long Term Care.  And that would be more appropriate Placement, they probably were Nicer Guys before their Minds became compromised... or... mebbe they weren't and it just Magnified who they always were... who knows?

 I know a lot of the Advanced Care sections have Residents that can become quite Violent and easily Agitated.   My Mom in the final stages of her Dementia was Vicious... but, to be Fair, my Mom even in Youth was not one you wanted to trifle with.   I would say the only person in the World I'd of never been foolish enuf to get confrontational with was my Dear Old Mom, she would have handed me my Ass at lightening speed had I been arrogant enuf to square off with her in any way.  *LOL*   My Family Joke it will be difficult to tell when I reach that Age related juncture... becoz... I'm already ME too, and me Magnified, might be quite tricky to Manage.  They could be Right...  they do not like me going Savage and I TRY Not To, I really, really do TRY to Hold Back and Dial it back from my visceral reactions to some people or Situations.  Sometimes I even Succeed.  *Bwahaha*   And it's fortunate that with Age has come a modicum of Restraint from going Mental and going off on Dumb Ass Folk who would provoke Dark Dawn and beg to meet that side of me.  *LOL*   I don't even Like my Dark Side, but it's mighty Handy to have, I ain't gonna Lie.  *Ha ha ha*  

I'm very transparent about my failings and degree of Mental Health Challenges and Triggers.   I'm Nice to everyone until they give me a reason not to be Nice.   But, I've been told that I actually have a lot of patience and extend Kindness even with the most difficult of people to get along with.  I think everyone has a Story and if we knew it, we'd have more compassion and empathy towards the vast majority of them.   But, you do have those folks who are Bad to the Bone, unredeemable and identifying them and not Trusting them or being Victimized by them is important too.   And I know most of my Dear Readers are Nicer Humans than I am and probably way Healthier Mentally.  *Winks*   Hey, it is what it just is, Hands Dealt and all.   The Daughter and I do Joke a lot about not being Well Women who have a Good Heart, the Best of Intentions and also a Hairpin Trigger.  The Road to Hell is paved with Good Intentions my Friends, isn't it?  I'm very much a Work still In Progress, God knows it, pretty Sure.   Also pretty sure He knows I'll give the Devil's Disciples Grief tho', so, mebbe it's all Good?  *LOL*

I have asked both times when just saying simply, "Errant Bullet...", if I'm going to Hell for being that Honest in Response about 45's alleged Close Calls when I heard the News, if in fact they weren't just Staged?   The Son says I am.  *LMAOROTF*   He would never Wish harm on anyone, not even Evil POS Humans, but, The Daughter and I are not so Wholesome I guess.   The less Evil folk in this World, the better, and if the Good Lord would just take every last swinging Dick of them across the Veil from Time into Eternity, I wouldn't be Sad about it.  And that's just the Truth my Friends, good riddance.   When a Human like a Hitler or a Dahmer meets their demise, I personally think it was a Good Thing and Society was done a Favor.   And far too many Good folks are Lost every single day that the World is not the better off for not having them in it anymore.   And I know I am not in Charge of a Universe, but, if I was, I'd of extended THEIR stay and shorted the stay of the infamous ones.  


Hope you enjoyed another seriously Manic Bender Post and a Two-Fer Post kinda Day again my Friends... Winks... Dawn... The Bohemian

Well... Well... Well... Here We Go Again... Twice In Only 8 Weeks...

 First thing Sunday Morning I went to the Gym, they don't have Age restrictions on the Hours you can attend on Sundays, so I might start going every Sunday Morning.  It's not crowded and I met another delightful Senior there named Ellen.  She was a full time Caregiver for her Husband until he passed, she used to work with Disabled Adults as a Career.  She gave me helpful advice on how to make The Man's visits to the Gym more meaningful.  She takes a lot of Classes there and we really enjoyed talking to each other.   She said she hopes I can start taking some of the Classes and with a Friend there I think I would like that, so, we hoped to run into each other again.  She seems to know a lot of the Seniors who are Regulars there.

I spent 20 Minutes on the Hydrotherapy, 15 on the Exercise Bike, 10 in the Wet Sauna, had a nice long Shower and then a really nice Brunch in the Cafeteria.   This time the Iced Tea was complimentary, I think you just have to buy something to eat for it to be.   I had the Tropical Green Tea, it was pretty good, they had Two other flavors, one with Hibiscus and another Tropical flavor.   I had the Croissant Breakfast Special which was Spinach, Egg, Tomato, Fresh Mozzarella on a Herbed/Spinach infused Croissant, very good and a good price.  I also had the Rainforest Acai Sorbet with fresh Strawberries, Blueberries, Bananas and Toasted shredded Coconut, with Granola, it's so good it's addictive.  

This time the Acai Sorbet was frozen more than last time and in a nice round Patty, so, you could eat it slower since it wasn't melting fast, which, I preferred savoring it longer.   I felt much better having had a nice Workout, Massage, Shower and Meal.  It will make it easier to go in to Work Tonight.  I did stop by the Antique Mall to put in my Inventory and see how I ended this Pay Period, which ended on Saturday Night.  I did way better than the Pay Period before, so my next Check will be decent.   Sales still aren't all that Strong, but the Holidays are coming up quickly and I've already put in my Halloween Merch, which is Selling well already.   I also asked Management if they'd consider letting me swap Sunday Nights for a permanent Wednesday Night?  I'm wanting to have my Weekends Free for the Holidays, so would rather give up Sunday's Shift and Keep Wednesdays.

 They seem to be having trouble filling Wednesday Night so perhaps they'll be agreeable to the switch and find someone willing to take Sunday Night on permanently?   Otherwise, I may give Sunday up anyway during the Holidays and just not work at all if they can't accommodate me.   I've been accommodating everyone and so I'd like some mutual consideration when I ask for it.   If not, it's Fine, I don't mind NOT working either.  *Smiles and Winks*    I could make more Money doing a host of other side hustles than I'm getting comped in Space Rent during a Shift.  So, economically speaking, I certainly don't pull my Shifts for the pittance per Hour they comp us in Rent.  But, I do enjoy working there so I hope they can just honor my request for a switch in permanent Shifts?  My Friends above are having a great Halloween Event, which will be a Wrap by Today, I went on Thursday, Opening Day.

The Daughter wants to try to get other Work after being let go at the Mechanic's Shop her Boss owns that he'll be relocating to Prescott.  I think we'll still have to consider going back to Social Security to reapply for her SSI Disability and I know she dreads that Dog and Pony Show they'll put her thru to Re-Qualify and be Evaluated yet again.   She already had a Three Hour Evaluation that our Doctor ordered that was done by an Agency that Assists the Seriously Mentally Ill.  They said she wasn't Stable Enough for their Program and Entitlements.  They said she'd have to be on Mental Health Psychotropics for a Year minimum to try to re-apply for their Program.   The problem being she was on Psyche Meds for so many Years it was negatively impacting her Physical Health and can cause major Organ Failure.   And, she's an Alcoholic and you shouldn't Drink with Psyche Meds either.  If she doesn't self medicate with some Alcohol she has more Psychotic Episodes too.

She helps me a lot here at Home so I told her I'll keep Advocating for her to get thru whatever she needs to in order to receive what she had Qualified for before she moved to Mexico.   Since they approved her before and her condition is permanent, unless all the criteria has changed, which, is possible, she should be be considered Disabled via Title 19 Status.  What she has as a Formal Diagnosis that is well Documented since she was 15 Years Old, doesn't have a Cure and can't even be adequately managed via Medications, they know that.   She's had numerous Institutionalizations for it, but I'd rather she not have to spend Life Institutionalized, it's no way to have to Live just because you have a Disability.   But, we'd like to receive some Assistance for providing all of her Needs, she's over 40, we shouldn't have to try to Support her on The Man's Disability and my Pension, it's a financial hardship.  But, we Love her, and don't want her destitute and Homeless, so, we have.

She sends me all these Goofy Pixs of herself when she knows I've been very Stressed Out, it makes me Smile and helps her improve her Tech Skills.  She's very Tech Challenged like I am, but she's trying to do better with Technology since she knows every little Job now requires some Tech Skills.   We've been binge watching "Wentworth" together and she likes to tell me what's probably quite fabricated about being Institutionalized in a Penal Institution, since, she's been in some in America and Abroad... as well as Mental Health Institutions in America and Abroad.   So, any of the Bloopers we laugh about, when she sees them or I notice them too.   In a latest Episode the Prisoners of this Maximum Security Prison in Australia had not only Pens and Pencils, but Metal Utensils in the Cafeteria... all very adequate to use as lethal Weapons!  Hell, you wouldn't need to fabricate a Shiv if they're providing things to use as Weaponry!  *LOL*

Meanwhile in Springfield, Ohio... {Above Spoof}  And of coarse the hilarious Memes keep coming out of Springfield, Ohio's Political Theater and bullshit 45 is still doubling down on and Racist spewing about Immigrants eating the Cats, the Dogs, the Pets at his Rallies now.   The Memes are Gallow's Humor, and yet it is also NOT funny since the hard working Legal Immigrant Haitian Population of Ohio are now fearful of even sending their Children to School and are being Victims of Hate Crimes due to being Targeted by the Alt Right Lunatic Fringe now and in 45's Crosshairs.   There is no evidence, proof or Truth to the Lies, but, let's face it, the ReTrumplicans have fabricated their own Alternate Reality about a lot of things they firmly Believe, want to Hate, get ginned up about enuf to become violent and dangerous.  

Their Leadership knows this and exploits and weaponizes the intentional ignorance and Cult Worship that their Base now runs with and doesn't require evidence, proof or Truth.   And I do wish Springfield would Sue him in a Civil Lawsuit for what he's doing to their Citizens, only when it hits him in the Wallet hard will it have any impact on inappropriate Behavior when it actually Costs him and has solid felt Consequences.  And of coarse now we've had yet another failed alleged Assassination Attempt against 45 at his Golf Course and immediately afterwards, strangely, they are putting out Fund Raisers off it instantly!!!   I dunno, both attempts IMO seem extremely Suspect and odd to a degree that there's more questions than answers and Fund Raising off it immediately makes it all the more Suspect that many think he's Staging it all to his benefit.   

He did abysmally in the Debate and she Raised tons of Funds on her side after it.   So, is this some Stunt to Raise Money?  To gain Sympathy from undecided Voters?  More Media Attention than the other side, who are enjoying a bounty of it unless he does outrageous Stunts?  Who knows for sure, he's capable of anything, I wouldn't put it past him, and we've seen how extreme he is in all his ways to get attention and coverage.   Another Assassination Attempt gives him Martyr Status and honestly, I think Two failed attempts in less than Two Months is beyond being unusual.  The Man was a highly trained Sniper and said it doesn't line up with him that Two Misses on a serious Assassination Attempt would play out so close together.  Unless it wasn't a serious attempt at all or really inept Assassins.  And we still have lotsa Question Marks about the first attempt at the Rally, which had a lot of highly unusual aspects of it also, making it at least have the appearance of a False Flag to many.  I wasn't buying it.

Regardless, we have a serious Gun Problem with Assault Weapons in America anyway.  It's out of control and we can't protect our School Children, and at the very least, if his Assassination Attempts turn out to be legit, it seems we can't protect our Politicians or our Citizenry adequately either anymore.   So, this Weapon used was Russian Made AK47 and the Weapon our Adversaries typically used in Wartime during Vietnam.  The Man said they don't Jam and can use any kind of Bullets, so were more effective than our M16's during Vietnam.   CNN is still down on my Cable, this is Day No. 3, and I have no idea why Cox interrupted Service, accidentally or otherwise?   So, I'm relying on other Stations I watch the News on for current events happening and to keep Informed.  Update: Cox rebooted our System when I called and now I can get CNN, no explanation, but, at least it's fixed.

Anyway, will be Interesting, since this Shooter was apprehended Alive, what the Back Story allegedly is regarding him and his Motives will be scrutinized, if he or they say anything... or Share it with the Public?   The Kid didn't live to tell his Story so we'll never really know it.  The previous alleged Assassin, well, we never found out much, did we, from the "Investigation" of his background or motives?  And what was released to the Public seemed as Odd as the handy First Bump faux Strongman Photo Ops 45 took directly after an Assassination attempt.   And... the lack of good Protection all around before and after said alleged attempt, since his Center Mass and Head was exposed the whole fucking time.        

 And... the lack of the Crowd sitting directly behind him reacting like Normal folks would if they're being in the line of fire and backdrop of an Assassination Target or mass Shooting Event, way too Calm and almost indifferent... well, just a whole lotta things highly Questionable and with Zero Answers, still, Two Months later.  And now this...   Anyway, to me it seems highly Coincidental in a way that doesn't seem credible or legit... just part of the Shitshow and how outrageous it's all become... where Reality and Spin can't even be distinguished anymore and Reliable Sources are few and far between as well.   When the Public isn't being well informed it creates a Void and a Vacuum that get filled with speculation, rumors, bullshit, or whatever substitutes for evidence, facts and Truths being withheld.

Trained Assassins never go for Head Shots, nor do they miss so often and are that inept or errant. And I'm not buying into the Amateur Assassins Theory they always try to play off as some "Mentally Imbalanced" Lone Wolf with access to Automatic Weapons, eluding Trained Professionals to get so close to a Protected Person so high up the Food Chain, with all kinds of Gear to Kill their Target(s) or make it appear they intended to.   That Theory as the usual explanation is getting Weak and that Dog won't Hunt anymore, just to have handy explanations they expect everyone to accept and Move On from without Question.  I got Questions... and... the lack of Answers is unprecedented, just like all of this is.   

And I think we deserve Answers and more thorough Investigations that are Believable and credible.  Twice in only 8 Weeks, what ARE the Odds?   Or... of him being so "Brave"... the Coward who Dodged the Draft with the Bad Feet so he could avoid Vietnam, which was more lame than his Feet ever were.   Since it was said the Family Doc made up the Bone Spur excuse.  Yet now we're expected to Believe he's suddenly developed Courage under Fire and is a Bad Ass... things that make ya go humnnnnn...   Since, the only reason he's seeking re-election is to stay out of Prison and further corrupt the Justice System, and every other Government Agency after him, so he can be immune from any past, current and future Charges and amounts he owes his Victims and the U.S. Government, staggering amounts he simply can't pay.  And desperate people do desperate things... and he's about as desperate as someone backed into a Corner can be right now when he's been grabbed by the Short Hairs.   And I don't Trust him or his Spin Doctors...


Random Musings from the Arizona Desert... Let us see if anyone spills the Tea on these unusual Chain of Questionable Events... Dawn... The Bohemian

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Day Two Didn't Go So Well


I'm gonna make this a Two-Fer Post kinda day since my earlier Post was not very uplifting a Topic to consume a whole Post with.  I thought about even deleting the whole Post, but will keep it up for now anyway.  It's being read a lot, so perhaps it's of interest, hard to tell.  This was Princess T's first full Day on her new Job and she had been told to come in thru the Front Doors and they'd be Open, they weren't.  So, she's standing there trying to get the attention of the Two Older Women Employees already inside with the Key and they kept ignoring her.  I'd never seen the Older Hispanic Woman who eventually came to the Door and finally was convinced she was a new Employee, so, clearly they didn't recognize the new Hires.   I was so relieved that the Woman FINALLY, after about 10 Minutes of knocking, came to the Door becoz my Granddaughter didn't know what to do and was close to Tears and an Anxiety Attack.

That's not how I wanted her to begin her first full Day, an Emotional Wreck, but, I was driving her there that early in my Jammies.  So, I didn't wanna get out of the Truck and go to the Door and look like a Crazy Homeless Person.  For sure the Woman wouldn't have come to the Door then!  *LOL*   I saw she was wearing a Badge and perhaps the Newbies will get their Badges too or be formally introduced to early working Staff who Man the Doors and let Employees in 2-3 Hours before they're Open to the Public?  I Hope Princess T was able to gather herself before starting Work after such a Panicky start to being denied entrance into the Building!?  It brought back a Bad Memory I had as a Teenager on a First Day at a Job.

I'd Worked since I was 14 in Europe and again right after High School here in America at Age 17.  But on a Job Years later when I was about Princess T's Age, I went to work for a Fine Jewelry Store in Phoenix.  Well, the Owner was a notorious Jokester but I didn't know that.  So, he thought it would be Funny to come to the Door when I showed up on my First Day, as a nervous Teenager, and insist I needed a Password to get in!!!   I told him I didn't have one and hadn't been told I needed one, so he wouldn't let me in and I almost burst into Tears too.  He felt so Bad and in fact was an Excellent Boss and Employer, so good to his Employees, treating us like Family, I have very fond Memories of that Job before I decided to begin my Banking Career.

I actually met my future Boss and Mentor who was a Female Vice President at a Major Bank, while working at the Jewelry Store.  Her Husband had Worked with me in the Watch Repair Department and was a Watchmaker.  He had been telling his Wife what a smart Young Person I was and she then agreed to hire and mentor me, I was just turned 21 Years old.  With her as my Mentor and introducing me to her cultivated Contacts in the Industry, I made Assistant Vice President and was running my own Departments by the time I was 23.  I owe Maryanne a Debt of Gratitude for taking me under her Wing, she was my Grandma's Age at the time and had broken Glass Ceilings to rise to the top of a previously Male Dominated Field in a very Misogynistic Industry.

I tell people that's why it is important for Kamala to break this final Glass Ceiling and be the First American Female President, an added Bonus that she's a person of Color.   Because tho' it will not end Racism or Sexism, it certainly will show every Young Girl and Woman in America that nothing is impossible for them to achieve and it is Possible.   She would pave the way for Future great Female Leaders to come after her.  I'm Grateful to every Woman and person of mixed Ancestry like myself who paved the way for my Generation to Succeed and know what is Possible.  Yes, discrimination still existed and was way more blatant back then for me than it became in later Years.  

We still have a long way to go Baby, as the Old Ads used to say.  *Winks*  I want my Granddaughters and Great-Granddaughters to know they can be and do anything without Gender or Ethnicity having to be what Denies them the opportunity.  I'm so glad I was Raised with no Gender assigned Roles or to feel less than any other Human Being due to my Gender, Race, Socioeconomic standing, Sexual Orientation or Age.   I know that my Parents and my Maternal Nanna were extremely forward thinking and progressive Beings, way ahead of their times.  Whatever could and should be improved upon in Society they were fearless Advocates for without apology and refusing to Conform or be Denied.  I'm Proud to have similar Values, a Free Spirit and tenacity.

I didn't know how long Princess T will get for Lunch, just that she will go to Lunch at 11:00 a.m. and I gave her Money to eat at a nearby Mexican Restaurant she really likes that is in the same Parking Lot and Strip Mall that SAVERS is in.   So, I might take The Man to Lunch there around that time to see if she walks in, and so she doesn't have to eat alone if she doesn't get any Co-Worker to invite her to join them for Lunch?   She's very timid and not Socially comfortable due to having Social Anxiety.  She does know at least one Employee from High School and several of the others from just Shopping there with me to where they know us well and would make her comfortable and Welcome.  So, we'll see, she'd had a good First Day and Orientation on Friday, but it was just a few Hours and not all Day.

I want her first Employer Paid Job to go well for her, I'm pretty sure it will once she settles in.   Both Adult Kids are Home, The Son doesn't Work on Saturdays and on his Days Off can often be a pain in the Ass, a little bit of him can go a long way.  He put air in my Tires and cooked his Sister and I Breakfast, so it's not like he doesn't do something Nice, but, he tends to like to Trigger his Sister to Amuse himself and that never Ends well.  He should just leave her be and not be a Jerk and wind her up, which is easy to do when someone is a Paranoid Schizophrenic and No, it's not Funny Ha-Ha once they're Triggered and so it's foolishness and risky.   He's got his own Mental Health Issues and the Autistic Factor is part of why he doesn't Read the Room well and consider his Audience and the Social Cues of when to cease and desist or it isn't Funny except to him.

So, I've been playing Referee all Morning and that gets Old fast when the Players are in their late Thirties and early Forties, but acting like Children towards each other.   The Man can be just as complex that way with the TBI and you try not to have unrealistic expectations that their Mental Acuity is impaired and limits them behaving like Normal Healthy People.   It wasn't Helpful that I watched just a tad bit of News, and it was not good.  CNN is still out on Cable, so I may inquire with Cox as to why?   Anyway, one of the other News Channels was covering some bad Fires very near the City, it's all in the Far East Valley out near the Beautiful Superstition Mountains and where they Host the Renaissance Festival, in pristine gorgeous Natural Desert... Man-Made of coarse, they almost always are.  Communities are being Evacuated, it's not contained at all... rugged remote mostly inaccessible terrain filled with Majestic Ancient Saguaro Cacti, which due to Climate Change are suffering and dying already.

Also the Lunatic is now ranting about how he's gonna immediately round up and Deport all the Haitian LEGAL Immigrants from Springfield, Ohio who are "Eating the Cats, the Dogs, the Pets..."!   He's already been the cause now of Two consecutive Days of Bomb Threats and School Closures in that unfortunate City that he's Targeted with his Lies, Racist Accusations and Conspiracy Theories!   That Man is dangerous and getting more unhinged and unraveled daily, a bigger problem being that some hang on his every demented and intentionally divisive and Violence loving Words.   He's intent on ginning up Chaos and Violence even before the Election, so one can only surmise how much worse it can and will get if he's left unchecked or without any Guard Rails or appropriate consequences?   He's been pandered to too long already from a Criminal Law perspective making him actually accountable and with consequences not indefinitely delayed.

So, we picked Princess T up from Work and she was in Tears, the Day hadn't gone Well since she had to complete Online stuff all day and couldn't finish it in time.  They also didn't get her Schedule, which is Online, and the Person training her, tho' Nice, had disappeared when she should Clock Out, mebbe she just left for the day?  So she didn't know if she was allowed to leave or had to finish the Online stuff first?  She got permission to leave... but was too scared to tell them she hadn't had enuf time to finish the Online requirements for the Day and there wasn't anyone still there to assist her anyway.   At School her IEP always gave her additional time, the Workforce isn't like that even if someone has Disabilities.  

 So, I could tell she feels like she's not capable of doing what's expected already and doesn't want to look bad or be let go right away, it's humiliating for her.  She lashed out at me, since she hadn't called me at Noon for Pickup, so I assumed she would be there til 1:00.  She'd confused me with the verbal Scheduling she's assumed she'd have being different each day.  So, I was 15 Minutes late by the time she called at 12:15 and she was Crying when we got there and Upset.  She's Bipolar, so it went into a full blown Episode of bottoming out, Splendid, I was really Hopeful it would go more smoothly for her than School had.  School was always hard for her and intimidating, Students and Staff could be so cruel, impatient or bullying if someone had Special Needs or was different, struggling and not succeeding.  I do Hope that Employment won't be as rough for her?

You can't Protect them from everything and just Life as hard and unlevel a Playing Field as it can often be.   So, you have to try to toughen them up and prepare them for Trials they may encounter and how best to rely on their Strengths to attain Success and Contentment.   She's checking in with her Emo Goth Male Friend from School now to see if he can look in the Breakroom at the Posted Schedule and tell her when she's Scheduled next?  She thinks it's not 'til Tuesday.   I had told her to bring a little Notebook to Write down things she might have trouble retaining or remembering, but she doesn't want to look 'Stupid' and was resistant to doing that.  It would have been Helpful and better than the Dramafest that played out instead.  I think a lot of the Online stuff she just doesn't understand and is too timid and ashamed to say so.   She was saying she doesn't want anyone to label her and think she's Retarded.  *Le Sigh*

It grieves me coz I can't be there or make it easier for her, I know very few exceptions in Life are made, so, you have to just try to keep Pace and find your place in the Grand Scheme of things.   She's Smart and Capable, but she has pretty significant Learning Disabilities and she doesn't like anyone to know she does.   It's just like having been Diagnosed with any Mental Illness, once folks know, they do feel some kind of way about it.   Many often shun someone who has a condition they don't understand, fear, or have biases about, whether founded or not.   And Hearts and Minds are not so easily changed or better informed within Society once it's baked in with biases or ignorance, whatever it is.  Amber had this similar struggle with her Middle Daughter, who has extreme Social Anxiety and Panic Attacks and is in her Twenties now but hasn't been able to retain Employment.

Anyway, I'm Hoping for the Best still, there might even just be a Full Moon Cycle since both The Daughter and The Son have been having a Mental Health Day this Morning.   The Man and I left right after Breakfast to be away from the Emotional Meltdowns both Adult Kids were having, and we did some Environmental Cleanup until it was time to pick the Granddaughter up after she finally called for pickup.  She had wanted ME to initiate Contact but I don't want or like to Call or Text anyone AT Work, to me it's not Professional.  So, I'd rather they Call or Text me when they're Off Work and no longer on the Clock.   I know, I'm a Dinosaur like that and so the Young People don't understand it at all and react negatively when you're not leashed to a Phone as if it's a fucking Umbilical Chord!!!   I had Priced a Box full of Inventory for the Showroom, but, won't bring it in until my Shift Sunday Night.

I just don't wanna risk them asking me to Work Tonight to cover for anyone, I'm not in the Mood and Emotionally spent from Dealing with all the Craziness of The Asylum Residents at Forever Boheme' that spun out shortly after Noon already!!!   Fuck, I'd like to just be a Normal Retired Woman who didn't have to feel any Responsibility anymore for anyone, you know?  *LOL... it would only be Fair, but Life ain't Fair or Bras wouldn't come in Sizes*   Anyway, after she had Time to come back to Center and Calm Down from being so Emotionally Raw and Bipolar, she came in and apologized to her Grandpa and I.  She also hadn't eaten, since, she only got a Break and no Lunch and hadn't brought a Snack.  So, we took her out for Tacos so she wouldn't be Hangry too.  *LOL*  I had the Goat Taco {above pix}, they had the Beef.

Above is the Quartet of Vintage Cat Band Graphic Repops that I got from my Friend Joey.  They're double sided and tho' Reproductions, they are inspired by some 1930's Halloween Graphics.   He gave me a deep Discount, as he usually does, since, we're Friends and I have bought a lot from him over the Years, especially Real Deal Vintage Halloween when he has it.   I'm glad some Repops are being made of the Old Halloween Graphics since it's very hard to Source the Real Deal now but I just Love those Old Graphics more than the Modern ones.   If done well, I don't mind a Repop of Paper Arts Decorations for Holidays.   I do have some authentic Originals tho'.

Actual Vintage Halloween gets sparser to Source each Year except at Online Auctions, where, it commands premium prices now.   I like to trawl Online to look at what can be found, this Season I liked the above Vintage Paper Mache' Devil, he was super expensive but pretty Rare, can't say I've seen many, or any, usually they're Jack O'Lanterns or Black Cat Heads.   I have a Collection of the Paper Mache' Jack O'Lanterns from that Era and it has taken me a Lifetime to get about Nine of them.   Adding to them now is hard since they're scarce and now cost more than I'd spend for one.   If I ever do find one Cheap I would always Score it tho'.

Princess T went to Timmy's to hang out, I'm sure he can uplift her about her crappy Day at her New Job.   Her Emo Goth Friend came thru for her, he's a Quiet Young Man but has been a good Online Friend of hers for a long time, she follows his Instagram.  In many ways he's like her, Trendy and Fashionable yet Introverted and very Quiet.   He got her Schedule for her and she'll be working Tuesday thru Saturdays and have Sunday and Monday Off.  She'll be working 7:00 a.m. to either 1:00 p.m. or 3:30 p.m. daily, not bad hours and I can work around that with my own schedule without conflicts.   She was relieved when she knew more about what's expected of her for the next Week.   She tends to over react and spiral Emotionally quite easily, then bounce back quickly.  So, she's Fine now... for now.  *LOL and Winks*  


Each Day is a New Adventure my Friends... Dawn... The Bohemian

A life touched by God always ends in touching others. - Erwin McManus

I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars. - Og Mandino (1923-1996)

For creativity to flourish one should try to look at everything as though it were being seen for the first or the last time. - Quote from "A Thousand Paths To Creativity" by David Baird

Is what I'm about to say an improvement on silence? ~ Galen Pearl