Wednesday, August 21, 2024

End Of Days


I couldn't really use the Kitchen at Breakfast or Lunchtime while the Duct Cleaning was being performed Tuesday.  So, I got Takeout Brunch from "Dragon Garden", a Fav Family Owned Chinese Restaurant nearby.  You can feed a Family of Five for under $30 from there and have plenty of Food for seconds.   I got Kung Pao Chicken, Teriyaki Chicken, Steamed Rice, Eggrolls, large Egg Drop Soup, and even with a Tip it was less than $30.  You can't beat that to feed your Family well with delicious food.

I burnt some Organic Debris in the Fire Pit this Morning too.   We've had some Monsoon Storms and Branch debris, from Omar's Property beside ours and Laura's Property behind ours, from their Pecan Trees, that fell into our Pasture.   We get a lot of Pecans too, so I don't mind that the Old Majestic Trees hang over our Property, great Shade, great Harvests, not a lot of problems with debris from the Trees.   Pecan Trees are pretty sturdy and a very long lived Tree, usually 80-300 Years.  These Trees were likely planted in the early 1960's-1970's and are probably about 100+ Feet Tall.

I may take my Inventory in later in the Evening after the Technician is finished, so far he's been here over Five Hours but he's almost done.  He said our Job actually went quickly, some have taken him all Day.   Our Air Flow should be exceptional now, no obstructions or build-ups in the Ductwork, for the pre-existing openings and the new improved ones.   He got done and Tomorrow should be the next Phase, the Aero Seal, don't know how long that one takes, will have to wait for those Techs to show up and perform it.  They had explained what it is, I forgot already.  *LOL*

I'm Guessing the Quality Control Guys are last, their Job is to wait for all the Insulation to settle and put more in if it needs to be higher/deeper after the settling, check everything else for any leaks or in the Seals in the Ductwork installed then.   If everything is copacetic then we're finally Done and they finalize their paperwork to the Lender and they'll get Paid.  I've got Three Months of no payments on the Loan then and it's a Ten Year Loan at a fixed low Rate with no prepayment penalties, so, I do plan to pay it off early, I always do on these kinds of Financing. 

 Every other Home we ever Financed I Paid it Off in half the time, this one, probably not.  Running out of time to do that unless I become an Immortal.  And the Cost of Real Estate went up and up.  *LOL and Le Sigh*   Don't get me Wrong, my Master Plan was always to be Debt Free in Retirement, which I was... and then... well, Life happened the way it just did, didn't it?  *Eye Roll, Le Sigh*   I got plenty of Equity here in a short time, the Value of this Mini Farm has Doubled in only the Five Years we've been here, that's how fast Prices have skyrocketed!  It's Crazy.  Timing is everything... Oh, and Location, Location, Location.  *Smiles*

Glad when I had to take out a Mortgage again my Rate was 2% on this one, we'll never see those Rates again in my Lifetime!   When I hear Peeps saying there was no Upside to the Pandemic, I'm like, Well, there kinda was.  *LOL*  If you needed to make big Purchases... Blood in the Streets Financing are the best when you're using other People's Money.   I bought a Home and a New Vehicle with Pandemic Money at 2% and 0% Rates on their Loans respectively.... plus a shit ton of Freebies thrown in.  We had $25,000 worth of Freebies thrown in with the House Purchase and about $5,000 worth of Freebies thrown in with the Truck Purchase. Drop that Mic.

Anyone who says Interest Rates now are so Bad, didn't Live Thru the 1980's my Friends.  *LOL*    In 1981 your Mortgage Rates hit 18.63% and I was running Collection, Foreclosure and Bankruptcy Departments back then for Major Financial Institutions and I was BUSY!   Predatory Lending and Creative Financing then were Off the Chain too and out of Control, it was the worst in History... the 1980's being an expensive Era to Borrow Money.  Lots of exploitation and Cons going on and that's back when 45 began his long History of Bullshit Artistry, stiffing Creditors and ripping off his Contractors, Subcontractors and filing Bankruptcies galore.  American Financial Institutions quit Lending to him, period.

Now he's Borrowing from Countries who definitely aren't our Friends and from Axos Financial, an obscure Internet Only Institution.  Not to mention all the Court Ordered Restitution and Legal Costs he now owes his Victims and Defense Attorneys.  That's why he's always begging for Money, running the Big Grift and trying to Rob Peter to Pay Paul, as my Ole' Nanna used to say.  He's been Bought and Paid for many times over by Bad Actors and those who will now always Own and Control him. HUGE Conflict Of Interest... most Employers would never Hire an Employee with that much Liability and Financial Baggage, way too risky.  Desperate People do desperate things.

He's personally responsible for loans, debts and Restitution conservatively over $420 Million, with most of it coming due in less than Four Years and no Obvious way to repay them!   Not such a stretch to consider how desperate he now is for obvious reasons.   He's allegedly a Billionaire, but, his Liquidity is questionable at best.  At worst, since he's such a Bullshit Artist and blatant Habitual Liar, a lot of his claims are very likely made up, embellished, exaggerated, and pure Fantasy.  Most of his legit Income has come from sound performing Investments his Daddy made, he himself has Failed more than he's succeeded and is a reckless Spender.  Dude Bankrupted CASINOS, Okay!   He's no Stable Genius, as HE Claims he is. *LMAOROTF*

If that Fool was your Great Uncle Donnie, you'd of put him involuntarily in an Institution, a Home, Assisted Living, or under someone's Care by now, in his Condition and obvious Decline, I kid you not!   No way he's passing Psyche Exams, we all see and hear it... yet he's a viable Candidate to Lead the Country by a Major Party!  We've gone fucking deep down a Rabbit Hole Crazier than Alice's Wonderland my Friends.   The Red King's Off with his Head.

And if you go chasing rabbitsAnd you know you're going to fallTell 'em a hookah-smoking caterpillarHas given you the call

When logic and proportion Have fallen sloppy dead... And the White Knight is talking backwards... And the Red Queen's off with her head... Remember what the dormouse said... 

*Bwahahahaha*   No, seriously, just insert Lyrics to White Rabbit and replace the Red Queen with the Red Wannabe King!  It makes about that much Nonsensical Sense, but, here we now are!  And, he's formed a Cult with a great many of our Countrymen who Imagine it's all quite Sane in some Alternate Reality or Mass Delusion they're all having!!!  You just can't make this shit up, it's Surreal!   Even Real Crazy People are like, THAT's some legit Crazy Shit right there!!!   Perhaps G.O.A.T. Crazy if we were to Rate it!   Charlie Manson didn't hit that Bar of Crazy... Jim Jones, David Koresh, Stalin and Hitler, yeah, it's in that League... and just as deeply disturbing!

But Dark Apocalyptic End Of Days Crazy Train Humor now aside, what else should we Talk about now?  *Bwahahaha*   I went to our one remaining Dollar Store nearby and stocked up on cheap Groceries. They have a pretty good selection of Non-Perishables and Frozen Foods there.  That one doesn't do Perishables tho'.   You can stock a Pantry well for a bargain tho' and they have Brand Name Products.   It's where I get my mini Ben & Jerrys Ice Creams.  *LOL*  They had the delicious Mini Mexican Real Fruit Popsicles this day too in Coconut, Mango and Strawberry Flavor.   And, we got some nutritious shit too.  *LOL*

A Friend at the last Event was taking Pixs of us all for their Web Page so I Cribbed some she took while we were there.  She has a better Camera than me and it's not often I'm in front of the Lens.   So, I did appreciate my Friend taking our Pixs so I could grab 'em later and Share here too.   Such a Good Time was had by all, I always look forward to these Four Day Themed Events each Month, it's a Destination and an Experience.  Always a lot of Fun and great Shopping coupled with Socializing, very Inspirational too if you want Decor and Style Ideas.   Especially the Holiday Themed Events are filled with great Ideas for Seasonal Decorating.

I ended up Buying the Necklace I'm holding in the Pix.   Below, another Gal Scored herself a great grouping of Big Kenny's Halloween Mannequin Props.   Had Budget permit I would have Bought one, but, alas, it just wasn't the right Timing for me.   It's a great Idea tho' if you have some Old Vintage Mannequin Body Parts and some Artistic Talent.   I'm going to show it to The Young Prince.   The Grandson Loves to Art Up Old Mannequin Body Parts, so I've been sending Ideas of Painting them as Cacti, Zombie Parts, and see what The Young Prince gets Inspired by to Create some Original Mannequin Art of their own? 

Next Month they will be having the full blown Halloween Themed Event "Wicked Faire".   I was so Happy they did back to back ones this Year, I can't get enuf of my favorite Holiday and it's Decor.  We need the Whimsey and Fantasy Escape these Days, the World has so much heaviness right now, so some lightheartedness is just Welcome.   I do like to overhear people in Stores tho', either Loving Seasonal items rolling out early... or, Hating it.  An Observation tho', those who seem to Hate it that I've overheard and observed, seem to have an overall miserable, critical and overly Serious countenance.  Sadly they do not ever look like they're enjoying Life in General.  Don't look like a lot of Fun to be around.   So, Hating stuff must come easily I guess if you are unhappy or not loving Life very much and can't lighten up?

I understand that Halloween can Creep some folks out, that's not my Point at all, if it is Scary or Creepy to you then it wouldn't be particularly enjoyable for you then.   But the Observations I've Witnessed about the Customers who complain most about ANY Holiday Decorations, even the Fun and more benign Celebrations that aren't Scary or Creepy at all... is that the Person just seems quite Negative in general.   And perhaps that spills out in other areas of their lives and particularly is magnified during Holidays when everyone else is having a good time?   They genuinely seem upset about the Merchandising of upcoming Holidays.  Yes, they come out earlier all the time, but, it's well received by Consumers, so, why not, it's Retail after all!   

Now most of it gets Sold before the Holidays arrive, and, I hardly ever see any on Markdown after the Holidays anymore, like in the past.   I know when I put my Seasonal/Holiday Merch out early, it Sells Out quickly and if you'd wait instead 'til right close to the Holiday, you were too late to procrastinate.   So, I don't expect someone who knows little to nothing about Retail to be able to gauge when is best to roll out Inventory, especially Seasonal which has a brief Window of Opportunity... they probably wouldn't do well.   Plus, I do know, in talking to many who Complain a lot about Holiday Decorating, they just don't do it.  Which is Okay.  Mebbe it's against their Religion or something? 

 But, for some reason it bothers some of them when other people enjoy doing it.  Or look forward to when it is made available to us.  Which is kinda puzzling, why Care or get so Upset???  So the Holidays at their Homes are conspicuous by the very absence of it even being Celebrated... boring to me personally, but they have every Right to bypass anything.   To each their own, if any Retail isn't for me I don't Bitch about it, I just don't Buy it, but I don't mind it being there for other Consumers.   A lot of folks Decorate more or better than I do, I appreciate the Work they put into it even if it's not my Style or I might not put the Time, Money or Effort into doing it myself.  If they enjoy it then it's worth it to them and to whoever they generously Share it with. 

Okay, so the above Rant got Triggered when I was at a great selection of several Aisles of Halloween Merch at a very large Big Box Store.   A miserable, and clearly upset about it, Man and his Wife were walking up and down THOSE Aisles!!!  Which, they could have avoided, just a small part of a huge Store's Inventory actually... but, Nope, went out of their way to expose themselves to it just to openly and loudly Bitch about it!!!   Weirdos!   *LOL*   I had to Laugh out loud at them, since, hey, if it bothers you that much, then WHY would you go out of your way to be IN THOSE AISLES that you're getting so upset about!?  *Furrowed Brow, more Questions than Answers*   Seems they wanted more to be Seen and Heard Bitching about Halloween is all?   Don't Celebrate it, we don't Care.  I do Celebrate it Joyfully.  *LOL*  

It reminds me of those wanting Books Banned, don't they know, they nor their Family has to READ those Books then that they find Offensive... very Simple Solution for them!   But, the rest of us might want to, so, Fuck Off, I'd rather Ban the Fascists. *Shakes Head and Snickers*    And, Yes, the same folks often complain about Christmas too, or Easter Merch, Valentine's Day Merch.   Fairly predictable response every time.   And tho' their responses line up with their values, it doesn't line up with mine or with those of a lot of people, probably a vast majority actually.   When a wacky Minority of folks are dictating to and trying to oppress and control or eliminate the Freedoms and Rights of the Majority of folks, something is Ass backwards and won't work for the rest of us.

In Real Time the Aero Seal Team is here, they're Subcontracted and Aero Sealing is all that their Company does to Seal the Interior of all Ductwork, preventing any Leakage.   It's a Spray Based Sealant that fills and seals leaks from the inside and creates an airtight Seal... even what is hard to see with the naked Eye.   It takes care of misalignments in Ductwork and any small to medium leaks.   It improves your Air Quality and Energy Efficiency in the Home, it's not inexpensive, but was part of the Cost of the Platinum Plan I Paid for and Reviews showed me it was an Investment worthy of the Upgrade in what I was having done.  I do my Due Diligence on Major Purchases like I'm solving Murders.  *LOL*


This looks like a part of the Job that won't take very long, a Machine they bring actually does all the Work and they just Seal the Vents as it's happening, on each side that each AC Serves, separately.   We're making Sic jokes about the huge plastic Tube that Feeds the Aero Seal into the Ductwork, what if it breaks loose and we all get Aero Sealed?  *LMAO*   Yeah, we're Sic like that and Laughing about what that might look like and does it wear off or are you then permanently Sealed?  *LOL*   My Brother called while this was all happening and he's just as Sic as we are, since, it's probably Hereditary to be. *winks*  I know he's really on borrowed Time and going thru serious Health Crisis after Health Crisis.  He can't Travel anymore.  So, it's doubtful we'll see each other again, it weighs on me.  I can't take this Show on the Road long distance either anymore. 

 He got more Bad News from his Docs about his Heart Calcifying from the Inside, a Rare Condition, which, is Terminal.  And, he and I are cracking inappropriate Jokes about it!  *Smiles*  He's like, "And we all thought you were the one in the Family with a Heart of Stone!  Turns out, I am too, you must have been Contagious!"  And I'm sure his Docs thinks he's Insane or not taking this Seriously coz he's saying shit like this, as a reaction to such grim News, "And the Family always thought it was my Sister whose Heart had turned to Stone!"   *Bwahahahahaha*  Okay, so, they've never MET me, or, they'd understand the Family Joke of me being Cold Hearted.   *Winks*  My Brother used to Joke I was a Cyborg before there were Cyborgs in Sci-Fi and I must have been Studied to come up with the Concept?  *LMAO*

So, he's been implanted now with several contraptions in his Chest, his Back, he's got a Morphine Pump and other Pain Management Device, some Spine Stimulator implanted in his Back, and something else to Stimulate Blood Flow properly out of his Heart, which is the problem right now.  It goes in okay, but his Heart is only at 25% proper function now so pumping it out is highly problematic.   He's got Specialists that seem Surprised when he is still Alive to show up for his next Appointment, even if they don't schedule them too far out.  *LOL*  It's like, Oh Shit, we didn't expect you to still be Alive Man!!! 

  He's on 13 different Meds, mostly Heart Meds, but he said they keep him confused on when and how to take them and what to take, as if they forgot all what they put you on?   I can relate to that with The Man and I too... Docs change that up constantly on what to take and how to take it.   So, we remain in a constant State of Confusion about what each of us are taking and why, how often, when?   I just have Diabetic Meds and a Daily and a Weekly Injections, but like my Brother, The Man, he's on a Smorgasbord of Medications and it's Crazy, we need a Spread Sheet.  He too has a Weekly Injection and Daily one, but he's got his own Pharmacy of Oral Meds.   And all of us is getting Forgetful and having various levels of Memory Care Issues.  *LOL*

The Daughter has been trying to clear out Space in The RV Garage Mahal for me, it used to be cleared out only just after we gained possession.  *LOL*   After emptying out the U-Haul Temporary Storage we used while Listing the McManse, we realized that ridiculous sized House had sure held a lot more than this Property would, even with an RV Garage Storage Space, who knew?  *Bwahahaha*   Well, I shouldda known by how much U-Haul Storage we required, but, it's all relative in your Head until you try to move it somewhere else, isn't it?    The Granddaughter is practicing an Online Driving Permit Test and some Rules have changed since I learned to Drive.  Even our Two Young Aero Seal Techs, in their 20's, were confused by the one Question, they Googled it coz it Surprised them too. *LOL*  See, I got them multi-tasking and Helping with Random Shit.  And, she's Cute, so, they Oblige.  *Bwahahaha*

Timmy is gonna take one for the Team and Teach her to drive in his Hooptie Car.  I just am too nervous and my Truck is New and Expensive.  And, I have AARP Insurance for Careful Old People Drivers, not Anxious Teens just Learning to Drive. *Smiles*  Rusty drives a huge Full Size Truck, so, tho' he offered, she doesn't want to Learn to drive in a Vehicle that large and intimidating.  Baby Steps.   Plus, of everyone, Timmy would be the most Patient and Brave.  *LOL*   The Daughter is Grouping my shit by Genre of whatever it is, gives me more of an Idea of how much of something I have and is an Excess to Sell Off.  I've accumulated The Good Stuff over Time to where I have no Idea how much of something I still have in the Downsizing Process.  Plus, I been Antique Dealing and Rescuing History as a Hobby a long time too.  You never really Stop.  And, during End Of Days, will it really matter?  *LOL*


Blessings, Love and Light from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian


  1. That baby Jesus in the fourth photo looks like he's at a revival!

    1. Yeah He does! *LOL* Hallelujah, whoo hoo. *Ha ha ha*

  2. Woo hoo! For the air conditioning finally being fixed…at the end of the season. Did they discover what had been wrong all this time? Or did they just randomly replace every part over time? Having new duct work will serve you well in the future with bills. Well done for coping with all that and wishing you a low utility bill! Do Jazzy Jack

    1. Well, August Utility Bill came in over $800 which was higher than July... but the Utility Company agreed to let me be on a Payment Plan to pay it over several Months and now everything is resolved, I should be back down to much lower Bills coming in to make it not a hardship. *Whew* Really, they just randomly replaced every single part over time I think, everything was failing on that Unit and figuring out Why seemed futile, so they just rebuilt the whole damned thing and the only original part now is it's Casing! *LOL* There were other factors like the Old Ductwork and Insulation, which were Circa 1980 and shot to shit, and a lot of leaks that now are resolved too with the Aero Seal. They run Diagnostics which they give you to keep, so you have a Before/After Comparison, it's remarkable and will improve air quality and efficiency now with what we've replaced and upgraded. I just didn't anticipate the outlay on a Fixed Income Budget, so, it creates a strain for a while until things improve and I pay things down and eventually off. I'm disciplined at that so I just have to suck it up and get on with it. *winks*

  3. I bet you are anxious to have this a/c saga finished. I don't do anything for Halloween. Where we live there are no kids coming to the door. When my son was young I did decorate but that ceased when he grew out of it. I can't imagine caring about what others do in this regard. Why would I? I'm sorry about your brother. it's sad.

    1. Yes, our area is Aging Out too, but our Mini Farm is at the edge of our Mini Farm Community facing a Main Street that runs in front of it, so I do Decorate the Front Porch for Halloween. We get very few Trick-Or-Treaters, they tend to go into the Subdivision Residential Areas around us instead, more bang for their buck, since, the Mini Farm Community would be a lot of walking between Acreages and we have no Sidewalks or Street Lights in it except on our Frontage Road, the rest is pitch black and with all the Livestock, can be scary to Kids. *LOL* I don't understand either why anyone should care what or why other people are doing, or not doing, what they prefer to do. I'm busy with my own Life, I don't have time to critique anyone else's Life or Lifestyle, if they're Happy with it, I'm Happy for them just living their Best Life, you know? My Dear Brother has had Health Problems since Birth, he was a 3 lb. Premie and my Mom gave Birth to him overseas in a Hospital that didn't even have Incubators, so he was kept in a Bread Basket on a Radiator... so... to have lived to attain Old Age, he's been a Warrior and tough as Old Boots.

  4. I'm one of those people who doesn't like Halloween. I've never lived in an area where the dead are celebrated but even here there's a noticeable up tick in people who do embrace the ghoulish. Like you said, it's easy enough to avoid it so why get your nickers in a bunch over it? Come mid September I always cut down on my visits to your blog. hehehehehe

    1. LOL, exactly Jean, everyone can exercise choices and preferences to avoid what they don't want exposure to, so, they only torment themselves if they voluntarily do so. What I don't like I just don't pay a lot of attention to either and respect that many folks might totally revel in it and I'm Happy for them doing whatever floats their Boat. There is more interest in Halloween in Modern times, in fact, Retail Wise, it outperforms even Christmas in Sales now. I think people like the Fantasy Escape of it, Costumes is always Fun, they don't have to be macabre ones, those who get creeped out by Ghoulish stuff can opt for a benign Harvest Theme Celebration that is equally enjoyable when Fall arrives and Whimsical too. At the Historic Home, we did a Harvest Theme since the House was Locally known for being Haunted for Real, so the only way to entice Trick-Or-Treaters was to go with Whimsical Tole Painted Fun Harvest Theme Pumpkins, Hay Bales and such, we still enjoyed Decorating in a less scary Theme there and handing out Treats to those who dressed up and came to the Door. I enjoy the Costumes to this day, tho' we don't get many Kids coming to the Mini Farms, our little Community of Mini Farms has Aged Out and so not a lot of small Children anymore.

  5. I cracked up at your Alice references...and yes, we are apparently ALL Gone Mad. And, my goodness you are the ever-shrinking Dawn... photo is marvy and you look just Marvelous Darling! .Grins, Sandi

    1. I know I've gone completely around the bend Mad, all the Kiddos and The Man are unanimous about that assessment, and frankly they could be Right, I can't evaluate myself as objectively as they can. *LOL* I haven't stepped on a Scale to see how I'm doing, I don't want to obsess over a Number, but, I do feel the trajectory is a positive one. I haven't been as religious with GOLO as I should, I just can't eat the volume of foods they need me to or I'd probably be losing weight faster if I was more disciplined about their suggestions. Plus the amount of fresh foods required is high and it's difficult in this heat to keep perishables fresh enuf without spoiling... our fridge only holds so much and with Kiddos the stuff for me tends to get buried and pushed to the back where I forget about it until it's now gone questionable for consumption. *Le Sigh*


A life touched by God always ends in touching others. - Erwin McManus

I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars. - Og Mandino (1923-1996)

For creativity to flourish one should try to look at everything as though it were being seen for the first or the last time. - Quote from "A Thousand Paths To Creativity" by David Baird

Is what I'm about to say an improvement on silence? ~ Galen Pearl