Monday, August 19, 2024

Dazed And Confused... And Avoiding Blog Drama

 The Title Hook of this Post has to do with some Confusion I've had of late that is somewhat comical, somewhat concerning, especially when you're Older, you Wonder, is THIS the start of Cognitive Decline?  *LOL*   Could be, who knows?   I just know I got a Fav Blogger mixed up with another Blogger, I just thought my Friend had another Blog I didn't know about. So, there I was excited about finding it and thinking it was her Blog too.  Well, it wasn't!   But, I'd already read several Posts and Commented as if it was, so, I must have looked like a Lunatic Stranger who stumbled upon this poor Woman's Blog and was leaving Comments too Familiar, as if we knew each other a long time already!?  A bit Terrifying, No?  *Bwahahaha*

Okay, so the Upside to that Dark Comedy of Confusion, is, I sincerely Loved her Blog and so my Comments were complimentary and I added the Blog to my Sidebar.   I do like discovering New Blogs and Bloggers, but, it was embarrassing to realize my faux pas after having left a few Comments and then figuring out... oh shit... this is a different Blogger, NOT who I thought it was that I'm interacting with!   I halted going thru the Archives long enuf to then cross reference and figure out what I screwed up. 

 I'd clicked on "Blogs I Follow" of a Friend's Blog, rather than on her actual Blog... just assuming she had more than One Blog {many of you do} and I'd just neglected to realize this Blog wasn't hers at all!   Turns out, nope, she still has ONE Blog... this was apparently a Blog she has on her Blog Following List!  Damn, am I ready for a Home and Adult Care!?  Don't answer that!  *Winks*   I did feel embarrassed when I realized I'd left Comments I thought were for someone I knew and I wasn't even on the Right Blogger's Space!  It would make less sense to a Stranger.  *Bwahahaha*

I don't get that dazed and confused very often, but, when I do, it's Surreal becoz I Wonder how I got that addled and make such a mistake?  Harmless mistake really, but, unsettling nonetheless, when you are of a Certain Age.  *Winks*   I do now Wonder if that Dear Blogger piques her Curiosity and pays me a Visit wondering Who The Hell Are You?   If so, I'll try to explain what happened, she might be relieved that it was just Mistaken Identity?  *LOL*  I did tell my Blog Friend who I thought the Blog belonged to, what I'd accidentally done, thinking it was HER Blog.  *Smiles* 

  Okay, so, Funny Blogasphere True Story that happened a few Years ago now.  Blog Drama.  And I prefer to be a Drama Free Mama, so avoidance of even Blog Drama is preferable.   You may or may not find this relatable, but, it's worth telling. Whenever I'm trawling for New Blogs to read, on Rare occasion I'll discover a Local Blogger.  If the Blog is one I enjoy, I'll plop it on my sidebar to remember and visit, no harm, no foul.  Most Blogs are Openly Welcoming and if they want to be Exclusive, well, Block just anyone being able to see/visit your Blog then, there is a Feature for that Purpose.  Local folks know a lot of the same places and have some Local History going on that can be mutually conversational.  You could actually bump into a Local Blogger.  And becoz you could, one would think decorum would be in Order, Right?  Better to make Friends than Adversaries I always say.

So, anyway, my Experiences in The Land Of Blog have been 99.9% Positive all around.  I don't expect to Bond with every Blogger even if I like their Blog.   People are diverse, some you connect with on a deeper level than others, that's Normal Life, which, spills into Blog Life, and it's Fine, well and good.   So, to make a long story short, this Local Blogger, an Older Woman, had a Sweet Blog with Pretty Imagery, engaging personal Stories, I really liked Visiting.  She didn't come off in her Blog in a Negative way or like a Shrew at all.   I left a few Comments, which, I don't always do, and when I do I always leave respectful and Positive ones.  I don't trawl for trouble, that's not my Jam, to be a disruptor or be mean spirited towards other Bloggers.  It's completely unnecessary to be that way.

 I'm no Troll, I find them to be a Community Nuisance and Negative Energy none of us needs nor wants.   I'm not a confrontational Person in Real Life either, so I don't get confrontational here or entertain those who try to provoke others.  Even if I disagree with someone, I try to agree to disagree with respect, preserving everyone's Dignity and Rights to Be who and how they just are.  I prefer Peace, Love, and Harmony, even if you might be inclined otherwise, to be unlovely or difficult.  I make no apology for my own Blog tho', I'm authentic to Self here and keep it 100% Real.  My Blog may not be for you, and, that's Okay, it isn't for everyone.  I don't Care, to each their own preferences.  If you don't Like something, don't Read or Watch it, Simple.

Well, apparently, this Local Blogger decided to pop on over for a visit here at Bohemian Valhalla and Clutched her Pearls so hard, she asked me NOT to visit her Blog ever again!   For Reals!  *LMAOROTF*  I somehow Offended her delicate sensibilities in a way she personalized I guess?  I mean, I use profanity, Yep, I Swear a lot, Oh, the Horror of it!  I dunno, I guess her Virgin Ears couldn't handle a Written Swear Word not even directed at her?!  Whatever.  *LOL and Eye Roll*  Why that would exclude you from looking at someone's Blog, well, I dunno, it's Weird, but, I'll comply if you're being an Asshole about it, Sure.  And, I guess I wasn't OF her Tribe Of The Self-Righteous...  and it was an Exclusive bunch only Welcomed there and quite self-righteous, which, is never Pretty.  No Problem Swiping Left actually, I know her Type and the hypocrisy they often exhibit.

 Well, I thought it was hilarious, so, I did leave one last Comment on her Blog.  *Snicker*  Yep... acknowledging her Wishes and Respecting them, Peace Out fellow Human, Be Well and Be Gone.  Pretty sure it might have left some of her Peeps Wondering, hey, what's going on?  *Winks* Since, nothing I'd ever said or done on her Blog was the least bit controversial, disrespectful or anything but Kind and Complimentary.  I knew what she looks like and what her Local Haunts are, so, one would think you'd not try to make Enemies behind a Screen who could find and confront you in Real Life?  *LMAO*  Yeah, that would have been Fun, No?  *LOL*  But, it just drove Home to me the Reality that here and in Real Life, you do have folks like her... who aren't at all inclusive and take Offenses where none are offered, intended or even given.   Or, tho' they have a Nice Blog, they are not necessarily Nice People.

I only recall the Incident, not the Blogger anymore, as, folk like that are forgettable and irrelevant to me.  Swipe Left, Moving On, Yawn, I don't Engage or take the Bait to lower the Bar to their Standards.   She was pretty Old then, so for all I know she could be Dead now?  *Ha ha ha*  Since 99.9% of Bloggers here are a Wonderful and Engaging Community, she was the exception to the Rule here... so, the .1% who aren't lovely, like her, don't matter to the rest of us.  A pity when they have a nice Blog, but, a nice Blog can be a great Cover for a Human that doesn't match up to it.   And, we all know that many Social Media sites are filled with Tortured Souls who project their toxicity outwards and are just an avalanche of Drama and a Headache spewing forth constantly.   This is why I never visited Twitter even before it became an Elon Musky X crap platform for total Lunatic Fringe sorts.   

Seemed to me that Tweets were just uncensored garbage going straight from the undisciplined Human's Brain to the Keyboard without a filter or any discernment.  Let alone any decorum or intelligence behind their impulsive spontaneous Tweets.   It attracted Bullies, Assholes, Trolls and Tortured Souls in droves it seems, from Tweets being Shared on other sites... so, I saw no need to ever visit the site and engage in that Community, ever.  Can't say Tweets people Cribbed to Share elsewhere ever sounded Profound or Mature to me.  *Smiles*  I think a lot of folk who frequent those sites and misbehave are Courting Drama and Attention actually, they Thrive upon it, it's their Juice.  It's what makes them Imagine they're relevant and Seen or Heard.  *LOL*

 The fact it was 45's favorite Platform and form of expression spoke Volumes right there.  It's rather like an Immature Adult's Elementary Level Playground for Childish Behavior and exhibiting low Intelligence publicly.  I guess he found his Audience there... and probably from the Dark Web too.   *LOL*  I have a very Blocked Book Of Faces Page and this, it's enuf for me.  I have an Instagram the Kids set up for me that I almost never visit, tho' some Industry Friends use it more now and Post amazing Biz Images on.   I had to wean off Pinterest, it's a Deep Rabbit Hole to freefall down.  And now they've made it harder to even visit, which, is Fine, so I just don't.  *LOL*   I do still have Pinterest Boards but I haven't added to them in a very long while.

I don't really wanna go in to Work, but, hesitate to call out either and let Co-Workers down.  But, in the end I did call in and ask for Coverage.  I just don't feel 100% with the Allergies flared up still, it's zapped my Energy and my Ambition.   I did Donate a whole Box of Household items to a Charity this Morning.  I drove up still in my Pajamas, they know me there, I Donate often, and I just needed to get what I'd Purged recently out of the House and Donated already.   I'd bought a new Can Opener since my Family did not like my Old one that opened with Smooth Edges, it just doesn't work well, tho' the Smooth Edge Feature is great whenever it does work and open your Can.  You can re-use the Top becoz it just breaks the Factory Seal.  Some Cans had stubborn Seals that wouldn't always release easily tho'.

 It just got to where it wouldn't always work right and nobody wanted to mess with it.  So they wanted the Old Fashioned Electric Can Opener and I got a New One with extra handy Features.  I Donated the Old one, it still functions if you have the patience for what it does... we didn't.  *LOL*  I'm Purging anything we don't use or want now, just to rid ourselves of volume we don't need around and have no reason to hold onto.   I am feeling good about Donating good items that someone else could use and appreciate.  There's a lot I can't Resell at an Antique Mall, it's just not appropriate Merch for that Venue and I don't like Hosting Yard Sales or Tag Sales at my Property.

So, since I called in to Work Sick, I spent the Evening watching more NetFlix Comedy Specials and dozing off in the Media Chair.   The Daughter knew I'd felt miserable for Days, so she gave me an MJ Gummi her Friend Steven had gotten, and said it would make me feel better.  Well, I Slept really soundly.  *LOL*  That's all they really do for me, but, that was okay, it was a good solid Sleep, which I probably did Need. *Smiles*  What it seems to accomplish for me is, it stops my Racing Thoughts and turns me into "Off" Mode rather than being at full throttle and rapid Acceleration all of the time.  Mebbe that's what it's supposed to do for Adults who are Bipolar and have ADHD?   If I try to Stop and Concentrate I involuntarily Shake, becoz it's hard for me to Be Still and Focus usually.  I'm Aware I do it, I can't NOT do it tho' or Stop.

The only way it will cease is if I break Concentration.  My Hands and my Jaw is what I can't control and even being Anxious will Trigger it.  It's actually got a Name, it's called an Essential Tremor, it is a Neurological Disorder that is involuntary and fairly common and it is a completely different condition than Parkinson's Disease.  This one isn't gonna be fatal, so, other than making you look Odd when you're Concentrating or overly Anxious, you'll be Fine.  *Smiles*   I see that my Son also does it now he's Middle Aged, and it is thought to be hereditary but they don't know what causes it and there's not much Treatment/Cure for it... so, you will just have your Howdy Doody Moments that might amuse others.  *LOL* 

I'm down to a couple of NetFlix Days now, so am trying to watch every Comedy Standup Routine before our Membership Expires.  I don't mind Binge Watching Comedy coz it's different Comedians and relatively short sets for a NetFlix Special.   I couldn't risk getting Invested in a NetFlix Series tho' and not getting to finish it, so I told Princess T she better blast thru the rest of her "Walking Dead" Episodes before this Expires.  *LOL*  She's been very Invested in that and I understand, I did Binge thru a few Series myself start to finish.   If they were good I could watch them thru to The End... some started out good and I just quit watching them if they faltered and went bad, or stupid, there were a few of those too.  Disappointment when that happens, since I already wasted time watching some Episodes. 

Since the New "Alien" Movie is dropping, they did also have an "Alien" Movie Marathon one day on regular TV.  Princess T and I watched only our Favs, which include the very first Original one {1979}, still by far the best.  It stands the Test of Time that one.   I remember when it came out, the Guy I was Dating at the time LOVED Sigourney Weaver.  Well, she was Pretty AND a Bad Ass, so, he had a Point.  *LOL*  I just LOVE a good Horror Movie.   It doesn't have to win me over with Special Effects, Blood and Gore or the Monster tho', I like one well crafted in the various Old School methods most apt to make you Scared or Jump.  Sometimes the things unseen and any suspenseful situation are far scarier than what you can see. 

  My Imagination can be more frightening than any Reality around me.  *Bwahahaha*  I can remain Calm, Cool and Collected around a Scary Person or Beast, but, if I hear a Strange Noise, my Composure could fall apart instantly!!!  *LOL*   Not that I don't have a Healthy Natural Fear of what I should, but, I won't be Terrified... unless... I can't fucking SEE what I might be Squaring Off against and have no Idea what it IS?!?  Then I'll be like, "I don't like this... or I don't have a Peace about this... let's get the Hell out of here."  *Winks*   I've Scared people who weren't Afraid, when they see MY Reaction to certain things!  *LMAO*   I guess I'm like a Canary in a Coal Mine to them, an Early Warning Of Danger.

 My Crew here know I'm rarely Afraid and even on occasion when I am, I'll still do it Afraid.   So, if my Reaction is suddenly like a Bad Instinctive Prediction to scram and retreat, "Danger Danger Will Robinson", they all will follow suit and we'll be gone as fast as a bunch of Blue Ass Flies!   They don't even NEED to know Why?!  *Bwahahaha*   If I just say I know something Bad is gonna happen {and it will}, they don't Question it or Need any details whatsoever, it's enough I just said it.   When I did the 2000 Census, my Door to Door Partner and fluently Spanish speaking Interpreter Delphina, learned to heed my Premonition Warnings of pending Danger.   We avoided being AT a Triple Homicide within mere Minutes one time becoz of a Premonition of Doom I had come over me while somewhere.

 Becoz while we were Counting that Family, who were setting up for a Child's Birthday Party, I got a BAD Feeling and sense of Urgency to Leave immediately and conveyed it quietly to Delphina.  We counted the Residents and beat feat towards my Truck quickly, in haste no less. Delphina didn't know or ask Why, she saw how alarmed I'd become.  Now, we were in a bad area called Cashion, so it WAS Da Hood and the kind of Barrio nobody makes Deliveries in, probably not even AMAZON.  In fact, in 2000 the Post Office didn't deliver Mail in Cashion, everyone in the Town had a PO Box to pick their Mail up! 

  So, clearly I had heightened Awareness of where I was at, but that Day, everything was actually Pleasant, No Problems, rather Deserted coz it was Hot so everyone was Inside.  It was Calm, Mid Afternoon, Quiet, no evident Threats, not even at that Home.  It was going to be Celebratory for a Small Child's Birthday they were setting up for, which hadn't even started yet.  But, I got the Metallic Taste in my Mouth like sucking on a Penny and in my Psyche was the Quiet Scream of GET THE HELL OUT OF THERE NOW!   I am not one to ever ignore those Intuitive Warnings I get, I Act upon them IMMEDIATELY and I wouldn't Care if you didn't.   Delphina Acted right along with me, she didn't know exactly Why, she didn't feel she Needed to know Why.  Thus, I didn't have to worry about leaving her behind.  *LOL*

Yep, I knew it was gonna be very BAD, whatever it was.  I didn't need to know what, how Bad, Why, none of that matters, you don't always get the Details or Specifics, sometimes you do, but, not always.  Wasn't my Place to Panic the Party either, Wish I could have averted their Tragedy, but, in some instances you can't, and that's not even YOUR Purpose.  So, before Delphina and I even got to my Truck, parked slightly down the Street a few Houses down, we heard the Gunshots.   Turns out the Mom throwing the Party for her Kid was Estranged from her Husband and had a New Boyfriend who was at the Party.  Now, we didn't know any of the Players of this Situation at all or the whole Back Story, 'til AFTER the Tragedy.

  The Husband shows up unannounced, literally Minutes after we'd left the Property, shoots and Kills his Wife and her Boyfriend, then shoots and Kills himself!   Less than probably Five Minutes from the time I'd told Delphina, something BAD is gonna happen here, let's wrap this up fast and get the Hell outta here NOW!  So, I heed my Instincts and everyone who knows me Well also will heed them, it's been Helpful.  So, I'm not always Dazed and Confused... and... that's Helpful too.  *Winks*


Blessings, Love and Light from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian


  1. What a tragic story. I"m so glad you take those premonitions seriously.

    1. It was a tragedy and I often think of that poor Child, becoming an Orphan ON their Birthday... with such senseless violence due to an Adult Love Triangle and Domestic Violence. Sadly it happens too often, I spent Years processing Files like that at the DA's Office and the carnage from Family Violence.

  2. Too funny - I read your kind comments on my post and discovered it was me - the troublemaker who blog lead you to someone enough like me to confuse us! I love it. Now, how can you let me know who it is so I can read the comments, too? Let me see if I can private message you.

    1. It is a delightful Blog called Penny's Vintage Home, which I guess you Follow on your Blog Roll, but, I thought was another Blog of yours. *LOL* I think I'd read thru about Three Archived Posts and Commented on several before I realized, oh no, this is another Blogger... and she's probably going to think who the Hell is this Woman and think I'm really strange? *LOL* I should have had a Clue, but, oddly didn't... I think this lack of REM Sleep must be getting to me? *Ha ha ha*

    2. PS: I think that Blogger has to Moderate all Comments, so, she may decide not to publish mine if she thought them to be too Strange/Odd? *LOL* They were very complimentary, yet, not how you'd talk to someone you don't know/follow at all... so it must have come across as Weird? *Smiles*

  3. I follow only a few blogs. I like to interact, so I keep it simple. The photo of the motorcycle. My dad had a couple of Indian motorcycles.He was in his 70s when he sold the last one. He was having trouble starting it. That is a terribly tragic story. Poor kid.

    1. I like Indian Motorcycles more than Harley Davidson. That one belonged to one of our Vendors at the Antique Mall. I too like to keep it simple and friendly with the Blog World, I don't understand Bloggers who have a Public Space and then want to restrict Visitors, unless you Block Access by Invitation Only, it seems to me it courts trouble and risks Offending Guests who drop by for a Read, if you make some feel Unwelcome and they've done nothing to warranty a Blogger being an Asshole.

  4. I regularly confuse two people in real life when I first meet them and have had familiar conversations in person before I realised ! :-D Jazzy Jack

    1. Whew, now I don't feel like the Lone Ranger doing that my Friend. *winks* Funny Story, during my long Career at the DA's Office there were Two Male Prosecutors whose Names I had mixed up the entire time. They waited 'til my Retirement Party to correct my Mistake, I'd been calling Rene' by the other Guy's Name for Years and vice versa, no idea why coz they looked nothing alike! Talk about embarrassing, but they'd thought it was hilarious so nobody every corrected me!!!! FOR YEARS!!!


A life touched by God always ends in touching others. - Erwin McManus

I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars. - Og Mandino (1923-1996)

For creativity to flourish one should try to look at everything as though it were being seen for the first or the last time. - Quote from "A Thousand Paths To Creativity" by David Baird

Is what I'm about to say an improvement on silence? ~ Galen Pearl