I just couldn't watch The Speech last Night, the Orange Moron's incoherence and Lies is too annoying and an irritant, so I decided I'd just catch the hilites here in the Land of Blog or on News coverage. I do know high ranking fired Federal Workers like the VA IG were coming as Guests with various Dems... and some Dems weren't even going... but I Hope all that did attend stirred shit up and just made Good Trouble? We ALL now Need to make Good Trouble constantly now, be part of The Resistance, and nobody can afford to just be a Spectator, too much is at risk. Silence is as much complicity as Supporting this Regime is.
Moving On... since I do not want to write a Dark Depressing Post this day. Tho' I also don't have a lot to Write about either. *LOL* I've been rather sequestered lately, by Choice, and until I fill in Cristy's Shift on Thursday Night, there's too much Peopling out there for me to want to deal with. I am not in the right Head Space to appropriately deal with any kind of irritant or annoyance. *Winks* Mostly these days I just chauffeur my Granddaughter to and from Work, and do what is Essential in the way of Errands, like Grocery Shop and Gas up the Truck. Plus, some Environmental Cleanup, which is Zen becoz we go where few People are, but have left their messes behind in their wake. Princess T took Gramma to Dinner, this is what we had, Above {hers}, Below {mine}... Nom-Nom! It's good having a Grandchild with a Job who is the only one not a Broke Bitch in the Family right now. *LOL*
It's getting Lighter earlier now, so the Sun has come up now while I'm taking Princess T to Work and we're not doing it in the Dark anymore. I have noticed Supply Chain Issues already in the way of Essentials especially at the Stores. So far except for Eggs, Pricing has remained relatively stable for the time being, but I know it won't be, so I spent more than usual stocking up. If you think Pandemic was bad, wait until all Goods skyrocket in Price soon or become unavailable, beyond just things like Toilet Paper! There will be a run on all of what's left and folks will Hoard it up when they realize it could be the last of it for an undetermined amount of Time, or, not be affordable.
Okay, so, I know, I know, I've gone Dark again already in just a fucking Paragraph, what can I say? Sorry!!! The only thing going Light right now is the Sun coming up earlier. That's all I got!!! *Bwahahahaha* The Dollar Store already had a lot of barren Shelves and I doubt much will be had at those Prices for long now. So, Yeah, along with Grocers I hit the local Dollar Stores and stocked up on Cheap Essentials while they're still had Cheaply. I noticed a lot of Shoppers, more than is usual, in both places, also stocking up, so, Word is out that they should be proactive. Those caught unaware can't rely on Federal Social Programs now that The Ketamine King has taken a Chainsaw to 'em and gutted 'em.
Oh, and catastrophic Weather began thru Middle America and the Federal Warning Programs for those kinds of things, gutted now too. So, don't expect any early Warnings issued on the regular, nor any Federal Aide either, I suspect both will be scarce or completely absent in the DOGE Wake. There's catastrophic Storms, Fires, and Tornados slamming Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana and Mississippi... and Severe Weather spanning from New York to Florida on the East Coast too. More than 20 States are affected so far... so a lot of catastrophic Weather events simultaneously shall Test what's left of any Services that have been compromised by this Regime. It's when Americans DON'T HAVE what they've always taken for Granted that even the Unwoke will quite rudely be Woke the fuck up I suspect?! Fun Times!
Moving On... Again... Bwahahahahah... Princess T wanted to do some Goodwill Hunting for Corkboard for the new Desk she's Ordered Online. Well, wouldn't ya know, the Pickin' Gods and Laws of Attraction as usual, provided. She found not One, but Two Corkboards and all the Desk Supplies she needed. Plus, she Scored an enormous Bag of Shopkins and their Accessories. Some Kid must have divested themselves of an entire Collection, I've never seen so many all at once, literally Hundreds of Dollars worth Donated! It was Senior Day so I got my Senior Discount for her on all her Purchases. We've had a fair amount of Shopkins Theft lately, so this makes up for that Loss Prevention annoyance.
With the Shopkins Theft I still think it's a Child and not an Adult Thief, the Adult Moms who Steal the Toys usually bring a Razor to cut the Bags. Kids just dig a Hole in the Bag to take the item coveted and leave the rest, so it's not a whole Theft, usually just One little Shopkin... we put Five to a Bag for Three Bucks. Not that I condone a Child Stealing at all, but I'm not as annoyed if it's a little Kid doing it without the Responsible Adult's knowledge, than if it's a Grown Ass Parent doing it, or a Teenager/Young Adult. Often if I see a Child Jonesin' for something badly and their Parent can't afford it, I Gift the Child with it. They practically Float away on Cloud Nine and it makes for great Customer Relations and Warms the Cockles of what The Man refers to as my Black Heart! *Smiles*
We've been Organizing our Photo Hoard into various Vintage Storage. These Pixs are of The Daughter at Age 12 and her Son at Age 2. Yes, The Young Prince had his Paternal side's Crazy Wild Puerto Rican Textured Hair that I had no Idea how to deal with. *LOL* At our recent Yard Sale a Family bought a bunch of our Towels and there was an LOL Surprise Doll Towel their Little One badly wanted so we Gifted it to the Little Girl. She was beaming and her Parents were so appreciative and Thankful. It was just a Towel, but to that Little Girl it was Everything! I remember how many Vendors at our Antique Mall would Gift our Grandkids with items all the time and that meant more to them than anything ever Bought and made it more Special to them. The Vendors told me they'd see my Grandkids working so hard alongside me and never ask for anything, so they just HAD to Spoil them rotten. *LOL* To this Day The G-Kid Force are close to those Vendors like they would be to Favorite Aunts and Uncles.
My Co-Worker Vendor Friend Cristy, who I'll be filling in for on Thursday, used to always give Princess T Big Gumballs when she was little, coz the Mall had a Gumball Machine near the Front Desk. Cristy said it would tickle her that Princess T would look like a Chipmunk or Hamster with her little Cheeks stuffed with Gumballs! *LOL* Now all the Staff and Vendors can't Believe how The G-Kid Force are now all Grown Up and Young Adults, Time flies like that!!! Sometimes I have to pinch myself at how quickly almost all of our Grandkids have Grown Up into Young Adults already, some into Middle Age... dammit, am I really getting that Old?! *Winks and Chuckles*
We had a Cold Front move in and dump the temps from the 80's and 90's down to the 40's and 50's! So, in a Day it went from Record Highs in the past 100 Years, to Record Lows, Crazy!!! It's hard to know how to even Dress since the fluctuations happen so quickly, sometimes in the middle of a Day! I've taken to bringing a Jacket or Sweater with me, just in case, and/or putting Hot Weather Clothes layered underneath Cold Weather Clothes and peeling off the layers as necessary. *LOL* I realized our Medicare Advantage Home Nurse Well Check Visit is Scheduled Thursday from anywhere between Noon-4:00 p.m. so if they arrive earlier than later, no problem with getting to Work on Time for my Evening fill-in Shift for Cristy.
I'm kind of excited to be returning to at least some fill-in Shifts, I've missed Working. The Young Prince, during our Call, asked me if they'd probably let him do Shifts FOR me if it turns out they need the Help badly or I can't take on a permanent Shift anymore? They probably would, The G-Kid Force have both Shared Rental Space with me there since they were little and Princess T does Share the Showroom and Locked Case with me now. The Young Prince will be adding his Merch and Art to our Spaces once he returns too. Everyone knows my Grandkids from when they were very Young and the Mall first Opened. We were some of the First Vendors there and I made the First Sale there. So, we've always been there since the Beginning. Above and Below is one of my Welsh Cousin's Daughters, it's Fun to get Pixs and catch up with Relatives from across the Pond, I Wish some of them could come for Visits.
I'd like for my Kids and Grandkids to meet their Welsh 2nd Cousins and some of Mom's side of the Family, they only ever met her Older Brother during his Visits and Adored him. But, I digress... where was I? Oh... LOL... A lot of Vendors have come and gone, some came back again and again but haven't consistently made a Go of it thruout the Years, we've managed to. And mostly, we've done okay there, even thru the ups and downs of the varying Economy and even the Pandemic. I think with adaptation, improvisation and tenacity, if you're relentless enuf, you can weather most Storms of Life. If you don't give in, give up or give out easily, you'll likely Survive damned near anything and make it through. We Strategize when times are tough and refine our Hustle to make it Work, whatever is coming against us. Necessity IS the Mother of Invention.
And back to Relatives from across the Pond, my Cousin, whose Daughter this is, has been to America numerous times because he worked on the building of our Nuclear Power Plants here. He goes on Holiday around the World a lot too and is well Traveled. I'm closest to that Cousin of all the Cousins on my Mom's Side of the Family, so, we've kept in Touch all these Years and of coarse his Dad was my Favorite Uncle. And, no Brag, just Fact, but I was his Favorite Niece too coz my Uncle never had any Girls, only Sons. He always wanted a Daughter and so he indulged me as if I was one and I Adored him. He was also my Dad's Best Friend for all of their Lives. He'd introduced my Dad to his Sister in fact, when he brought the first Two Americans ever to my Grandparent's Home, and the rest was History. *LOL*
Funny Story, which I know I've told before, but as Dear Blog Friend Jean has said, I'm prone to being a long winded Blogger, and always have Stories to Tell. *Winks and LMAO coz it's True!* My Dad and his other Best American GI Friend at the Time, Ernie Triggs, were the first People of Color my Mom's Family had ever seen, except Chinese, which were an abundant population and my Welsh Gran-Gran was Raised by a Chinese Family. So, Mom said Dad and his Friend were so Gracious about answering the naive questions they had. Even letting them touch their Hair, Skin, and ask personal questions that in hindsight, were intrusive and hilariously naive. *LOL* So, Ernie and Dad messed with them and gave some comedic answers. Not realizing my Mom's Family would take the answers Seriously and not as the Joke intended. They told them that America used them as "Night Fighters" becoz with their darker Skin they couldn't be seen as well at Night and were a Secret Weapon!!! *LMAOROTF*
My Cousins also used to charge their Friends to come peek at my Dad thru my Grandparent's Windows! Coz a lot of the Welsh Kids thought all "Red Indians", as they called Native Americans, had been Killed by the Cowboys and American Cavalry! So, they marveled at seeing a Live One. *Bwahahahaha* My Dad knew what the Kids were doing and was a good Sport about it. After all, he was an Anomaly even here in America off the Reservations, so he was used to being Stared at and asked Questions about what he was, since most people hadn't seen an American Indian in their Lifetimes. I didn't even see another Native American Off the Rez until I was a Teenager!!! My Dad, having the same Gallow's Humor I Inherited from him, would tell them, "Yes, they tried to Kill us all, but they didn't get all of us!" *Smiles, Dad had a Wicked intentionally inappropriate Sense of Humor* Obvious where I got it from. *Winks*
I've been corresponding with some of my still Living Relatives on the Rez too lately, but doubt I'll ever go back to the Rez in Oklahoma for any visits. Everyone's getting so Old now that none of us is traveling much, and most of my Cousins rarely left the Rez anyway and weren't as Nomadic as Yours Truly's Life was. Most of my Welsh Relatives also lived in the same Town they were Born in and didn't travel much either, that one Cousin was an exception, due to his line of Work. I'm glad I was a Global Nomad and I'm glad I Married a Man also well Traveled, we've seen a lot of the World and a lot of the United States and I'm truly Grateful for that exposure and opportunity. They say Americans applying for Citizenship to other Countries is exploding... I have Dual Citizenship, and I'm glad of that too. *Winks*
From the Long Hot Wind in the Arizona Desert... Winks... Dawn... The Bohemian