Thursday, October 17, 2024

A Tough Audience And Purgatory

In Real Time as I'm beginning this Post, it's the Evening before the "Bountiful Market" Autumn Event at "Sweet Salvage".  I've got to pick up an Antique Mercantile Haberdashery Cabinet and Antique Cast Iron Buffalo Bank that my Friend Big Kenny agreed to hold for me until this Month when I can Buy them.  Other than that, I previewed the Event Online and frankly, barely a nod to Autumn and Halloween is completely absent so, I probably won't Buy anything else or stay too long.   Which is exactly what happened at the last Event I attended, I probably was in and out in 15 Minutes and Bought nothing... took few Pixs... for the same reasons.  And Yes, at least Sweet did Two Halloween Events since they kicked an early Soft one off in August, but, none in October is just a Letdown for me.  Coz October is THE Month for one really.

 Definitely will have no reason to arrive early and stand in Line.  Especially since last Month they let about 35 People Line Jump and gain early access by over Half an Hour, which pissed off those at the front of the line who'd stood in the Heat for over 1-2 Hours.  So, there was no point in coming early to secure the best entrance and be uncomfortable and endure the Heat.  I know my Two items are being Held for me so, no urgency to arrive at any particular time or endure any discomfort at all this Month.  Plus, the Preview Pixs didn't Wow me either, very little in the way of Vintage, Antiques, Salvage or OOAK Merch.  So, no Merch Incentive plus no Halloween Incentive leaves me Yawning and finding little to be Incentivized.  I know, I'm a tough Customer sometimes to draw... but then again, so are most if you expect them to drop some Coin in these tough Economic times.

I can go into any Import Shop for new Imports, or Big Box Store and get Mass Produced Merch, usually at a Bargain... so, at an Event I want something Unique, OOAK or harder to Source, Extraordinary, Inspirational, potentially more Valuable and an Investment.  Lately, most Events are starting to resemble a lot of Tasteful yet Common Chain Store Merchandisers.  And I rarely Shop at those, let alone make them a Destination and Calendar a visit.   I do Hope when I arrive I'll Feel differently and it will have Atmosphere that Photos can sometimes lack and not do Justice to the Presentations?   I only Cribbed about 3 of the Online Preview Pixs this time and Edited those to cut out parts of disinterest that was peripheral distraction.  I don't know how much I'll be Inspired to Photograph whilst there?  The Above Vignette I did Like tho'.

Most Pixs of this Post, unless I come up with something better at the Event, were dredged up from Halloween Seasons Past, when it was Done Up Right and I really Miss those bygone days of not shying away from going Full On Halloween and Autumn Vibes on Steroids!!!   Now it's all so watered down, and may I say, bordering on Boring and lackluster by the time October rolls around.  *Le Sigh and Resting Bitch Face*  When the Goodwills had more Halloween than anyone else in Retail this Year, well, whatssup with that?!!  Seriously, I suspended Buying anything when offerings were so absent or limited.  And since Halloween now outpaces Christmas in Retail Sales and Customer Enthusiasm to Celebrate it, it's a missed Opportunity IMO.   These days Retailers need to know it's a Tough Audience out there and we will be critical if we feel they fall short on Delivering.  When I Critique something, I keep it 100%.

Usually I will leave flattering Reviews when deserving of one tho', I Support Small Businesses and still do.  Of coarse, some of my favorite Unique Haunts did Close during Pandemic and I Miss them Year Round.   But I especially Miss them during the Holidays, nobody really took their place to fill the Void left behind.  And I do Miss the Good Ole' Days when it was a heyday for such places that did carry Uniquely Sourced Merch... and the heyday of Blogging too... it's all changed now.  When I was trawling my Photo Archives the other day, to pay a Tribute to my recently Departed Cousin and find some Pixs of him, I'm glad I snagged some Oldies but Goldies of the Holidays for Posts now.  Since, chances are, I won't have anything much to Photograph in October that is Seasonally related now... bummer!!!   And, it remined me of how much Better it all was... I'm not looking at it thru Rose Colored Glasses and heady Nostalgia magnifying it, it WAS Better by far!!!   We've just Lost the Best of it... and of them IMO, along the way.  Yes, a remnant remains, but altered too.

And, along with Shops Closing, there were Friends in the Industry who Retired, or Moved Away, or Passed Away... Bloggers included.  And I Miss every single one of them too, it's just not the same without them.   Looking Back and seeing Images with them in the Pixs, often choked me up in fact as I was Reminiscing while doing the Deep Dive into my Photo Archives Blasts From Holidays Past.   My Friend Ron, Below, at one of the Preview Parties they used to Host before the Halloween and Christmas Events.  Ron and his Wife, Moved Away to a Southern State Destination and may have Retired from being Designers, they were exceptional at it.   She'd battled some Serious Health Issues and perhaps it was time to just relax and take it easier.  It's a lot of Work and Pressure to Host an Event, especially a Themed Event, even one that just runs for Four Days a Month.

So, I don't want to diminish all the hard Work that probably still goes into Hosting any Event, it's considerable, just that the Merch now isn't the same and thus, neither is the Atmosphere sometimes.  Perhaps it can't be, Supply and Demand always dictate the Market after all.  I see some folks standing in Line for Hours to go Buy something they could have picked up anywhere, anytime, and probably not spend as much for it.   I'm just not that Customer and never will be, so the Appeal isn't there for me unless you do carry extraordinary... and not just the ordinary that I know where I can always get THAT anytime and at the best prices, becoz it's not difficult to Source.  I get around.   I think my Sales at the Antique Mall have been consistently decent becoz I try to mostly carry Merch that is harder to Source or even Find now.

The Man and I did Environmental Cleanup early on Wednesday Morning and collected 20 Lbs. of Aluminum Cans in just a few Hours, it Paid for Lunch.   There was a nice Breeze before it got Hot and we found a stretch of Road we'd not done Cleanup on before, so the Haul was good with very little effort and we cleaned it up nicely along that stretch.   I found a good Quality Garden Rake, an Old License Plate, and a damaged but nice discarded Road Sign too.  Booyah!!!   I found some small Change too, funny how you find Money Lost in the most unlikely places!  This was Roadside on a stretch not traveled much and kind of out in the middle of nowhere... just nice Pristine Desert that is Scenic and between Destinations.  We always bring Refreshments and Snacks with us, sometimes even Lunch and Dine Alfresco out in Nature, it's so pleasant and restorative, plus, good Exercise and Fresh Air.

Well, USUALLY Fresh Air.  There was a really big Fire to the Far West of us tho' that we could see and were Curious about what was on Fire?   On the Wind you could sometimes smell it and it didn't smell like anything Natural burning, more like acrid Smoke from Rubber or Plastics burning.   But, when I Googled what it was from, it is allegedly a Prescribed Burn of Vegetation along the River Bottom to eliminate thick Vegetation that could present a Wildfire Hazard if not Managed.  They had Road Closures and the Smoke was really thick and acrid smelling, drifting thickly into the City.   So, anyone with respiratory issues might have struggled to Breathe during the Burn.   But, it could be better controlled than a Wildfire would be and if they do it Oct-Feb it doesn't interfere with Wildlife Breeding Seasons.  It also rids the Natural areas along the River of Invasive Plant Species and enriches the Soil.   They were only doing it for a Day, but didn't Advertise it much, so, it could alarm people living near it.

So, it looked like the whole West Valley was on Fire and until I knew what was actually happening in a Controlled way, it was Alarming to see such a wide expanse of thick Smoke to the South and West!!!   We drove until the Air was clear and cleaner to Breathe.   The Man has advanced COPD so I couldn't risk him having a Medical Emergency and felt bad for Residents enveloped in all that low hanging Smoke all day.  I'm quite sure it prompted some Emergency Room visits.   Anyway, where we ended up was lovely and beyond where they were doing the Burning.  There wasn't a whole lot of Traffic at first either, but when that Roadway started getting busier is when we were done anyway.  Too much Traffic can make it dangerous to be doing Roadside Cleanup.  You have your distracted Drivers, your Speeders, and your Assholes who like to drive too close to you on purpose.


We do get the Appreciative Drivers who yell Thank You out their Windows and truly think Roadside Cleanup and Environmental Cleanup Volunteers are providing a necessary Public Service.   ADOT, Policing Agencies, Park Services, Fish and Game Employees, and Preserve Rangers almost always Thank us profusely and check up on us to ensure we're safe and doing okay.  We're hardier than they expect, given we're a couple of Old Geezers.  *Winks*  It's in the consistency of doing anything that you develop the Stamina and Physical or Mental acuity for whatever it is.  A Body in Motion stays in Motion, and all that, is True.  I've never let my Trips around the Sun inhibit me from doing whatever I can still do and enjoy doing.   Too often Seniors let Age become an Excuse for everything and anything and it doesn't have to be.

The Man's Specialists marvel that I've kept him Vertical this long and assisted him in rehabilitating successfully.  They had expected his demise some time ago.  He Jokes that I won't ALLOW him to Die... Nope, won't LET him.  In full Transparency there IS some Truth to that... he doesn't have my Permission to.  *Bwahaha*  He thoroughly enjoys Environmental Cleanup Duty and often gets ready to go just in case I take him to do it.  *Smiles*  Yes, it is Comical to see him Ready with no place to Go... and the Kiddos tell me, "You really should take him Canning... look... he's been ready for Hours now!"  *Awwww, and LMAOROTF*   Sometimes if I say Yes, he's already heading for the Truck and can move like a Blue Ass Fly if he wants to do something!   This is how I KNOW he can still Move with some Purpose if it suits him to.  So, he can't lay it on thick otherwise and Trick or Fool me.  *Winks*

Now, whilst trawling Photo Archives I do have my Sentimental Moments to where I Miss certain things about previous Properties we've Owned and Sold.   Like, the Villa Boheme' McManse had so much Space we had Empty Rooms and Unused Rooms we could Stage for each Holiday in ridiculously excessive ways without it interfering with Daily Life.   And the Historic Property had so many Outbuildings and Exterior Spaces lending it to Decorate more extensively Outside the Home too.  And another Property we Owned had a whole Neighborhood that did Halloween Decorating together, so the entire Street was Done Up and culminated with a Big Block Party for Halloween on the Night of the 31st.  All the Adults dressed in Costume and people did come from Miles around to Experience it all and bring their Families.   All that can be a Tough Act to Follow.

 This Property is very large too, so, eventually The RV Garage Mahal will be THAT Space for me, since, The Main House isn't large enuf for such Indulgences during the Holidays.  And, the Exterior Space either, since, we Irrigate, so, it wouldn't be practical to Decorate where you Flood the Space.  Plus, this Acreage has more Private Space that cannot be seen by the Public or even Guests, unless you gave a Guided Tour.  So, anyway, tho' Halloween Present cannot compare to Halloween Past, I do Hope to make Halloween Future more Extreme once I get all the Projects Done around Forever Boheme'.  We're actually Jump Started again and well on our way.   I am now about 97% Done in the Decluttering and Cleaning of the Common Areas of the Main House and will begin on the Boudoir by next Week.  One I kicked my Ass into Gear and got off the Pity Pot of going it Alone, I made Progress.

And, it Motivated The Son to do some Extreme Yardwork improvements for me too, so I was pleasantly Surprised when he did the Reveal of what he'd been Secretly doing for me.   He Works a lot of Hours so I rarely expect him to Dive into huge Home Improvement Projects around here on his Time Off.   His Career is very demanding and I know he's too nervous to do the things his Sister assists me with, he's rather like a Bull in a China Shop and is Aware of that making ME nervous too.  *LOL*  The Man, well, he requires so much Supervision and Task redirection, or running damage control behind his efforts, that it would be like asking your Toddler to Help.  It's too much of a distraction and you'd be better off doing it yourself.   Sometimes I'll give him little Jobs to do when he's Curiously Stalking me and getting in the way while I'm Working.  But, overall, he's disinterested if his Shows are on and he's deep into his Reruns of NCIS or Alaskan Reality Shows.  *LOL*

I find it rather Ironic how he'll immerse himself in "Homestead Rescue" and then neglect his own Property... but... whatever.  I guess on the Canvas of his Imagination THAT is Possible and this is not?  *Eye Roll*  He wanted this Property even more than I did when we were seeking a Forever Home, but, in Application, I knew he would be fairly Checked Out in the whole Moving, Moving In, Maintaining it, Processes.  He has been for the last Three Moves becoz his Health Tanked a long time ago. When he was forced into Medical Retirement, we had a Shift from the Workaholic I Married and Knew, to where he gave up on doing ANY kind of Work.  It became a True Four Letter Word for him to where he thought and felt he could no longer do anything anymore forevermore.  And you can't even Shame him into trying most of the time now... he just sits around like he's waiting to just Die.   Which is Why he doesn't have my Permission... it's his Penance and this is Purgatory dammit.  *Winks*


October and Halloween Vibes coming to you from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Careening Towards The Dark Abyss

 Amusing that my "Dark" Post got more than twice as many Views, nothing Sells quite like a good Negative... beats Hell out of the Positive Fluff Posts, every time, I'll tell you that!  Everyone Loves them a good Train Wreck to stop by and lurk at!  *Winks*  Okay, Yours Truly included, it is just something in Human Nature that is a "Dark" Mystery.  *LOL*  The "Dark" Post just blasted past all the Uplifting ones and I figured it would, that's why I embrace the Darkness of myself here in The Land of Blog.  *Smiles*  But, I am on the Upswing of Mood Regulation, which, in Real Life, is always a relief, the Lows can get pretty Low and to Live thru, not so much Fun as just Reading about them as a Spectator.  *Bwahahaha*

Hardly any of us REALLY turn on The News to hear anything Uplifting or good, we don't even expect it, Drama and Carnage Sells and the Networks know it.   I personally think that the one thing the Alt Right tapped in to successfully during their Election Cycles since 2016, was the "Darkness" of so many of our Species.   You can't dispute it became mighty Popular and a shit ton of Humans jumped on the Crazy Train Bandwagon and hasn't hit their Bottom yet.  Or Hair Furor wouldn't have managed such a close Race every single time as he's sunk lower and lower towards a Dark Abyss.  It's a New Low every News Cycle in fact.  America is careening quickly towards The Dark Abyss.  And this Post Title "Dark" Hook will be a Winner too!   I Guarantee it!!!  *Winks*

I've been befuddled about his Appeal to so many Americans who otherwise might even seem like Normal Humans living among us.  But I had the Epiphany as I did my Statistical Checking, since I'm very much a Stats Gal.  It's very Telling about our Species, Statistics, you Learn a lot when you check Statistics.  Well, very Telling about every Sentient Being on the Planet actually, Statistics.   Everything leaves a "Tell" about it, if you Observe it long enough and track it Statistically, you can begin to Predict with some accuracy, certain things about it.   The Anomalies happen, sure, but overall, the Stats rarely Lie about predispositions, individually and collectively.   And the Herd/Pack Species like ourselves, collectively, do some fairly predictable shit in a group especially.  It's the Lone Wolves that are less predictable.

Anyway, Nope, I won't bore you with more Stats and/or more Politics, I think we're at saturation point actually to absorb any more of THAT!  So, you can Exhale now that I've Hooked ya and Reeled ya in to the Post.  Harpoon!!!  It's like shooting Fish in a Barrel if ya get a good Blog Post Hook you've "Set" out there!   But, I am a Catch and Release Angler, I won't make a Meal outta ya.  *Winks and Snickers*   I found out that One of my Three Striped Bass had hidden out in the Aquarium, a good Hider and had been timid when the other Two more aggressive ones were in there.  Now they're gone it's the largest Fish in there and becoming a little more confident.  We thought initially it had Died and been eaten by the Snails.  Glad to see it's healthy and gaining confidence.  We'll keep it for a while longer so it becomes less scared and quits hiding all the time.

We'll release it back to the River when I feel it's the right time for it to thrive and return to the Wild.   When the other Two had been released they immediately joined a large School of their Species that were similar in size, it was a Joy to behold.   The little Gila Topminnows are like Guppies and actually behave more like Store bought Tropical Fish rather than Game Fish behavior.  So, they do very well in the Aquarium environment and don't get any larger than a Guppy at Maturity.  Some are now Breeding Age and I hope they will propagate so I can begin returning them to the River as well.   Without Game Fish in the Tank they will not be threatened in any way of being eaten.  Sadly, in their Native Habitat the introduction of Non-Native Game Fish has decimated their Populations.  They are a plain little Fish but aren't timid at all and flock to you at feeding times.

I had to slow my roll some with the Housekeeping Project coz I was pretty sore and had some things to do outside of the Home on Monday.  But, I did devote some time and energies to it and will definitely keep the trajectory in motion now.   I'm making some decisions that were hard for me but necessary, clearing Space feels better than holding onto what isn't necessary for daily function or enjoyment.   I know I can get to Just Enough if I discipline myself to Streamline regularly until it becomes habitual to.   The Daughter is likely to have to return from Mexico early, even with the best of Intentions, the Situation there is not within her Control.   We had a Heartfelt Video Chat about it on her Birthday, she was distraught, she's done all she can and again, it's been in Vain and waste of limited Resources, just like the last time.   Those who are Well and have Custody will just have to fix this Situation of their own making.

It's a complicated Back Story and not within the Control of any of us here on the American Side, so, it is what it just is.   I felt so bad for her, she's done all she can for as long as she could already, it's not working out favorably at all and she's reached her limits.  She Trusted his side of the Family to get those Children Raised to Maturity.  Sometimes the messes and decisions other Adults have made aren't correctable even with the very best of Intentions.  Her Ex and his Wife, and his extended Family, now that the Old Lady is gone, have to figure their Situation out they Created.  They have Custody and The Daughter isn't Well enuf to in Reality, on either side of the Border.   I'm Done with Raising Minor Children now and cannot have a protracted fight for and run damage control behind how her Youngest Three have been Raised since Birth all the way to the cusp of Adulthood.   You can't change lifestyle and behaviors being 'New' to any Situation.  I know she had called me to validate what we both already knew, this is futile and completely in vain now.  

She got the Home in Order for Social Services initial visit, it was spotless, I saw the hard Work she put in.  But, now it's all Out Of Order again in a mere Week and will obviously be a Cycle like that.  It's how they Live, it's not how we Live or could ever Live.  It's not acceptable to any of us.  She doesn't approve, nor do I, but, a lot of folks live in ways we don't approve, this just happens to be Family and they have their chosen way of Being and have always Been.   The Kids are Older Teens now and quite set in their ways, so they resent their Mom even being there to try to Help and Change things, even for the better.  So, like most Teenagers, are resistant and actively rebelling.  They've had incredible Loss and yet, they are comfortable with how things are and it's familiar.  I do Believe Social Services will have to make the necessary determinations and address it all with the Custodial Relatives who are Adults and are Responsible, period. 

Listen, I wasn't very Optimistic about this Outcome, but Supported The Daughter's decision to try and make a Positive difference and go there to actually Witness what the Situation really was.  We just didn't know and couldn't know, not being there in Person.  We didn't know how transparent anyone there had been with us?  We could only speculate and draw conclusions that might not have been accurate.  We cannot Undo what has been Done and was Years in the Making.  Not all Stories have Happy or Fairy Tale Endings.   I accept the things I can Change, know the things I cannot Change, and have developed the Wisdom to know the difference.   It was clearly not a Happy Birthday for her to have to be confronted with the Reality of that whole Situation beyond her or our Control.   There's a lot of complexities to Life that aren't Fair, sometimes just play out as they will, and there's nothing you can do about it, this is one of those instances IMO.   When Children are involved it's just all the more tragic.   

I never had Custody or even Kinship Placement of the Trio that were Born and Raised in their Dad's Home Country.  When Maria was Well it was acceptable, it had been Years since we could be in Mexico at her Home to know exactly when it became unacceptable and took a nosedive?  It's probably been unacceptable for far longer than her Family let on, before they panicked and involved us?  But, only becoz they knew accountability was now eminent and on them.  Perhaps the Home should be Sold before it falls to waste and neglect, I'm not sure.  Frankly, Internationally speaking, their side of the Border hasn't been cooperative and our side hasn't been either.  We dealt with all that the last time and it's not gotten better just becoz their Custodial Grandmother Died.   I'm not fighting Two different Systems in Two separate Countries, that really aren't as functional or uncorrupted as they should be.  

 Nor his Family there that Control way more of what they Created than I have any Responsibility for.   They got enuf infighting, I'm not joining in on that fray!  It reminded me somewhat of the complexities of The Man's Family dynamic after his Parents each Died, years apart.  Those who were Local had more infighting than those of us who were at a distance.  It was impossible for us to enter that fray and make an ounce of Positive difference... and no Kids were involved.   The Youngest of her Trio has good Placement, for that I'm Grateful that the Stepmom's Sister and Family has that adequately covered for that one.   The Oldest will be 18 in a matter of less than Two Months, has Two Jobs and goes to University, so, my instincts are that Social Services will consider that, perhaps favorably?   The Middle Child is the one where Placement is gonna be tough for a slew of reasons, but, she is highly resistant and has a lot of Issues... none of which is 'fixable' or can probably be 'undone' by anyone.

The Daughter will surely go into a Downward Spiral and Mental Health Tailspin if she stays, so, she has to leave, we ascertained that Fact on the Phone Call.   She agreed, she can't take much more, it's maxed her out already, she's exhausted Physically, Mentally and Emotionally already.   I told her to just let me know which Bus and what Time Schedule when she returns, that's all.   She knows she'll have to return Alone, no Kids can or will be in tow... Legally not possible, which, probably is a Good Thing in actuality, I ain't gonna Lie.   I don't even know how their Systems work in their Country, I know the Systems in our Country are fucked up, so, I don't even have Guarded Optimism about any Country's Systems to be Truthful.  Most end up being understaffed, overworked, underfunded, corrupted and sometimes even a total Money Grab.  I have zero Money to Grab and even fewer Fucks to give about Voluntarily Dealing with any more fucked up Systems.

I let The Daughter shed the Tears she needed to Shed, but could tell she felt unanimous about our Options, or, lack thereof.   She's Intelligent and tho' SMI, realizes what isn't possible or in the Realm of decisions that would be Unwise and Unfruitful.   The Kids were present during the Video Chat I had with their Mom, we did it Bilingually for their sake and mine, they seemed quite indifferent and ambivalent, which spoke volumes to me.  They are not gonna cooperate with their Mom trying to Help, so, she's wasting her Time and Energy even being there.   As for the rest of his Family, they want some easy way out of their mess and accountability, but, it's THEIR mess to Clean Up, not mine.  I'm not the Clean-Up Woman.  And, I don't Care how they Feel about it.  My Obligation and Duty is to whom I AM Responsible for here in our Home.  That's often enuf to keep me up at Night.  *LOL and Eye Roll*


I have Kept this Bob Ross Tee becoz tho' it's Child Sized, it makes me Smile... so I have it on a Vintage Child Mannequin, to remain Grounded when I look at it and need Gallow's Humor Perspective about Hard Knocks Life.   We got Word from Oklahoma that my Paternal Cousin D.A. passed away.  He'd had a Stroke recently and life on the Rez is hard even if you're Young and Healthy, let alone Elderly and then have a catastrophic Health Issue.  Usually they don't linger long after good Health takes a bad turn.   There aren't a lot of resources available but the Land there is Sacred and where they prefer to live.  Below are some Pixs of my Cuz, may he RIP now.  He Served in the Marine Corps. Special Forces during Vietnam, as did all my Male Relatives on the Rez, Serve their Country in the Military Honorably.  He didn't like that they made the Native American Recruits cut their Hair, my Cousin always wore his Hair Traditionally and very long all of his Adult Life. And had numerous Red Pride Tattoos.  He often had a Mohawk as a Child.

R.I.P. Cuz

So, that was Sad News from Oklahoma that my Brother had to relay to me Yesterday, shortly after our Cousin had Passed and one of his Sisters informed some of the Family to pass it along.   My Brother is a lot closer to our Paternal side of the Family and used to visit the Rez often with my Dad.  Dad always made Pilgrimages back Home and in hindsight, I think his Heart was always there among his own People.  Outside of the Rez you just didn't see any Indians when I was growing up, it was an Invisible Population in just about every State, even the ones with larger Reservations.  I found it to be too depressing to visit, the abject Poverty bothered me and the lack of Resources and proper Educational Opportunities, even to this day.  Most of Dad's Relatives did not like to leave the Rez, tho' several Relatives did briefly visit Arizona to see my Dad over the Years, and one of his Younger Widowed Sisters came to live with him.  Most who left always went back eventually to their Culture.

I did however get Good News from Mexico this Morning from The Daughter, Video Chat Pix is Above.  *LOL*  After Yesterday Morning's Video Chat Fiasco during her Birthday, where I went on the fucking Warpath with those wayward Grandkids, she said they got off their Asses immediately after the Call and whipped the entire Home back into shape. *LMAOROTF and Winks*  Today she showed me that 90% now is Spotless, I was Impressed, OMG, immediate Transformation!   Those G-Kids wanted her to Show me right away that they took me Seriously and I'd Scared them, I guess Dark Gramma Dawn makes a lasting Impression not soon Forgotten?!  *Smiles*  I did go Postal, I ain't gonna Lie, even the Crew here was like, "Awwww shit... they done Triggered her now, it's all Over but the Burying!"  *LMAO*  I'm like each of my Dear Parents that way, once you set me off, you better be good with Explosives!  *Smiles*  My Mom and my Dad didn't take no Mess either.

 They even had the Youngest Sister who doesn't even Live there with them come over to Help!!!  *Winks and Bwahahaha*   The Aunty who has that one and is Raising her, had been told I was Mad and bringing The Daughter back Home if shit didn't get done immediately and put that House back the way it was last Week when Social Services had done their Inspection and Interviews with the whole Family.  The Daughter had Sacrificed much to get back there and knocked herself out getting it all Cleaned and in Order, but, she was Cracking and I could see that.  They'd not seen that Side of me and I doubt they want to again, even from a Distance, The Daughter Laughed and said!  *LOL*  I've conveyed some Tips to help Discipline the Children how to develop cleaner and tidier Habits that will be acceptable and not risk Social Service Intervention, which could take them from their Home or catch my Daughter Charges on account of the Children's Bad nasty living Habits.

I told her to give each Child a different pattern of Dish, Bowl, Cup, and set of Utensils and that is all each Person is allowed to use for a while.  Until they become habitual about taking Care of it and Clean as they go after each Meal.  The Kids Cook for themselves and are very Mature and self-sufficient, they've had to be, they are just typical lazy Teens indifferent about Housekeeping and it's not Okay when it piles up and looks like a Scene out of Hoarders!   Maria kept a nice Home and I told them sternly that to Honor and Respect their Dear Abuelita's Home, they should be Ashamed NOT to take Care of it now that she's left it to them to Inherit and be Stewards of her Life's hard earned Possessions.   Maria was a Widow at an early Age, her Husband was high up in Politics and Assassinated when her Son was only 13.  She was a strong Matriarch and I know she Taught those Girls to be Strong, Proud, Intelligent, Independent Women too.  My Parents Raised me that way too, coz Dad came from a Matriarchal Society and Mom was Tough as Old Boots and Fierce as Fuck, nobody Messed with her, not even Yours Truly!  *LOL*

So, I was greatly relieved to see that in less than 24 Hours shit gone Done, otherwise I'd told them I was putting their Mother on a Bus and bringing her back Home before she bottomed out and they'd be on their own to Deal with everything.   They know I don't Play, I say what I Mean and I Mean what I say, I don't Bluff, so, don't call my Bluff or assume I'm Bluffing, I'm NOT!!!   So, I talked to the Middle One on this Morning's Video Chat via her Mom Translating for me, to tell her how Proud I was that she and her Sister were Obedient and reminded them that Obedience is better than Sacrifice, Scriptural Quote there.  I know their Grandmother was a Godly Woman and quite the Saint actually, I really Admired her and so did my own Mom, they got along so well, Two very Strong Women and they Bonded during their Visits.  Maria, when she was Well enuf, Traveled often to the U.S. since she has extended Family here too who Immigrated Legally.

Anyway, shit won't Change overnight, I'm Realistic, but the Come To Jesus with them Kids probably reminded them of the Strong Matriarch who Raised them.   And I know Saint Maria was tough as Old Boots and a Good Woman, who Sacrificed everything for our Grandchildren.   She took on the gargantuan task of taking in the Youngest Three as a Single Parent who was my own Mom's Age, since she knew I had my Hands full with the Two Oldest and looking after an Ailing Husband.   She Loved her Son with all her Heart, but, she knew him and the Bad Choices he was making, was not okay.  This is Why she'd always said that whenever something happened to her, even tho' The Daughter was Seriously Mentally Ill, she was to come and take over and somehow get shit sorted out with our Help.   She knew there was not cooperation from her Kinfolk and lots of complex Family Drama... which lots of Families have.  Maria stayed Drama Free, just like I prefer to Live Life.  I come from a long Line of Tough Women who don't put up with Shit from anyone.  Above Pix is me with my Maternal Nanna.

I don't Invite nor Tolerate it and if you even Smell like Drama and a Headache, stay away coz we'll have us a Situation otherwise.   I got along well with my SIL becoz he knew to keep whatever I disapproved of, away from me and his Child that I was Raising.   And to handle his own Business, don't even involve our Daughter in any of it now that they're no longer together.   The sake of all the Children was my Priority and the Adults in Question had to Clean-Up their own Messes, I'm no Clean-Up Woman, so don't expect me to be.   If you're Grown and you got yourself into a Mess, figure out how to get out of it, once you mopped up your Messes, then we can have a healthier Relationship, or any Relationship at all really.   Tough Love is tough, but it is necessary, you can get the Person out of the Mess, but if you don't get the Mess out of the Person, they just fall right back into it.  As the Older Generations and Elders Die Off I do Hope the Next Generations Learn valuable Lessons from our Sage Generational Wisdom?  I did from my Elders, all of them.  Above is one of my Dad's Older Brothers with his Stepson, his Cherokee Wife's First Husband had been White.

Above is an Old Pix of my Mom the ONE time she wanted to be a Blonde. Her Natural Color was Blue Black Hair, which was gorgeous, but she went Silver quite Young and in the 70's the whole Blonde's Have More Fun Myth was going on.  *LOL*  I did not like my Mom as a Blonde, tho', she totally Rocked it, as she did any Style, since, she Possessed Style.  It's been Fun to trawl thru the Photo Archives Blasts from the Distance Past for this Post and dredge up some Oldies but Goldies and fond Family Remembrances of those no longer with us on this side of Time and Eternity.  Life is a fleeting Journey we embark upon before we go back to the Realm from whence we came... my Cousin was Right, Warriors never Die... and Energy never does either, it just Changes Form.

Two Generations of Raising Kids and Grandkids have Taught me that you don't Sweat the Small Stuff, but you take the Big Stuff dead Seriously and try to instill Foundational Values Kids will come back to even when they fuck up along the way... and they will.   I try never to get so Old I Forget what it was like to be Young.  I remember my Elders were a Fine Bunch to receive a good Solid Foundation from and it's the Legacy they left to us to keep passing along Generation to Generation.   Above is The Man and I with our Kiddos and then our G-Kid Force, Parenting Non-Stop until the Youngest turned 18 last Year... and beyond.  Becoz you never STOP being a Parent, it's a Lifelong Duty to always be one, even to your Grown Children, tho', once Grown, they should do Life on their own Terms Independent of you as much as is possible for them to.  But with your unwavering support for them to always have a Good Life and Good Advice unconditionally.    I do think in many ways Raising another Generation kept us Youthful, in Spirit anyway, it CAN Age you and you'll definitely Feel it!   There's a Reason Women my Age don't still Breed! *LOL*

Above is me in the early 1970's with my Paternal Grandmother and one of my Dad's Older Brothers, who was the Dad of my recently Deceased Cousin.  Back when they came down from the Rez to visit us here in Arizona, when we first moved here after having been Stationed in Europe for Years.   This Uncle was also in the Military and Traveled Abroad extensively when Active Duty.  He Dated Women from just about every Culture he visited, he was very Handsome as a Young Man and quite a Novelty Abroad being a Native American, he had Swag and the Women J'Adored him!!!   My Dad used to joke that his Older Brother had a Woman at every Port across the Globe.  And, he probably did, but, ended up Marrying the Love of his Life back Home on the Rez, who was a Member of the Cherokee Tribe.  He and my Dear Aunt grew Old Together.   Below is me and said Aunt.


I spent Hours falling deeply down a Rabbit Hole of Photo Archives awash with Rich Memories... more Blasts From The Past therefore will be in Future Posts... Dawn... The Bohemian

Monday, October 14, 2024

Procrastination Over... Now I've Been In The Right Head Space To Move Forward

 Today the 14th is The Daughter's 43rd Birthday and Yesterday, the 13th, was Princess T's Boyfriend Rusty's 21st Birthday, so we Celebrated it here with him.  She Decorated her whole Room, which Freaked Eli the Cat Out, he HATED the Balloons and I got light Headed helping her blow them up.  *LOL*  She has a Huge Balloon 21 that was as tall as we are, plus Dozens of regular Balloons, Crepe Paper Streamers hanging from the Ceiling, and cleaned her whole Room so it looked lovely in there for him when he got here.   He's so Quiet and Shy and said it feels Weird being "Legal" and Grown now in every State, with no Adult restrictions.  *Smiles*  He doesn't look 21, you'd think he was in his early Teens actually.

The Daughter sent me a Video of her Oldest Daughter's Kitten and Puppy they took in off the Streets after their Grandma Died.  Being Street Strays they'll eat virtually anything and aren't picky, The Daughter says the Kitten has been Sleeping with her every Night now.  It's a little Grey Tiger Striped scrawny little thing that is very affectionate.  The Pup is a Dingo looking Mongrel, typical Mexican Street Dog, also very affectionate.  The Dingo looking Pup reminds me of the Street Dogs you see on the Reservations here, I have no idea what Mongrel Breed they actually are, or some Wild Dog Breed?  But, every time we go to the Rez's nearby, you always get approached by the Reservation Dingo looking Strays.  They are friendly, Handsome and adept Beggars, always Brown, Midsized and resemble Dingo Australian Wild Dogs to me.

I got outside my own Head and forced myself to tackle the deferred Housekeeping on Sunday Morning, by Afternoon I'd completed 70% of it in the Common Areas.  It wasn't as Overwhelming as I'd Imagined it to be when I was too Inside my own Head.   And, I'm vowing to KEEP it decluttered and tidy now.  Becoz it really does buoy my Mood to have it all in Order, decluttered, Styled and totally functional, with everything where it should be.   I even Decorated the Rooms I'd finished for Halloween and now it looks good and I've got Candles burning and it just has that good Chi Energy that Feels Positive and Uplifting.   I Edited a lot of surfaces too and minimized what's on everything, cleaning as I went, I gained momentum as it began to motivate me to keep going.

I no longer felt Sick and thankfully whatever had ailed me on Saturday only lasted 24 Hours.  Whew!  It was brutal and I'm glad it was brief.  By Tomorrow I should have all the Common Areas decluttered, cleaned and Decorated.  Then I will move to our Boudoir and get that in Order.  The Bathrooms are already done by the Girls, and The Daughter had done the Kitchen before she left for Mexico too.  The Son's Room is always in Order, he's like his Dad, both of them are structured, organized and like things to be where they should be that belong to them.  They are not messy Guys at all so I can never blame any messes on either of them, they're not Guilty.  Both clean as they go whenever they do anything in a Common Area.  I'm the biggest Offender of Clutter and The Daughter is the biggest Offender of dirty Dishes and Clothing all over the place.

Outside of her own Room, Princess T really doesn't spend a lot of Time, so she's not Guilty of any Common Area mess either.   So, I'm my own worse Enemy when it comes to a messy Home, not a dirty one, I can't abide by nasty habits.   I'm Clean, but I'm a Human Magpie and when I'm working on stuff I tend to have it everywhere.  So, now I have got to discipline myself NOT to Price Inventory or have it in any Room of the Main House except the Art Studio Pricing Station area or the one I've set up in the She Shed when it's Cooler and I don't need Climate Control out there to do it.  I know I can abide, it will just take me consistently being disciplined to.  And when I remember how Depressed and Overwhelmed it makes me to have a messy cluttered Home, I should do better.

I have about Three Boxes of Donations to drop off in the Morning to where Princess T Works, and a whole Milk Crate filled with Inventory to Price that I got out of the Main House too.   I don't presently have any room in the Showroom or Locked Case for any more Merch to be brought in and I don't want to Rent more Space.  So, I don't have to Price it right now and can just bring it into the She Shed Tomorrow Morning 'til it can rotate into Inventory.   The She Shed has come in really handy to Organize what is awaiting Pricing and rotation into Inventory.  Or, to have Crated Keep Items awaiting a permanent Placement or rotation into the Main House or RV Garage Mahal.  It keeps them out of the way until I'm ready to Deal with it all, so, creates no Stress Emotionally for me.

Emotional Stress for me doesn't come from having a lot of Stuff, it's from having Stuff not with good or permanent Placement.  If everything looks Editorial and Styled nicely, I don't Care how much or how little of it I have.   But, I do not like Clutter or a Mess, it disturbs my Calm to be around it and bothers me.   If something is where it shouldn't be, my OCD is Triggered.   So, when everything is where it should be, no matter how much or how little of it there is, I'm back to Center and Feel Uplifted and Calmer.  This is why Moving disrupts me so badly, after a Big Move, nothing is instantly how it should be and as I've Aged and ended up with a lot of Cargo, it takes a LOT of Time and Work to get it all unpacked, sorted out and in Order again.  Downsizing Space also makes it so you have to Work on having Less.

We went from 4,350 sf Home to a 2,400 sf Home, so, what could be in the Main House was about half as much.  Then, we ended up with more Family Members moving back Home and all their Worldly Possessions to have to find Placement for as well, so, it's been A LOT to Cope with.  People Moving to a new Property, People Moving In, Moving Out, Moving In again.   Guests, unexpected Expenses and Distractions, so, you get the gist, it's meant 6+ Years later, since moving here in early 2019, I'm still trying to get Settled In completely and Downsize adequately.  Each Property we've owned in the past 20 Years, it just seems to take me longer.  I'm convinced I would never Manage another Move and get everything Done, so this HAS to be the Forever Home now.  *LOL*

I watched all my fav Halloween Shows on The Food Network Sunday Night, and after they were over, went right back to my decluttering, Decorating and tidying up.   Interesting that after Procrastinating for far too long, once I start seeing real Progress, I almost can't pull myself away, the Momentum builds and builds and I tirelessly and happily then dive into it all.  *LOL and Eye Roll*  If only I'd done that to begin with, but, you know how it is, if you get too far Inside your own Head about something you are avoiding for whatever reasons and then think it's all far too overwhelming to tackle, even if it's really not.   I'm notorious about doing that and I should know by now that I can do these things, but, just have to be in the Right Head Space is all.  I even went around snapping Photos for Blog Fodder afterwards.  I'm about 85% done now with the Common Areas.

Since my Paper Shredder Died and got thrown out and hasn't yet been replaced, I even did a Bonfire of what I would have Shred, after it got Dark and was Cooled Off Outside to put it all in the Firepit.  My Neighbor Rob came over and joined me, so we had an engaging and lively discussion about Life in General, and Aging in particular.  He's about 6 Years Younger than me and both of his Parents are still Living and in their 80's.   He knows he's fortunate to still have them around and they're great People, his Parents, but, he and his Dad have a very complex Relationship.   I know that's hard for Rob to still be trying to Live Up to his Dad's expectations and always miss the mark and let his Parents down.   I do think Rob was always a Special Needs Child and I'm not sure how his Family dealt with that or if their expectations were realistic for him?   He feels like I Understand him and he says that's refreshing and Uplifts him, I'm glad to hear that.

I finally also Downloaded all my Photos from having attended the latest Event and Antique Mall Trawl, so, I have Fresh Seasonal Blog Fodder now.   The mini Pumpkins were a Find during Environmental Cleanup.   The tiny Vintage Cracker Jack Prize Skull Keychain was a Find from a fav Vendor, "Rusty Saturday", who, sadly has not put any Halloween Decor out yet and usually they have a fabulous Halloween Vignette at their Antique Mall Space in Nan's Antique Mall "Everything Goes".  I was disappointed they only had that Keychain as anything Halloween Inspired in their Inventory!!!   In the Past they've had some of the best Vintage Halloween I've bought.   And some of the best Halloween Vignettes too.   I don't know if I'll make the Pilgrimage over there before Halloween now or not, it's a long commute.  Especially if they don't do anything... they neglect their Social Media sites now too, so I don't even bother to Link to them anymore, all the Posts are stale and Outdated.

I don't have my best Velvet Pumpkins out on this Sofa Table Vignette, but, they'll do.  I'm taking the Lazy Decorator approach to this Holiday this Year and it Works for me.  *Ha ha ha*   Seriously, whatever can get done in Minutes, is the Seasonal Decorating I'm doing.  *Bwahahaha*  Less is More seems to be becoming my New Philosophy, less Work, less expended finite Energy, less to take down later, if I take it down at all?  *LOL*   Like I said before, if I manage to get a Christmas Tree up for Christmas this Year, it will be a Major Accomplishment IMO.  *Winks*  I like to Decorate, don't get me Wrong, and I LOVE the Holidays, I just really don't have it in me to go All Out right now and so I'm just not.  And, I'm Strangely Okay with it, which is out of Character for me really, perhaps I'm going thru some kind of Metamorphosis, I dunno?

The Family were Delighted I put the Halloween Candy Bowl out, I don't partake, but some of them do, mostly The Man.  Princess T and I don't eat Chocolate, The Son eats it sparingly, The Man has the Sweet Tooth.  And he is like a Man Child when it comes to Treats, I think his Parents must have deprived him of them growing up?   My Parents always had a Candy Dish out 365 and so my Brother and I hardly ever partook of it, so, it was mostly out for Guests who visited.   My Parents always used Psychology like that... if something wasn't 'Forbidden' and made available all the time, Kids are a whole lot less likely to overindulge in it and might avoid it altogether.   I used the same tactic with both Generations I Raised and all Four of them aren't big Treat Eaters.  In fact, I'd say 99.9% of any Halloween Candy they Scored, they gave away to Friends or to their Dad/Grandpa to eat.  Which was Handy for him otherwise he'd be stealing it sneakily anyway from them all.  *LOL*

Growing up our fav Treats were Fresh Fruits and Raw Veggies with Dips, or Nuts in the Shells and we always had Nutcrackers around to crack them with.  Every Christmas we got such things as Oranges, Nuts, Apples and Bananas in our Stockings and we actually looked forward to that.   We didn't know it at the time, but we were relatively Poor, so it was not often we got Fresh Fruits and they weren't always readily available in some places we Lived either, especially Overseas.   My Mom and her Family had never even seen a Banana until she was Grown and met my Dad and he brought some Home to them from the Base!   Back then apparently they didn't Import such Exotic things in her Small Welsh town and mostly they'd been on Ration during and since WWII as well.  So Food in general was scarce and Rationed.  Mom remembers they pretended to have a Dog so they'd get Rations of Dog Biscuits, which, she and her Siblings ate like Cookies as a Treat and Protein.

Dad, growing up impoverished on the Reservation, ate what he called really Stupid things as Meals.  Things like Saltine Crackers in Warm unpasturized Cow's Milk... and Noodles with Warm unpasturized Cow's Milk and some Brown Sugar sprinkled on top... as Main Meals and sometimes that's all they had to eat all Day!!!   He never saw a Doctor or a Dentist in his Life until he joined the Military.   If a Child got really Sick, a great many of them just Died... he lost Two Brothers who Died or were just Lost in Childhood, at the Indian Schools they were sent to.  His Brother Richard Died of what was likely Malnutrition, and his Brother Ormal was "Lost" at Age 9 and nobody ever knew what became of him and the Family were never given any Closure of whether he was Alive or Deceased.  I can't even Imagine that kind of Childhood Mortality being considered Normal or Acceptable.  It's why my Dad would often Work tirelessly at 2-3 Jobs to ensure we never went Hungry or had lack, like he did growing up. 

I've been Hungry and Homeless, as an Adult during hard times, it ain't no Fun to have Food Insecurities or be Unhoused.  Yes, obviously I need to Dust, but then again, does it make it look Spookier and more Miss Havisham?  *Winks*   Plus, we don't expect a lot of Company around Halloween inside the House, so, whatever...  I did Clean and Dust some Furniture, but this Leaded Antique Glass Window Top Sofa Table has damage from a time when it fell during transport, so I don't like to mess with it too much.  It used to have a thick Glass cover over the Antique Window, but, that broke when the transport of it didn't realize the Glass Top and the Window weren't permanently affixed inside the Table built around them and could drop out thru the Top if it was turned Sideways.   Thankfully nobody got Hurt, but my Son, the Glazier, never got around to cutting me a replacement Glass to cover and protect the now damaged Antique Window either.  *Le Sigh*   So, I may or may not Dust it before Halloween... *Bwahaha*

This is the best Pix I could manage to get of my Metal Black Widow Spider with the Pyrite Ass in a Jar with Cotton Boll Web, that I Sourced at our Antique Mall from a fav Vendor who has Interesting and Unique Halloween Merch.   I just Love Interesting OOAK Decorations like that and the Vendor makes a lot of the Decor herself and Sells them Cheaply.  I don't add a lot of New Decorations for Holidays anymore, but, when I see something really Special or different, I will Buy it if the Price Point is right.  I Sourced these John Lennon Style Amber Tinted Lens Doll Glasses for my Taxidermy Goose to wear for Halloween {below}... it's part of her Costume.   They should be lower on her Head, I know, but then they fall off... so... we work with what we can make work.   And... she Cares not about the Placement.  *LOL*

Below was one of the only Halloween Inspired Vignettes still left at the Event, along with a few Primo OOAK Witches Hats my Friend Shelly had Created.   So, everything else really wasn't Seasonally Inspired enuf to hold my Interest and we were in and out quickly, since, I was still looking for Seasonal Inspiration or Decor.   There's nothing I want or need that's not Seasonal right now and so... it was a Swipe Left Moment for me when I realized most everywhere was fresh out of Halloween Merch and so... Yawn... I really came away quite disappointed, since, it is October folks!!!   So... WTF?!?   Those that haven't done it at all yet, I'm Wondering, if not in Mid-October, when would you expect to roll it out then?!   Those that come late to the Party, are missing the Window of Opportunity to Sell their Seasonal Decor IMO.   You can't wait 'til just Days before a Holiday to expect to move the Seasonal Inventory for it.  That Ship done Sailed...

Below was a Francophile Vendor that does everything French and I don't think she really was shooting for Halloween Vignettes, but, her Authentic Flapper Merch sure would make a great Costume all the same!!!   The Flapper Headpieces were Stunning, and Expensive, but, I J'Adore that Era's Style and my Maternal Nanna wore a lot of it in her Day.  In fact, she got Married to my Gran-Grand wearing a Flapper Ensemble that was flashy and fabulous, she was a Vision.   My Nanna had been on the Stage as an Actress, Dancer and Performer, so, she was very Theatrical her whole Life.   All her Family had Wonderful Singing Voices and could play just about any Instrument.  Her Dad was an Orchestra Conductor.  In fact, my Mom was the only Member of her entire Family who didn't have a fabulous Singing Voice.   But, my Mom was a Talented Dancer and did Ballroom Dancing, Tap Dancing and Ballet for many Years. 

Her Older Brother, my Uncle Syd, had a Voice as good as Tom Jones and could sing Opera beautifully.   Her Younger Sister, my Aunt Angela, had a Voice very similar to Judy Garland.   My Gran-Gran could Sing too, he had a Rich Baritone, and could Sing in several Languages, even tho' he could neither Read nor Write, since, he never went to School, many Didi Kai didn't in those days.   I still remember my Gran-Gran entertaining me by singing Pirate Songs, while drinking Jamaican Rum, which was his favorite Beverage.  *LOL*   And my Nanna would entertain all the Kids by doing Pantomimes.  She'd dress up and all, just to entertain a bunch of little Kids... Nanna was a Colorful Character her entire Life and I just Adored her.  I was her First Grandchild so she spoiled me my whole Life... mostly from a Distance, since, my Dad was Career Military and went where ever they sent him.   But, I kept in touch with my Nanna 'til the Day she Died.   I knew Gran-Gran could neither Read nor Write, but she told me she'd Read him my Letters. 

My Native American Grandma would always send us Homemade Toys she made out of Flour Sack Materials and scraps of Materials, we Cherished those Primitive Toys too.   To this day I Wish I'd kept some of them since they were definitely Native American Folk Art that surely would be highly Collectible now.   I do have some Navajo and Hopi Dolls that are Vintage or Antique, and remind me of the Toys my Paternal Grandma made for me while I was growing up.  She'd make Animal Toys for my Brother.   My Dad used to make us a lot of the Clothing and Toys we had while growing up too, he could make anything.   I remember when I got my first Barbie Dolls, my Dad would make all their Outfits for me.   I'd see some Actress on TV wearing something Cool and ask my Dad to make their Outfit for my Barbie... just by Sight he'd whip one up just like it, don't know how he did that, it's very Impressive Skill.  He made all the Bridesmaids Dresses for their Wedding too.

Even tho' he was only an A1C in the Air Force and only in his Early 20's, when they Married, he ordered my Mom a Couture Wedding Gown from Paris, Orchids for her Bouquet, and an African Blue Water Diamond Wedding Ring from South Africa.   I think Mom said he'd saved up for the Two Years they were Engaged to pay for the Dream Wedding she wanted and her whole Town showed up for it and it was in all the Newspapers.   I still have the Newspaper Clippings she Saved of it, with their Photo in front of her Church, which was a very Old Gothic Cathedral that looked like a Renaissance Medieval Era Castle to me.   In fact, it could have actually been that Old.  *LOL*   I do know that her Town does have the Ruins of an actual Castle that was built during King Edward's Reign and Campaign to conquer Wales in 1277 and it was the first Castle built as what would later be known of as part of King Edward's "Iron Ring".   It was destroyed in 1647 during the Uprisings and Revolts, so it couldn't be used again.  Picture of it Below:


I got to visit the Ruins of Flint Castle when I visited my Welsh Relatives in the early 1970's.   No American Military Bases remain in Wales now like they did when my Dad met my Mom and was Stationed there in the early 1950's.   Anyway, I digress, the Flapper Dress below resembles the one my Nanna wore at her Wedding, only hers was White, but, just as flashy and Stylish.   I don't know which Relative might now still have her Wedding Pix, I'd like to know so I might get a Copy of it, but, I'm only in touch with one Male Cousin in Wales now who uses The Book of Faces, so, we can keep in Touch across the Pond.  He's one of my few Welsh Relatives that has also visited and even Worked in America.  Since he's a Welder and worked Globally when Nuclear Power Plants were being Built in various Countries, including ours.

Below is my Cousin with his Dear Wife, who I just Love dearly too.  The last time we were together in Person, my Cousin and I, we were Young Teenagers, Younger than my Grandkids are now.  Time Flies.  In fact, his Daughter looks a lot like I did when I was her Age.  He's usually only visited the East Coast of the U.S. and not so much the West Coast, but, if they ever make another trip across the Pond I'd like them to stop by Arizona to see us.   I don't know that The Man would understand them, he never could understand my Uncle, so I'd always have to Translate.  *LOL*   But, then again, The Man could barely understand my Mom either and I'd often have to translate for her with many Americans.  Or even with her Doctor, who was from India, she couldn't understand him and he couldn't understand her, so I'd translate for both of them, which was hilarious becoz everyone was speaking English... but, they had their thick Native Language Accents.  *LMAO*  When you have a Parent whose first language wasn't English, you learn to be good with Accents. 


Autumnal Vibes coming to you from the Arizona Desert, where it's still 105 Degrees or more every Day so it doesn't much Feel like Fall yet... Dawn... The Bohemian

A life touched by God always ends in touching others. - Erwin McManus

I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars. - Og Mandino (1923-1996)

For creativity to flourish one should try to look at everything as though it were being seen for the first or the last time. - Quote from "A Thousand Paths To Creativity" by David Baird

Is what I'm about to say an improvement on silence? ~ Galen Pearl