Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Make Good Trouble Now


 I just couldn't watch The Speech last Night, the Orange Moron's incoherence and Lies is too annoying and an irritant, so I decided I'd just catch the hilites here in the Land of Blog or on News coverage.  I do know high ranking fired Federal Workers like the VA IG were coming as Guests with various Dems... and some Dems weren't even going... but I Hope all that did attend stirred shit up and just made Good Trouble?   We ALL now Need to make Good Trouble constantly now, be part of The Resistance, and nobody can afford to just be a Spectator, too much is at risk.   Silence is as much complicity as Supporting this Regime is.  

Moving On... since I do not want to write a Dark Depressing Post this day.  Tho' I also don't have a lot to Write about either.  *LOL*  I've been rather sequestered lately, by Choice, and until I fill in Cristy's Shift on Thursday Night, there's too much Peopling out there for me to want to deal with.  I am not in the right Head Space to appropriately deal with any kind of irritant or annoyance.  *Winks*   Mostly these days I just chauffeur my Granddaughter to and from Work, and do what is Essential in the way of Errands, like Grocery Shop and Gas up the Truck.  Plus, some Environmental Cleanup, which is Zen becoz we go where few People are, but have left their messes behind in their wake.  Princess T took Gramma to Dinner, this is what we had, Above {hers}, Below {mine}... Nom-Nom!  It's good having a Grandchild with a Job who is the only one not a Broke Bitch in the Family right now.  *LOL*

It's getting Lighter earlier now, so the Sun has come up now while I'm taking Princess T to Work and we're not doing it in the Dark anymore.  I have noticed Supply Chain Issues already in the way of Essentials especially at the Stores.   So far except for Eggs, Pricing has remained relatively stable for the time being, but I know it won't be, so I spent more than usual stocking up.  If you think Pandemic was bad, wait until all Goods skyrocket in Price soon or become unavailable, beyond just things like Toilet Paper!   There will be a run on all of what's left and folks will Hoard it up when they realize it could be the last of it for an undetermined amount of Time, or, not be affordable.

Okay, so, I know, I know, I've gone Dark again already in just a fucking Paragraph, what can I say?   Sorry!!!  The only thing going Light right now is the Sun coming up earlier.   That's all I got!!!  *Bwahahahaha*  The Dollar Store already had a lot of barren Shelves and I doubt much will be had at those Prices for long now.   So, Yeah, along with Grocers I hit the local Dollar Stores and stocked up on Cheap Essentials while they're still had Cheaply.  I noticed a lot of Shoppers, more than is usual, in both places, also stocking up, so, Word is out that they should be proactive.  Those caught unaware can't rely on Federal Social Programs now that The Ketamine King has taken a Chainsaw to 'em and gutted 'em.

Oh, and catastrophic Weather began thru Middle America and the Federal Warning Programs for those kinds of things, gutted now too.  So, don't expect any early Warnings issued on the regular, nor any Federal Aide either, I suspect both will be scarce or completely absent in the DOGE Wake.   There's catastrophic Storms, Fires, and Tornados slamming Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana and Mississippi... and Severe Weather spanning from New York to Florida on the East Coast too.   More than 20 States are affected so far... so a lot of catastrophic Weather events simultaneously shall Test what's left of any Services that have been compromised by this Regime.  It's when Americans DON'T HAVE what they've always taken for Granted that even the Unwoke will quite rudely be Woke the fuck up I suspect?!  Fun Times!

Moving On... Again... Bwahahahahah...  Princess T wanted to do some Goodwill Hunting for Corkboard for the new Desk she's Ordered Online.  Well, wouldn't ya know, the Pickin' Gods and Laws of Attraction as usual, provided.  She found not One, but Two Corkboards and all the Desk Supplies she needed.  Plus, she Scored an enormous Bag of Shopkins and their Accessories.  Some Kid must have divested themselves of an entire Collection, I've never seen so many all at once, literally Hundreds of Dollars worth Donated!  It was Senior Day so I got my Senior Discount for her on all her Purchases.  We've had a fair amount of Shopkins Theft lately, so this makes up for that Loss Prevention annoyance.

With the Shopkins Theft I still think it's a Child and not an Adult Thief, the Adult Moms who Steal the Toys usually bring a Razor to cut the Bags.  Kids just dig a Hole in the Bag to take the item coveted and leave the rest, so it's not a whole Theft, usually just One little Shopkin... we put Five to a Bag for Three Bucks.   Not that I condone a Child Stealing at all, but I'm not as annoyed if it's a little Kid doing it without the Responsible Adult's knowledge, than if it's a Grown Ass Parent doing it, or a Teenager/Young Adult.   Often if I see a Child Jonesin' for something badly and their Parent can't afford it, I Gift the Child with it.  They practically Float away on Cloud Nine and it makes for great Customer Relations and Warms the Cockles of what The Man refers to as my Black Heart!  *Smiles*

We've been Organizing our Photo Hoard into various Vintage Storage.  These Pixs are of The Daughter at Age 12 and her Son at Age 2.  Yes, The Young Prince had his Paternal side's Crazy Wild Puerto Rican Textured Hair that I had no Idea how to deal with.  *LOL*   At our recent Yard Sale a Family bought a bunch of our Towels and there was an LOL Surprise Doll Towel their Little One badly wanted so we Gifted it to the Little Girl.  She was beaming and her Parents were so appreciative and Thankful.  It was just a Towel, but to that Little Girl it was Everything!   I remember how many Vendors at our Antique Mall would Gift our Grandkids with items all the time and that meant more to them than anything ever Bought and made it more Special to them.  The Vendors told me they'd see my Grandkids working so hard alongside me and never ask for anything, so they just HAD to Spoil them rotten.  *LOL*  To this Day The G-Kid Force are close to those Vendors like they would be to Favorite Aunts and Uncles.

My Co-Worker Vendor Friend Cristy, who I'll be filling in for on Thursday, used to always give Princess T Big Gumballs when she was little, coz the Mall had a Gumball Machine near the Front Desk.  Cristy said it would tickle her that Princess T would look like a Chipmunk or Hamster with her little Cheeks stuffed with Gumballs!  *LOL*  Now all the Staff and Vendors can't Believe how The G-Kid Force are now all Grown Up and Young Adults, Time flies like that!!!  Sometimes I have to pinch myself at how quickly almost all of our Grandkids have Grown Up into Young Adults already, some into Middle Age... dammit, am I really getting that Old?!  *Winks and Chuckles*

We had a Cold Front move in and dump the temps from the 80's and 90's down to the 40's and 50's!   So, in a Day it went from Record Highs in the past 100 Years, to Record Lows, Crazy!!!   It's hard to know how to even Dress since the fluctuations happen so quickly, sometimes in the middle of a Day!  I've taken to bringing a Jacket or Sweater with me, just in case, and/or putting Hot Weather Clothes layered underneath Cold Weather Clothes and peeling off the layers as necessary.  *LOL*  I realized our Medicare Advantage Home Nurse Well Check Visit is Scheduled Thursday from anywhere between Noon-4:00 p.m. so if they arrive earlier than later, no problem with getting to Work on Time for my Evening fill-in Shift for Cristy.

I'm kind of excited to be returning to at least some fill-in Shifts, I've missed Working.  The Young Prince, during our Call, asked me if they'd probably let him do Shifts FOR me if it turns out they need the Help badly or I can't take on a permanent Shift anymore?   They probably would, The G-Kid Force have both Shared Rental Space with me there since they were little and Princess T does Share the Showroom and Locked Case with me now.  The Young Prince will be adding his Merch and Art to our Spaces once he returns too.  Everyone knows my Grandkids from when they were very Young and the Mall first Opened.  We were some of the First Vendors there and I made the First Sale there.  So, we've always been there since the Beginning.  Above and Below is one of my Welsh Cousin's Daughters, it's Fun to get Pixs and catch up with Relatives from across the Pond, I Wish some of them could come for Visits.

I'd like for my Kids and Grandkids to meet their Welsh 2nd Cousins and some of Mom's side of the Family, they only ever met her Older Brother during his Visits and Adored him.  But, I digress... where was I?  Oh... LOL... A lot of Vendors have come and gone, some came back again and again but haven't consistently made a Go of it thruout the Years, we've managed to.   And mostly, we've done okay there, even thru the ups and downs of the varying Economy and even the Pandemic.  I think with adaptation, improvisation and tenacity, if you're relentless enuf, you can weather most Storms of Life.  If you don't give in, give up or give out easily, you'll likely Survive damned near anything and make it through.  We Strategize when times are tough and refine our Hustle to make it Work, whatever is coming against us.  Necessity IS the Mother of Invention.

And back to Relatives from across the Pond, my Cousin, whose Daughter this is, has been to America numerous times because he worked on the building of our Nuclear Power Plants here.   He goes on Holiday around the World a lot too and is well Traveled.   I'm closest to that Cousin of all the Cousins on my Mom's Side of the Family, so, we've kept in Touch all these Years and of coarse his Dad was my Favorite Uncle.   And, no Brag, just Fact, but I was his Favorite Niece too coz my Uncle never had any Girls, only Sons.   He always wanted a Daughter and so he indulged me as if I was one and I Adored him.  He was also my Dad's Best Friend for all of their Lives.  He'd introduced my Dad to his Sister in fact, when he brought the first Two Americans ever to my Grandparent's Home, and the rest was History.  *LOL*

Funny Story, which I know I've told before, but as Dear Blog Friend Jean has said, I'm prone to being a long winded Blogger, and always have Stories to Tell.  *Winks and LMAO coz it's True!*   My Dad and his other Best American GI Friend at the Time, Ernie Triggs, were the first People of Color my Mom's Family had ever seen, except Chinese, which were an abundant population and my Welsh Gran-Gran was Raised by a Chinese Family.  So, Mom said Dad and his Friend were so Gracious about answering the naive questions they had. Even letting them touch their Hair, Skin, and ask personal questions that in hindsight, were intrusive and hilariously naive.  *LOL*   So, Ernie and Dad messed with them and gave some comedic answers.  Not realizing my Mom's Family would take the answers Seriously and not as the Joke intended.  They told them that America used them as "Night Fighters" becoz with their darker Skin they couldn't be seen as well at Night and were a Secret Weapon!!!  *LMAOROTF*

My Cousins also used to charge their Friends to come peek at my Dad thru my Grandparent's Windows!  Coz a lot of the Welsh Kids thought all "Red Indians", as they called Native Americans, had been Killed by the Cowboys and American Cavalry!   So, they marveled at seeing a Live One.  *Bwahahahaha*   My Dad knew what the Kids were doing and was a good Sport about it.  After all, he was an Anomaly even here in America off the Reservations, so he was used to being Stared at and asked Questions about what he was, since most people hadn't seen an American Indian in their Lifetimes.   I didn't even see another Native American Off the Rez until I was a Teenager!!!   My Dad, having the same Gallow's Humor I Inherited from him, would tell them, "Yes, they tried to Kill us all, but they didn't get all of us!"  *Smiles, Dad had a Wicked intentionally inappropriate Sense of Humor*  Obvious where I got it from.  *Winks* 

I've been corresponding with some of my still Living Relatives on the Rez too lately, but doubt I'll ever go back to the Rez in Oklahoma for any visits.  Everyone's getting so Old now that none of us is traveling much, and most of my Cousins rarely left the Rez anyway and weren't as Nomadic as Yours Truly's Life was.   Most of my Welsh Relatives also lived in the same Town they were Born in and didn't travel much either, that one Cousin was an exception, due to his line of Work.   I'm glad I was a Global Nomad and I'm glad I Married a Man also well Traveled, we've seen a lot of the World and a lot of the United States and I'm truly Grateful for that exposure and opportunity.  They say Americans applying for Citizenship to other Countries is exploding... I have Dual Citizenship, and I'm glad of that too.  *Winks*


From the Long Hot Wind in the Arizona Desert... Winks... Dawn... The Bohemian

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Go Have Lunch With Bill

 I'm in Season 4 now of my Binge Watch of "Lost" on NetFlix, it's definitely getting Weirder starting with Season 4 and I don't expect the last Three Seasons to be as good, and not as far fetched, as the first Three Seasons were.  But, I'm sticking with it, and am still invested in the Characters enuf to find it enjoyable.  Luckily nobody who saw it a long time ago is ruining it for me and doing Spoiler Alerts, so I'm forming my own Theories of what it's all about and what the conclusion will be?  *LOL*  It's been a nice way to unwind at the end of the Day and Relax each Evening since I'm still pretty much avoiding The News, and strictly limiting my exposure to it.  For obvious reasons.  *Le Sigh*

My Friend Michael at our Antique Mall got in some very Old Salvage Wooden and Metal Commercial Filing Drawers that look so much like my preferred Aesthetic, I hadda get some.  I bought Six of the Eight he had, the other Two were too Rusty on the Metal parts with Old Water Damage.  I'd say they're probably close to 100 Years Old and I'd of Loved to have seen what Cabinet they originally came in, but, my best Guess is it got ruined and only some Drawers could be Salvaged?   I'll be using them for Organizing Paper Arts Supplies, they're about the size and length of Antique Sewing Cabinet Wooden Drawers.   Michael gave me 15% Off, even tho' he had them already priced low, since I bought so many.

Michael is like the Male version of me, we could have been Twins separated at Birth, we're so similar in what we like.  *LOL*   He's a Nurse for Seriously Ill Patients in his Big Boy Job, and he looks like Mister Clean {Mascot of Cleaning Product}, and even has the Earring and Muscular Build.  *Smiles*  Due to his profession he always has a lot of Older Medical Equipment, so I've bought a lot of that from him.   And we both have a Passion for Old Bordello Style Lampshades... I told him we must both have been Two Old Whores in a previous Life and spent time in a Turn of the Century Bordello?   He told me I could be Right?   And he's Older, very Handsome and Single, so mebbe not just 'previous life'?  *Bwahahahahahaha*

I accepted my first fill-in Shift to cover for my Co-Worker Friend Cristy, whose Hospitalized right now and we're all very worried about her.  She's Lost 25 Lbs. quite suddenly and she's been very Sick before and I do Hope it's not the same thing?   It will be this Thursday and we'll see how I do?   I forgot that I also had my Medicare Nurse coming to the House that same Afternoon for The Man and I to have our annual Well Check, so I'll have to tell her/him to rush me thru first so I can get to Work by 5:00 p.m..   I have no way to cancel it now, so unless the Nurse calls first this Week with a reminder, we can't re-schedule enuf in advance?  Otherwise I'll ask if we can since it's just a Well Check and can be done anytime.  They always do us together back to back.

I'm awaiting Delivery of this Kimono by Market Of Stars that I Ordered Online.  I don't Buy a lot of things Online, but if I can't find something locally, I'll Support Small Businesses Online that carry what I want.  Many now are offering Free Shipping, which, makes it reasonable too.  I'm boycotting a lot of the Companies supporting anything MAGA related, way beyond just for a single Day.  If they've bent the Knee or Kissed the Ring, I'll just shop elsewhere, plenty of options exist and anyone opposed to what's going on can exercise their Power with Economic Boycotts of their own choosing and preference.  I Support Small Business whenever I can most of the time anyway, so I'm not a Fan of the Corporate Giants that exploit their Workers and have Bad Politics.

Well, now the Orange Idiot has imposed 25% Tariffs on our closest Trade Partner Allies, Canada and Mexico, I do Hope both Countries retaliate with their own Import Tariffs on American Goods.  We rely on them a LOT and any Economist will tell you Tariffs are gonna cause Economic and Trade problems for the American People.  When all Americans realize how much this Administration is gonna hit their Wallets and Cost them in the way of Goods, Services, Safety, Freedom, Rights, etcetera, I wouldn't be surprised if anarchy erupts, and it should.  Even those Billionaires, if they personally feel threatened, will back the fuck off.  Coz all the Money in the World won't Save them from the retribution and ire of an entire pissed off Nation of Citizens they hosed and thought would bear no actual consequences to them personally.  They think the Masses are Asses and expendable mere Commodities to them.

Those Billionaires will all have their Marie Antoinette, or Luigi Mangione, Moment I think, and I doubt it will be too long either, once Americans en mass and as a Collective feel the Squeeze hard.   The consequences of that CEO were not too unsimilar to a French Revolutionary Moment, just more isolated so far... Marie lost her Head for similar reasons that CEO was Assassinated, becoming an Enemy Of The People.   Leadership that fails to Care about it's Citizenry has to really end up calculating that it puts a Bullseye on their Backs.  Why do you think Putin never sits close to anyone and probably has a professional Taste Tester, so his risks of being Offed by his own People is lessened?  There's a Price on the Heads of any Leader who becomes despised and is making People suffer, it comes with the territory of being insufferable as a Human Being, and Evil at your Core, People want you Dead.


Think of any Infamous Person in History whose Death wasn't Celebrated by the People.   Just sayin'.   Society doesn't Mourn the Death of a Hitler or other notorious Dictator, a Terrorist Leader, an infamous Cult Leader, a Cartel or Mob Leader, a Serial Killer, or anyone who commits Atrocities... the World is the better off for them being Gone, everyone else is Safer, and everybody knows it.   People rejoice in the taking Down of such Evil, and they should, good riddance.   I won't ever Mourn the loss of any Human whose presence has caused massive suffering, Death, Atrocities, or Evil.  Whether their demise is Natural or Unnatural matters not to me, just that they are Gone and everyone else is Safer and the better off for it now.   

If that Sentiment bothers anyone, go ahead, Pray for me then, I'm just keeping it 100%, and many feel that way too, but might not risk saying it, becoz mebbe they Care what the Pious and overly Self-Righteous Think.   I don't.   Self-Righteousness and Extremism Piety is never Pretty either.    And especially those who Claim to be so Holy and yet still Support Devils and can't tell the difference between one and a Godly Human.  *Winks*   Look how many Evangelicals just Adore their Orange Jesus... and what Godly attributes does that Devil ever exhibit that would be considered Holy, well, ya got me there, I can't think of any, not a single one.   The List of his Sins is fucking endless and mounting daily in fact and he is Proud of all the bad things he's done, and is bragging he'll do even more and get away with it.   But he's an Evangelical Demigod... which speaks volumes about the Evangelicals too and their attraction to False Prophets their god has sent them, according to them. {Small 'g' on purpose there.}

Okay, now that I've gotten my daily dose of Controversial Topics ready to Post/Publish, what shall we Talk about next?  *Snicker*  The Pearl Clutchers and those with over delicate Sensibilities who are delicate as Flowers, will have had the Vapors by now and quit Reading, so, we can Talk about anything.  *Bwahahahahaha*   Yes, some of them do sometimes Troll our Blogs, mostly Lurking, becoz Lord knows they can't get thru any given day usually without finding something to take Offense about, even if it's not even Offered.   Gotta luv 'em, so predictable and rather pathetic really.  *LOL*   I've had a scant few over the many Years of Blogging, who feel so indignant and emboldened about what we choose to Blog about, to leave a Comment, a Fuck Off, nobody Cares, is usually enuf to send them on their way.  I mean, you aren't FORCED to come here, so, CHOOSE NOT TO then, we don't Care.  Just Exercise your Freedom for Chrissakes, it's not so hard.

Those kind remind me of the Book Banners, who, have every Right to Choose NOT to Read a Book they don't Approve of.  Or NOT watch some TV Program they get Offended by or don't like for whatever reasons.  I support their Right to avoid such things, they should have that individual Choice, it's called Freedom and Free Will.   Many Americans fought and Died to give them that Freedom and Preserve such things in America.  Well, up until now where some want to Freely fucking Give it Away and take it from the rest of us.  But, they actually think they have the Right to forbid the rest of us not to have the Freedom, Right and Option to either.   By THEIR Standards, or Religion, or Biases, whatever, that they now wanna Dictate and force upon everyone involuntarily.   

I'm Grown, I can Choose for myself, they don't have to Protect me from whatever it is they Imagine I can't be Exposed to that they Fear or find Offensive.   Mebbe I don't Fear it or find it the least bit Offensive.  I like having Options, Choice, Freedom.   Many of my Loved Ones of several Generations Fought for those Ideals and Defended/Protected them for us all.  It didn't come 'Free', it exacted a Price many Paid for, dearly.   Tho' many Americans Freely Received it with no Sacrifices of their own.  So, mebbe they don't appreciate it as much and have taken it for Granted, having had no Skin in the Game?   I dunno why some are willing to just Give it Away... or without a Fight?  

 And I don't wanna Live in a Dictatorship, Totalitarian Regime, Plutocracy or Theocracy.   And that's where America seems to be headed Wheels Off the Fucking Rails and into a Ditch or straight off a Cliff.   They don't even seem to be in Agreement of which one they actually want?   Look up the Definitions of each if you're unsure what Camps the Far Right might be divided up into and leaning most towards.    And some things are worth Defending and Fighting for even if some would rather just Roll Over and let it be Taken from them, or just Give it Away freely.   We do seem to have some Americans who are simply Okay with Giving Away freely, or having Taken From them without a Fight, what they clearly have taken for Granted so much, they have no Idea what the Alternative Offered even will BE like!   They will find out if it comes to that.

And on this Blog I do often choose to discuss the Hard Stuff as well as the Fluff of Life that is comforting and Fun.   A mix of both is probably more balanced than Too Much of either, I am Moderate in that way, seeking Balance.    I'm not so much with my Head in the Clouds and Denying Reality swirling around me that I exclude it or ignore it.   I will land my Balloon sometimes and come back down to Earth.   Yet, I will also Dream, indulge in some Escapism and Fantasyscapes here too, I think it's Healthy to.   Some Fantastical Things are just Fun, and who doesn't wanna have some Fun as well?   I'm not Serious all of the time and I would be that Person Bill Maher was recently speaking to.  When they asked with legitimate Alarm "What are we gonna DO?", and he just replied, "Go have Lunch."   I'd just go have Lunch then with Bill.  Mebbe we'd discuss it further, mebbe we wouldn't, and talk about everything else that is NOT that.

The above Meme is how I Live my own Life and I highly suggest it's how you Live yours too when shit gets Real.   And it's gonna get Real my Friends, and demand we walk thru some Fresh Hell, so...  those of us who are Walking it out as if we Own the Place are gonna do infinitely better, Trust and Believe.


Anyway, Moving On, The Young Prince called me late last Night and might be coming to Arizona in the next Week or Two if The Niece in Oklahoma can coordinate it with him?   We'll see what they can manage, but, I've been ready to receive them sometimes in March so it's all Good, we're prepared for the transition.

The Grandson always drops some heavy shit on me coz he's always totally Transparent and knows I prefer that, I can receive whatever it is you Need to tell me.   A heavy Truth is always better than any Lie, so I prefer everyone to keep it 100 with me.   And know that I'm unconditional with my Support of you as a Person I Care about.  So, he and I always talk about anything and everything going on with either of us, without holding anything back, it's what we've always done.  I know that he will confide in me coz if it's Private, it stays Private, even tho' I Blog.  *LOL*   I've told everyone that, not everything gets into the Blog.  And that's Okay, I respect everyone's Privacy about what they'd prefer me not to Share anywhere or to anyone.   I'd expect the same if I want something to not be common knowledge about Life's Issues I might be going thru that I just don't wanna talk about or be Gossip Fodder or Blog Fodder.   Not everything is appropriate to put out here that folks are going thru.

Not everyone can handle our Truths and it's good to be discerning about who you can Trust or be able to Confide in thruout Life.  For me it was always my Dear Dad.   Dad was Stoic, anything you told him never went any further and he wouldn't ever be Judgmental about even if he didn't personally approve of whatever it was.  God Bless my Dear Mom, but she was NOT that person.   *LOL*   And I think we all have those People in Life like that.  I tend to be a lot more like my Dad in that respect, I'd take a Confidentiality you told me to my Grave.  

 And even if whatever you told me I didn't personally approve of, I wouldn't be Judgmental about it or you, and I'd speak my Mind about it, but you'd know your Choices would be Respected regardless of whether or not I thought it to be a Good Idea... Life Choice... Action... Whatever.   And I thought I'd end Today's Post with some Memes to make ya Smile... coz Lord have Mercy do we all NEED that right about now, No?  *Winks*  Coz the next Long Con is the Cryptocurrency Pump-And-Dump... with your Tax Dollars... stay Tuned...


Stay Chill and Frosty my Friends... Dawn... The Bohemian

Monday, March 3, 2025

Spring Is In The Air

I started this Post over Thrice already!  I keep changing Topics.  *LOL*  I didn't wanna go Dark with the Post, but, had to wait 'til Midafternoon to have some Positive stuff to Blog about.   But, our Chili the Night before had turned out good {Above}.   So, this Afternoon, while The Daughter was working a Housecleaning Job in Chandler and I was her Ride, I got to hang out at MERCHANT SQUARE Antique Mall nearby.  I got to visit with a couple of Vendor Friends there, have Lunch at their "American Way Market Smokehouse BBQ", and find a few inexpensive Treasures.   So, a very good day for both The Daughter and I.   The Pulled Pork Sammie was too much for me to eat it all so I Saved half of it for her.  It came with a side of their House Made Dill Pickle, and their delish Corn Chowder, which I J'Adore! 

The Daughter had never met my Friend before, so she asked me if I'd let her know that she was Handicapped?  I said Yeah, she Reads my Blog, so she knows we all ain't Right in this Family.  *Winks*   And so she popped in this Halloween Eyeball to meet her for the first time.  *Bwahahahaha*   Anyone that knows me realizes the DNA they all get this Twisted Dark Gallow's Humor from, especially about having any "Handicaps", so, it rarely shocks or surprises anyone.  *Winks*  And The Daughter will do anything to make anyone Laugh, she has a Wicked Sense of Humor.   Hanging out with her you will always be Laughing.  It was a Glorious Weather Day to be out and about in all day long, so I was Glad we had something to do and somewhere to be.  Otherwise we're inclined to never get out of our Jammies or leave the House these days.  *LOL*

Really, I'm becoming a Recluse most days and I'm more inclined to have Melancholy set in if I don't get out and do something productive or interesting.   I heard Bill Maher say something on Fareed's Show Today that really hit Home.  He said during the 1st Term of the Shitshow he wound himself up about it.  But with this 2nd Term he's just not allowing himself to.  He said when he runs into People who are panic stricken and saying, "What are we gonna do?!", he tells them now to just go have Lunch.   And James Carville, who is known for being very Politically savvy, has said to just sit back and let them implode and destroy themselves.  He has a point, becoz they certainly will be the instruments of their own destruction, if we but let them.   So, why try to stop them from self-destructing, let 'em do it.

It doesn't mean you can't or shouldn't Resist and be Militant about standing for what American Values are important, and we want to preserve and define ourselves by still.   But, if someone is determined to doom themselves, well, don't stand in the way or get in the way of allowing them to accomplish that.  And that's how I Feel about MAGA, all of it, their Leadership and their whole Cult, let them self-destruct, since they seem quite determined to, and they're going far enuf off the Rails now it's inevitable they will.   The Wake of it won't be pretty, but when you've done all you can to try to prevent a Train Wreck, and it happens anyway, just don't be on board the Train, or standing on the Tracks where it's going Wheels Off, or where it goes so far Off Rails and into the Ditch.   You'll probably be just Fine, they won't be tho'.   But Peter Thiel and Curtis Yarvin, those Characters really do concern me... them and the rest of the PayPal Mafia Crew of Tech Billionaire Bros who bought J.D. Vance and have a much more Sinister agenda than just Project 2025, with their whole Dark Enlightenment Political Worldview.   Google it all, it's some scary stuff.

So, now the Fluff of Life, like, what did I get at the Antique Mall you might ask?   Well, tho' I didn't NEED another one in this Lifetime, I got a Double Antique Crystal Doorknob Set, one side having clearly been exposed to the Sun since it was turning Lavender.    They were Created Circa 1890 and after Decades of Sun exposure, becoz of the presence of Manganese in the Glass, some turned Lavender, Violet or even Deep Purple if they were Exterior Knobs.   The Vendor had it priced so low, plus I got my Military Discount, that I hadda Buy it!  *Smiles*   I also got a Miniature Antique Wood Handled Tack Hammer, priced at only Six Bucks, it will be great for Jewelry and Crafts or Upholstering Furniture.  I got a large Vintage Apothecary Jar filled with SCRABBLE Tiles for $7.  And an Anna Lee Easter Bunny holding a Daffodil for only $3!!!  And finally a Still Life unframed Oil Painting of a Watering Can holding Wildflowers, for only Ten Bucks.

So, here's my new Old Doorknob Set...

And my Unframed Oil Painting by an Unknown Master...  I did like that Cabbage Vase with Faux Clover... but it was priced too high for my Budget.  Tho' it was well priced if it was a Japanese Rare 1980's Fitz & Floyd?

And my Anna Lee Easter Bunny with Daffodil, which was priced way below what it should have been... especially since the rest of this Vendor's Merch was pretty expensive and yet they knew the Bunny was an Anna Lee Vintage piece...

This Vendor had some great Mushroom Motif 1960's pieces, but, very expensive.  I particularly liked the Vintage Round Tablecloth and matching colored Vintage Mushroom Coffee Mugs, with Two different Graphics of Mushrooms... they had 3 of each Mug... and the Tablecloth is so Rare I couldn't find one Online at all, not even on Pinterest.  So, pretty sure why they had it priced in the Stratosphere of Vintage Tablecloths.


The Vendor had obviously Scored someone's vast Sixties Mushroom Designed Kitchenware, coz they had so much of it and it all had this Color Scheme.   I didn't Photograph it all, but anything you could think of from a 1960's Kitchen had this Mushroom Design in Blues and Greens. So, if you had Money being no object, you could buy yourself a really nice Instant Retro matching Kitchen Collection all at once... but, you'd drop about $300 to Score it all.  Great Look tho' and would mebbe take Years to Source One Piece at a time.  And Online Auctions have these stackable Mugs at the same Price each that the Vendor was Selling them at... and you'd hafta pay Postage & Handling, so...

This is one of The G-Kid Force's Youngest Sisters in Mexico, she's growing into a Fine Young Woman so fast!   She's the Youngest of The Daughter's Bio Children.   Once this one is Grown all of her Bio Kids are Grown, tho' her Ex in Mexico has Fathered a Younger Daughter.   And The Young Prince's Dad also Fathered Two Younger ones, a Son and a Daughter.   And Salvador had numerous Older Children by previous Relationships, so Princess T has a slew of Siblings, both Older and Younger than her.   My Ex SIL even has the Ketamine King beat by how many Kids he's Sired!   I think fElon is up to 14 tho', by Four or Five different Baby Mamas, so he's closing in on reckless Breeding.

Anyway, Spring was very much in the Air at the Antique Mall and I thoroughly enjoyed that the Merch was reflective of it.  I'm ready for Spring, and I enjoy Easter Decor and Spring Decor.  I do Collect Vintage Easter.   I would like to have at least a small Spring Vignette in the Showroom, but, I don't really know if I have enuf Springlike Merch to pull one off?   Last Year I did and Sold it all, Vintage Easter isn't so easy to Source even if you're a Collector and Keeping it.  So, Sourcing it for Resale, at the right price point, is very difficult.   I Sold all my Vintage Easter Blow Molds, they can fetch a lot and I did well with them.  I didn't Display them anymore, too large and no Outlet Outside to Light them Up out Front with.  Plus, I don't Decorate our Exterior for Easter, except for a Spring Wreath on the Front Door.


I have a Cross Collectible large Anna Lee Child in an Easter Bunny Outfit, but carrying a Halloween Bag... so it was a dual Holiday Piece.  I just take the Trick Or Treat Bag out of it's Hands if I wanna Display it in an Easter Vignette.   This large Anna Lee Child in an Easter Bunny Outfit is exclusively Easter Themed tho' and even had Cute Bunny Slippers.   I wasn't a Player tho' at $46.   I'd Sourced my Big Anna Lee Halloween Bunny at a Goodwill Clearance Center where they Sold everything for $1.29 a Lb..  I don't recall if it Weighed in at One Pound or Two?   *LOL*

I liked this little Organic looking Plastic Decorated Stenciled Easter Egg for Two Bucks, but, didn't Buy it.   I don't pull the Trigger on every Cute thing I see, even if it's inexpensive.   I was content with my small Haul of Treasures Sourced this Day at excellent Prices.   I had a Vendor Friend come up to profusely Thank me for turning her on to Nag Champa Essential Oils to wear and where I Buy it.   She says she always Smells me before she ever Sees me.  *Bwahahahaha*   And, she wants to Smell like Me.  And will now.  *LMAOROTF*   Way Cheaper than wearing any Perfumes, one small Bottle lasts about Two Years and costs under Ten Bucks... and, your Guys can wear it and it'll smell totally different on them.   The Son now wears Essential Oils, he was spending a Fortune on Men's Colognes, After Shaves, etcetera and gets way more Compliments on wearing the Essential Oils now... and it lasts longer on you and Smells better too.

I've always been the Gal that Smells like Nag Champa and I wouldn't wear anything else.   And no hyperbole, but I will get stopped no less than once or twice, or more, on any given Day, to have some random person stop and tell me how good I Smell!   And often it will be really Young People, Male and Female, who compliment me the most and ask me what I'm wearing and where they can get some?!   For Youngsters to stop an Old Lady and say you Smell good, is quite a compliment, No?  *LMAO*   Usually my Grands tell me that their Generation doesn't like the way most Old People Smell!  *LOL*  Or say a particular Perfume Smells like an Old Person, even if it Smells good.  *Bwahahahahaha*   I Scored some "White Shoulders" Perfume, which I always thought is a nice pleasant Aroma of Perfume, but is very Old School.  I thought the Kids might want it, but both Generations of our Gals said, No Way, it Smells like Old People!  *LMAOROTF*

I know, Kids are often brutally Honest and lack a Filter when just saying it like it is to them.  *Ha ha ha*   Princess T has sometimes told me to "Quit Walking Old, Gramma!" and I'm like, how the fuck am I supposed to Walk, when I AM Old, Pray Tell?   My fucking Hips are Hurting, and if I Stop, I won't be able to get Started again now, so, just let's keep Moving or you'll be fucking Carrying me, Okay?!  *Bwahahaha*  Yes, as a Youngster I too once Laughed and made Fun of at how Walter Brennan and Redd Foxx Walked on TV Shows, until I got Old too and realized, those poor Old Bastards walked like they did coz they were probably in fucking Pain, weren't they?  *LOL and Winks*  I can Walk just Fine until many Hours into a Marathon Day that required a LOT of Walking, and then, Yeah, I'm "Walking Old".  *Winks*   BTW: I Loved Walter Brennan as Grandpappy Amos and Redd Foxx as Fred Sanford.

And another set of Old Folks I just ADORED as a Kid were Ma and Pa Kettle!!!   That 1940's Show always made me Laugh.  And so did The Little Rascals, 1920's-1930's.

We had quite the Ordeal on Monday, and I knew it would be so had girded myself for it and The Man HAD to be in tow, coz he's the Veteran.   It was time to renew my Truck Registration and they'd messed up the Paperwork they sent me this Year and not show his VA 100% Disability Status, which waives a considerable amount of the Taxes and Registration Fees.   So, we went to MVD and there was 2 Hours worth of Lines and no Seating.  We waited in Line 2 Hours and when it was our Turn they said that since they'd switched System, the Old System was purged of Scanned VA Disability Status Verification Letters so we'd have to go to the VA and get a new one.  Splendid!

So, we had to drive into the City to the Main VA Office, it's a Federal Building and Parking Downtown is always limited so I had to Park quite far away and we walked in.  Well, we get in and The Man had forgotten to take his Knife out of his Pocket and so I had to walk that all the way back to the Truck and have VA Security Babysit him for me while I did that.   I told the Young VA Security Stud Muffins, don't Lose him, I don't wanna have to put out a Silver Alert when I get back and he's a Wander Risk.  They took it seriously and didn't lose him.  *Whew*   They had walked him in to the Office we needed to go to but hadn't told him he needed to Sign In, so he'd sat there like a Putz as more people came in behind him.  I finally get back, Security tells me where they'd taken him, I asked if he'd Signed In and he said Yes.  Well, he hadn't, so Veterans coming in way behind us were coming and going so finally I ask the Front Desk why we hadn't been Called yet?

THEN they say, Oh, he's not checked in.  *Eye Roll*  But, they did then get us in right away and the Woman who helped us got his Disability Paperwork printed off in Duplicate so we'd have a Spare.   We went and had Lunch, then back to the DMV for another 2 Hour wait for our Turn.  They accepted the Letter but said now the New Rule is we'll have to provide a New Letter every Two Years even tho' it clearly states his is a PERMANENT Disability!!!   I don't know what part of Permanent they don't understand and why every 2 Years you have to Re-Certify your Permanent Disability Status, but, there ya go... Government Inefficiency.   But, I renewed for 2 Years and got about $750 waived, which was still worth being jerked around all day.   Fun Times! 


I liked how someone Made Over this Old 1920's Waterfall Style Vanity by putting Victorian Ceiling Tin on the Drawers and tho' I'd of put different Hardware and Painted the rest of the Vanity Black and not Shabby Chic White, I'd of left The Ceiling Tin with it's original Patina like they did.   I see a lot of this Era of Vanity and Style in Chazzas and usually they're very badly in need of a Makeover, so, this is a great Idea to Salvage One that really needs to be transformed.   I got lotsa Original Victorian Ceiling Tin, you'd have thought I was doing an entire Ceiling of it.  I Hoarded up a lot of it many, many Moons ago and still haven't used most of it.  Tho' I did do some Backsplashes of it in the Historic Home's Bathrooms. 

  I guess I intended to do the Bathroom Ceilings with it too at the Historic Home and just never got around to it.  Which I don't regret since Mr. Avila, the New Owner, hasn't kept everything Original or Historic now to that Home, which saddens me, initially he was doing a proper Restoration.   And I guess he had a lot of Trouble trying to Source Period Salvage to do it and finally gave up.   So he's now replaced a lot of Original details with Modern ones and it doesn't look Right and saddens me.   And since he uses it as a Rental, perhaps his Renters complained about living in an 1800-1920's Era Rental and wanted Modern Upgrades, who knows?   People don't always appreciate a Historic Era Home enuf.  To me if you want a Modern fucking Home or Apartment, move into one, they're a Dime a Dozen.  And poorly built and lack Character.

Granted, I bought a Home built in 1980 that had been completely Remodeled and done in an Urban Farmhouse Modern Style I happen to just Love.   But, having seen many Original 1980 Style Homes in Arizona, lemme tell ya that wouldn't be an Era I'd wanna live in, I felt that Era had a lot of hideous Styles I wouldn't wanna retain or bring back.  *Bwahahaha*  Had this Home been all Original Circa 1980, I'd of probably never even booked a Viewing, certainly wouldn't have Bought it and spent a fortune Remodeling it either.   Some Eras were Culturally Deprived and hideous, so what Trended then isn't Beloved by Yours Truly.   When I say I LOVE a Historic Home's Character, I'm talking about Victorian Era thru mebbe a Cool Mid-Century Modern 1960's done by a Famous Architect like Ralph Haver, who did a lot of Atomic Ranch Style Residences and Tiki Style Motels.  

Some Haver Historic Landmarks, like the Kon Tiki Motel, were demolished fairly recently, in the Name of Gentrification of Downtown Historic Districts, which is just tragic.  But, Phoenix isn't known for it's Preservation efforts and I swear most City Officials just get kickbacks for making bad decisions to pander to greedy Developers, at the expense of the Communities and the various City's History that make up the Metro Phoenix Area, even those Designated Historic.   Many very Famous Architects did Fine Work in and around Phoenix, like Frank Lloyd Wright, and still got Razed and hideous poorly built Modern shit built where it once stood.   Many Millionaires in the 1800's build spectacular Victorian Mansions in Phoenix, so few are still standing that I could count them on my Fingers now.


Blessings, Love and Light from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian

A life touched by God always ends in touching others. - Erwin McManus

I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars. - Og Mandino (1923-1996)

For creativity to flourish one should try to look at everything as though it were being seen for the first or the last time. - Quote from "A Thousand Paths To Creativity" by David Baird

Is what I'm about to say an improvement on silence? ~ Galen Pearl