Wednesday, September 18, 2024

A Bit Ranty Still... What Can I Say? *LOL*

 I'll let this Pre-Scheduled Post I Wrote Publish a bit early, before Midnight, I've been impatient like that lately, and... very restless.  *LOL*  Princess T's first full Day on the Job went really well and everyone is gushing over her Work Ethic and so glad she's there.  She tested well for the Position she really wanted, sorting and racking Men's Clothing, so that's what she's doing.  She said it's quite a Workout so she's sore. *LOL*  The Racks are big and heavy to maneuver and she's a tiny Sprite.   But she is learning other Positions so she can fill in, which is Wise and enlarges her experience and Resume.  She enjoys all her Co-Workers and the Young Man she knew from School, whose a very Big and very Tall Native American Guy, he looks Pima, Hopi or Navajo, he took her to Lunch nearby, so she's not eating alone and has camaraderie with fellow Co-Workers already. 

 She insisted on paying for her own, he wanted to buy her Meal, but, she didn't want to make it seem anything more than Platonic Friendship and give him the wrong impression.  She also doesn't want to fraternize and Date any Co-Worker, as that could become awkward and unprofessional.  She still has a Boyfriend, but, she does enjoy this Guy's Company a lot and she thinks he might have a little Crush on her.  He walks her out after her Shift too and they take Breaks together.  He's quiet like she is and she appreciates him being stoic and an introvert too.  She doesn't know him as well as the Goth Emo Hispanic Guy she also knew from School, whose also very quiet and introverted, that's her type to get along with well.  Both of those Guys are nice looking and very Polite Well Mannered Young Men.

She was saying both of them were "Stars" in School, in that unlike her, they were Academically Gifted and Star Students who did very well with their Education.   Probably neither of them have Families that could afford College and if you don't Win Scholarships, you just end up immediately in the Work Force in spite of how Smart you are.   I've always thought College is overrated in that so many who go only got there becoz they could afford it, not because they were necessarily the best or the brightest.   I've hired some College Graduates with more Degrees than a Thermometer who couldn't cut it on the Careers chosen. Also, some High School Dropouts, or those with only High School Education or a GED who were actually Brilliant at whatever they do for a Living.   

The Man was not an Academic and said more College Educated Officers in the Military were complete Idiots at Leadership and lacked Knowledge, their Enlisted Men under them made them look good.  My First Corporate Life as a Banker they Paid for some College for me to Learn Real Estate Law, so long as I commit to Working for them Two Years.  Which was a fine Agreement to me, since my Parents couldn't afford College and I didn't want Student Loan Debt.  I've always been very careful about Finances and so drifting into a First Corporate Life in Finances almost seemed like a Given really.  Tho' it was never my Plan to become a Banker or spend so many Years as a Bank Executive either, it just happened.  *LOL*

  Let's face it, I didn't LOOK the part either, I was a Young Hippie and a lot of Bankers were very Uptight and Squares... and mostly Old Misogynistic White Men as well in those days.  *LOL*  Instead of trying to conform or look Androgynous, which a lot of Women back then did in order to get ahead or fit in to the Good Ole Boy Network, I intentionally stood out.   Mom always said it was better to be looked over than overlooked and Dad always said it was a distinct advantage to be underestimated due to your Gender, Ethnicity or how you just look.  Both of my Careers I enjoyed and did very well at, but wouldn't have thunk I would have gravitated to either Genre.  In High School I remember wanting to be a Landscape Architect or just an Artist of no specific Genre of Art, since, I had a Passion for many Art Forms.   I'd of been content being a Starving Artist living in a Hippie Commune.  *LOL*

But, I must say making excellent Money in the Careers chosen was motivating too... Money and Success provides Options... I like Options.  *Winks*   I enjoyed living Large sometimes, the Villa McManse was a Million Dollar Listing originally and I wanted to see what it felt like living in a Mansion... now I can say, it wasn't all that... overrated.   And Affluent Communities are filled with too many Pretentious Assholes who take themselves way too seriously, are arrogant Snobs with a sense of Entitlement, and don't make good Neighbors at all.  Hated it, was so glad to Escape the Gilded Cage we felt trapped in there.  It was by far the worse Five Years I'd ever spent in my Life honestly, my Grandkids HATED it, even tho' the House was fabulous, nothing else about living there was... good riddance.   I'd rather hang out with a Homeless Person than a Rich Asshat who has everything except an ounce of Humanity and only intense Hubris.

The Young Prince called, Allen got Laid Off at the Texas Slaughterhouse, so they had things get worse before it got better.   But got a good Job at Lowe's close by where they live, walking distance in fact, and he loves it.   He's not only all Brawn, but Brains too, and there's more chance for quick Advancement there for him, so it was the right move.   In fact, The Young Prince is gonna see if Lowe's would hire him too?   Might as well try, if SSI won't approve him for having severe Schizophrenia, then it's important for him to document how many places won't Hire him due to his serious Disability.  Then they would be forced to reassess him for Disability Status.   Here in Arizona even Fast Food like McD's wouldn't hire him due to being too Seriously Mentally Ill.   Even if he didn't disclose his Illness, it shows up right away, he has no control over it.

We we laughing about my new Trump Voodoo Doll, The Daughter even found a Red Hat for it and will get her Friend that does Tattoos to Paint MAGA on it in White Letters.  *LMAOROTF*  It's actually one of those bendy rubbery Stress Dolls, but it looked like 45 in that it had Yellow Hair and a Scowl with faux Bravado and has no Balls... so I hadda have it to bend all out of shape and stick Pins in *LOL*... got it at a Chazza in a Bagged Lot for a couple Bucks for it all.   It has little Bead stuff internally, so you can bend it all out of shape and break it's appendages and then put them back... Gallow's Humor.   So, the Grandson was Laughing his Ass off when we sent him these Pixs as we were on The Call and talking about the Fake Assassination Attempts.  He said nobody they know is Believing any of it either... most Young People aren't, that's for sure, their Generation isn't so gullible.   

The Grandson feels so much of what's going on is too much like Mind Control Experiments on the Public, he could be Right... he has a Genius IQ and Analyzes everything deeply and analytically.   He dissects everything anyone is doing or saying and will catch any inconsistencies and ask the deep Questions, expecting Answers and not just Spin expected to be blindly Believed.   Ever since he was little he'd tell me that far too many people are actually quite Stupid and have a Herd Mentality and Simple Mind Games can trip most of them up or reel them in so easily that it's not even hard to do.   I used to tell him he was Wrong, I stand Corrected and apologized, he seems to have been spot on from what I'm now Witnessing playing out in our Nation in Real Time.   If it's not intentional Ignorance, then Stupidity is all I CAN now attribute it to also.   

I may not be the most Intellectual person, but I'm not gullible and I'm nobody's Fool, a Conman would not make me such an Easy Mark.   So, I'm absolutely flabbergasted that this Election is so Close, given the starkly and wildly different Choices.  I can't fathom WHY or HOW that can be in a First World Country that's enjoyed this much privilege and World Respect?!   Why would anyone just give it all away to a Psychopathic Madman and his Sycophant Henchmen?   I guess I failed to understand how Hitler came to be revered and supported by the Germans either... but the parallels have been striking since 2016 and one would think in Nine Years most Americans would now Wake the fuck up and be against what he is, stands for and is trying to do.  It's not AS IF he doesn't Act and Talk like a total Lunatic!!!

But, I guess not, too many still Love him, and have Cult Worship of him and hang on his every Crazy Ranting Word... I know not WHY?   He seems to be right about being able to say and do anything and not lose their Support, he saw what THEY are and how they could be Controlled before I did, that's for sure.  I thought we as a Collective and a Nation were better than that.   I'm Ashamed we are clearly NOT and it's being Revealed in this Election and on Display to the entire World.   I'm sure our Allies are nervous and our Enemies can't Believe how Easy it was to tip a Great Nation over the Edge and implode from within.   Eli's Countenance in the Pix above mirrors my own anytime the Alt Right and their Cult Devotees are on TV spewing their vitriol and/or attempting to justify such behavior, lack of moral compass and sickness of character.   

It's become so Twisted that it's terrifyingly Surreal really, that so many can be sucked in, so Hateful and Radicalized to commit anything he might require of them.   While actually Imagining they're still somehow Good People in spite of Evidence to the contrary of Revealing their Dark Underbelly and being totally unashamed and unapologetic of it.   While their chosen Leader is saying the most outrageously Insane and totally Unhinged things ever uttered and taken Seriously... it just blows my Mind.   If they're Normalizing Crazy, well, seems they've totally embraced that wholeheartedly.   While one side is talking Policy, he's talking about Hannibal Lecter, electrocuting Sharks, eating Pets, Killing his American Opponents, rambling incoherently to where nothing he's saying makes an ounce of Sense whatsoever or shows any Sane Leadership Qualities making him fit for ANY Job... and yet, here we now are... go figure!  The Crazy Train done left the Station and has gone Wheels Off the fucking Rails dangerously.

How did we get here, I Wonder that almost constantly now?  Since, I guess I just went about Life thinking things were pretty Normal overall and not all that remarkably Off in my Sphere of Influence anyway, as far as I could tell.   Every Economy has it's Cycles, it's Ups and Downs, the Pandemic was a once in a Century Crisis, but, we came out of it and most of us Survived.   It's regulating Globally now, the Economics 101 of it, but, we expected that should take some time, only a Fool would think it should or could be Instant.  I mean, you'd have to be NEW to think Three Years of a Global Plague wouldn't have some serious impact in every single Country on Earth, it did, no Surprise there.  America actually had the highest Fatalities due to the cluster fuck of handling it poorly, but rebounded the Quickest, that's Admirable.  I don't know if people have intentional Amnesia or just Short fucking Memories to not remember how it was during COVID?   And most seem Ignorant as Fuck about simple Basic Economics.

I find it Interesting and Amusing that some would Sell Out their Country in Hopes of lowering Grocery Costs.  So they could get Cheaper Eggs and Cheaper Gas... yet, wanna be on Board to Deport Two Million exploited Workers who are in the Labor Force keeping Prices Low and doing the Work most Americans aren't doing anymore in the Agricultural and Meat Processing and Garment Industries.   And put 20% Tariff's on Imports from Countries Producing the majority of what Americans need and are Buying from Foreign Manufacturers, becoz we sure aren't Producing it here to supply the demand.   And, don'tcha know it's being Produced in those Countries at a Cost way lower than to Produce it here as well, so, expect instant Inflation as soon as those poorly thought out Policies are implemented and don't Work Out in our Favor.  *Eye Roll*  

 The Law of Supply and Demand... we are a Capitalist Society mostly, with some Socialism thrown in too, whether people like that Word or not.  Whether we subsidize the Rich or the Poor... still a Socialist concept and any Government Regulation qualifies too, it's not all Bad, nor is it all Good, any of it.  We mostly subsidize the Elite BTW and not the Poor.  And Capitalism run amok and driven by Greed and insatiability to get Richer and obscenely so, isn't beneficial to all, that's for sure.  We're seeing that playing out with record Profits for many Companies that are still being given preferential Tax Breaks and perks, Grifts and Political Clout, becoz they can Buy and Pay For any Politician by making enormous Contributions to that Campaign and Party.  Just follow the Money to see who Owns who and is REALLY dictating Policy.  Grassroots Contributions by average Donors is less corrupted.  Becoz if anyone Owes someone else BIG, well, we all know what that means in the Real World.  But some folks are so untethered to Reality right now they are living in an Alternate Universe of their own making, completely fabricated and deeply Believed.

I'm glad that Tomorrow is my Halloween Event at The Sweet, looking forward to it.  Even tho' this Year they did a Two-Fer and last Month's Event had a Halloween Holiday and Autumnal Theme, which I thoroughly enjoyed.  It is my favorite Theme that they do, I do miss the Pre-Event Catered Parties they used to Host.   A small Entrance Fee and you got good Catered Food, Drinks, and a Preview of the unspoiled Vignettes.  You couldn't pre-buy, but, you could mingle with everyone in a great Holiday Atmosphere and for Blog Fodder Imagery, it was Perfect.  None of the Spaces had been molested and all Merch was untouched and Merchandised spectacularly, so you could soak it in and be Inspired.  Then know what you'd like to come back for on Opening Day and where it was at.  You had a more Leisurely Preview of all the Inventory instead of the usual Shopping Frenzy the Crowds tend to indulge in once the Doors open.

My Black Widow Antique Pendant Necklace Creation by my Friend Cyndie is ready for pickup, so that's all I am going for in the way of Buying.  She'd pulled it from Inventory during the last Event for me and modified it to my specifications, so, I'll be excited to wear it for the Holidays, pressy to Self for Halloween.   Princess T works until 3:30 p.m. so I have plenty of time between 10:00 a.m. when the Doors Open to the Event and then to pick her up without it interfering with my Plans for the day.  *Whew*   I'm covering her Lunch expenses until she starts getting her own Money, she's not a big Eater and she's a very fussy Eater, but I made her Promise she'd eat a Lunch every Day since she's there so many Hours.   The Man and I turned in our Aluminum and it will pay for a couple of Meals out anywhere, on just One Day's worth of Collecting Cans for Recycling while doing Environmental Cleanup, not bad for picking up other's folk's Trash and turning it into Cash.

If the Cooler Weather holds and settles in I'll be able to do a lot more Work in the Non-Climate Controlled Spaces.   And do more Work Outside as well.  I'm so Hopeful we'll finish it all in 2025 and be done by next Spring... that's the Goal.   If we push hard this Autumn and Winter I do think it's possible to achieve and I'll be so relieved when it's all finally Done.  Six long Years in the making and it will actually be Year Seven to complete it... longer than any other Move ever took me to get everything Done and the way I wanted and envisioned it.   When you get to a certain Season of Life you don't have the Luxury of so much Time to finalize things and get to enjoy them.   So, Time has been of the Essence but it was a tall order to do the majority of it by myself.   With The Daughter's Help I think we can achieve it and The Young Prince said they'd like to visit around Christmas and he Loves to help with that Project.


Yep, I'm a bit Ranty still... what can I say?... Current Politics and it's grim Theater just Agitates me... But, Cheers Mates!... Dawn... The Bohemian


  1. Things are looking up, and this is a post about uplifting events. I'm glad to see you are on a more solid road...

    1. Indeed, I think I feel like we're finally on an upswing.

  2. What booth is that Cane with the skull ???

    1. It's The Man's, I bought it for him from a Vendor who had Two Canes we Loved and had great pricing on them too. He needs a Cane to stabilize his Walk since he has mobility issues after his Brain Damage. He won't use one unless I get some that are really Cool looking and people will stop and ask him about, vain bugger. *Winks*

  3. I, too, can't understand why the election polls are so close and if you remember last time the polls under estimated Trump because his many of his fans don't like to admit their support. If that's happening now we are in trouble! I'm worried!

    What kind of people is Princess T working in? Sound like a retail clothing store or a place like Goodwill? She's always had an eye for fashion so it's a good fit for her. Good to have male friends as co-workers who can keep an eye on her. I used to work in a retail, upscale men's clothing store and was always getting hit on.

    1. SAVERS is a For Profit Thrift Store but everything Donated to them profits the Charity Big Brothers and Big Sisters that pairs Kiddos up with an Adult Role Model they might not have at Home if they're in a Single Parent Household, being Raised by Grandparents or are in Foster Care. They run it way better than the Goodwill IMO and Train their Employees better, it's run For Profit and so they respect and curate the Merchandise and their Employees are all about Customer Service. Our location is really great and so close to Home that most of the people working there are from this immediate Community and familiar to our Granddaughter. I like when she has young Men looking out for her and she's more comfortable with Male Friends, less Drama and less Headaches. Like me, she's a Drama Free Mama and prefers to lead a life of Serenity and no Chaos involving peripheral people. *Smiles* I've always had more Male Friends for the very same reasons. Tho' I do have some stellar Female Friends, I must say Men are easier for me to figure out and get along with and always have been, Princess T is the same way, she understands Male Logic and a lot of her Male Friends are Gay too so no pressures about them trying to get in her Pants. *LOL*

    2. Ooops forgot about responding to Paragraph One... Yes, I'm quite concerned that a lot who won't admit openly to still support such a Demon are not being reflected in the Polls and it's so tight a Race that any percentile matters. I wish it was a blowout on Kamala's numbers, but it's doubtful it will be and it angers me that a scant few Swing States actually determine almost every Election for the last decade. Becoz Candidates tend to neglect the other States and their populations and what they want or need.

  4. Your career path reminds me of my own. My ex lost his job, including health care, and he was experiencing a difficult to diagnose condition. So my job search prioritized health insurance for both of us. That made me a very dependable employee (I mean, I already was, but this need weighed on my mind) and I climbed up that ladder. I had been very happy being at home, not working, but life had other ideas so I became a career woman. I really enjoy your discussions about the economy, etc., and wish more people understood these things.

    As for this upcoming election, I am very nervous. And shocked that there are people who can't decide. Barack Obama was the one who made the most of individual campaign contributions because his corporate support was weak. And now every politician does it. Things change fast.

    1. Small donors keep Candidates more honest. Billionaire donors expect they bought and paid for favor and own the Candidates. I too put Family needs in mind when choosing Careers giving us the most options and best benefits... Dawn the Bohemian

    2. As for the undecided... I question their ability to even make informed intelligent decisions if they can't figure it out by now. I mean how Mentally Slow are they 😜... Dawn the Bohemian

  5. Princess T has a great deal of good sense. Enjoying her work is a big plus as so many of us did not.
    I follow the American political scene for entertainment and because the outcome may get us home one of these years. The MAGAts are immune to facts as they refuse to recognize the reliability of the source. They have been brainwashed into believing tht the MSM lies to them all the time.
