Thursday, August 22, 2024

Retail Therapy And Autumnal Vibe Events

So, the dreaded August Utility Bill came in even higher than the astronomical one in July, over $800!   Yeah, Stroke worthy, but, I called the Utility Company Hotline for Customer Crisis Calls who can't pay their Utility Bills and talked to a Rep, Joey, who, had a similar instance at his own Home actually this Summer!  He was Sleeping in his Closet with a Portable AC in it, while his Home was over 90 Degrees and his Bill was as high as mine too, due to a malfunction of One of his Two AC Units... talk about Divine Serendipity, what are the Odds?   So, Joey set me up on a doable Payment Plan and had a Point of Reference second to none, we Bonded.  *Winks*

Dear Joey sounded the Age of my Grandsons and we had a nice Chat actually. I probably could have gotten this Young Man's whole Life Story out of him and Played my Elderly Grandmotherly Card.  *Smiles*   He told me there was a Moratorium, humnn, interesting Intel, I didn't know that, and he didn't have to divulge that, but, remember, I'm now Grandma Dawn to Dearest Joey.  *Smiles*   So he said while there's that temporary prohibition in place for Utility Payments, I should take full advantage of it.  And I will.  *LOL*  So when I get ready to pay this Bill on the 1st of September when it's due, he told me to ask for even more time than he and I discussed... as much as I can stretch it out for actually, so that my Holidays won't be ruined with a repayment Plan too condensed.  And I will.  *Winks*

Listen, I know I'm not the only Arizona Utility Customer in Crisis... remember, I got Inside People too!   The Daughter's Boyfriend Andrase, well, he switched from Solar Work to AC Work and he's giving me Insider Information becoz he's already like a Good Son... and... I'm his Favorite.  *Smiles*   Hey, he's had a Crush on The Daughter since they both were Nine Years Old and so I'm like a 2nd Mom to him anyway.  Even when he was in his wayward Youth, as The Daughter was too, I didn't get so Old I forgot what it was like to be Young and all the Younger Generations respected that in Da Hood.  I didn't condone what I disapproved of, but Unconditional Tough Love goes a long way with Kids.   I've not been a Saint myself... tho' Saint Dawn does have a nice Ring to it!  *LOL*   Above is Espresso French Toast, Sublime... and Lavender Iced Coffee, Tipsy Egg, Chandler.

Anyway, Andrase has been coming over after Working very Late into the Evenings, still in his Work Jumpsuit and exhausted from fixing AC's all Day, like most of the AC Companies they're On Call 24/7.   I joke that he's getting a good Tan being up on Roofs all Summer.   Andrase is Black and Native American from the Pima Tribe, doubtful he can get a whole lot Darker.  *winks*  So he appreciates my intentionally Not PC inappropriate Humor, which I'm known for, and responds Laughing his Ass off with, "You're Crazy..."   Yep, they all know I am.   Anyway, he had some Good News/Bad News I could riff him on to, his Oldest Son's Wife is Preggy, so, he'll be a Grandpa for the first time.

Yes, Congratulations were in Order for that but it was a Prime Riff Topic too, since... about Two Years ago, before he reconnected with The Daughter when he heard she came back to the Valley, he'd gotten an Ex GF Preggy.   Now, he and this Woman are still Best of Friends, he's helped her for Years with a Teen Autistic Son she has, he's a good Guy and his own Children are Grown.   So, let us say this was Two really nice Middle Aged People who weren't Planning on any more Babies.  As Careful as you might be, well, shit happens, I know this from Personal Experience.  *Bwahahaha*   So, since Arizona Post Roe V Wade has made Pregnancy Mandatory, she had the Beautiful Baby Boy and Andrase Adores him and is helping Raise him.  And he's such a good looking Baby, like his Daddy... his Mama is Hispanic, so he's got loose thick Curly Ringlets any Girl would envy having. 

 But, Andase and Baby's Mama were no longer together before she even found out she was Preggy and both have Moved On relationally and amicably.  And he ensured he'd Father no more Children after that faux pas... snip-snip.  *Winks*   And I could tell that tho' Thrilled to be a Grandpa for the first time, there was that Elephant also in the Room now, wasn't there?  *Snicker*   So, I could not resist, I said, "Well, your Son and Grandbaby will grow up together... ain't that Nice?"   And he Laughed so hard he Cried, not sure if it was Humor Tears or the Reality of that Statement, mebbe some of both?  *Ha ha ha*  The Daughter Laughed heartily, coz she got herself Fixed after her Baby No. 5 so there would not be any more unplanned Spawn.  Which was an Ordeal in both Countries to have done, since now they don't like to Sterilize the SMI due to fears of Civil Liberties being violated, even if the Mentally Challenged Person and their Families request it.

We had requested it numerous times in the U.S. and in Mexico between her First and Last Child, the only reason after Baby No. Five they finally obliged in Mexico is she had a Life Threatening Delivery with that last One.   Now with the new draconian Laws in most States, a Woman with that Issue would be left to Die in Childbirth or a Life Threatening Pregnancy and that's what Worries me for all Childbearing Aged Women now.   Listen, those Extremists who spent the last 50 Years trying to overturn Roe V Wade don't really Care about Children.   Becoz most of the time it has NOTHING to do about The Children actually, or the Welfare of Families, and most of us are Aware of that unfortunate Fact.

Since, most also condemn every Service and Agency that provides Assistance to Kids and their Families AFTER they're actually Born and in need of anything to Thrive or Survive.  Look at the Track Record of how they Vote on Issues, it's available to back up my Statement of that Truth.   In case you Wonder, I'm Pro Life AND Pro Choice, they're not mutually exclusive.  And everyone's Situation is not the Same.  And Unwanted or Medically Compromised Children don't always fare well in Life or get Services or even Good Families they desperately needed.   If you've Raised a Medically Complex Child, and I have Raised more than One, it can Bankrupt most Families if they must pay out of Pocket for the Medical and Mental Health Services... or if their Insurance has Lifetime Caps on how much they will cover {and most do BTW}.

So, I'm Happy for Andrase, I'm thrilled that tho' the Baby's Mom was a much Older Woman, he was Born Healthy and Whole, her Older Child was not, so there was that Fear.  He's got a good Father and he'll be a good Grandpa too, I'm Sure of that.   I Love and was good to ALL my Unplanned Kids and Unplanned Grandkids.  *LOL*  I don't stand in judgment nor condemnation of how any Child entered this Realm.  Or didn't.   And I do think it's important for Religions, Random Folk with their Opinions, and Politicians to stay out of any Family's Medical decisions, that should be between the Family and a Qualified Medical Professional, period.  

 And, if someone chooses to have a Baby, then Society should be at least just as passionate about that Child's Welfare, Well Being and Survival as they are concerned about any Unborn Fetus.  But, Society overall, is NOT, and therein is my biggest Beef with the whole Argument.   A Born Child is an 18+ Year Investment and Society just ain't that Invested and All In yet.  If the Child has "Issues" as a Hand Dealt, even less so.   I hear far too many allegedly Pro Life Folk complain bitterly about Services for Families in Need and for Children already Born.  They don't want their Tax Dollars funding Programs that provide what is needed to get a Child Raised and not suffering hardships from Poverty, lack of Medical Treatment, Food Insecurities, plights that many Families might face during the 18+ Years it takes to get that Child Raised to Maturity.  

 There is still Stigma and Urban Legends associated with Welfare Programs and Recipients of the Help it provides.  But Hunger does exist in America, Trust and Believe.  There are the Working Poor struggling Paycheck to Paycheck, the Single Parents whose Partners abandon them and the Kids or Died, the Unemployed or Underemployed, the Disabled, the Homeless.  I worked Faith Based Food Ministries as a Volunteer for over Two Decades, there was always Need, more than we could provide and so the Secular Programs are Needed.   The Food Programs in Public Schools are Needed in many Districts, perhaps not the Affluent ones, but certainly the less Affluent ones, where the demographic of Student isn't Born with a Silver Spoon and no Lack.

Stepping Down now off Soapbox.  *Winks*  See how I segwayed that from AC Repairs to Reproductive Rights so smoothly?  *Winks*   Well, The Man and I woke up late, or I should say I awoke late, he'd been up before Sunrise most probably.  Becoz, he knew I'd be taking him with me to the Event in Chandler and out for Brunch at "The Tipsy Egg".  The Antique Mall "Merchant Square" was having a Big Sale... and the Event in the Warehouse behind the Antique Mall "Highland Yard Vintage" was doing their Fall Themed Event, which was mostly Harvest and a nod to Halloween.   We had a really good time and Socialized with some Friends who Work there.   I'd like to say we didn't indulge in any Retail Therapy, but the Sales were Killer, and so, that would be a Lie, we did, both of us.  *LOL*  

I got some Altered Art Suitcase Tags {All Three seen in Pixs Below}, some Architectural Salvage Ornate Doorknobs, Clawfoot Cast Iron Tub Feet of Eagle and Lion Claws, and Old Ornate Shelf Brackets... all of which were Priced so ridiculously low, they MADE me Buy them, plus we got a Military Discount Ta Boot!!!  Booyah!   I got a Fabric Pumpkin, some Jeanne D'Arc Living Magazines, a turn of the Century Medical Metal File Cabinet Drawer.   The Man got a large Ornate Hunting Knife and a very Old Prospector's Metal Gold Pan.  {Now they're Plastic}  Yes, it was all inexpensive Smalls, but it did add up, we hadn't expected to do that much Shopping actually.  *Smiles*   Whaddya gonna do... The Man said we'll just Sell Off more of what we don't Need or Want to Square it up.  *LOL*

Of coarse we did more Window Shopping and Nostalgia Trips down Memory Lane than actual Purchasing, which is Why we enjoy these types of Events and Antique Malls best.   It also helps me with knowing what the Market now bears for a lot of the Product I already have and might not have a Clue about what the Value is nowadays for Resale.  I can fall out of Love with damned near anything we've Collected over a Lifetime, for the right Price.  Some things aren't For Sale but can always Be Bought.  *Winks*   I'm flabbergasted sometimes what it would Cost us now to Buy what we already have... yowsah have Values increased exponentially on The Good Stuff that is The Real Deal!!!   The Man will look at a Price Tag on something he knows I have an impressive Cache' of at Home and have Hoarded Up for Decades and says, Damn, look how much you can get for it now Honey!!!   Cha-Ching!   *LOL*


He didn't used to think of what I do with my Hunter-Gatherer Human Magpie Tendencies to be much of an Investment... now he realizes how handy it is to Cash Out on!   He knows what I Paid and what it will fetch always has impressive Margins in our Favor... I will never, ever, overpay, I'm too frugal and too much of a Negotiator by Nature.   I will always make my Money on The Buy, it's Instinctive and how my Parents Taught me to be and I have Taught mine to be too.  And, it's FUN and like a Sport to us, and an enjoyable Challenge, so Why ever Cease and Desist? *Smiles*   I know The Kiddos and I have a Good Eye and we KNOW The Good Stuff, even when and if few saw the Value or recognized an Investment Opportunity when they saw it.   You can develop the Skill even if it doesn't come Naturally to you.

Anyhoo, we had such an enjoyable Day Out and we really Needed it.  We also picked up an Ornate 1800's Oak and Wrought Iron Sewing Machine with Cabinet, complete, for only $18 at SAVERS too!!!   I haven't Photographed it yet, but I will for another Post.   Just One of the Ornate Oak Drawers on it {and there are Four}, would have Cost more than I Paid for the whole thing... and the Old Ornately Decorated Trundle Sewing Machine still Works!   I remember my Dad making most of our Clothing on a Machine exactly like that when we were Growing Up.  There was nothing my Dad couldn't Create, he grew up on the Rez where they made everything they needed.   So, we'd get the Free Catalogs come to the House in those days from SEARS, MONTGOMERY WARDS, JC PENNEYS and such, and I'd see an Outfit in them and we'd go to WOOLWORTHS to Buy the Material and he'd crank out one just like it for me within Hours!  Just on SIGHT, no Pattern!

And there was nothing he couldn't Master in a Kitchen, he was a self taught Master Chef and Pastry Chef.   The only thing he didn't Master was Ice Carving, but, I'm sure he could have.   Which is Why I have a deep appreciation for Beautiful Presentation and Fine Foods.  I grew up spoiled and having a Dad who could match Meals of any Five Star Restaurants and actually worked in several, as well as being Career Military Food Service, he always Worked Two Jobs.  His Military Job and Moonlighted in the Evenings at a Civilian Job his entire Life.   And my Mom had the Intellectual Genius, she and my Nanna {her Mom} legitimately had Genius IQ's like The Young Prince does, so, he may have inherited his Genius Genes from them?   My Mom and my Nanna were the Smartest Women I ever knew.   My Mom could actually calculate and compute complex Math faster than any Calculator or Computer, I kid you not!    I like to think a little of that got passed along to Yours Truly too... and didn't skip right over?  *Bwahahaha*


Blessings, Love and Light from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian


  1. My favorite tshirt says Mother By Choice, for Choice. It was very hard to bear and raise my five children that were born within seven years. And expensive. I really think one more would have not only broken my health (lets not go there, just saying five pregnancies in seven years) and our resources and probably our marriage. I can't make these choices for others. And I was blessed that none of our children had horrible health diagnosis, etc. No one is pro abortion. We are pro choice and we don't walk in someone else's shoes.

    1. I agree... and not everyone desires Children and that should be their Choice as well without condemnation or judgment. And, sadly, not everyone is fit to Parent either, so it shouldn't be assumed that it's best for every Family to have Children they either cannot care for appropriately or simply don't want to. It's a complex issue and each situation is unique and deeply personal, so, shouldn't be mandated by anyone who does not have skin in the Game and who won't share any responsibilities for forcing someone to have a Child. It bothers me that the Extremist Viewpoint is pretending it's even about The Children, it's not and it's deception to a more insidious agenda all about Control and exploitation. Women aren't breeding machines, and even Puppy Mills are Wrong to exploit Animals, and it seems to me the Agendas between the Two are similar in far too many ways... forceful breeding without appropriate consent.

  2. Replies
    1. Yes, it's a Deep Well to draw from isn't it? I Hate the hypocrisy of it, pretending they Care about Children, the Born or the Unborn... clearly, that's a facade, if one Cared about a Child not yet Born, that should and would translate to then Caring at least as much AFTER it's Born... but, they don't... since, that would require something of THEM.
