Sunday, August 18, 2024

Mortality And Shit Like That

 I'm saturating Today's Post with Pixs of some Lifelong Friends and Family Pixs of Kids, Grandkids and Great-Grandkids, just some of them.  I still have Allergies sidelining me so I've Napped a lot and just done what I absolutely have to, mostly under protest.  *LOL*  Sleeping it Off works best for me.  We went to Wal-Mart so The Daughter could send The Young Prince his belated Birthday Money from her, she gave me my Birthday Money too.  I really didn't wanna go but his Birthday had been the 9th and he'd waited patiently for his Mom to get Paid.   We had Princess T with us and did our Grocery Shopping since we were already there.  I happened to mention that "The People Of Wal-Mart" Annoy me... and the Daughter says, "ALL of them?"  *Bwahaha*  Yeah, ALL of them.   If I go to any other Big Box Store like TARGET or major Grocery Chains, the Shoppers seem Normal compared to "The People Of Wal-Mart"... and, what a Human Sideshow it always is!  You'll be Entertained or Annoyed, mostly I'm just Annoyed with the Demographic there.

Point in fact, they had Four long Rows of Shopping Carts, but the Three longest Rows had seized up Wheel Locked Carts that couldn't be used or barely budged out of the way.  Which meant the shortest Row was the only one with functional Carts and you had to Walk Between The Rows beside it a long ways to get to them, only a Cart Wide.  So, I walked way up the narrow Row to get to a functional Cart and some Asshat Dad holding his Baby also walks up that narrow Row behind me and is right up my Ass, so I couldn't possibly then back out with my Cart, he was blocking my exit!!!  Couldn't just wait his Turn and wait for me to back out all the way with my fucking Cart!  WTF Dude?!   Typical Person-Of-Wal-Mart that annoys the shit out of me, so I looks at him and just started backing up with my Cart until I backed his Stupid Clueless Ass out with me!  *Eye Roll and LOL*   Would I have run over him AND his Baby to get out... mebbe... *Winks*

Then, when I'm out of his way, he could walk back in and get his Cart, stupid Fuck!  Should have just waited his turn if he had any Sense.  His Wife was hanging back, so mebbe she has slightly more Sense, I dunno?  She was letting him hold her Baby and do this, so her Sense was Questionable!  I wouldn't let a Man that Stupid hold the Baby!  And Yes, they're Breeding.  *LOL*  The Daughter and Princess T were laughing coz they said they knew I'd just run over him and his Baby if he hadn't backed the Fuck up after running right up on my Ass like an imbecile!!!   The Daughter said she was sure he thought I'd just give him my Cart since he was holding his Baby?  I'm like, "And just HOW would that Work?"   The aisle was so narrow I couldn't have, we all would have still had to back all the way out together and then I'd have to go all the way back in and get another Cart, no Room to maneuver past each other.  You have to be a Special Kind of Stupid to assume otherwise!!!  Dude, both of us can't be up in here at the same time, it doesn't Work!

Listen, I got Three Generations of our Brand of Crazy there together, but we're Crazy, not Stupid.  Stupid is annoying as Fuck to me, I'd rather Deal with Intelligent Crazy, Okay?  *LOL*  There were other "People Of Wal-Mart" annoyances in there, which is why I rarely shop there.  I won't elaborate, but, they were everywhere!  And, yet, you can never find a Wal-Mart Employee on the Sales Floor to do things like Open Cases in the Spray Paint Department.   Princess T needed a Clear Coat Spray Paint, she's re-painting a Bookcase for her Room that we took out of our Showroom.  It used to be Turquoise/Gold, now it's Black/Gold.  She wanted to Hi-Gloss Seal her Work.  So, we waited about 20 Minutes after ringing the Buzzer at the Locked Cases of Spray Paints, nobody showed up.  So, The Daughter, whose Bat Shit Crazy, starts intentionally Wolf Whistling and Yelling Out Help! Help! dramatically and loudly, 'til some Wal-Mart Guy finally shows up with a Key.  *LOL*  She doesn't mind being a Ghetto Fabulous Spectacle, if that's what it takes to get their attention enuf to do their fucking Job.  

 Princess T had been Politely trying to ask rando Wal-Mart Vest clad Employees just busy on their Personal Phones, to Help her, to no avail... "Not my Department" was their responses every time.  Then went right back to ignoring her and checking their Instagrams, or whatever they do other and rather than actually Working.   The Daughter will not be ignored.  Other Customers were stacking up at Paints needing Help too and asking me if I'd pushed the Call Button.  Yep.   But then they'd go push it anyway, as if pushing it MORE was gonna Help!   *Eye Roll*  Yeah, a bunch of Geniuses now piling up around me wasn't improving my Mood about being there with any of them.   I couldn't help it, the one Older Man mashing the Button incessantly began to become Amusing to me, so I says, "Is pushing it MORE, Helpful?  Just wondering..."  *Winks and Bwahahaha*  He says he doesn't think it's Working.  It's blinking and going off, clearly functional.  So then I Deadpans, "No, it's Working, it's just the Employees who aren't... Calm Down."   *Smiles*

I ended up with $135 worth of stuff we didn't actually have on my Short Needed List, just becoz I had the Grandchild and her Mother in tow!   WE NEED this, that, and the third... Mom/Gramma!   They are a Needy bunch.  *Bwahahahaha*  "For a couple of Broke Ass Bitches you all sure Need a lot...", I says... and they Laugh raucously.  *Smiles*  But, since some of their Needs included such things as Deodorant, and it's been 111 for Days now, and the AC at the House only JUST got fixed, I guess it's better than Smelling them, so, Money well spent?    Plus, I was tired of them getting into my Supplies of everything when they run out of their own and then have to chase it down where ever they carted it off to??!!!   *Bwahahaha*

And the level of Crazy I Deal with daily can't be expressed enuf, you can't make this shit up!   I take them to "In & Out Burger" for Cheap Burgers for Lunch... Take-Out, since, it's Mad busy there and I'm still not feeling 100%.   The Granddaughter wanted a Non-Menu item the Kiddos on Tik Tok are ordering called The Flying Dutchman Burger.  Okay, I have no idea what that even is, but I know the In & Out Kiddos working there will know what's Trending on Tik Tok.  And they do.  But, then my Crazy Daughter seriously tells me to ask for her Cheeseburger to be "Made Upside Down, it tastes better that way."  *Insert me staring blankly at her like, you're fucking kidding me, Right?*   Nope, she's Serious.  NO, I'm not looking Crazy and asking for something as Crazy as asking them to make your Burger Upside Down!  I don't even know what that means?!

She's petulant but I leave them in the Truck, with AC running, go inside, get the Order, come back out and hand her a Regular Cheeseburger right side up.   She's now having a Rain Man Fish Sticks Moment and whining that it will NOT taste the same as one made Upside Down!   I know she's ready to wind up to a Psychotic Moment about her Food.  And her Daughter is looking at me wide Eye speechless in the Rearview Mirror and I simply reach over, turn the Fucker Upside Down for her Mom and say, "There, now it will taste the way you want it..."   She happily then eats it and her Daughter is trying really, really, hard not to Laugh and upset her Mom... since, she's beginning to fully understand why now I had to Raise she and her Brother and Abuelita Saint Maria in Mexico had to Raise the other Sisters.  *Winks and LMAO*  I say to The Daughter that: "You really do fit right in there at Wal-Mart, you know this, Right?"  *Bwahahaha*

That's all I had Day After My Birthday Energy for.  I'd thought mebbe I'd Celebrate it The Day After, but, still felt too lethargic and crappy, so, mebbe Next Weekend?   The Son is giving me my Birthday Money from him then, so, I'm having my Friend Cyndie hold back that Black Widow Antique Hand Painted Enamel Pendant Necklace and change out the Chain for one with Black Beads that look Rosary Style.   I won't get it until next Month's Halloween Show, which is Fine.  I told her if she can Sell it before then, it's Fine... but, I'd like to get it next Month with my Birthday Money received.   Cyndie just confirmed/promised it's on Hold for me and she'll exchange the Necklace Chain with something I like better, she knows my Taste.  We'll keep some of the Chain it's on and just add some Deep Blood Red or Black Rosary Style Beads to compliment the Victorian Pendant.  It's very Morticia Addams.

I may have Napped too much all Day which means now that it's Bedtime, I'm not very tired.  *LOL*  And so, I Blog.  *Smiles*  I watched another Jim Jefferies Comedy NetFlix Special, trying to pack in all I can watch since our NetFlix expires and needs renewal in Four Days and the Kids provide it and don't have the Money right now to re-up.  I'll miss it until they can get it for me again, I've been enjoying it more than I thought I would.  The Niece got it for me initially as a Christmas Pressy and then The Son renewed it for me after that, I think it's a 6 Month at a time Subscription, I don't know for sure since it hasn't been on my Dime.  I pay for Basic Cable TV and for now, that's what my Budget can manage.  The Budget having been strained considerably in 2024.  So, I work with what we have.

The Man hasn't watched NetFlix at all, he likes his Cable TV Reruns of his fav Shows, which rarely have Episodes he hasn't seen numerous times.  He just doesn't remember any of them, so each time is like the first time for him and he's invested in those Shows and watches the Marathons of them on certain Channels.  I. Just. Can't.  *LOL*   I never did get my Inventory in to the Showroom, so will have to just do it before my Shift Sunday Night.  It just sat in the back Seat of my Truck for almost a Week, while I've been consumed and distracted with more urgent matters all Week long.  I simply got to the place where I couldn't be bothered getting it up there on my List of Priorities, since, I had plenty of Inventory already in the Antique Mall Spaces, so, no real Urgency.   Plus, I didn't want to be available to be asked to Work extra Shifts right now either.  So, I was conspicuous by my very absence.  *Winks*

I'm not adverse to Work, I just had a lot going on.   So, I didn't need even more going on right now.  Or Dealing with Work related Issues they're having on the Shifts.  My Head Space hasn't been Idyllic either, neither has my Mood.   Princess T is hanging out with Timmy, the Adult Kids were hanging out with Amber and her Grown Girls.  I was glad all the Kiddos had their own stuff going on.   I just didn't want a lot going on, I needed just some Down Time now and to be left alone.   I think watching the One Comedy Special was all I really needed for Uplifting Entertainment.  *LOL*  Right now having less on my Agenda is suiting me just Fine actually.  I don't do much Socially either and I'm Okay with that as well.   I just don't want to put the Energy into what it would take, or the Investment of my Time, I've become lazy about Socializing actually.   I only half Heartedly put any effort into it these days, Truth be told.   Family keeps me busy and entertained enuf.  Never a dull moment with this Tribe!  *LOL*

Here in The Land Of Blog it's much more Laid Back to have Contact with anyone, I can Manage that.  *Smiles*  If I get a few Comments I can respond, or not, and whenever it is easiest for me.   No pressure, obligation or being overwhelmed, yep, I have just gotten that lazy about Social Contact.  *Bwahahaha*   I don't know if that Naturally comes with Aging or not?   I do find Solitude and fewer Commitments just works better for me most of the time now.   I'm not having to fit folks in or to commit to anything in particular, which, let's face it, Life can be full enuf, sometimes too full in fact, to fit much else in.  All the Kiddos have enuf people dropping by as Company, and I know them all, so, I find I don't need anyone I know dropping by too, it would be too much.   Sometimes the Family and their Friends is too much.   They can be intense, these Younger folks.  *Ha ha ha*

  Teens and Young Adults just know a lot of people and Socialize more than I do at this Season of my Life.   I'd run out of gas now to keep Pace with a lot of it.   Mostly, also, coz The Man and I have Outlived a lot of people we knew already.  *LOL*  Or, simply lost touch with some who may, or may not, still be among the Living.  I haven't really tried to find anyone that we got disconnected from or rarely hear from or see anymore, it doesn't cross my Mind much, if at all.   The Daughter was recently saying how many of her Friends have Died Off already, and, I did tell her it's not gonna get better as you Keep On Living.   I know that sounds Morbid as Hell, but it's the absolute Truth.  Old Age is a Privilege not afforded to many.   I think the Kiddos and their Friends think about our Mortality more than we do tho', it bothers them that we're attaining the Ages now where they have to think about it at all.   I did with my Parents too at a certain Age.  Mortality and shit like that will now be the Blog Hook Title.  *Winks*

I'm not Fixating on it, but our Kids and Grandkids have, apparently.  Probably becoz I had yet another Birthday and they're then reminded of how really Old The Man and I actually are?!   *Bwahahaha*  The Young Prince {Above, since when I ask for a Pix of him now he'll send me his DMV ID Photo... LMAO}, has his Birthday a Week before mine and he always seems taken aback about how Old I am getting each Year, and all the more concerned about me.  *LOL*   Yes, it's Sweet, but as they're getting Older comes the Realization of just how Old their Parents and Grandparents are getting.   He says when he sees people seemingly looking super Geriatric and all their Grandkids are only as Old as our Great-Grandkids are, then he realizes we're not as Youthful as we SEEM to be to he and Allen.   He's like, Holy Shit, my Grandparents have ADULT Grandkids and many of them have Kids now, some already in School!!!   *Bwahaha*

  Allen always Acts like his own Grandparents are way more decrepit than I am, yet, in actuality, they're quite a bit Younger, so it's rather humorous to me.  I guess he treats them as being Ancient and just doesn't consider me that way, which is flattering, yet, also Funny.  I've not met them yet so perhaps they Act Old, I just don't know?   I do have peers who Act Old and so I understand, I wonder WTF happened to them, since, we're Aging Together, yet, they just Act so different and it's evident to me so I know it has to be to their Kids and Grandkids, in a concerning way.   I'm still me, and I know I'm a Dinosaur about some things that are just my comfort zone for my Generation, but, I have Friends of all Ages and so Age has never been a barrier or factor.  Wasn't when I was Young either.  I was that Teen who had Dear Friends who were 60-90 Years Old too, as well as my Age Group, or the Generation of my Parents too, I Kid you not.  We hung out together, it wasn't even Weird.   Then or now.

I can hang out with my Grandkids and their Friends and have a Big Time and it be Inclusive.  Or with my Kids and their Friends and have a Big Time and it be Inclusive.   Or, a bunch of Seniors like myself... or of the Age my Parents would have been, had they Lived.   I've still got some Friends who are Old enuf to be my Parents and I enjoy them thoroughly.  It's like it was hanging out with my Parents, who I miss terribly, which I Voluntarily always did, as do my Kids, and my Grandkids, who seem to enjoy hanging out with me too.  My Daughter misses hanging out with my Mom as much as I do.   I'm Grateful for that, since, they do it voluntarily and not becoz I ask them to or they feel any obligation to, we genuinely enjoy, like and have Fun with each other's Company.   My Mom was a lot of Fun to hang out with.  My Maternal Nanna was too, guess we're cut from the same Cloth?

My still Living Close Friends I have kept in Touch with, even if we're far flung now distance wise.  Above is my Dear Friend from our Banking Career Days, we go a long, long ways back, at the Wedding of her Daughter.  Now, by comparison, The Man didn't even hang out with his much Younger Siblings, let alone his Parents or Grandparents... or have a lot of Friends spanning several Generations.  He has only ever been close with his Older Sister {now Deceased}, and Older Brother, whose almost 80 now.   He always finds it Interesting how many Young People consider me their Friend and don't look at me like I'm a Geezer.  *LOL*  I can talk with them about things relevant to their Generation and like to hear what their Hopes and Dreams are, what they're Interested in, it's stimulating conversation and really Good Energy, mostly Positive.   And when I'm interacting with my Generation, I like the Good Energy and mostly Positive Old Folks... I don't really wanna Fixate on what fucking Hurts or what Medical shit you got going on all the time.  

In Moderation, okay, Yes, but, not as the Main Topic all the damned time!   We're Old, Old shit wears out and breaks down... it's Normal wear and tear.   *LOL* When I had a Century Plus Old Historic Home, if it creaked and had a lot of History, and didn't look like a New Build, I didn't think that was Abnormal, Okay?  *Winks*   So, if you're my Age and we're out and about, I don't mind you mentioning, hey, let's Pace ourselves, my Hips hurt, I'm Down with that.  Mine do too, I can briefly commiserate, we have similar Points of Reference going on and a mutual Understanding of our Reality.  But, if you just had your Shoulder Replaced, I don't really need all the gory particulars of that Procedure in great unsolicited Details and uncomfortable TMI!  If I haven't seen you around, it's Okay to say you've been recovering from whatever, give me some Basics, then let's Move On.    Most of my Friends are Eccentrics like me so we accept each other's Eccentricities and mostly bonded over them actually.   Above is a long time Industry Friend who totally has always 'Gotten' me, even when many failed to or just have not figured me out like she does.  *LOL*


 I dump my shit here in Blog Therapy when I wanna whine about something... then Dear Readers can choose to read it... or ignore it and just enjoy the Pretty Pictures, it's all Good to me.  *LOL*   I like the Blog to be a mix of The Fluff Of Life and some Serious Shit when need be.  Life and the Issues of it can crop up even if you're Living your Best Life and in pursuit of Living The Dream, you know?   Your Oldest Lifelong Friends know pretty much your Whole Story and History, which is Priceless.  They know where all the Bodies are buried and Love you anyway.  *Ha ha ha*  Above is my longest Lifelong BFF, we've known each other since Childhood and always kept in Touch, never lost Touch.  She's my Older Sister from other Parents, that's all.  *Smiles*  She probably knows more of what I've never told another Living Soul than anyone else... and held her Mud about all of it.  *Winks and Smiles*   Her Dad was Career Military and her Mom a Foreign War Bride from the Philippines, so we bonded in our Family dynamic similarities having Parents of Intercultural Interracial Union and Career Military Service and Lifestyle.  But, we're Yin & Yang, polar opposites.  She's as Wholesome and a Golden Child as I was Wild.  *LOL* 

And Sadly, I have way more Friends who have Crossed Over than I still have on this side of Time and Eternity.  I miss every one of them terribly.   Above is my Friend and The Mom of the one I call The Niece here in The Blog {Pictured Below}.   Her Daughters are like actual Nieces, and like actual Cousins to my Kiddos, their Mom passing way too prematurely.   Her Oldest Daughter and I are closest and she's always considered me like a Favorite Aunt and Surrogate Mom now that hers is gone.  I know her Mom would have done the same for my Kiddos, had something happened to me.   Anywhoo, Shit, I know I whined about my AC for numerous Posts as it dragged along as a continuous seemingly never ending Ordeal!  Venting here helped me not to lose my shit at the actual Dear Technicians desperately trying to sort this shit out so Lennox could get by with not replacing the damned thing. 

 And, thus I didn't have to mention it hardly at all in Real Life conversations, no Need to.  I had no delusions those Posts got tedious and heavy as Fuck, I was fed up with the Ordeal in Real Time, let alone Reading about it.  *Winks*   But, when it was 90 Degrees in half my Home and 118 Outside, I needed an Outlet for my pent up Rage.   This way I didn't end up on the Ten O'Clock News as a Headliner of Woman gone Mad Postal due to Heat Related Brain malfunction, Brain Frying, or, whatever they might attribute my Melting Down to?  *Winks*   Blogging is rather like a Good Therapy and way Cheaper.  *Ha ha ha*   Which is Why I do it so often, a Happy Space to empty the Stream of Consciousness so it doesn't back up like running Water that would otherwise overflow if blocked and dammed up.


Blessings, Love and Light from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian


  1. Venting to us is healthy! I don't know how you cope with everything in your life, but you do a terrific job. And personally, I think you get younger every year.

    1. Awwwww, my Sweet Friend, thank you for the kind words and sentiments. I do think venting can be healthy if you choose the right place and time for it. Sadly so many folks are out in general public having their meltdowns and we don't really know then what torment tipped them over the edge REALLY. Many are projecting outwards from a long Tortured Soul and so it just seems like an extreme reaction when they finally melt down and it doesn't seem like that should have been an appropriate response to whatever they finally lose their shit about. I personally believe that for many Americans, January 6th was like that... they were exploited and set off by those manipulating most of them. Among them of coarse were the actual Domestic Terrorists with a firm Agenda, but, the masses I do think just ended up with Mob Mentality and Individually, would behave quite differently, if they had not felt they got 'permission' from a sitting President, to do what they did that was illegal and cost lives in that insurrection attempt to overthrow their own Government. Just my Amateur Observations about folks, but, I see a lot of people who take offenses these days and over react and lash out. Their perception is skewed and they imagine they are Victims so they have developed Victim Mentality and assume that entitles them to exhibit bad behavior. There is never a good excuse for bad behavior... and without the Rule of Law you end up with Chaos and Anarchy. That's what's facing us if the wrong side prevails this Election.

  2. I've forgotten about in & out hamburger places! We used to have one here years ago and it was always a big joke to go there. And Wal-Mart. I won't go there because its owner gives huge donations to Trump, Pro-life groups and other conservative causes I can't stand.

    1. Well, most Billionaires and their Businesses support him becoz they know he'll ensure they get more outrageous perks, Tax Cuts, Laws bent for the top 1%. The obscenely Wealthy are all about the Money and making as much of it as possible, any way they can, exploiting whoever they can, we all should know this. The fact the 1% are able to convince the masses that it's the Poor, the most Vulnerable, the Immigrants that are responsible for all the ills, is their absolute Genius so that the masses don't recognize whose really responsible for the plight most regular folks are in.

  3. I haven't been in Walmart in years. The cashiers are so slow and now with the self check out, I refuse to do it.

    I've got a bunch of online friends that have passed away over the years.

    1. Yes, Wal-Mart isn't anyplace I go often, usually it's my Kiddos who want to go there for something.
