Wednesday, August 28, 2024

If You're Not At The Table You're On The Menu

 Our AC Guys are here this Morning to swap out that temp part with the permanent correct one.   It will mean the AC will be Off again while that's being done on that whole side of the Home, ugh.  It's been 111 each Day so that's gonna be uncomfortable.  We're bracing for it since this is the final stretch of what has to be done.   I was gonna do my paper shredding while they were here, to keep myself busy doing something useful, since, I have to stay Home for the duration of their Work.  But, I had to return that Shredder I just bought, it didn't work, dammit.  I was so thrilled to find one Used, but, it was probably Donated becoz it had Issues.  I threw mine with Issues away, I don't Donate items that aren't functional or useful.   So, I'll have to buy a brand new Shredder still.  *Sob*

I got a Store Credit at SAVERS for the non-functional Shredder, and used the Credit for a couple of Vintage Industrial Desk Lights with Neon Bulbs and Bronze Metal construction.   Both are designed to Bolt onto a Desk, one is Ornately Stamped Metal and the other is slightly smaller and plainer.  But both are Cool looking, very Bright Illumination and work fine.  So, it all worked out just Fine for me, those Vintage Industrial Lights weren't there on Half Price Day, they'd just come in, and this Day was Senior Discount Day, 30% Off.  So, Color me Happy regardless of the disappointment of the Shredder not working.   And speaking of not working, The Man clogged up the Master Bathroom Toilet this Morning.  If he'd eat right this wouldn't happen, but he's a stubborn Old Man with Bad Habits he doesn't want to change.

He's on a lot of Medications, so, he must offset that necessity with a Healthier Diet, but getting Healthy Foods into him is a battle.   Getting him properly hydrated, also a battle, he won't drink Water, no matter what flavorings you put into Water to make it more enticing and palatable to him.  It's like Seasonings, I bought every single Mrs. Dash Seasoning Flavors they have, since, his Cardiologist wants his Sodium intake to be lower, but, he'll refuse to use Healthier Options to Season his Foods and sneak Salt every chance he gets.  Banning Salt from the Home wouldn't work either, it would just deny everyone else, while he'd just refuse to eat unsalted Foods.  When someone has Brain Damage, you have to choose your battles wisely or go insane fighting with them about what they should do and refuse to.   

I don't need Plumbing Issues on top of other unplanned expenses, so, I'm hopeful I don't need to call a Plumber now and can handle this myself?   He knows what he should do to avoid this problem in his digestion and elimination, so, we had that same discussion we've had numerous times before, to very little avail.   He'll do a little better for a short while after something that becomes problematic or expensive for misbehaving, but then, he reverts right back to his previous Bad Habits.  Caregiving challenges like this are just a constant, after Decades of it, you just realize what you cannot change, I can't Eat or Drink FOR him.  I can provide what he needs and should do, but it's up to him after it's provided.   Getting him to Drink enuf during the Hot Months is a constant challenge mostly, he dehydrates all the damned time.  Even tho' I keep a 32 oz. of Fluids with him all the time for him to partake of.

I'll drink about Three of those myself for every One I can get down him tho'.   I'll remind him to drink a little more and he gets agitated and angrily claims he can't or that he already has drank enuf.   When obviously, he has not and is getting dehydrated, which is dangerous in this Climate.  Every Hospitalization for dehydration requires them to hook him up to IV Fluids, and keep him a few Days to stabilize, but, you can't do that at Home to make up for him refusing to drink enuf.   Like a Kid that might refuse to eat their Veggies, you end up finding creative Bribery tactics to obtain voluntary compliance, if you finish this, then you've 'Earned' that.  *Eye Roll and Le Sigh*  Sometimes he does better, sometimes he's difficult and unlovely about compliance.

This is why I HATE those unrealistic Saccharine portrayals of Caregiving and those requiring Caregiving that they have Commercials of on TV.  The Caregivers are portrayed as Saintly always Smiling Devotional and adequately Rested and Qualified Loved Ones.   Those they are Caring for are always portrayed as these very Sweet and Appreciative Darlings who behave and are overly Saintly depicted as well.  It's NOT like that in the Real Life application and especially long term necessity.   Plus, most of those Commercials are also touting For Hire Paid Services that most Families and those requiring that level of Care could never afford or qualify to receive.   So, the Commercials just annoy me and I've been known to change the Channel when they come on so I won't just get irritated and Call Out how unrealistic it's being portrayed to the Public.  *LOL*

I did get The Man to bob around in the Pool, which is good exercise for him and helps him to Sleep better, he doesn't go outside often enuf to get Fresh Air and Vitamin D exposure.   Our Poolside Area is like a Staycation and very Private.   So its encouraging when he voluntarily wants to come outside with us and participate instead of sitting in front of a TV Screen all day isolating and doing nothing to engage with people and be less sedentary.   He was having a good time and stayed longer out there than even I did.   The Daughter and The Son will help him get out of the Pool, they're staying out there with him, he can't get in or out by himself and requires supervision.   

I'd gotten Pizzas from "Domino's" since they have been Advertising their $6.99 Two Topping Pizza Special.  We got a Pepperoni with extra Pepperoni... and a Ham & Pineapple Pizza.   The AC Techs needed the AC Off while changing out the part, that Cools the Kitchen, so, I didn't want to heat it up further by Cooking.   They finally got everything done by Mid-Afternoon.   I've been watching The News, I'm glad to see some more Young People getting more involved with the current Politics, especially the Young Influencers.   As one so aptly reminded her Generation, if you're not at the Table, you're on the Menu.  Youth engagement is important if they're to have a Voice in their Future and secure they'll have a Future.  They need to hold the Old Farts in charge accountable, en masse they have the Numbers, Youthful Strength and Power to if they Organize.

 You know, in Past Cultures the Elders could be relied upon to do what was best for their People.  Now it seems those who are Leading are more interested in exploiting whatever they can for themselves and don't have the Best Interest of the Future Generations at Heart whatsoever.  So, it's no Wonder the Respect for one's Elders has gone by the wayside in America.  They don't really Trust us becoz they've found they can't with the majority of their Elders, and I don't blame them, we've broken Trust and Earning it back is very difficult.   I think I bond with Younger People becoz they know they can Trust me and I want the best for them and their Generations.  Moreso than I ever even did for myself, since, I've had a Good Run and I know that the Future is theirs now, I won't see much of the Future and what it holds.  I want them to have a great one, not one fucked up by my Generation's Greed and Egocentricity. 


Anyway, I do think around the actual Election it will get Messy.   I do Hope that we get some Unity going strong with Democrats, Independents and TRUE Republican Conservatives, to combat the MAGA World Lunatic Fringe and other Extremist Groups that have coalesced and had Foreign influence that is not America or Democracy Friendly.  The Enemies know the best way to defeat this Country is from within and they're doing an effective job since the Far Right has played right into their Hands like a bunch of fucking Morons, led by the biggest Moron of all.   Trust and Believe that kind of Stupidity is seen by our Enemies abroad as the Weak Links of our Society that they can easily manipulate and exploit, since, you can't fix Stupid.


Now for some Food Porn, since, we need some levity here too as well as the serious shit looping thru my Mind.  *LOL*   I'm going to the Gym this Morning becoz they're trying hard to get me in there by enticing me now with Promises of Freebies and Discounts.  I've been very Vocal about their Ageism and so they've offered me considerable Discounts at the Spa and now have offered me Fifteen Bucks Off in the Cafeteria.  *Whoo Hoo*   So, Yeah, I'm gonna go get some Free Food, do a Workout, and also have a Wet Sauna in preparation for having to Work Wednesday Nights to cover for my Friend Dan.   It's not that I don't wanna use the Gym more regularly, but the Restricted Senior Hours they enforced at the first of the Year are not convenient for me personally.   After 9:00 a.m. and before 3:00 p.m. doesn't Work for me at all.  I always went very early or very late when I had coverage here for The Man and wasn't busy with my Life!


I think later in the Year a lot of the Younger Members fall away, Membership is expensive and if they're not using it, they quit going and drop out.   My Senior Membership is covered by Medicare, or, I couldn't afford it, so I'm Grateful, but think practicing Ageism is a shitty way to do Business and so I pleasantly mention it to Staff every opportunity I get when they ask why they haven't seen me coming as often as I used to.  They have great Staff at Lifetime Fitness, it's not their fault that Corporate is punishing Elders who are Members by restricting when we can use the Facility and not doing that for any other Group that has Membership.   But, I do like the Facility and so I try to make it Work for me when I can get in there.   Today will be the only Day this Week I can, The Man has another Specialist Appointment Tomorrow and the rest of the Week is Calendared out as well... too busy to squeeze in a Workout.  I think the Gym assumes Seniors have no Life and no Commitments or Schedule conflicts?  

Listen, most Seniors I personally know are still Working, even if they Retired from their Corporate Lives and Careers, most still have to do something to supplement their Pensions.   Some are either Raising Grandkids or Babysitting them for their Working Adult Children to save on their Kid's Childcare expenses.  Some are looking after even Older Parents who can't afford Nursing Home Care or Spouses who require Caregiving.   I often feel that mine is the Sandwich Generation caught between Generations that still very much rely upon us for provision and added Help.   While we try to hold it down and keep it together while we are now mostly on Fixed Incomes and declining Health.   This is why I need a fucking Gym Membership, so I can LAST and still TCB my Friends!!!

So, I'm out of Coke Zero, The Daughter woke me up since she thought she needed a Ride to Work when her Boss didn't show up to get her, only to find out he Closed the Shop until Monday and forgot to tell her!!!  No idea why he Closed it for Four Days, he didn't say, but now it makes sense why he asked her to Work on Tuesday, which is usually her Day Off.   She usually Works only Mon-Wed-Fri every Week, but at least that means she will get Paid for Two of her Three Days this Week.   She's scraping by and can't afford even basics she needs, so, I've got to take her in to DES again for Nutritional Assistance Benefits to resume.  Now they only give Food Benefits to Adults without Minor Children for 90 Days... then they have a waiting period before they can apply again.   As if a Human only needs Food for 3 Months at a time!!!   The other 9 Months, if your circumstances haven't improved, well, Hopefully you won't perish and fucking Starve I guess?  *Eye Roll*

So, Yeah, her Nutrition is mostly on our Dime for the greater part of every Year.   But I'm resourceful and she's Schizophrenic 24-7 and 365 so I'll just keep taking her in until they Wise Up and realize she's Permanently like this and it does impact her ability to not have barriers to Employment that can support her.  *Eye Roll*   The Young Prince is in the same situation, same Diagnosis and even worse Mental Illness than Mom, but, Allen does his very best to provide, but, has to leave his Husband Home Alone with a Pit Bull to take Care of him as a Support Animal!!!   The Young Prince requires Full Time Caregiving but has never had it after leaving our Home, so I keep in Touch via Online, when I can get my Grandson to engage with a Device or another Human.   It's hard, often they just can't and so, Yeah, I do worry a lot since they're not local anymore for me to check on for Allen while he's at Work.

Other than that, everything is Swell... bwahahahaha.   I've had a Headache for Days, Bad Air Quality lately and extreme Heat combined, makes it so you don't feel 100% and have general malaise and fatigue going on constantly.   There's a lot of Construction going on and it's kicking up a lot of particulates into the Air.   We've been going thru our Air Filters quicker than usual due to it, they really do filter out a lot of the gunk that otherwise would be getting inside.   I bobbed around in the Pool with The Family Yesterday for relaxation, so, I feel fortunate that we have a Pool, when we were seeking a Forever Home it was high on my List of Priorities even tho' I'd never had one before at a Home I Own.   Some people don't like having one, I actually LOVE having it even when I'm just sitting around it watching the Younger folks using it.  We invite Friends over often to use it that don't have one. 

When I've got something that my Friends or other Family Members don't, I've always been one to think it's best Shared than just had for yourself alone.   Sharing is Caring, very basic stuff you should be Teaching the Littles, but, also many Adults could do with the reminder these days as well.   Like I mentioned in Today's Post Title Hook... if you're not At The Table, you're On the Menu.   Another basic Truth to be reminded of my Friends.   Right now I'm Jonesin' for a Coke Zero since I was rousted out of being able to Sleep In, then didn't have to take her to Work after all... and it's too early to go to the Gym since they won't let Seniors in this Early, or, I'd be there right now getting my Workout and Sauna in and having Breakfast for Free at their Cafeteria.  *LOL*  But, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!   *Insert Resting Bitch Face*

It's all Good, I'm even gonna drag The Man with me if he looks Game for any kind of Physical Activity.  I just hesitate to let him use the Men's Changing Room since the last Two Times he Lost his Clothes since he forgot which Locker he put them into so Staff had to Open a shitload of Lockers until he recognized which were his!!!   They rather Caregivers of Seniors not use the Family Locker Room that has Kids, which, is understandable.   So, I just tell The Man to wait in the comfy Lounge Area while I do my Sauna and Shower, and Change, and then I just help him do his Shower and Change back at Home where his Dignity isn't compromised and he doesn't get Emotionally Agitated by Confusion.  Yeah, it's a Pain in the Ass, I'd rather go to the Gym without taking this Show on the Road, but, The Daughter can come as a Guest again so perhaps we'll let her use the Guest Pass Today to Help me with her Dad and get a nice Workout in herself?


Holding it Down and Keeping it Together here in the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian


  1. You are right. Those caregiver commercials are so phony. My sister-in-law had to use them and over the ten years of having them coming and going there were only few who were more than just place holders. Some come off so sweet and professional when the paying member of the family is around and then turn in to lazy slugs when they are alone with their care recipient. Most are low educated and many of them will steal you blind.

    1. Our experience with Caregivers who were not Family Members for The Man has been negative. In fact, he suffered abuse at the VA in the Care of their Staff who handled the most vulnerable Veterans and Phoenix VA had to undergo intense scrutiny because of the abuses and neglect revealed Nationally that Veterans were suffering there. The Commercials also paint an inaccurate picture of Caregiving in general that is impossible for any actual Caregiver to be compared to or live up to if anyone were to make comparisons with the phony Commercial version... not only of the Caregiver, but also of those being Cared for. It's inaccurate and sanitized so anyone viewing it who has no point of reference is left with a very fake version of the challenges and the reality of Families requiring Caregiving. Also it paints a picture that most Families can Hire Help and my experience has been, most Families can't afford Paid Caregiving and rely exclusively upon Unpaid Caregiving and without any Services offered at all to aide Families struggling to provide it and burning out because they receive no respite and zero Services.

  2. When I was caregiver for my dad, he would go door to door in his condo complex and tell anyone who answered that I was trying to get rid of him and steal his condo. They didn't know the reason he was going door to door was that he insisted on getting the mail and couldn't remember which unit was his. I would be standing at the door watching and waiting for him so he could point me out to the neighbors while still not remembering that was where he lived. Fun times, fun times.

    1. Oh Yes I can relate, I never know what will fall out of The Man's Mouth that is fabricated or he has delusions about that aren't tied to Reality at all. He seems to like telling Stories and seems confused about what actually is happening and what he's just imagining. Often, those being Cared for do resent losing their Independence and becoming reliant upon whose Caring for them. You have to be the Villain, just like Kids often portray a Responsible Adult Caring for them, since you do have to set limits, make difficult decisions they don't like and resist, and get the blame for what they're unhappy about. Fun Times indeed. *Le Sigh* My Mom had end stage Dementia and it was very difficult to Assist her and we did have to make the difficult decision for placement when she could no longer live independently and she resented that until the Day she Died, even tho' my Brother and I did everything we possibly could to make her placement a pleasant one and a safe one for her. My Dad had his Mental faculties 'til the End, but Physically deteriorated to where Placement had to be made too and he really resented it to a point he literally gave up the Will to Live... tho' he had terminal diagnosis and was in Hospice, he didn't last very long there, he decided he'd rather cross over, and so, he did.

  3. I agree on your sentiments for the Election, I havent had the privilege of having to hire care givers, but I am sure its a difficult one, I hear the same comments from my close friends who have to employ outside care givers, too fill in the place of family members

    1. This is why we rely on Family for The Man's Care and I feel fortunate to have Three Generations in the household to be my backup Caregivers for him now. We're helping them out with the Economy making Rents too high for the Younger Generations to afford, they're helping us out as we Age Out and need assistance with things we can no longer always do for ourselves or need a break from doing. I do fear this Election is going to be Messier than the last one was and I have my grave concerns about how The Cult Worshippers of 45 will behave. Whether he Wins or Loses, it will not portend well and I do fear his Followers will be Weaponized like his failed attempt last time, he's ginning them up for it already from what I'm observing. Those Devoted to that Lunatic have been convinced that their fellow Americans are the Enemy and he's made them fearful, angry and lose touch with Reality, it's not a good combination once a person has been radicalized like that for a Cause that uses them as Weapons and cares not about the carnage it creates. Religious fanaticism has increased and joined his ranks because they see it as a means to install a Theocracy for their particular brand of Religious extremism they'd like to force upon the Nation. I Wish I felt more Optimism that things will go smoothly, but it's too tight a Race for me to believe it's a slim Minority of Extremists in this Nation anymore... there are more closeted ones than I personally realized. I always wondered how a Hitler came into power, now I'm seeing firsthand how it was done, same Playbook.
